
CLV3 Class File Manual


Action editor: {action editor name}. Submission received: DD Month YYYY; revised version received: DD Month YYYY; accepted for publication: DD Month YYYY.

How to Use CLV3  Class File

Odié N. Gementera PITC Building, Pascor Drive, Sto. Niño, Parañaque City, 1700 Philippines. E-mail: [email protected]. Publishing / SPi    Another Author PITC Building Publishing / SPi    And Another Author Publishing / SPi    And Yet Another Publishing / SPi

This article describes how to use the “CLV3” class file, developed by SPi, to produce typeset papers based on Computer Linguistics typesetting specifications for submission to MIT. This document was produced using “clv3” class file and will be modified whenever there is an update in the layout specifications.

issue: 1

1 Introduction

This document applies to version 3 of CL class file. Prior style files such as “cl.sty” and “coli.sty” do not have all of the features described here. It is assumed that the user has a basic knowledge of  typesetting commands.

2 Class File Options

There are several options that can be used to switch the mode of MIT2 from normal article to manuscript style, or to different layout styles. This is specified in the usual  way by declaring:



Sets the article layout for Book Review.

Sets the article layout for Briefly Noted.

Sets the article layout for Squibs and Discussions.

Sets the article layout for Publication Received.

Sets the article layout for Short Paper.

Sets the baseline spacing to double space. This option can be used in combination with other options.

By not declaring any option in the \documentclass command the class file will automatically set to standard article layout.

3 Title Page

The title page is created using the standard  command \maketitle. Before this command is declared, the author must declare all the data which are to appear in the title area.111\\\backslash\maketitle is the command to execute all the title page information.

3.1 Volume, Number and Year

The command \issue{vv}{nn}{yyyy} is used in declaring the volume, number and year of the article. The first argument is for the volume, the second argument is for the issue number. Volume and Issue number will appear on the even page running head opposite the journal name. The third argument is for the Year which will appear in the copyright line at the bottom of the title page.

3.2 Document Head

Document head is produced with the command \dochead{Document Head}. Doc head will output differently, or may not appear at all, depending on the option used in the documentclass.

3.3 Paper Title

The paper title is declared like: \title{Computer Linguistic Article} in the usual manner. Line breaks may be inserted with (\\) to equalize the length of the title lines.

3.4 Authors

The name and related information for authors is declared with the \author{} command.

The \thanks{} command produces the “first footnotes.”.  \thanks cannot accommodate multiple paragraphs, author will have to use a separate \thanks for each paragraph.

The \affil{} command produces the author affiliations that appears right under the author’s name.

3.5 Running Headers

The running heads are declared with the \runningtitle{Running Title} for the journal name and \runningauthor{Author’s Surname} for author. These information will appear on the odd pages. For bookreview option, odd page running head is automatically set to "Book Reviews". Even page running head is default to Computational Linguistics opposite volume and issue number.

3.6 Action Editor and Dates of Submission, Revision, and Acceptance

For regular papers and survey papers, the name of the action editor and the dates of submission, revision, and acceptance must appear in the footnote area of the title page, and they are declared with the following command:

\pageonefooter{Action editor: XXX. Submission received: XXX;
    revised version received: XXX; accepted for publication: XXX}.

For squib papers, there is no action editor and only the three dates need to be included.

4 Abstract

Abstract is the first part of a paper after \maketitle. Abstract text is placed within the abstract environment:

This is the abstract text . . .

5 Section Headings

Section headings are declared in the usual  way via \section{}, \subsection{}, \subsubsection{}, and \paragraph{}. The first 3 levels of section head will have Arabic numbering separated by period. The \paragraph{} section will have the title head in Italics and at the same line with the first line of succeeding paragraph.

6 Citations

Citations in parentheses are declared using the \cite{} command, and appear in the text as follows: This technique is widely used woods. The command \citep{} (cite parenthetical) is a synonym of \cite{}.

Citations used in the sentence are declared using the \namecite{} commands, and appear in the text as follows: \namecitewoods first described this technique. The command \citet{} (cite textual) is a synonym of \namecite{}.

This style file is designed to be used with the BibTeX style file compling.bst. Include the command \bibliographystyle{compling} in your source file.

Citation commands are based on the natbib package; for details on options and further variants of the commands, see the natbib documentation. In particular, options exist to add extra text and page numbers. For example, \cite[cf.][ch.\ 1]{winograd} yields: (cf. winograd, ch. 1).

The following examples illustrate how citations appear both in the text and in the references section at the end of this document.

  1. 1.

    Article in journal: \nameciteakmajian; \namecitewoods.

  2. 2.

    Book: \namecitealtenberg; \namecitewinograd.

  3. 3.

    Article in edited collection/Chapter in book: \namecitecutler; \namecitesgall; \namecitejurafsky.

  4. 4.

    Technical report: \nameciteappelt; \nameciterobinson.

  5. 5.

    Thesis or dissertation: \namecitebaart; \namecitespaerckjones; \namecitecahn.

  6. 6.

    Unpublished item: \nameciteayers.

  7. 7.

    Conference proceedings: \namecitebenoit.

  8. 8.

    Paper published in conference proceedings: \namecitekrahmer; \nameciteCopestake2001.

7 Definition with Head

Definition with head is declared by using the environment:

Definition text. . .

This environment will generate the word “Definition 1” in bold on separate line. The sequence number is generated for every definition environment. Definition data will have no indention on the first line while succeeding lines will have hang indention.

8 Lists

The usual  itemize, enumerate and definition list environments are used in CLV3 style.

To produce Numbered List use the environment:

\item First numbered list item
\item Second numbered list item
\item Third numbered list item

To produce Bulleted List use the environment:

\item First bulleted list item
\item Second bulleted list item
\item Third bulleted list item

To produce Definition List use the environment:

\item[First]  Definition list item. . .
\item[Second] Definition list item. . .
\item[Third]  Definition list item. . .

Additional list environment were also defined such as Unnumbered, Arabic and Alpha lists.

Unnumbered List is the list where item labels are not generated. To produce Unnumbered List use the environment:

\item First list item
\item Second list item
\item Third list item

To produce Arabic List use the environment:

\item First arabic list item
\item Second arabic list item
\item Third arabic list item

To produce Alpha List use the environment:

\item First alpha list item
\item Second alpha list item
\item Third alpha list item

All the list environments mentioned above can be nested with each other.

8.1 Other List Types

8.1.1 Outline List or Example List

\item First outline list item. . .
\item Second outline list item. . .
\item Third outline list item. . .

8.1.2 Output Formula or Algorithm

\item[Step 1] First item. . .
\item[Step 2] Second item. . .

See sample on the COLI-template.pdf.

9 Word Formula or Displayed Text

Word formula and displayed text are text that should be displayed in a separate line without indention. This are achieved by using the environment:

This is a sample of displayed text . . .

10 Dialogue

Dialogue text are presentation of people’s conversation. These will be presented on a separate line where each dialogue starts with the name of speaker, followed by colon. Succeeding lines will be hang indented. To produce Dialogue use the environment:

Speaker 1: dialogue. . .

Speaker 2: dialogue. . .

Please make sure to insert an empty line between dialogues.

11 Extracts

Extract text acts like quote, where left and right margins are indented. To produce Extract use the environment:

This is an example of Extract text. . .

See sample on the COLI-template.pdf.

12 Theorem-like Environments

There are several theorem-like environments defined in CLV3 class file. Theorem-like environments generate the name of the theorem as label, and counter number in bold.

12.1 Example

To produce Example use the environment:

This is Example text. . .

12.2 Lemma

To produce Lemma use the environment:

Lemma text. . .

This produces the following output:

Lemma 12.1.

Lemma text.

A small vertical space separates the end of the lemma from the following text.

12.3 Theorem

To produce Theorem use the environment:

Theorem text. . .

This produces the following output:

Theorem 12.2.

Theorem text.

A small vertical space separates the end of the theorem from the following text.

12.4 Proof

The proof environment produces a square at the end of the text. To produce Proof use the environment:

Proof text. . .

This produces the following output:

Proof 12.3.

Proof text.

A small vertical space separates the end of the lemma from the following text.

12.5 Unnumbered Theorem-like Environments

There are also unnumbered version of some of the theorem-like environments. These are declared by using its asterisked version. Here are the three unnumbered version of theorem-like environments:

Unnumbered theorem text. . .

13 Appendix

Appendix is declared by issuing the command \appendix. This will set the necessary labels to appendix’s rule (i.e. (A.1) for equation number).

Sections inside Appendix are declared using \appendixsection{}, which will produce Appendix A: Section Title for first section.

Equation numbers are automatically set to (A.1), (A.2) and (A.3). Where the letters follow the current level of Appendix section. So equations on Appendix B will have equation numbers as follow: (B.1), (B.2) and (B.3).

14 Acknowledgments

Acknowledgments are produce by using the environment:

Acknowledgments text. . .

15 Others

Other items such as Equations, Figures, Tables and References are produced in the standard  typesetting.
