1 YOLOv10 to Its Genesis: A Decadal and Comprehensive Review


mindmap ”YOLOv10 to Its Genesis: A Decadal and Comprehensive Review” (”1. Introduction”) (”Overview of YOLO”) (”Importance in object detection”) (”2. YOLO Trajectory”) (”YOLOv1: Initial version”) (”YOLOv2: Improvements and features”) (”YOLOv3: Enhanced detection”) (”YOLOv4: New techniques”) (”YOLOv5 to YOLOv10: Progressive advancements”) (”3. Prior YOLO Literature”) (”Review of previous research”) (”Key differences and contributions”) (”4. Applications”) (”Autonomous Vehicles”) (”Object detection for self-driving cars”) (”Healthcare and Medical Imaging”) (”Diagnostics and analysis”) (”Security and Surveillance”) (”Enhancing safety and monitoring”) (”5. Challenges”) (”Issues faced by YOLO models”) (”Impact on performance”) (”6. Future Directions”) (”Potential developments”) (”Emerging trends”)