Audio-Visual Approach For Multimodal Concurrent Speaker Detection thanks: Identify applicable funding agency here. If none, delete this.

Amit Eliav Faculty of Engineering
Bar-Ilan University
Ramat-Gam, Israel
[email protected]
   Sharon Gannot Faculty of Engineering
Bar-Ilan University
Ramat-Gam, Israel
[email protected]

Concurrent Speaker Detection (CSD), the task of identifying the presence and overlap of active speakers in an audio signal, is crucial for many audio tasks such as meeting transcription, speaker diarization, and speech separation. This study introduces a multimodal deep learning approach that leverages both audio and visual information. The proposed model employs an early fusion strategy combining audio and visual features through cross-modal attention mechanisms, with a learnable [CLS] token capturing the relevant audio-visual relationships.

The model is extensively evaluated on two real-world datasets, AMI and the recently introduced EasyCom dataset. Experiments validate the effectiveness of the multimodal fusion strategy. Ablation studies further support the design choices and the training procedure of the model. As this is the first work reporting CSD results on the challenging EasyCom dataset, the findings demonstrate the potential of the proposed multimodal approach for CSD in real-world scenarios.

I Introduction

Our research is a part of the Socially Pertinent Robots in Gerontological Healthcare (SPRING) project. SPRING aims to create an assistant robot for public spaces such as airports, malls, hospitals, etc. It involves multiple engineering disciplines and research labs around the world. The project requires audio-related tasks such as speech detection, speech enhancement, speaker detection, and speech separation, as well as video- and Natural Language Processing (NLP)-related tasks.

CSD is the task of identifying the presence and overlap of active speakers in an audio signal. It involves classifying audio segments into three classes: 1) no speech activity (noise only), 2) only a single active speaker, and 3) multiple active speakers. Accurate CSD is an important key component in many speech-processing applications like audio scene analysis and meeting transcription.

Accurate CSD is an important key component in many speech-processing applications like audio scene analysis, meeting transcription, speaker counting and diarization, speech detection, and speech separation. It is also an important part of many “cocktail party” scenarios involving analyzing spatial multi-microphone signals.

The CSD task remains challenging due to the inherent complexities involved in analyzing human speech. Variations in accents, pitches, and speaking styles across different individuals can make the accurate identification and detection of active speakers difficult. Additionally, real-world audio signals often contain varying environmental noise and reverberation, further contributing to the difficulty of this problem. Consequently, CSD continues to be an active area of research, with ongoing efforts aimed at develo** more robust and accurate methods to handle this task.

In this study, we introduce a deep learning approach for multimodal audio-visual models aimed at addressing the CSD task. In scenarios such as those encountered in the SPRING project, both audio and video modalities are often accessible. These multimodal datasets have become far more common in recent years, leading researchers to explore audio-visual approaches for the CSD task.

Combining both modalities can enhance the model’s accuracy by providing a more comprehensive and robust representation of the environment. While audio data may be affected by surrounding acoustic noise, video data tends to be more resilient, potentially capturing speakers even in noisy environments with minimal visual interference. However, relying solely on video data for a CSD model is constrained by the camera’s field of view, potentially missing speakers outside its scope.

Therefore, we investigate both audio-only and visual-only models and compare them to a multimodal audio-visual model to highlight its advantages. We evaluate these different models using real-world databases such as AMI [1] and EasyCom [2], demonstrating improvements over existing approaches.

In [3] a multichannel CSD model is presented as one of the building blocks of an Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance (LCMV) beamformer. It is used as a controller for the different components needed to be estimated during the LCMV beamformer algorithm.

In [4, 5] both attention mechanisms and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are used to create speaker-counting, speech recognition, and speaker identification models.

In [6, 7], presents the related Overlapped Speech Detection (OSD) task with a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model.

In [8] we are presented with a model for the speech separation task leveraging the attention mechanics, which was first used in NLP related tasks [9, 10]. The attention mechanics is also used in [11] for an audio classification task.

In other research works, there are two important related tasks to CSD, both binary audio classification which will be formally presented in Section II. The first is Voice Activity Detection (VAD), which classifies audio into speech or non-speech, and the second is OSD which classifies audio into overlapped speech or non-overlapped speech.

In [12] a Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCN)-based model is used for three tasks: VAD, OSD and a combined VAD+OSD, and in [13] a Transformer-based model is used for the same tasks.

In [14] a multichannel Transformer-based model is used for OSD task.

Pyannote [15] is a Python library that provides various models for audio-related tasks, including speaker diarization, VAD, and OSD. This is the only publicly available package that allows us to directly extract results from datasets we use and compare them to our findings. For the remaining comparisons, we rely on the results reported in the respective papers.

The three tasks: VAD, OSD, and VAD+OSD (which is equivalent to CSD) are tackled with a deep-learning model based on WavLM [16] and TCN in [17]. In [18] a multi-task model is presented for the three tasks: VAD, OSD, and a Speaker Change Detection (SCD) using fine-tuning a ’wav2vec 2.0’ [19] architecture.

In [20] a model is presented for combined tasks: speaker counting (up to 2 speakers), speech separation, and speech enhancement. If a single speaker is detected the model enhances it, in case there are overlap** two speakers, the model first separates the speakers and later enhances each of them.

In our late paper [21] we presented an audio-only CSD model, for both single and multichannel audio data.

Multimodal models have shown improvement over single modality, such models are widely used in many applications, such as in [22] where Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and camera data are fused for a vision task. While most of the works we have referred to so far were based on audio-only datasets and models, which can be limited in capturing the full context, there are recent works that incorporate multimodal approaches utilizing both audio and visual information for audio-related tasks.

In [23], there is an audio-visual model, as well as an audio- and video-only model presented for the OSD task.

In [24, 25] we are presented with an audio-visual model for speaker localization task with the recently published EasyCom dataset [2].

Other works such as [26, 27] present additional audio-visual models for audio-related tasks such as diarization, speech separation, dereverberation, and recognition.

In this paper, we propose an algorithm to solve the CSD task. Our contributions are mainly: 1) present an audio-visual multimodal model for multichannel audio and multimodal fusion scheme, 2) provide audio and visual augmentation techniques which were proven to enhance the training procedure, 3) similar to the recent papers, we evaluate the performance of the proposed model on the AMI dataset [1], additionally, we are the first, to the best of our knowledge, to report VAD, OSD, and CSD results for the recent EasyCom dataset [2].

II Problem Formulation

While our main focus is on the CSD task, we begin by defining two related and common speaker detection tasks: Voice Activity Detection (VAD) and Overlapped Speech Detection (OSD).

Let XAN×Lsubscript𝑋𝐴superscript𝑁𝐿X_{A}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times L}italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∈ blackboard_R start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_N × italic_L end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT represent the audio data, where N𝑁Nitalic_N is the number of microphones, and L𝐿Litalic_L is the data length in samples. Let XVT×C×H×Wsubscript𝑋𝑉superscript𝑇𝐶𝐻𝑊X_{V}\in\mathbb{R}^{T\times C\times H\times W}italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_V end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∈ blackboard_R start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_T × italic_C × italic_H × italic_W end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT represent the visual data, where T𝑇Titalic_T is the number of frames, C𝐶Citalic_C is the number of channels, and (H,W)𝐻𝑊(H,W)( italic_H , italic_W ) is the image resolution.

VAD is a binary classification task, that aims to classify speech and non-speech regions in an audio signal. Formally, VAD classifies it into one of two classes, as indicated in (1):

VAD(XA,XV)={Class #0Non-speech activityClass #1Speech activity.VADsubscript𝑋𝐴subscript𝑋𝑉casesClass #0Non-speech activityClass #1Speech activity\mathrm{VAD}(X_{A},X_{V})=\begin{cases}\textrm{Class \#0}&\textrm{Non-speech % activity}\\ \textrm{Class \#1}&\textrm{Speech activity}\\ \end{cases}.roman_VAD ( italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_V end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) = { start_ROW start_CELL Class #0 end_CELL start_CELL Non-speech activity end_CELL end_ROW start_ROW start_CELL Class #1 end_CELL start_CELL Speech activity end_CELL end_ROW . (1)

Where the detected speech activity regions can contain both a single active speaker and multiple active speakers.

OSD is a binary classification task as well, that aims to classify overlapped and non-overlapped speech regions in an audio signal. Formally, OSD classifies it into one of two classes, as indicated in (2):

VAD(XA,XV)={Class #0Non-overlapped speechClass #1Overlapped speech.VADsubscript𝑋𝐴subscript𝑋𝑉casesClass #0Non-overlapped speechClass #1Overlapped speech\mathrm{VAD}(X_{A},X_{V})=\begin{cases}\textrm{Class \#0}&\textrm{Non-% overlapped speech}\\ \textrm{Class \#1}&\textrm{Overlapped speech}\\ \end{cases}.roman_VAD ( italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_V end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) = { start_ROW start_CELL Class #0 end_CELL start_CELL Non-overlapped speech end_CELL end_ROW start_ROW start_CELL Class #1 end_CELL start_CELL Overlapped speech end_CELL end_ROW . (2)

Where the detected non-overlapped regions can contain both noise-only and single-active speaker signals.

While VAD and OSD serve as fundamental building blocks, they face limitations in distinguishing between different types of signals combined within the same class. In VAD, both single-speaker and overlap**-speaker speech are grouped into one class, despite potentially exhibiting different statistical behaviors. Similarly, in OSD, noise-only and single-speaker segments are treated as a single class, although they represent distinct acoustic scenarios. By separating these cases into individual classes, CSD provides a finer-grained categorization, enabling a more comprehensive understanding and analysis of the acoustic scene.

The multimodal CSD algorithm combines both the VAD and OSD tasks into a single multi-class classification task. The CSD model classifies each video frame and its corresponding audio segment (either single-microphone or multi-microphone) into one of the three classes as indicated in (3), for each fT𝑓𝑇f\in Titalic_f ∈ italic_T:

CSD(XA,XV)={Class #0Noise onlyClass #1Single-speaker activityClass #2Concurrent-speaker activity.CSDsubscript𝑋𝐴subscript𝑋𝑉casesClass #0Noise onlyClass #1Single-speaker activityClass #2Concurrent-speaker activity\mathrm{CSD}(X_{A},X_{V})=\begin{cases}\textrm{Class \#0}&\textrm{Noise only}% \\ \textrm{Class \#1}&\textrm{Single-speaker activity}\\ \textrm{Class \#2}&\textrm{Concurrent-speaker activity}\end{cases}.roman_CSD ( italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_V end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) = { start_ROW start_CELL Class #0 end_CELL start_CELL Noise only end_CELL end_ROW start_ROW start_CELL Class #1 end_CELL start_CELL Single-speaker activity end_CELL end_ROW start_ROW start_CELL Class #2 end_CELL start_CELL Concurrent-speaker activity end_CELL end_ROW . (3)

The distribution of statistical features within audio segments can exhibit significant variability depending on the underlying acoustic scene. For instance, class ‘0’ (denoting ”Noise-Only” segments) may encompass various noise types, each with distinct statistical characteristics. Similarly, class ‘1’ (‘Single-speaker activity’) presents challenges due to the inherent diversity of human speech. Individual speakers possess unique accents, speaking styles, and vocal characteristics, posing obstacles to an accurate identification. Furthermore, class ‘2’ (‘Concurrent-speaker activity’) introduces additional complexity due to the variable number of active speakers, leading to a wider range of statistical properties within the segments. The presence of background noise or reverberation can further complicate these challenges.

The visual domain can be useful for the CSD task since it is indifferent to acoustic noise, on the other hand, it may lack crucial information due to low visibility of the active speakers in the scene, or active speakers out of the field of view of the camera.

Consequently, develo** robust and accurate CSD methods is critical to handle the inherent complexity and variability of real-world scenarios. By fusing information from both audio and visual modalities, we can potentially enhance the performance and robustness of CSD models. This multimodal approach can provide complementary cues that address limitations present in individual modalities alone, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the acoustic scene.

III Proposed Model

The proposed model is based on several building blocks, including features extraction backbones, audio and visual blocks, and a fusion scheme. We chose to use pre-trained audio and video models as backbone feature extractors. In addition, a fusion technique [28] must be considered to join the audio-visual modalities together. We examine both early and later fusion, and other blocks such as multi-head attention (MHA) to pass the information between the modalities. The proposed model uses early fusion techniques to jointly process the information and perform the CSD classification task.

The audio backbone extracts features from the input multichannel audio data, it is based on a pre-trained HuBERT model [29]. The HuBERT model is applied to each microphone signal, the last Transformer layer is used for extracting the tokens. There are Ssuperscript𝑆S^{\prime}italic_S start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT, depending on the input length, tokens of dimension 768768768768 extracted from each audio channel. The extracted tokens from the multichannel data are concatenated along the first dimension, resulting in a (S×768)𝑆768(S\times 768)( italic_S × 768 ) features tensor, where S=NS𝑆𝑁superscript𝑆S=N\cdot S^{\prime}italic_S = italic_N ⋅ italic_S start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT and N𝑁Nitalic_N is the number of microphones.

The visual backbone extracts the features from the visual data. The input to the visual backbone is the streams of cropped faces extracted from the original video data, as described in Section III-A. A pre-trained R3D-18 model [30] is used as the backbone feature extractor for each video stream, and all the extracted features are concatenated along the stream dimension resulting in a tensor of size (#Streams×512)#𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠512(\#Streams\times 512)( # italic_S italic_t italic_r italic_e italic_a italic_m italic_s × 512 ), where 512 is the visual feature dimension.

The audio and visual blocks start the fusion of the two modalities, followed by the rest of the layers of the fusion scheme and the classification layer that obtains the final output predictions.

III-A Pre-Processing and Input data

Both the audio and visual data must be pre-processed, each with a different pipeline. The microphone signals are first resampled to 16kHz, to match the audio backbone’s sampling rate. The video data is split into 7-frame-long clips and is used for the extraction of a cropped video stream for each of the faces in the scene which is done by a YOLOv8 model trained for face detection 111The trained models are available on, we used the ’’ model and set with tracking mode. Each stream is then reshaped to a resolution of (224×224)224224(224\times 224)( 224 × 224 ). The maximum number of streams depends on the dataset and the maximum simultaneous number of faces detected in a 7-frame-long clip. In the Easycom dataset, it is 8, whereas in the AMI dataset, it is 7. If a segment’s number of detected streams is less than the maximum number of streams in the dataset it is zero-padded. For the AMI dataset, we use all 4 ’Closeup’ cameras and concatenate all their detected streams.

The output labels are determined using the transcribed datasets, with a resolution of a single video frame, which is 0.04s and 0.05s for 25 Frames Per Second (fps) and 20 fps, for the EasyCom and AMI datasets respectively. We use 7 frames of video and the matching audio data as the input to the model. Therefore, the overall dimensions of the inputs are (N×L)𝑁𝐿(N\times L)( italic_N × italic_L ) for the audio tensor, and (#Streams×7×3×224×224)#𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠73224224(\#Streams\times 7\times 3\times 224\times 224)( # italic_S italic_t italic_r italic_e italic_a italic_m italic_s × 7 × 3 × 224 × 224 ) for the visual tensor, where L=5600𝐿5600L=5600italic_L = 5600 for EasyCom, and L=4480𝐿4480L=4480italic_L = 4480 for AMI. The output prediction is a tensor of size (7×3)73(7\times 3)( 7 × 3 ) which are the 3 classes predictions for each of the 7 input video frames.

III-B Data Augmentation

Most available datasets for the CSD task are highly unbalanced between the classes, shown in Table I, as typical to natural human conversations. This imbalance is addressed during the training process using several techniques such as tuning the loss function, as will be discussed in Section III-E, and by data augmentations. The data augmentation and balancing of the data are important in classification tasks to prevent the model’s results from being biased towards the majority class. Data augmentation is a useful tool in such cases, both for audio and visual data.

For the audio data, we use the following augmentation procedures: 1) pitch in the time domain, and 2) spectral masking, in the frequency domain. The spectral masking operation can mask frequency bands for the entire time frame or by using patches.

For the visual data, we use data augmentation methods using, such as: ‘Random Rotation’, ‘Elastic Transform’, ‘Random Horizontal Flip’, ‘Color Jitter’, ’Grayscale’, ‘Gaussian Blur’, ‘Random Adjust Sharpness’. An additional data augmentation technique employed for the visual modality is random masking - setting patches of pixels to zero. Specifically, approximately 45 patches of size 10×10101010\times 1010 × 10 pixels are randomly distributed and masked across each video frame. Figure 1 shows samples of the visual data augmentations.

Refer to caption
(a) Original Frame
Refer to caption
(b) Frame augmentation
Refer to caption
(c) Frame augmentation
Refer to caption
(d) Frame augmentation
Figure 1: Visual data augmentations: Example of a frame and instances of its augmentations, taken from the AMI dataset.

III-C Architecture - Backbones, Audio- and Visual-Blocks

The audio backbone is based on a pre-trained HuBERT model [29] which is used as a feature extractor for each of the microphone input data. The audio backbone receives the preprocessed tensor of shape (N×L)𝑁𝐿(N\times L)( italic_N × italic_L ), and the audio backbone is applied to each microphone signal, the last Transformer layer is used for extracting the tokens. There are Ssuperscript𝑆S^{\prime}italic_S start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT tokens of dimension 768768768768 extracted from each audio channel. The extracted tokens from the multichannel data are concatenated along the first dimension, resulting in a (S×768)𝑆768(S\times 768)( italic_S × 768 ) features tensor, where S=NS𝑆𝑁superscript𝑆S=N\cdot S^{\prime}italic_S = italic_N ⋅ italic_S start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT and N𝑁Nitalic_N is the number of microphones. Concatenation along the first dimension (the microphone dimension) is supported by our recent study where we compare 3 types of merging strategies [21] of multichannel audio data for the CSD task.

The visual backbone receives the streames of cropped faces after the preprocessing, as described in Section III-A. The visual backbone is based on a pre-trained R3D-18 model [30] and is used as a feature extractor for each stream. For each stream, the R3D-18 model extracts a feature vector with a dimension of 512512512512, and all the extracted features are concatenated along the stream dimension resulting in a tensor of size (#Streams×512)#𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠512(\#Streams\times 512)( # italic_S italic_t italic_r italic_e italic_a italic_m italic_s × 512 ).

These two initial steps of preprocessing and feature extraction from each modality are presented in Fig. 2 and demonstrated for the EasyCom dataset. The two backbones are therefore used to extract the two modalities’ feature vectors, of shapes (S×768)𝑆768(S\times 768)( italic_S × 768 ) and (#Streams×512)#𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠512(\#Streams\times 512)( # italic_S italic_t italic_r italic_e italic_a italic_m italic_s × 512 ) for the audio and visual respectively.

The audio and visual blocks, as shown in Fig. 3, share a similar architecture, consisting of normalization layers, MHA, and fully connected layers. These blocks serve both to enhance the features of their respective modalities and as part of the fusion scheme, as described in Section III-D.

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Audio-Visual feature extraction demonstrated for the EasyCom dataset. S=#MicsS𝑆#𝑀𝑖𝑐𝑠superscript𝑆S=\#Mics\cdot S\,^{\prime}italic_S = # italic_M italic_i italic_c italic_s ⋅ italic_S start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT, where Ssuperscript𝑆S\,^{\prime}italic_S start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT is the number of extracted tokens from the audio segments.

III-D Architecture - Fusion and Classification

The first step of fusing the audio-visual modalities starts in the audio and visual blocks with a normalization layer of each of the modalities tokens. Normalization layers are employed, separately for each modality, before and after the MHA layer to ensure that the extracted tokens are on a similar scale, mitigating the potential impact of different value ranges across modalities on the subsequent layers.

The MHA is used with a cross-modality strategy, where each modality uses the other modality’s tokens as the Q input tensor. The MHA layer passes and extracts the information within each modality’s tokens as well as across the two modalities, thereby initiating the early fusion of the audio and visual data.

Each of the feature extraction backbones extracts tokens in a different dimension, 768 for the audio, and 512 for the visual. A fully connected layer is employed for each modality to project the tokens into a common dimension D𝐷Ditalic_D, this ensures that the tokens from different modalities are represented in a shared embedding space.

The projected tokens from the two modalities are then concatenated with a Class token [CLS] (of the same dimension), an additional learnable token. The concatenated tokens are fed into M𝑀Mitalic_M multimodal attention blocks, consisting of MHA and normalization layers. Each block consists of a MHA mechanism that captures cross-modal interactions among the two modalities fused tokens, followed by a normalization layer that stabilizes the process. These stacked blocks allow the model to refine the cross-modal representations, enabling it to capture the relationships and dependencies across the two modalities.

The classifier takes only the token corresponding to the [CLS] token as input and outputs a tensor of size (7×3)73(7\times 3)( 7 × 3 ) which is used for the prediction of the 7 input visual frames and corresponding audio. The [CLS] token mechanism should make the classification process unbiased towards any of the input tokens, as discussed in [31] when using a Transformer model, and has proven to be effective in our recent study [21]. The audio-visual modalities fusion scheme, the multimodal MHA blocks, and the classification layer are presented in Fig. 3.

Refer to caption
Figure 3: The audio-visual modalities fusion scheme, the multimodal MHA blocks, and the classification layer, demonstrated for the EasyCom dataset.

The early fusion scheme combined with the [CLS] token mechanism, as described earlier, is our choice as the proposed model, since it is based on the empirical results of the model training. It also builds upon our previous research [21] that incorporates the [CLS] token in an audio-only CSD model. However, we also evaluated three alternative fusion strategies and configurations during development. Specifically, we explored early fusion without the [CLS] token (Fig. 4(a)), late fusion with the [CLS] token (Fig. 4(b)), and late fusion without the [CLS] token (Fig. 4(c)).

In the later fusion variants, both with and without the [CLS] token, the overall fusion scheme and architecture are similar to the proposed early fusion model. However, a key difference lies in the configuration of the MHA layers at the beginning of the fusion process. In general, these MHA layers take three inputs: the query (Q), key (K), and value (V) tensors. In the late fusion approach, we use the same modality feature vector as input for all three Q, K, and V tensors within each modality branch. On the other hand, in the early fusion variants, we use a cross-modality input strategy. Specifically, each modality MHA uses the other modality’s features as the Q input tensor. This early fusion cross-modality configuration, which is also used in [23] for an OSD model, aims to enable early integration and fusion of the audio and visual modalities, potentially allowing the model to capture cross-modal relationships and dependencies more effectively in the early stage of the model at the features level.

Excluding the [CLS] token from the fusion scheme led to the classifier receiving a very large feature vector, which resulted in an excessive number of parameters in the fully connected classification layer, making it a less desirable choice. As for the late fusion strategies, their performance was ultimately less compelling than the early fusion approach. Ultimately, these reasons led us to choose the early fusion scheme with the [CLS] token mechanism as the proposed model, the in-depth analysis is presented in Section IV-C and Table II.

Refer to caption
(a) Early fusion scheme without [CLS] token mechanism.
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(b) Late fusion scheme with [CLS] token mechanism.
Refer to caption
(c) Late fusion scheme without [CLS] token mechanism.
Figure 4: Three alternative fusion schemes, demonstrated for the EasyCom dataset.

III-E Objective Functions

As the model is used for the CSD task, a classification task, the common choice for the loss function is the Cross-Entropy (CE) loss. To address the imbalance classification results of the model between the 3 classes, class weights 444
are incorporated into the loss calculation, assigning higher weights to under-classified classes. Additionally, Label-Smoothing (LS) [32] is applied to the ground-truth labels, which introduces a small degree of noise and prevents the model from overconfident predictions. LS has been shown to improve generalization performance and mitigate overfitting.

By combining CE loss with class weighting and LS, the training objective aims to optimize the model’s ability to accurately classify the data across both modalities while accounting for samples that are less accurately classified and promoting better generalization.

Besides the combination of CE loss, class weighting, and LS, which we consider as the baseline loss formulation, we explored alternative loss functions and regularizations to train our model and address the class imbalance issue. Specifically, we explored two additional losses as regularizers for the baseline loss: Cost-Sensitive (CS) [33] loss and Focal-loss [34]. The incorporation of the CS loss made the training process less stable. Additionally, the Focal-loss did not exhibit a clear impact on the model’s performance, failing to provide substantial improvements over the baseline loss formulation. As a result, we opted for the combination of CE loss, class weighting, and LS, which proved to be the most effective approach for optimizing the audio-visual CSD model.

IV Experimental study

IV-A Datasets

We evaluated the performance of our model using two real-world datasets, the EasyCom dataset [2], and the AMI dataset [1]. Both datasets use a microphone array, EasyCom with 6 microphones, and AMI with 8, but differ in the available cameras.

The AMI [1] dataset holds 100 hours of meeting recordings of English speakers (both female and male), the participants were recorded in 3 different room environments and different acoustic setups. The AMI dataset is recorded with an 8-microphone array and a few different cameras, including a closeup camera for each participant, a corner camera, and an overview camera. All sessions have 4 closeup cameras, which are used in this work, as described in Session III-A.

The EasyCom dataset [2], a relatively new dataset, is recorded using Meta’s Augmented-Reality (AR) glasses set. The set has a 6-microphone array and a wide-angle single camera. The dataset was collected in a noisy simulated restaurant environment, with multiple English speakers engaging in conversations during several tasks. The EasyCom dataset presents two key challenges stemming from using the AR glasses worn by one participant during the meetings. Firstly, the audio amplitude of the wearer’s speech is considerably higher compared to other active participants due to the proximity of the microphone array. Secondly, rapid head movements by the wearer result in rapid changes in the visual data, causing shifts in the perceived locations of the speakers relative to the glasses’ viewpoint, which also alters the acoustic characteristics of the speakers’ voices. These simultaneous movements of both the speakers and the recording device contribute to the complexity of this multimodal dataset. Since the EasyCom dataset is limited, with only about 6 hours of data, and is highly unbalanced, we used multiple instances of the training set with different augmentations as described in Section III-B, and split the dataset into segments (7-frame-long clips) with a large overlap of 6 frames.

Both datasets exhibit a significant class imbalance, towards classes 1 and 0. This imbalance arises from the natural dynamics of human conversation, where participants tend to take turns speaking, with minimal overlap** speech from multiple individuals. This imbalance must be addressed during the model training, which is done by three methods: First, data augmentation, as described in Section III-B. Second, balancing the datasets, where we filtered the training set to make it more balanced between the classes. We included all the segments with ’class 2’ frames and later added more segments to reach an overall more balanced training set. Third, tuning the loss function, as described in Section III-E. The distribution of the different classes is depicted in Table I, for both the original datasets and the datasets after balancing and augmentations.

TABLE I: Class frequency [%] in the training set for all datasets. The number of frames is given in million [M].
Dataset* for a balanced, and Dataset† for a balanced and augmented dataset.
Dataset/Class #0 [%] #1 [%] #2 [%] #Frames [M]
AMI 16.8 71.8 11.4 7.1
AMI* 40.3 29.4 30.3 2.6
AMI† 40.3 29.4 30.3 7.8
EasyCom 30.5 58.2 11.3 0.255
EasyCom† 22 39 39 1.2

IV-B Algorithm Setup

We used the architecture described in Section III and shown in Fig.2 and Fig. 3, with the early fusion scheme and the [CLS] token mechanism. The fusion dimension is set with D=512𝐷512D=512italic_D = 512 and the multimodal attention block is set with M=4𝑀4M=4italic_M = 4.

To account for the varying number of detected video streams per data sample, we padded all samples to a fixed length of streams (as described in Section III-A). Moreover, to deal with the order of the detected face, during training, we randomly shuffled the order of the streams within each sample. This is to ensure that the model doesn’t fit over the order of the detected streams, and the zero-padding streams.

In training the model, we used the Adam optimizer with a different learning rate for the different layers of the model, a weight decay of 1e91superscript𝑒91e^{-9}1 italic_e start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT - 9 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT, and a batch size of 64. The learning rate was set to 1e71superscript𝑒71e^{-7}1 italic_e start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT - 7 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT for the audio backbone, 1e61superscript𝑒61e^{-6}1 italic_e start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT - 6 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT for the visual backbone, and 1e41superscript𝑒41e^{-4}1 italic_e start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT - 4 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT for the rest of the layers (the audio and visual blocks, the fusion scheme and the classification layer). This differential learning rate assignment allows for fine-tuning the large pre-trained backbones at a slower pace, preventing drastic changes to the learned representations, while enabling the fusion and classification components to adapt more rapidly to the target CSD task.

Initially, an attempt was made to freeze the audio and visual backbones and not train both, however, this resulted in poor overall performance (presented in Fig. VII), potentially due to the backbones not being trained specifically for the CSD task, leading to suboptimal feature representations for the fusion and classification stages, and the downstream task.

To prevent overfitting, given the model’s substantial number of parameters: audio backbone 94M (million), visual backbone 33M, and the rest of layers 8M, which sums up to a total of about 135M parameters, the training process was limited to a modest number of epochs, typically between 3 and 5 epochs, with the specific value depending on the dataset under consideration.

IV-C Results

The performance of classification models is typically evaluated using several common metrics, including Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1-score, and mean Average Precision (mAP). Additionally, the confusion matrix provides a detailed comparison between the ground-truth labels and the model’s predicted labels, normalized as percentages with respect to the ground-truth labels. In this study, we apply our model and training scheme and evaluate the performance using two real-world datasets, AMI [1] and EasyCom [2], using the earlier-mentioned metrics. These metrics allow for a comprehensive assessment of our model’s performance and enable comparisons with other methods, provided that the same metrics are reported.

While the proposed model takes 7 video frames and their corresponding audio as input and outputs predictions for each of the 7 frames, we observed that the performance metrics were highest for the middle frame (the 4th frame). Therefore, in this work, we report the results only for the middle frame, as it represents the best performance of the model. The other 6 frames serve as context information, hel** the model to better classify the middle frame. During inference, the model will still process 7 frames as input, but only the output prediction for the middle frame should be considered. The input window will then slide by 1 frame to obtain the prediction for the next middle frame.

The results of the different versions of our model are depicted in Table II, we compare multiple settings - the early and later fusion scheme, and the integration of [CLS] token. This comparative analysis aims to provide insights into the influence of the fusion strategy and the contribution of the [CLS] token for the audio-visual CSD. In addition, we compare the audio-visual variants with two of our audio-only models and a visual-only variant. The first audio-only model is from our recent work [21] re-trained for the new EasyCom dataset. The second audio-only variant is based on the current proposed model, where we use the model’s architecture without the visual branch. Similarly, the visual-only variant is based on the proposed model without the audio branch.

TABLE II: A comparison of the proposed audio-visual model across four configurations, evaluating the performance on the VAD, OSD, and CSD task, including Accuracy (A), Precision (P), Recall (R), F1-score (F1), and mAP (%) measures on the EasyCom dataset. Bold: best overall, underlined: best within modality.
Modalities Method A P R F1 mAP A P R F1 mAP A P R F1 mAP
Audio [21] 74.1 73.5 74.1 72.5 87.5 81.6 85.9 81.6 83.5 25.0 59.5 62.9 59.5 60.2 66.3
Audio-Block 76.8 77.2 76.8 77.0 89.1 82.5 85.5 82.5 83.9 25.0 59.8 64.9 59.8 61.0 66.9
Visual Visual-Block 64.7 66.1 64.7 65.2 79.7 83.9 84.7 83.9 84.3 19.3 53.1 54.4 53.1 53.5 55.9
Audio-Visual Early, w/o [CLS] 74.8 75.4 74.8 75.0 88.0 87.7 86.1 87.7 86.8 27.6 64.1 64.3 64.1 64.0 68.5
Early, with [CLS] 79.0 81.2 79.0 79.4 92.8 90.0 87.0 90.0 86.6 32.8 70.4 69.6 70.4 67.9 71.7
Late, w/o [CLS] 41.1 52.3 41.1 38.6 63.5 89.8 85.8 89.8 85.1 10.8 35.1 52.9 35.1 18.4 40.9
Late, with [CLS] 77.5 78.4 77.5 77.7 90.4 82.6 87.4 82.6 84.4 31.3 61.5 67.7 61.5 62.5 71.0

The confusion matrices for both datasets are depicted in Table III, we report the results for the best audio-visual model variant which uses early fusion and [CLS] token.

TABLE III: CSD results: confusion matrices, as [%] normalized to the ground-truth labels. ‘T’-true labels, ‘P’-predicted labels.
AMI EasyCom
T \P 0 1 2 0 1 2
0 89 8 3 81 15 4
1 14 73 13 26 60 14
2 3 38 59 16 42 42

A comparison in terms of Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1-score, and mAP between our best model variant and the available methods is depicted in Table IV and Table V for the AMI and EasyCome datasets respectively. For the AMI dataset, a direct comparison with other state-of-the-art methods is possible, as several previous works have reported results on most of the mentioned metrics. However, most of the works reported their results for the OSD task, therefore we adapted our multi-class CSD classification results into a binary OSD classification. This is done by aggregating the probabilities of classes #0 and #1, similarly, a VAD classification results can be obtained by aggregating the probabilities of classes #1 and #2.

The EasyCom dataset is relatively new, and to the best of our knowledge, no previous works have reported results to be addressed in this study. However, [15] offers models for the two related tasks of VAD and OSD 555Available on We used both models to extract the classification results for both tasks and combined the outputs to synthetically generate the results for the CSD task. This allows us to compare our results for the EasyCom dataset across all three important tasks - VAD, OSD, and CSD. In addition, we trained our previous proposed model from [21] for the EasyCom dataset and compared its performance to the proposed models in this paper. To gain a deeper analysis of our performance, we include the confusion matrix comparison of our best audio-visual model and the classification results obtained by [15], depicted in Table VI. Both Table V and Table VI show the difficulty of the EasyCom dataset for the discussed tasks, with lower performance than the AMI dataset. However, our audio-visual model seems to best handle this dataset, with higher values in most of the measured metrics. The confusion matrix demonstrates how the classification performance of [15] is highly biased toward class #1, while our performance is more balanced between the three classes.

TABLE IV: A comparison between the proposed model and various competing methods in evaluating the performance on the OSD task, including Accuracy (A), Precision (P), Recall (R), F1-score (F1) and mAP in (%) measures on the AMI dataset. Bold: best overall, underlined: best within modality.
Modalities Method A P R F1 mAP
Audio [14] N/A 87.8 87 N/A N/A
[13] N/A 87.8 87 N/A 60.3
[21] N/A 92.4 89 N/A 73.1
[15] N/A 80.7 70.5 75.3 N/A
[23] (Single-Channel) N/A N/A N/A N/A 62.7
[17] (close-talk mic) N/A N/A N/A 80.4 N/A
[18] 94.16 79.04 79.38 79.21 N/A
Our Audio-Block 89.6 89.6 89.6 89.6 63
Visual [23] N/A N/A N/A N/A 20
Our Visual-Blcok 80.9 87.6 80.9 83.2 51.6
Audio-Visual [23] N/A N/A N/A N/A 67.2
Our Audio-Visual 85.4 87.5 85.4 86.3 53.1
TABLE V: A comparison between the proposed model and two available methods in evaluating the performance on the VAD, OSD, and CSD tasks, including Accuracy (A), Precision (P), Recall (R), F1-score (F1) and mAP in (%) measures on the EasyCom dataset.
Method A P R F1 mAP A P R F1 mAP A P R F1 mAP
[21] 74.1 73.5 74.1 72.5 87.5 81.6 85.9 81.6 83.5 25 59.5 62.9 59.5 60.2 66.3
Using [15] 77.0 76.8 77.0 75.6 N/A 88.8 86.1 88.8 87.0 N/A 66.9 66.8 66.9 64.8 N/A
Our Audio-Block 76.8 77.2 76.8 77.0 89.1 82.5 85.5 82.5 83.9 25.0 59.8 64.9 59.8 61.0 66.9
Our Audio-Visual 79.0 81.2 79.0 79.4 92.8 90.0 98.0 90.0 86.6 32.8 70.4 69.6 70.4 67.9 71.7
TABLE VI: EasyCom CSD comparison: confusion matrix comparison between the available method [15] and our audio-visual (AV) model, as [%] normalized to the ground-truth labels. ‘T’-true labels, ‘P’-predicted labels.
Our AV model [15]
T \P 0 1 2 0 1 2
0 81 15 4 50 48 2
1 15 60 14 10 87 3
2 16 42 42 3 78 19

IV-D Ablation Study

We conducted an ablation study to analyze the impact of two key components on the performance of the proposed model: one related to the training process and the other related to the model architecture itself. For the training process, various data augmentation techniques were applied to the training data, as discussed in Section III-B. The model was trained both with and without these augmentation techniques to assess the influence of this training process component on the classification performance. Regarding the model architecture, two scenarios were considered: training the weights of the backbone feature extraction models and freezing the weights of the backbone models. In the former case, the pre-trained backbone models were allowed to update their weights during the training process, using a different learning rate than the rest of the layers, as discussed in Section IV-B. In the latter case, only the rest of the model’s layers were trained, kee** the weights of backbone models fixed. Table VII presents the 4 comparisons, evaluated on the EasyCom dataset.

TABLE VII: Ablation study: A comparison of the proposed audio-visual model with and without data augmentations and backbones training, evaluating the performance on the VAD, OSD, and CSD task, including Accuracy (A), Precision (P), Recall (R), F1-score (F1), and mAP (%) measures on the EasyCom dataset.
Data augmentations Backbone training A P R F1 mAP A P R F1 mAP A P R F1 mAP
64.9 42.1 64.9 51.1 71.5 88.1 81.1 88.1 84.6 22.2 59.0 60.0 59.0 60.0 68.5
77.9 79.2 77.9 78.3 91.7 86.5 86.9 86.5 86.7 32.3 65.6 68.0 65.6 65.8 71.5
77.5 79.3 77.5 77.9 91.2 83.5 86.5 83.5 84.8 29.2 64.1 67.2 64.1 64.6 71.7
79.0 81.2 79.0 79.4 92.8 90.0 87.0 90.0 86.6 32.8 70.4 69.6 70.4 67.9 71.7

This table clearly shows how the combination of data augmentation and the backbones’ training (of both the audio and visual) enhance the overall performance of the model and classification results.

V Conclusions

In this study, we presented a comprehensive deep learning approach to the Concurrent Speaker Detection (CSD) task by leveraging multimodal audio-visual models. Our research contributes to the Socially Pertinent Robots in Gerontological Healthcare (SPRING) project, with the primary aim of enhancing the robustness and accuracy of CSD in complex, real-world environments such as public spaces and interactive meeting settings.

Our proposed models were evaluated on two real-world datasets, AMI and EasyCom, covering various aspects of audio-visual scenarios. We utilized the ’YOLO’ model for video preprocessing to extract face streams, enabling more accurate visual feature extraction. Additionally, we employed state-of-the-art audio and video backbones architectures in the model to ensure effective feature representation from both modalities. The model architecture integrated these features through a carefully designed fusion strategy, allowing for integrating and leveraging information from both audio and visual inputs. The model employs an early fusion strategy, combining audio and visual features through cross-modal attention mechanisms and subsequently refining the joint representations through stacked multimodal attention blocks. By incorporating the [CLS] token, the model effectively captures the audio-visual relationships relevant to the CSD task.

The results demonstrated that our multimodal approach showed a competitive performance on the AMI dataset. Notably, on the more challenging EasyCom dataset, our model achieved significant improvements.

The ablation studies confirmed the importance of both the data augmentation techniques and the use of differential learning rates for the audio and visual backbones compared to the remaining layers. The combination of these strategies notably enhanced the model’s performance, providing valuable insights into the training process and model architecture optimizations.

Our findings highlight the potential of multimodal audio-visual integration in the CSD task. Future work could explore further enhancements through even more sophisticated data augmentation techniques and alternative fusion strategies. These advancements could lead to even more robust models capable of handling a wider range of real-world scenarios, ultimately contributing to more effective and accurate CSD models.


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