Soft Language Prompts for Language Transfer

Ivan Vykopal1,2, Simon Ostermann3    Marián Šimko2
1 Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic
2 Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies, Bratislava, Slovakia
3 German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarbrücken, Germany
[email protected]

Cross-lingual knowledge transfer, especially between high- and low-resource languages, remains a challenge in natural language processing (NLP). This study offers insights for improving cross-lingual NLP applications through the combination of parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods. We systematically explore strategies for enhancing this cross-lingual transfer through the incorporation of language-specific and task-specific adapters and soft prompts. We present a detailed investigation of various combinations of these methods, exploring their efficiency across six languages, focusing on three low-resource languages, including the to our knowledge first use of soft language prompts. Our findings demonstrate that in contrast to claims of previous work, a combination of language and task adapters does not always work best; instead, combining a soft language prompt with a task adapter outperforms other configurations in many cases.



Soft Language Prompts for Language Transfer

Ivan Vykopal1,2, Simon Ostermann3and Marián Šimko2 1 Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic 2 Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies, Bratislava, Slovakia {name.surname} 3 German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarbrücken, Germany [email protected]

1 Introduction

Many multilingual large language models (LLMs) have been developed in recent years, demonstrating promising performance on various NLP tasks across multiple languages Xue et al. (2021); Workshop et al. (2023). These models are pre-trained on extensive corpora of unlabelled data in numerous languages, allowing an adaptation to linguistic characteristics and nuances. In addition, LLMs are often further trained on downstream tasks in a selected subset of languages Muennighoff et al. (2023). However, only few LLMs focus on low-resource languages Üstün et al. (2024).

As the number of covered languages in a model increases, the issue of the curse of multilinguality arises. This problem occurs when the LLM’s capacity is limited, causing languages with less training data to perform poorly Conneau et al. (2020). Various approaches have been employed to address this limitation, primarily involving additional trainable parameters specific to individual languages Pfeiffer et al. (2020, 2023).

An alternative to language-specific tuning is cross-lingual transfer: LLMs have achieved superior results on many NLP tasks in high-resource languages. This motivated researchers to try to transfer such capabilities to low-resource languages. In Cross-lingual transfer methods, an LLM is trained on a downstream task in one language and evaluated in other languages Pikuliak et al. (2021). However, training only task-specific representations does not always capture the nuances of languages on which the LLM has not been trained, or has been trained only to a small extent. Therefore, incorporating language-specific features can enhance knowledge transfer across languages.

Previous work has primarily investigated language and task representations by training language and task-specific adapters Pfeiffer et al. (2020); Parović et al. (2022) or by employing language arithmetic Klimaszewski et al. (2024). Nonetheless, other approaches that involve adding additional parameters to the model for language representation have not been thoroughly explored. This brings the opportunity to explore the combination of language and task representations using other methods and their impact in cross-lingual settings.

To explore the utilization of language and task representation methods, we have evaluated various configurations by combining two parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods that incorporate additional parameters into the LLM, especially adapters and prompt-tuning. By adding these additional language- and task-specific parameters, we increased the capacity of the mT0-Base model and improved cross-lingual performance. We evaluated the performance of each configuration by training on three high-resource languages and evaluating its effectiveness on three low-resource languages on four selected tasks.111Code is available at: Our main contributions are:

  • We propose soft language prompts as an alternative method for cross-lingual transfer.

  • We provide a comprehensive evaluation of combinations of adapters and soft prompts in cross-lingual transfer, and find that language prompts provide a viable alternative to language adapters, especially for some low-resource languages.

  • In addition, we provide an exhaustive evaluation of both prompts and adapters for task transfer. We find that the best combination of adapters and prompts for task and language transfer depends highly on task and language, resp., and that there is no solution that clearly outperforms the others.

2 Related Work

Adapters and Soft Prompts.

PEFT methods are designed to address the problem of increasing number of trainable parameters in LLMs Dettmers et al. (2023); Zhang et al. (2023); Xu et al. (2023); Xie et al. (2024). These methods reduce the number of trained parameters and incorporate new parameters commonly used to train LLMs on other tasks. Adapters Houlsby et al. (2019a) and prompt-tuning Lester et al. (2021) represent two PEFT methods for adapting the LLM to different NLP domains. Adapters incorporate new parameters into the transformer architecture by including down- and up-projection layers along with residual connection, while prompt-tuning introduced trainable soft-prompts prepended to the input embedding to condition the LLM’s generation.

Limitations of Multilingual LLMs.

One major limitation of LLMs is catastrophic forgetting, which occurs when training the LLM on a new task, causing it to partially or entirely forget previously learned knowledge for other tasks McCloskey and Cohen (1989); Luo et al. (2024); Ren et al. (2024). This forgetting extends beyond task-specific knowledge to language-specific knowledge if the model is fine-tuned on a subset of the original languages Vu et al. (2022a); Liu and Huang (2023).

Another challenge with multilingual LLMs is associated with the number of languages on which these LLMs have been pre-trained Conneau et al. (2020); Pfeiffer et al. (2022). Previous research has shown that as the number of languages covered by LLMs increases, their performance on various NLP tasks degrades Hu et al. (2020); Ponti et al. (2020). Additionally, low-resource languages are often underrepresented during pre-training, resulting in poor performance in these languages Wu and Dredze (2020).

Cross-Lingual Transfer.

Given the many low-resource and underrepresented languages, cross-lingual transfer is crucial in training LLMs to address NLP tasks in various languages Pikuliak et al. (2021). A commonly employed approach includes training LLM in one language and evaluating its performance in another. However, with the development of methods that incorporate additional parameters, researchers have used these methods to train language-specific representations, assisting LLMs in solving NLP tasks also in low-resource languages Pfeiffer et al. (2020); Ansell et al. (2021); Parović et al. (2022); Lee et al. (2022); Pfeiffer et al. (2023); Kunz and Holmström (2024).

3 Methodology

We propose a comprehensive study on combinations of language and task representations using adapters and soft prompts. We evaluate for the first time the capabilities of soft language prompts in a systematic manner and evaluate the performance of diverse combinations of prompts and adapters in cross-lingual settings. The pipeline consisting of training, evaluation, and the languages and tasks that constitute each step is illustrated in Figure 1.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: The full pipeline consists of training language and task representations along with evaluation on four selected tasks. Selected languages are represented by red color, while used tasks in each step are colored in green.

In the following sections, we first give details on the different methods that we investigate for representing language information (Section 3.1) and task information (Section 3.2). We then explain the combinations of prompts and adapters that we evaluate (Section 3.3).

3.1 Language Representation

Language Adapters.

Previous work has investigated the effectiveness of training language-specific transformation using the adapter architecture Houlsby et al. (2019b). Pfeiffer et al. (2020) proposed a MAD-X framework, which includes training language adapters using the masked language modeling objective on unlabelled data. Inspired by language adapters proposed by the authors, we build upon their architecture, and the approach used to train language adapters. Language adapters in our settings are incorporated into each transformer layer of the LLM and trained using unlabelled data.

Soft Language Prompts.

Soft Prompt Tuning provides a promising alternative for parameter-efficient adaptations of LLMs. Previous work has primarily focused on task transferability and thus training task-specific soft prompts, mainly for a single language Vu et al. (2022b); Asai et al. (2022). We leverage this restriction and train language-specific soft prompts to specify multilingual LLMs towards one language. Since multilingual LLMs have the ability to provide answers in various languages, we defined a soft language prompt as a set of token embeddings prepended to the input embedding and further fed into LLMs that can condition LLMs to answer in the specific language.

In existing work, authors have identified that soft prompt initialization is essential for the LLM’s performance. Lester et al. (2021) have defined three possible options: (1) random initialization from Gaussian distribution; (2) initialization from the model’s vocabulary; and (3) initialization with the embedding of output classes in the case of the classification task. Each type of initialization has its advantages and drawbacks. However, none is appropriate for our experiments because our primary focus is on multilingual LLMs. Therefore, we defined a text instruction specific to each language (see Appendix C) for the soft prompt initialization. When employing text instructions for the initialization, this text is first embedded. Then, its length is adjusted according to the desired soft prompt size, i.e., the text embedding is repeated in the case of insufficient size until the desired length of the soft prompt is obtained.

Language Modeling Objective.

To train language-specific representations, unlabelled data from selected languages is necessary, and choosing an appropriate training objective is integral. As we employ an encoder-decoder architecture, we chose span corruption as objective, which has been shown to work well in previous work Raffel et al. (2020); Xue et al. (2021). Unlike casual language modeling objective, where the LLM is trained to predict the next token in a sequence, in span corruption, 15% of tokens in the input text is randomly masked using sentinel tokens. The only purpose of sentinel tokens is for masking parts of the input, which the LLM is tasked to predict Raffel et al. (2020). Finally, the LLM is trained to reconstruct masked tokens to obtain the original input text. In this manner, the LLM learns linguistic nuances and patterns that are beneficial in training task-specific adapters and soft prompts.

3.2 Task Representation

Task Adapters.

Similarly to language adapters, we use task-specific adapters, represented by the same architecture, which are incorporated into each transformer layer of the LLM. However, when combining task representations with language representations, the final architecture differs across configurations and depends on the type of language representation used during the training and inference. Detailed information on the architecture for all combinations is in Section 3.3.

Task adapters are updated only during training on the desired downstream task, while the rest of the model, along with the language representation, is kept frozen. In the case of task-specific representations, LLMs learn knowledge that is characteristic of the specified tasks and that should be language-independent.

Soft Task Prompts.

In addition to task adapters, we also use soft task prompts that employ the same architecture and parameters used for soft language prompts. The difference when using a soft task prompt occurs in the configuration consisting of a soft language prompt and a soft task prompt. With this configuration, both soft prompts are combined using a concatenation operation and further fed into the model to condition the final generation.

3.3 Combining Adapters and Soft Prompts

Since our experiments are focused on evaluating language and task representations and their combination, we define six possible configurations: (1) only task adapter; (2) only soft task prompt; (3) the combination of language and task adapter; (4) the combination of language adapter and soft task prompt; (5) the combination of soft language prompt and task adapter; and (6) the combination of soft language prompt and soft task prompt. The position of task representations within the LLM highly depends on the type of language representation used in experiments. The architecture along with the form of the input for all configurations are illustrated in Figure 2.

Refer to caption
Figure 2: The architecture for all combinations of language and task representations in our experiments. These configurations include: (1) Language and Task Adapters; (2) Language Adapter and Soft Task Prompt; (3) Soft Language Prompt and Task Adapter; and (4) Soft Language and Soft Task Prompts. Language representations are in red, while task representations are in green color.

Task Adapters & Soft Prompts.

The first two configurations aim to train task representations alone, without incorporating language-specific representation. We trained adapters and soft prompts on each selected dataset, evaluating the trained task representations in all defined languages. During the training, only adapters and soft prompts are trained while kee** the rest of the LLM frozen.

Language & Task Adapters.

In addition to training task representations alone, we trained a task adapter on top of the already trained language adapter, as proposed in MAD-X Pfeiffer et al. (2020). The task adapter receives the output from the language adapter as input and processes it further. In the training process, only the task adapter is trained, while the language adapter together with LLM is kept frozen.

Adapters and Soft Prompts Combinations.

In our study, we introduce two combinations of language and task representation using adapters and soft prompts. The first configuration involves soft task prompts along with a language adapter. This combination incorporates trained language-specific knowledge using a language adapter, and a soft task prompt trained on the desired downstream task.

The second combination includes training a task adapter with the trained soft language prompt. Soft language prompts condition LLMs to activate knowledge specific to the desired language, while task adapters learn task-specific knowledge.

Soft Language Prompts & Soft Task Prompts.

The last configuration includes soft language and soft task prompts. Inspired by stacking language and task adapters on top of each other, we concatenated embeddings of language and task prompts to a final soft prompt, with the LLM and soft language prompt being frozen during training.

4 Experiments

4.1 Model Selection

We selected an encoder-decoder architecture, specifically the mT0-Base model, to conduct a cross-lingual evaluation. The mT0 model is based on the pre-trained multilingual mT5 model, which has been further fine-tuned on a collection of 46 languages across 16 NLP tasks Muennighoff et al. (2023). The model selection played a crucial role in further experiments and we conducted several preliminary experiments with the original mT5-Base model. However, we observed that in the case of using the pre-trained model, which has not been further fine-tuned on downstream tasks, prompt-tuning is not enough to train the LLM to produce meaningful outputs.

4.2 Languages

The original mT5 pre-trained model covers more than 100 languages, while mT0 employed only 46 of them for further fine-tuning. Based on the list of languages initially supported by the mT5 model, we selected six languages and categorized them into high and low-resource. On the one hand, we consider English, German, and Spanish to be high-resource languages. On the other hand, Czech, Slovak, and Telugu are considered low-resource. Our distinction between these two groups is based on the number of resources available for each language (in terms of unlabelled and labelled data).

Additionally, we included languages from two families and script types in the low-resource category. Czech and Slovak represent the Indo-European language family with the Latin script, while the Telugu language represents the Dravidian language family with the Telugu script. The purpose of including Telugu in our cross-lingual evaluation is to investigate the ability of the mT0 model to transfer knowledge between more similar and more distant languages, both in the form of script and language features.

To train language representations on unlabelled data, we selected Wikipedia as a source that contains many articles in various languages, including low-resource ones. All the Wikipedia data are from the latest preprocessed dump from HuggingFace222, specifically from November 2023.

4.3 Tasks

In order to evaluate the capabilities of mT0-Base for cross-lingual transfer, we chose four distinct tasks involving various NLP areas to explore the model performance. These tasks differ in the type of the provided output and include question answering (QA), named-entity recognition (NER), natural language inference (NLI), and check-worthy claim detection (CWCD). They were selected based on the availability of datasets for selected languages and to include various NLP tasks related to reading comprehension, recognizing textual entailment, or fact-checking domains. Table 1 lists the datasets used in our experiments.

Due to the absence of datasets for some languages, we employed Google Translate to translate data for several languages. This concerns, in particular, the dataset for the Slovak NLI task and the dataset for check-worthy claim detection for German and Telugu. In the case of the missing Slovak NLI dataset, we utilized the CS ANLI dataset and translated it from Czech to Slovak. In contrast, for check-worthy claim detection, we translated the English dataset into German and Telugu to obtain results for the comparison.333To evaluate the correctness of the translations, we conducted a manual verification of a subset of samples, focusing specifically on translations between Czech and Slovak (based on native speakers). Our findings indicate that the translations generated by Google Translate are correct for these particular languages.

Dataset Task Languages Citation
SQuAD QA en Rajpurkar et al. (2016)
MLQA QA ar, de, hi, zh, es, vi Lewis et al. (2019)
SK-QuAD QA sk Hládek et al. (2023)
Czech SQuAD QA cs Macková and Straka (2020)
TeQuAD QA te Vemula et al. (2022)
WikiANN NER en, de, es, cs, sk, te, 170 others Rahimi et al. (2019)
XNLI NLI en, de, es, 12 others Conneau et al. (2018)
IndicXNLI NLI te, 10 others Aggarwal et al. (2022)
MultiClaim CWCD en, es, sk, cs, de*, te*, 6 others Pikuliak et al. (2023) Hyben et al. (2023)
Table 1: The list of datasets used in our experiments. Languages marked with * represent language versions of datasets that are not original but were obtained by translating texts from Czech (CS ANLI) or English (MultiClaim).

4.4 Experimental Setup

Language Representations.

Language adapters and soft prompts were trained for 100,000 steps using a span corruption objective. We utilized the same batch size of 32 for all languages with a learning rate of 5e55𝑒55e-55 italic_e - 5 for training language adapters and 5e15𝑒15e-15 italic_e - 1 for soft language prompts. We identified these learning rates as the best for particular PEFT methods on English data. Detailed parameters are listed in Table 3 in Appendix D.

Task Representations.

In training task representations, we divided the training set into training and validation splits using 15% of the records for validation, done only for the datasets that do not include a test set. In contrast, the original validation split is considered in that case as a test set. This is especially the case of the question answering and check-worthy claim detection tasks. Secondly, we preprocessed each dataset by transforming each record from the particular dataset into the text-to-text format employing prompt templates listed in Appendix B. Finally, we trained task representations using the same training parameters across all tasks, with differences only between learning rates and weight decay for adapters and soft prompts.

Besides distinctions in training parameters, the instruction used for training soft prompts differs across languages and tasks. These variations are due to the name of the language in which the answer is to be generated and based on the task that is LLM solving.

Task representations in all configurations were trained for 50,000 steps using only a single seed with a batch size of 32, saving and evaluating every 1,000 steps.444We employed only one seed due to computational and time limitations. However, we performed a check of the generalizability of the approach by training the task representation on the German version of the WikiANN dataset for NER using two additional seeds and evaluated cross-lingual transfer from German to all languages. The results are in Appendix F. The best model was chosen based on the performance on the validation split with respect to the loss. For the classification task, we set the maximum number of tokens generated based on the predicted classes to minimize the problem when the LLM continues to generate the answer so that we are able to evaluate the LLM’s performance correctly. Table 3 in Appendix D shows the exact parameters for training language and task representations.


For evaluation, we selected several standard metrics employed for particular tasks. Specifically, we use the F1-Score and Accuracy for classification tasks and QA in the SQuAD format. Besides the F1-Score for QA, we also calculated Exact Match, assessing how many of the answers exactly match the ground truth.555Exact Match tends to underestimate models’ performance for low-resource languages, where LLMs are not often able to produce the exact answer with the correct grammar. For the evaluation, we employed metrics implemented in the Hugging Face evaluate library666

We evaluated the results primarily on cross-lingual transfer from high-resource languages to low-resource ones, where task representations were trained on datasets in high-resource languages. We aim to assess the combination of language representations of low-resource languages with task representations trained on datasets from high-resource languages, i.e., high-resource language as source language and low-resource as target ones. We also explored the transfer between all possible language pairs, considering each language as the source language and every other language as the target language. Extended results are shown in Appendix E.


To evaluate the proposed methods, we employed several baseline approaches and configurations in our study. Baselines include task adapters, soft task prompts (prompt-tuning approach), and the combination of a language and task adapter, as proposed by Pfeiffer et al. (2020). These baselines provided a foundation for assessing the effectiveness of cross-lingual transfer in our experiments.

5 Results and Analyis

Overall Results.

Our investigation into cross-lingual transfer performance between high-resource and low-resource languages is summarized in Table 2. The table presents averaged metrics across four defined tasks for low-resource languages, especially Czech, Slovak and Telugu. The Task Language column specifies the language used for training the task representation, whereas the last three columns represent the low-resource languages employed for language representation in cross-lingual transfer.

Our results demonstrate that the selection of source languages plays an important role in the overall results, with distinct languages demonstrating different performance gains. Using English as a source language resulted in the highest performance for most low-resource languages when employing task representations alone. However, for Slovak, a combination of soft language prompts and task adapters proved more effective.

In contrast, when using German and Spanish as source languages, configurations combining language and task representations yielded superior scores. Specifically, transferring knowledge from Spanish using a combination of soft language prompts and task adapters resulted in the highest performance. Therefore, this configuration using Spanish enhanced the model’s performance, making Spanish the most effective high-resource language for cross-lingual transfer between languages with the same script.

Czech Slovak Telugu
English None Adapter 49.64 \ul47.98 \ul52.13
Soft Prompt 41.26 40.19 52.43
Adapter Adapter 46.50 43.30 38.47
Soft Prompt 38.23 37.41 37.48
Soft Prompt Adapter \ul48.37 50.88 49.16
Soft Prompt 47.64 46.48 47.12
German None Adapter 51.72 51.27 57.50
Soft Prompt 47.60 46.53 52.91
Adapter Adapter 53.81 54.56 45.65
Soft Prompt 47.34 46.63 45.88
Soft Prompt Adapter \ul51.90 \ul53.98 \ul55.90
Soft Prompt 48.85 48.56 54.60
Spanish None Adapter \ul53.61 51.82 57.12
Soft Prompt 50.28 49.05 53.94
Adapter Adapter 50.03 \ul53.04 45.45
Soft Prompt 50.55 51.52 39.71
Soft Prompt Adapter 55.24 54.84 \ul56.90
Soft Prompt 51.41 50.68 50.54
Table 2: Average scores for each configuration across all tasks for low-resource languages. The languages in rows represent the language in which the task representation was trained, and the languages in columns represent the language representation that was used, if any (except for configurations with None in the language representation). For each language pair, the best results are boldfaced and the second best are underlined.

Question Answering.

Our experiments (see Table 4) revealed that the configuration of a soft language prompt and task adapter achieved the highest performance in many cases in the QA task when transferring to low-resource languages, with only small differences across languages. For Slovak, this configuration was particularly effective, while for Telugu, the task adapter without language representation outperformed other configurations. This suggests that the complexity of the target language cannot be sufficiently modeled based on the small number of Wikipedia articles in Telugu.

In addition to investigating the effects of individual configurations, we also evaluated the improvement of a soft language prompt combined with a task adapter over the original mT0-Base model without any language or task representations. Relative F1-Score improvements are illustrated in Figure 3 demonstrating that training and evaluating task adapters in the same language provides the most evident improvement. Furthermore, when transferring knowledge from high-resource to low-resource languages, the positive transfer was common, except for Telugu, which uses a different script. We conjecture that the cross-lingual transfer depends on the script used for the language.

Cross-lingual transfer from low-resource languages to all others did not improve the baseline performance of the mT0-Base model, with the overall performance on the QA task declining. There is only one exception: When employing a task adapter trained on the Czech version of the SQuAD dataset, the results for Slovak improved, probably due to their linguistic similarities.

Refer to caption
Figure 3: Relative F1 improvement for the QA task in transferring knowledge between languages using soft language prompts and task adapters. The effectiveness of the selected configuration is compared with the results obtained without using any language and task representations (i.e., mT0-Base inference).

Named-Entity Recognition.

In the case of the NER task, German and Spanish, among high-resource languages, performed best in cross-lingual transfer to low-resource languages, while English performed poorly. However, based on the results in Table 5, the best improvements were observed using a soft language prompt with a task adapter, outperforming the combination of language and task adapters for Spanish and German. This is especially the case for Telugu, where the difference between these two configurations is more than 33% in favor of the combination of soft language prompt and task adapter using Spanish training data.

Natural Language Inference.

The cross-lingual evaluation of the NLI task from Table 6 demonstrated the effectiveness of some proposed configurations for knowledge transfer. In particular, we mostly achieve superior results using the combination of language adapters along with soft task prompts in Czech and Slovak as target languages. This is not the case for Telugu, where without employing language representations, we consistently achieved the highest performance. This observation confirms previously identified findings on the question answering task. Furthermore, the high effect on the Telugu language observed in the cross-lingual evaluation is probably due to the fact that Telugu has been involved during instruction fine-tuning of mT5 to create the mT0 model and therefore the LLM is able to adapt better.

Examining the six proposed configurations for transferring knowledge from a low-resource language to all others, we observed similar findings as in the case of Telugu, where configurations without language representations have the best performance, while still not outperforming the results obtained without any language and task representations: Overall performance mostly decreased.

Check-Worthy Claim Detection.

For check-worthy claim detection, the configuration of soft language prompts and task adapters surpassed previous methods in many cases (see Table 7). This configuration proved to be effective across most language pairs, demonstrating the model’s improved ability also in some fact-checking tasks, such as check-worthy claim detection. However, cross-lingual transfer from Slovak to other languages did not yield improvements in using language representations, suggesting that training task representations in combination with Slovak language representation was less effective for this task, similar to natural language inference.

6 Discussion

Based on our experiments and the results obtained, we make several observations, which are summarized below.

Prompt Tuning Performs Better with Fine-Tuned Models.

During our preliminary experiments in model selection, we observed that prompt tuning is not able to improve the results of pre-trained LLMs (e.g., mT5), trained only on unlabelled data, on the downstream task. Therefore, prompt tuning can enhance the performance of already fine-tuned LLMs on any labelled data, while the tasks we want to evaluate may not have been part of the previous fine-tuning. We confirmed this observation in our experiments with NER and check-worthy claim detection, where we obtained superior results even without the LLM being previously trained on them.

Soft Language Prompt with Task Adapter Outperformed Baselines in Many Cases.

Our proposed method of combining soft language prompts with task adapters demonstrated better performance in many cases, compared to the approach of combined language and task adapters, which has been shown to be very effective in previous work. Specifically, the combination of soft language prompts and task adapters is most effective on the classification tasks, achieving superior results most often. For languages with a different script (e.g., Spanish and Telugu), these differences were over 20%.

Language Representations are Unable to Capture Linguistic Characteristics Using Small Number of Unlabelled Data.

Language representations have several limitations that led to configurations without language representations performing consistently better on cross-lingual transfer to Telugu on QA, NLI and check-worthy claim detection tasks. We postulate that the reason is the small number of Wikipedia articles on which the language representations were trained, rendering them unable to adequately capture sufficient linguistic characteristics.

7 Conclusion

Our study provides a comprehensive evaluation of various configurations of adapters and soft prompts for cross-lingual transfer in low-resource languages. With the systematic evaluation of task adapters, soft task prompts, and combinations of language and task representations, we identified configurations that positively affect LLM’s performance across different tasks and languages. Our findings demonstrated that the combination of soft language prompts and task adapters emerged as an effective alternative for transferring knowledge from high-resource to low-resource languages and within linguistically similar languages, such as Czech and Slovak. Furthermore, our findings provide valuable insights for the utilization of a combination of PEFT methods for cross-lingual transfer, while highlighting the need to incorporate language-specific knowledge.


Model Selection.

Our analysis on the effectiveness of the language and task representations focused on highly multilingual LLMs that include a wider variety of low-resource languages. From this perspective, there is not a vast number of open-source multilingual LLMs with such extensive language coverage as the mT5 or BLOOM model, while having fewer than 1B parameters. Another aspect of the selection was the involvement of only generative models consisting of encoder-decoder or decoder-only architecture.

Other Languages.

In selecting appropriate languages, we were limited by the languages covered by the mT5 model. To select high-resource languages, we considered languages that are the most extensive in terms of available resources and are in Latin script. On the other hand, when selecting low-resource languages, we also considered the availability of datasets in languages other than the Latin script as well as the availability of datasets in those languages (both human-annotated and machine-translated).

Other Tasks.

The tasks in our experiments were selected based on the availability of datasets for each selected language and also to cover multiple areas of the NLP domain, i.e. reading comprehension, fact-checking, and recognizing textual entailment. We mostly considered tasks involved in the instruction fine-tuning of the mT0-model, but we also included tasks that were not originally used to train the mT0-model.


This research was partially supported byDisAI - Improving scientific excellence and creativity in combating disinformation with artificial intelligence and language technologies, a project funded by Horizon Europe under GA No.101079164, and by the MIMEDIS, a project funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under GA No. APVV-21-0114. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic through the e-INFRA CZ (ID:90254).


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Appendix A Computational Resources

For our experiments, we have utilized a computational infrastructure consisting of A10 and A40 NVIDIA GPUs, while our experiments ran in parallel on multiple GPUs.

Appendix B Prompts Used

For the purpose of the encoder-decoder model, the record from each dataset needs to be transformed into a text-to-text format. To choose an appropriate prompt format, we experimented with all the prompts used in the mT0 paper Muennighoff et al. (2023) and with prompts used in the T5 paper Raffel et al. (2020). Prompts, which achieved the best performance during inference with the mT0-Base model, were selected for transforming the records into a text-to-text format. In the following paragraphs, there are the prompts for the individual tasks that have been used to convert to text-to-text format.

B.1 Question Answering

Template: question: {question} context: {context}

B.2 Natural Language Inference

Template: {premise} \n\n Question: Does this imply that "{hypothesis}"? Yes, no, or maybe?

B.3 Named-Entity Recognition

Template: tag: {text}

B.4 Check-Worthy Claim Detection

Template: checkworthiness claim: {claim}

Appendix C Soft Prompt Initialization

This section includes templates for soft prompts used for the initialization for each language and each task. Templates are divided into language and task templates.

C.1 Language Templates

To train language representation using a language modeling objective, we employed a specific prompt that varied only based on the language present in the instruction, leaving the rest of the instruction the same.

The template we used for initialization is as follows: "Generate the output in {Language}:", where the Language is replaced by the desired language.

C.2 Task Templates

The following are initialization prompt templates for each task, where the instruction depends not only on the task but also on the language.

Question Answering.

For the question answering task, we utilized "Answer the question in {Language} language:", while replacing Language with the desired language.

Natural Language Inference.

Natural language inference is the task of assessing whether a hypothesis logically follows from the premise. It is defined as a classification with three possible classes: entailment, contradiction or neutral. However, based on the previous work and instruction tuning of the mT0 model, we replaced above mentioned classes with Yes, No and Maybe, based on the used prompt template.

According to the employed classes, we defined an initialization prompt as follows: "Select Yes, No or Maybe based on the implication of the premise on the hypothesis in {Language}:", while Language is replaced by the desired language.

Named-Entity Recognition.

The named-entity recognition task aims to identify named entities within the input text. While there are many possible categories, the WikiANN dataset focuses only on detecting three categories: location (LOC), person (PER) and organization (ORG). Based on the defined classes, we created the initialization prompt as follows: "Identify NER tags (ORG, PER, LOC) in the text in {Language}:", where Language is substituted with the specific language.

Check-Worthy Claim Detection.

The latter task includes check-worthy claim detection, which is a binary classification of assessing whether the given claim is worthy of fact-checking or not. As text labels, we used Not checkworthy and Checkworthy. This is the initialization prompt for the check-worthy claim detection task: Determine whether a given claim in {Language} is checkworthy:", where Language is replaced by the desired language.

Appendix D Hyperparameters

Table 3 shows hyperparameters used for training language and task representations using adapters and soft prompts.

Hyperparameters Language Modeling Task Modeling
Language Adapter Soft Language Prompt Task Adapter Soft Task Prompt
Learning rate 5e-5 5e-1 5e-5 5e-1
Weight decay 0 1e-5 0 1e-5
Batch size 32 32 32 32
No. Training steps 100,000 100,000 50,000 50,000
Optimizer AdamW Adafactor AdamW Adafactor
Evaluation steps 500 500 1000 1000
Max input length 256 256 256 256
Token size of soft prompt NaN 50 NaN 50
Table 3: Final parameters employed to train language and task representation using adapters and soft prompts.

Appendix E Cross-Lingual Evaluation For All Six Languages

Tables 4 to 7 present the results for all language pairs, i.e., all languages represent source languages and all others (including itself) represent task languages. The first row in each table represents the scores obtained by inference of the original mT0-Base model without additional training of language or task representations.

Task Language
English German Spanish Czech Slovak Telugu
None None 62.80 (55.88) 35.4 (27.82) 39.54 (27.48) 31.34 (24.78) 26.39 (9.78) 18.64 (12.10)
English None Adapter \ul66.48 (59.19) 40.55 (30.98) \ul41.85 (28.04) 36.95 (28.57) \ul30.11 (11.46) \ul19.65 (12.70)
Soft Prompt 66.09 (58.79) 39.22 (29.60) 41.12 (28.09) 33.59 (25.55) 27.76 (10.07) 19.38 (12.80)
Adapter Adapter 65.96 (58.91) 34.88 (24.83) 39.18 (26.59) 33.75 (24.33) 28.98 (10.58) 9.85 (5.00)
Soft Prompt 64.70 (57.86) 39.65 (30.16) 39.12 (27.10) 33.94 (26.22) 29.82 (11.54) 12.67 (6.60)
Soft Prompt Adapter 68.12 (60.95) 39.23 (29.44) 42.86 (29.50) \ul35.52 (27.27) 30.84 (11.73) 20.19 (13.50)
Soft Prompt 66.19 (58.90) \ul40.49 (30.98) 41.15 (27.97) 35.35 (27.02) 29.89 (11.39) 11.71 (7.30)
German None Adapter 65.70 (58.52) 48.07 (38.14) \ul41.41 (29.28) 35.37 (27.29) 27.51 (10.16) 18.81 (12.80)
Soft Prompt 63.15 (55.20) 44.53 (33.85) 38.34 (26.65) 28.56 (21.31) 24.54 (8.92) 12.46 (9.70)
Adapter Adapter 61.52 (51.29) \ul48.00 (38.01) 38.36 (25.78) \ul36.78 (27.82) 31.43 (11.35) 11.32 (6.00)
Soft Prompt 61.13 (52.17) 43.30 (33.49) 38.95 (27.24) 38.13 (31.20) \ul30.70 (11.98) 16.05 (8.70)
Soft Prompt Adapter \ul65.02 (57.44) 46.78 (36.69) 41.49 (29.10) 31.81 (24.29) 27.42 (10.16) \ul17.13 (11.20)
Soft Prompt 63.86 (56.48) 44.79 (35.07) 38.45 (27.19) 32.68 (24.65) 27.95 (10.30) 12.34 (9.50)
Spanish None Adapter 65.81 (58.73) 39.33 (29.90) 44.64 (32.11) \ul33.72 (25.43) 27.24 (9.71) 19.10 (12.50)
Soft Prompt 61.01 (53.41) 33.90 (25.69) 41.86 (29.15) 25.98 (19.06) 22.43 (7.62) 11.94 (9.00)
Adapter Adapter 58.59 (48.30) 37.98 (27.98) 44.49 (31.62) 33.98 (23.88) 28.66 (10.01) 10.76 (5.00)
Soft Prompt 59.41 (50.01) \ul38.20 (28.67) 40.33 (28.18) 32.86 (24.45) \ul27.82 (10.35) 10.89 (5.40)
Soft Prompt Adapter \ul64.97 (57.50) 38.02 (29.29) \ul44.58 (32.01) 32.43 (24.92) 27.95 (10.27) \ul17.64 (11.40)
Soft Prompt 60.51 (52.55) 33.71 (25.74) 42.16 (29.34) 27.21 (19.82) 21.49 (7.49) 9.28 (7.20)
Czech None Adapter 58.61 (53.43) \ul34.46 (27.64) \ul36.06 (26.76) 38.6 (32.96) 29.5 (11.51) 13.06 (10.20)
Soft Prompt 51.65 (47.37) 28.09 (22.94) 28.84 (22.48) 32.99 (28.35) 25.57 (10.59) 8.45 (6.70)
Adapter Adapter 52.89 (46.49) 29.35 (24.39) 26.65 (20.50) 36.78 (31.69) 33.53 (13.34) 7.17 (4.90)
Soft Prompt 39.55 (36.05) 35.59 (27.55) 20.21 (16.64) 29.53 (25.88) 26.64 (11.17) 7.31 (4.70)
Soft Prompt Adapter \ul57.90 (52.96) 33.69 (27.34) 37.05 (27.07) \ul38.15 (33.02) \ul30.42 (12.13) \ul12.84 (9.90)
Soft Prompt 49.42 (45.53) 27.63 (22.90) 29.51 (23.32) 32.32 (27.78) 27.82 (11.48) 7.15 (6.40)
Slovak None Adapter 48.84 (34.31) 26.72 (15.70) \ul28.24 (13.96) 26.65 (12.69) 39.13 (19.89) 13.46 (6.90)
Soft Prompt 40.64 (27.59) 19.37 (10.49) 22.13 (10.38) 20.56 (8.39) 35.12 (16.53) 8.64 (5.80)
Adapter Adapter 33.25 (21.76) 20.47 (11.55) 12.63 (7.93) 17.56 (9.06) 38.43 (19.03) 7.16 (1.70)
Soft Prompt 9.06 (6.93) 21.49 (13.21) 6.80 (5.06) 16.06 (9.55) 33.93 (17.05) 1.95 (0.80)
Soft Prompt Adapter \ul47.31 (32.55) \ul24.80 (14.99) 28.45 (13.95) \ul23.84 (10.82) \ul38.52 (19.50) \ul10.90 (6.00)
Soft Prompt 39.06 (27.90) 15.72 (9.51) 21.51 (11.25) 19.09 (8.22) 34.84 (17.30) 6.71 (4.40)
Telugu None Adapter 60.78 (51.87) 32.43 (23.61) \ul37.35 (24.99) 27.34 (20.47) \ul24.14 (8.77) 21.12 (13.80)
Soft Prompt 59.22 (49.80) \ul31.01 (21.92) 35.69 (23.41) 23.49 (17.63) 22.60 (8.40) 19.73 (12.90)
Adapter Adapter 20.23 (10.33) 12.71 (5.55) 14.91 (6.29) 13.66 (5.82) 14.08 (3.59) 21.89 (14.80)
Soft Prompt 37.55 (20.31) 24.72 (7.09) 26.72 (12.79) 24.01 (13.31) 27.49 (0.09) 20.73 (14.80)
Soft Prompt Adapter \ul59.63 (50.76) 30.22 (22.38) 38.13 (25.99) \ul26.64 (19.80) 24.39 (9.08) \ul21.75 (14.30)
Soft Prompt 57.72 (47.93) 30.38 (21.49) 35.26 (22.74) 24.58 (18.14) 23.14 (8.60) 18.73 (11.60)
Table 4: Results for the question answering task for all language pairs. The reported results are in the format: F1-Score (Exact Match). The best results for each combination of source and target languages are in bold and the second best scores are underlined.
Task Language
English German Spanish Czech Slovak Telugu
None None 0 0 0 0 0 0
English None Adapter 84.78 38.69 44.54 41.53 44.15 32.02
Soft Prompt 81.66 43.75 \ul59.83 \ul42.31 45.40 \ul33.41
Adapter Adapter \ul82.78 22.46 32.75 33.99 23.18 13.91
Soft Prompt 78.62 47.56 60.21 40.62 35.97 19.98
Soft Prompt Adapter 82.47 50.78 51.48 40.65 51.62 31.23
Soft Prompt 81.02 \ul48.23 56.74 44.33 \ul48.64 33.85
German None Adapter 27.79 \ul82.58 \ul73.37 \ul66.61 67.96 48.56
Soft Prompt 36.02 79.06 69.66 61.04 62.28 43.20
Adapter Adapter 29.66 82.42 70.05 64.70 68.42 24.52
Soft Prompt 38.96 73.06 68.86 54.79 51.17 27.96
Soft Prompt Adapter \ul37.56 83.95 75.23 67.12 71.04 49.70
Soft Prompt 36.52 78.71 69.85 62.84 \ul70.80 \ul48.67
Spanish None Adapter 44.82 63.55 88.60 68.66 70.46 \ul46.24
Soft Prompt 44.38 62.65 86.23 63.95 63.25 47.81
Adapter Adapter 40.50 56.12 \ul87.29 58.05 66.00 17.84
Soft Prompt 40.43 \ul64.47 82.79 52.71 60.82 31.27
Soft Prompt Adapter \ul51.46 63.59 89.05 \ul67.45 \ul68.78 50.91
Soft Prompt 59.55 65.73 83.77 65.55 66.04 40.59
Czech None Adapter \ul40.14 67.36 75.08 85.18 75.02 \ul48.80
Soft Prompt 37.61 63.85 65.80 81.50 72.02 44.67
Adapter Adapter 33.68 \ul70.50 70.87 \ul86.19 75.76 23.98
Soft Prompt 31.33 69.45 64.34 78.75 57.95 17.34
Soft Prompt Adapter 42.74 70.94 73.11 86.67 79.74 49.90
Soft Prompt 36.96 67.94 \ul75.04 81.17 \ul76.89 48.29
Slovak None Adapter \ul39.96 68.75 67.23 \ul77.79 \ul88.68 \ul53.53
Soft Prompt 38.34 64.19 69.09 72.93 83.50 50.55
Adapter Adapter 35.70 66.58 69.08 75.51 88.36 22.37
Soft Prompt 37.21 64.83 65.96 70.12 79.49 30.93
Soft Prompt Adapter 45.37 72.88 75.57 79.55 89.01 54.20
Soft Prompt 37.70 \ul69.20 \ul70.15 73.76 83.62 51.36
Telugu None Adapter 48.85 \ul56.93 \ul56.52 49.21 \ul50.02 71.05
Soft Prompt 37.61 45.01 45.51 38.78 38.30 74.44
Adapter Adapter 32.16 41.52 34.16 35.73 36.74 69.48
Soft Prompt 33.57 38.76 47.26 43.49 19.21 72.04
Soft Prompt Adapter \ul46.60 57.20 61.52 \ul48.75 53.31 71.97
Soft Prompt 33.79 48.34 42.41 41.52 43.26 70.46
Table 5: Results for the named-entity recognition task for the Cartesian product using F1-Score, where each language is the source and also the target language. The best scores are boldfaced, and the second best are underlined.
Task Language
English German Spanish Czech Slovak Telugu
None None 44.31 43.49 43.07 35.50 36.42 39.58
English None Adapter 81.82 73.75 \ul76.07 35.00 34.58 \ul69.38
Soft Prompt 74.89 67.98 71.20 33.83 34.58 63.43
Adapter Adapter \ul82.30 42.95 56.25 \ul35.33 35.08 44.11
Soft Prompt 68.30 52.71 66.29 37.75 \ul37.25 35.37
Soft Prompt Adapter 82.34 \ul73.71 76.47 33.83 35.58 \ul67.88
Soft Prompt 73.19 66.97 69.00 35.17 37.33 63.35
German None Adapter \ul79.12 76.19 75.59 35.17 35.92 68.90
Soft Prompt 68.90 69.76 67.78 35.50 \ul37.00 64.45
Adapter Adapter 67.37 \ul76.51 75.91 34.92 35.50 66.81
Soft Prompt 61.10 64.95 60.04 37.75 36.67 46.45
Soft Prompt Adapter 79.52 76.99 \ul75.77 33.75 34.50 \ul67.13
Soft Prompt 70.32 67.68 68.88 \ul36.00 37.67 64.37
Spanish None Adapter 80.12 74.53 77.98 35.08 35.17 \ul70.00
Soft Prompt 71.98 68.52 70.74 34.83 35.75 64.11
Adapter Adapter 71.66 66.43 77.54 34.92 35.83 59.40
Soft Prompt 66.85 56.57 65.29 38.75 36.42 33.49
Soft Prompt Adapter \ul77.39 \ul71.22 \ul77.64 33.92 36.25 \ul67.33
Soft Prompt 69.42 66.33 69.12 \ul35.92 \ul36.33 63.19
Czech None Adapter \ul41.32 37.74 41.82 34.00 34.83 \ul38.74
Soft Prompt 38.66 \ul36.49 36.57 39.00 36.58 37.54
Adapter Adapter 33.43 33.37 33.35 33.75 33.50 33.33
Soft Prompt 33.33 34.57 32.87 36.75 36.92 33.33
Soft Prompt Adapter 33.57 34.31 34.61 33.12 \ul36.67 33.33
Soft Prompt 42.28 34.63 \ul37.33 \ul37.75 36.33 39.10
Slovak None Adapter 47.60 43.93 46.25 \ul35.08 34.67 42.32
Soft Prompt 38.66 35.85 \ul36.13 36.50 \ul35.92 36.03
Adapter Adapter 33.33 33.33 32.73 33.42 34.58 33.33
Soft Prompt \ul39.52 \ul42.14 33.43 32.67 36.58 34.53
Soft Prompt Adapter 33.57 33.53 33.57 33.42 33.83 33.33
Soft Prompt 37.09 33.23 32.57 33.58 35.00 \ul36.57
Telugu None Adapter \ul76.63 71.76 73.41 35.58 \ul36.50 \ul72.67
Soft Prompt 70.34 67.90 68.18 \ul36.00 34.83 68.20
Adapter Adapter 63.49 60.14 72.77 35.17 36.00 72.69
Soft Prompt 52.44 49.88 49.96 38.17 37.75 59.66
Soft Prompt Adapter 76.89 \ul71.20 \ul73.15 34.75 33.92 72.59
Soft Prompt 67.13 67.31 66.73 \ul37.08 \ul36.50 66.89
Table 6: For NLI, we report accuracy as a metric, with the table containing results for all language pairs. The best results for each language pair are highlighted in bold and the second best are underlined.
Task Language
English German Spanish Czech Slovak Telugu
None None 0 0 0 0 0 0
English None Adapter 99.45 96.90 \ul97.07 85.10 83.09 \ul87.46
Soft Prompt 99.06 89.18 93.29 55.29 53.03 93.50
Adapter Adapter \ul99.59 \ul97.80 95.79 82.95 85.98 85.99
Soft Prompt 99.10 95.40 94.75 40.60 46.60 81.91
Soft Prompt Adapter 99.76 98.30 97.14 \ul83.47 \ul85.49 77.34
Soft Prompt 99.55 95.05 93.46 75.72 70.08 79.55
German None Adapter \ul98.96 \ul98.96 \ul97.21 69.72 73.70 93.73
Soft Prompt 98.43 98.89 96.16 65.32 62.31 91.54
Adapter Adapter 98.60 99.00 97.16 78.84 \ul82.91 79.96
Soft Prompt 97.77 97.65 96.06 58.68 67.99 \ul93.06
Soft Prompt Adapter 99.28 99.14 97.90 \ul74.94 82.96 89.64
Soft Prompt 87.91 98.08 93.23 63.87 57.84 93.02
Spanish None Adapter 98.12 \ul97.28 98.71 76.98 74.40 \ul93.15
Soft Prompt 97.49 87.98 99.10 76.38 74.78 91.90
Adapter Adapter 97.15 95.49 98.99 73.15 \ul81.65 93.80
Soft Prompt 96.44 94.75 \ul99.20 77.88 81.02 83.19
Soft Prompt Adapter \ul97.64 97.31 99.31 87.14 86.36 91.72
Soft Prompt 97.30 95.87 99.03 \ul79.97 78.85 89.11
Czech None Adapter \ul91.68 86.29 86.61 99.07 97.59 72.85
Soft Prompt 82.80 86.94 87.70 98.54 97.14 71.64
Adapter Adapter 91.00 \ul91.87 \ul88.39 99.45 \ul98.65 \ul82.19
Soft Prompt 50.54 65.33 74.34 97.78 95.93 72.53
Soft Prompt Adapter 92.78 93.40 89.13 \ul99.38 98.71 85.96
Soft Prompt 81.87 76.13 85.01 98.17 92.57 75.41
Slovak None Adapter 92.92 89.76 96.44 98.97 99.17 87.82
Soft Prompt 68.12 84.83 \ul91.94 97.45 98.39 68.92
Adapter Adapter 72.55 85.38 89.29 98.15 98.99 \ul85.71
Soft Prompt 69.55 81.88 87.89 95.85 97.32 51.13
Soft Prompt Adapter 78.85 \ul88.08 91.42 \ul98.55 \ul99.03 75.80
Soft Prompt \ul87.03 76.63 83.71 94.16 98.20 78.43
Telugu None Adapter \ul97.72 96.87 96.92 \ul67.93 61.91 98.89
Soft Prompt 95.98 89.50 93.90 65.27 \ul68.61 98.54
Adapter Adapter 98.04 96.10 96.45 52.68 55.44 99.17
Soft Prompt 96.28 93.45 94.26 60.72 34.00 97.15
Soft Prompt Adapter 96.84 \ul96.61 \ul96.91 68.81 69.78 \ul98.79
Soft Prompt 95.78 96.13 94.80 53.40 49.78 97.93
Table 7: Results for the check-worthy claim detection task with each language as the source and target language. Results are reported using F1-Score, with best scores in bold and the second best underlined.

Appendix F Evaluation with Multiple Training Seeds

In Table 8, we report the evaluation results of all configurations that were trained on the German version of the WikiANN dataset using three different seeds. Along with the mean values, we also report the standard deviation

The obtained results demonstrate that the best results for knowledge transfer from German to other languages are obtained when combining a soft language prompt and a task adapter, supporting our observation that this configuration achieves superior results on the classification tasks.

English German Spanish Czech Slovak Telugu
None Adapter 46.12 ± 22.46 82.51 ± 0.45 71.12 ± 3.41 \ul66.00 ± 0.77 67.55 ± 1.22 47.69 ± 2.35
Soft Prompt 48.61 ± 15.42 78.65 ± 0.58 70.87 ± 1.51 61.48 ± 0.69 62.42 ± 0.75 43.94 ± 1.64
Adapter Adapter 44.28 ± 17.93 \ul82.76 ± 0.74 70.36 ± 1.68 64.78 ± 0.15 68.15 ± 1.19 25.96 ± 2.86
Soft Prompt \ul48.93 ± 12.23 73.57 ± 0.90 68.16 ± 3.87 50.76 ± 14.17 53.63 ± 4.44 26.83 ± 4.04
Soft Prompt Adapter 50.95 ± 16.39 83.80 ± 0.20 76.06 ± 1.40 67.25 ± 0.23 72.95 ± 2.35 52.58 ± 5.43
Soft Prompt 48.85 ± 15.23 78.43 ± 0.48 \ul71.55 ± 2.44 64.00 ± 2.18 \ul69.87 ± 2.21 \ul48.35 ± 2.19
Table 8: Results of cross-lingual transfer from German to all languages for the NER task. We report the mean of three runs along with the standard deviation. The best results are bolded and the second best results are underlined.