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M2Lingual: Enhancing Multilingual, Multi-Turn Instruction Alignment in Large Language Models

Rishabh Maheshwary§,  Vikas Yadav§,  Hoang Nguyen
Khyati Mahajan§, Sathwik Tejaswi Madhusudhan§
§ ServiceNow
University of Illinois at Chicago
{rishabh.maheshwary, vikas.yadav,
khyati.mahajan, sathwiktejaswi.madhusudhan}@servicenow.com§
[email protected]
Work done during internship at ServiceNow

Instruction finetuning (IFT) is critical for aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) to follow instructions. While many effective IFT datasets have been introduced recently, they predominantly focus on high-resource languages like English. To better align LLMs across a broad spectrum of languages and tasks, we propose a fully synthetic, novel taxonomy (Evol) guided Multilingual, Multi-turn instruction finetuning dataset, called M2Lingual. It is constructed by first selecting a diverse set of seed examples and then utilizing the proposed Evol taxonomy to convert these seeds into complex and challenging multi-turn instructions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of M2Lingual by training LLMs of varying sizes and showcasing the enhanced performance across a diverse set of languages. We contribute the 2 step Evol taxonomy with the guided generation code: https://github.com/ServiceNow/M2Lingual, as well as the first fully synthetic, general and task-oriented, multi-turn, multilingual dataset built with Evol - M2Lingual https://huggingface.co/datasets/ServiceNow-AI/M2Lingual - containing 182K total IFT pairs, covering 70 languages and 17+ NLP tasks.

1 Introduction

Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable success  [GPT4paper, jiang2023mistral, jiang2024mixtral, llamapaper, zhang2022opt, team2023gemini], largely fueled by the availability of a wide variety of instruction fine-tuning (IFT) datasets [wang2022super, wang2023self, taori2023stanford, longpre2023flan, zhang2023instruction, chenalpagasus, zhou2024lima]. However, most IFT data curation efforts focus on high-resource languages such as English, leaving low-resource languages fairly underexplored [zhang2023instruction].

Existing multilingual datasets can be categorized into human generated, human-AI generated, and machine translated datasets (Section 2 and Table 1). Many human generated datasets consist of conversations on a wide variety of topics, making them ideal for IFT, but can be extremely resource and time intensive to create, with the possibility of annotator errors and uneven distributions [ayadataset]. Human-AI generated datasets leverage humans voluntarily sharing conversations with existing LLMs, making the generation process less resource intensive, but come with challenges such as possible privacy issues, toxic data, and low complexity conversations [xu2023wizardlm]. Machine-translated datasets present another less resource-intensive method to generate multilingual datasets. However, this method suffers from the possibility of creating multilingual datasets which do not capture the nuances of the languages [wang2023seaeval]. In addition to the aforementioned shortcomings, these methods also lead to an unbalanced representation of NLP tasks within the datasets, with most featuring open domain conversations, which can lead to low improvements when using them as IFT datasets.

Dataset Size Multi turn? Langs Resource Level Task specific? General instructions? Translated dataset? Fully synthetic? Low High OpenAssistant [kopf2024openassistant] 10K convs 35 3 32 Aya Dataset [ayadataset] 200K IR pairs 70 37 (1) 32 MultiAlpaca [chen2023monolingual] 52K IR pairs 12 0 12 Bactrian-X [li2023bactrian] 3.4M IR pairs 52 15(1) 36 ShareGPT [sharegpt] 94K convs 45 4 (2) 39 WildChat [zhao2024WildChat] 1.04M convs 74 21 (3) 50 M2Lingual 182K convs 70 37 (1) 32

Table 1: Comparison of multilingual IFT datasets with M2Lingual. Resource level classification taken from NLLB [costa2022no]. Languages not found in the NLLB table are counted as low, in parentheses.

Moreover, most datasets are not multi-turn (Table 1), limiting the abilities of models trained with them to engage in long multilingual conversations. Many also do not include diverse NLP tasks and general instructions across low resource languages, often containing very simple instructions, limiting their effectiveness in training strong multilingual instruction following LLMs.

To address these shortcomings, we present M2Lingual, a diverse Multi-turn Multilingual IFT dataset which covers 70707070 languages, containing 182K182𝐾182K182 italic_K machine generated instructions guided by a task specific evolve taxonomy (denoted as Evol), and is fully synthetic. The dataset is built upon seed samples from a) the human generated Aya dataset, where general IR pairs are annotated by regional, native language speakers, and b) seeds from Aya collection that contain IR pairs from 17171717 diverse NLP tasks.

M2Lingual is constructed with a task-specific taxonomy guided evolve conditions [xu2023wizardlm] to generate new IR pairs from the seed samples in each language. This Evol taxonomy covers a diverse range of NLP tasks, regional dialects and slang, resulting in instructions that are diverse, detailed, more complex, and longer in length. Furthermore, to improve LLMs in longer engaging multilingual conversations, we define a multi-turn component to the Evol taxonomy for generating conversational IR pairs. The multi-turn taxonomy covers a wide variety of possible subsequent user interactions as discussed in Section 3, shown in Figure 2. The proposed data enrichment taxonomy for curating new complex & diverse instruction and multi-turn conversations is generic, and can be extended to any monolingual or multilingual data. We also ensure balanced Evol generations across languages, creating IR pairs equally for all 70707070 languages.

We evaluate M2Lingual on translated MT-Bench along with several multilingual benchmarks spanning various downstream NLP tasks including but not limited to question answering, summarization, and more. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of M2Lingual by comparison with finetuning several LLMs from different family and sizes with existing multilingual IFT datasets. Our results show that M2Lingual leads to best or second best performance across all evaluations. On the other hand, existing IFT datasets show competitive results but only in a subset of evaluations, while performing poorly in other evaluations.

We thus present the following main contributions in this work:

  1. 1.

    We present M2Lingual, a fully synthetic multilingual, multi-turn IFT dataset of 182K182𝐾182K182 italic_K equally distributed IR pairs across 70707070 languages that lead to competitive performance in both multilingual evaluation benchmarks and MT-Bench, hel** LLMs become more robust to interacting in complex conversations.

  2. 2.

    A 2 step data enrichment taxonomy named Evol, with which M2Lingual is synthesized, focused on adding instruction-specific and multi-turn specific Evol [xu2023wizardlm] complexities. The Evol taxonomy can be easily extended to other languages, monolingual settings, and any instruction seeds, and guided generation means dataset composition is known and can be specific task-oriented.

  3. 3.

    We present several key analyses to highlight the impact of every data enrichment and synthesis step in guided generation Evol used to generate M2Lingual. We show that adding instruction-task specific complexities with Step 1 Task Specific Evol improves average performance across several multilingual evaluation benchmarks, especially with low-resource languages, whereas adding Step 2 Multi-turn Evol leads to strong improvements on MT-Bench. Additionally, smaller LLMs like QWEN-1.8B show massive improvements when finetuned with M2Lingual, highlighting its usefulness with more accessible models.

2 Related Work

Pretraining LLMs is computationally expensive, and due to the widespread availability of high-resource language corpora, the majority of pretraining is done in such languages, like English and Spanish [le2023bloom, nguyen2023culturax, laurenccon2022bigscience, kocmi2023findings]. This often leads to LLMs performing much better in high resource languages compared to low resource languages [muennighoff2023crosslingual, nguyen2023culturax]. Multilingual instruction finetuning has proven to be a relatively cost effective solutions for improving multilingual performance of LLMs, especially for low resource languages [ranaldi2023empowering, chen2023monolingual, ayamodel]. While several IFT datasets have been introduced in the recent past, less focus has been given on synthesizing multilingual IFT datasets, limiting progress in low resource languages.

Several methodologies have been adopted towards expanding access to low resource language IFT corpora. Notable among these are datasets created from NLP tasks (e.g., flanT5, supernatural instructions) [chung2024scaling, sanh2021multitask, wang2022super], machine generated (e.g., self-instruct [wang2023self]), human expert annotated (e.g., Aya [ayadataset]) and crowd-sourced or cached from real users chat (e.g., WildChat) [zhao2024WildChat]. Datasets like MultiAlpaca [chen2023monolingual, taori2023stanford], Bactrian-X [li2023bactrian] and PolyLM [wei2023polylm] utilize machine translations and self-instruct [wang2023self] to generate instruction-response (IR) pairs in multiple languages. However, naïve machine translation of English instructions may not capture nuances from different languages [wang2023seaeval]. Although effective, a few works have highlighted issues in data generation process of self-instruct [chenalpagasus, ghosh2024closer] leading to possibly noisy generations. For example, Alpaca [alpaca] uses self-instruct to generate 52K52𝐾52K52 italic_K instructions from 175175175175 seeds, where overlap** and noisy IFT pairs have been reported [chenalpagasus, zhou2024lima]. Human-generated datasets like Aya [ayadataset] and Open Assistant [kopf2024openassistant] preserve nuanced contexts, but collecting them is resource intensive, time consuming, and prone to annotator errors [ayadataset]. Finally, human-AI generated datasets like ShareGPT [sharegpt] and WildChat [zhao2024WildChat] come with several challenges, including but not limited to privacy issues, moderate complexity instructions, and necessary legal regulatory constraints [gill2024privacy].

Synthetic generation techniques like WizardLM [xu2023wizardlm] that generate new instructions by adding complexity (like Evol) on input seed instructions, have generations which are controlled by the set of Evol conditions, ensuring diverse generations. For example, as shown in fig. 1, the Concretize Evol in left block creates a new IFT pair with a more complex but concrete python question. Furthermore, generating templated datasets for specific NLP tasks (e.g., XP3 [muennighoff2022crosslingual]) may not contain complex and diverse inputs for aligning instruction following of LLMs. Thus, inspired from WizardLM, M2Lingual contains Evol IFT pairs generated from a set of diverse IFT seeds. Additionally, we extend the conversations in M2Lingual to multi-turn using the multi-turn portion of the Evol taxonomy (Figure 2) which is used to generate multi-turn IR pairs resulting in a diverse, complex conversational IFT set within M2Lingual. Features of some of the existing IFT datasets are summarized in Table 1.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Walk-through for data synthesis of M2Lingual. In Step 1, seeds are selected from Aya dataset (left) and Aya collection (right). In Step 2, the task specific Evol taxonomy is used for generating new, complex and evolved instructions. General Evol are used for seeds from Aya dataset and NLP task specific (see Joke explanation task evols) Evol are used for Aya collection seed. Finally, in Step 3, multi-turn instructions are generated on Step 2 evoled instructions.

3 Methodology

There are three main synthesizing steps of M2Lingual; Step 1 Seed Selection (Section 3.1) involves the selection of diverse multilingual seed data. Step 2 Guided Evol (Section 3.2) and 3 Multi-turn Evol (Section 3.3) correspond to our novel Evol taxonomy based data enrichment techniques. Specifically, in Step 2 Guided Evol we create an NLP task based Evol taxonomy [xu2023wizardlm] and generate new IR pairs using these Evol conditions. In Step 3 Multi-turn Evol, we create an Evol taxonomy for extending IR pairs to multi-turn conversations, and then use these to generate new conversational, multi-turn IR pairs. Figure 1 captures an overview of each step used to synthesize M2Lingual.

3.1 Seed Selection

We select seed samples from two different sources of Aya — Aya dataset and Aya Collection, both of which receive high average approval ratio by human annotators [ayadataset]. Seed 1 Aya dataset contains general IR pairs written by native speakers/annotators which enables capturing region-specific language nuances and cultural contexts. We randomly select 100100100100 prompts for each of the 70707070 languages resulting in 7000700070007000 seed samples from the Aya dataset. Seed 2 Aya collection covers 19191919 different NLP tasks where each task has parallel examples in 113113113113 different languages. To ensure a proper balance of the number of examples across all languages, we only focus on 70707070 languages of the Aya dataset. We exclude two NLP tasks from Aya collection - 1) text simplification, as it requires rewriting a complex or a simplified version of a sentence - a task already supported by our Evol, and 2) multilingual event entity task, as the Aya collection does not have a consistent format for this task. Finally, for each task in the Aya collection, we randomly sample 6666 examples per language, resulting in 6×70×17=71406701771406\times 70\times 17=71406 × 70 × 17 = 7140 seed examples. We select 6666 random samples per task per language to ensure balanced amount of seed samples from Aya collection when compared to the seeds from Aya dataset. Thus, our final seeds contain 7000+7140=1414070007140141407000+7140=141407000 + 7140 = 14140 samples.

3.2 Guided Evol

Dataset Seed Evoled Multi-turn
Aya Dataset 7000 37803 36969
Aya Collection 7140 57145 34426
Total 14140 94948 71395
Avg Instruction 49.60 107.71 356.81
Avg Response 56.79 62.16 87.60
Table 2: M2Lingual IR pairs. Avg Inst and Response show avg no of tokens.

Though the IR pairs in the seed data from Aya cover a wide variety of NLP tasks, overall they are direct and less intricate. To enhance the instruction following abilities of LLMs, especially for complex tasks and prompts, we employ Evol-Instruct [xu2023wizardlm] on our selected seed instructions as the second data synthesis step. Evol-Instruct generates a more complex instructions using Evol conditions over the provided seed instruction [xu2023wizardlm]. The generic Evol conditions used in the original work111https://github.com/lcw99/evolve-instruct/blob/main/evolve.py are not always applicable to a wide variety of downstream NLP tasks such as multi-hop question answering, joke explanation, etc. Furthermore, generic Evol conditions also provide weak or broader guidance for new IFT pair generations, especially for seed datasets like ours which cover diverse NLP tasks.

To address this, we create a novel taxonomy of Evol conditions covering general instructions (for seed from Aya dataset) and each of the NLP tasks (for seeds from Aya collection) as shown in Figure 2. Specifically, we create 6666 Evol conditions enhancing multi-lingual features focused solely on general instructions. We then leverage GPT-4 to come up with 9999 different Evol for each NLP task. These NLP task specific Evol ensure that we create Evol conditions separately for a particular task. Figure 2 shows all the NLP task names and the corresponding evols.

The Evol prompts to GPT-4 for each task in Figure 2 are presented in detail in Appendix 9.3. We apply these task-specific Evol on our selected seeds:

  • Seed 1 Aya dataset are generic, therefore we apply the 6666 generic evols (Figure 2) to each seed sample. The 6666 different evols ensure that the new instruction is more complex, challenging, and captures all multilingual variations, nuances and complexities of different languages. This results in 7K×6=42K7𝐾642𝐾7K\times 6=42K7 italic_K × 6 = 42 italic_K samples from the seeds in Aya dataset.

  • Seed 2 Aya collection have 17171717 NLP tasks which are shown in the top block of Figure 2 along with their corresponding 9999 evols. For each seed from a particular task, we apply its corresponding 9999 evols resulting in a total of 7140×9=6426071409642607140\times 9=642607140 × 9 = 64260 instructions from Aya collection.

  • Upon manual inspection of the generated instructions after Evol across both Aya dataset & collection, we observe that some of the instructions generated using GPT-4 have repetitive long sequences and n-grams. Therefore, following [guo2021efficient, elmadany2023octopus], we filter instructions with frequent n-grams. Some requests to GPT-4 also return a time out. The final datasets thus contains 95K95𝐾95K95 italic_K instructions, 37K37𝐾37K37 italic_K from the Aya dataset and 57K57𝐾57K57 italic_K from Aya collection as shown in Table 2.

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Taxonomy of Evol applied towards creating M2Lingual. Part 1 includes Evol on the Seed 1 general Aya dataset as well as Seed 2 task-specific Aya collection data, after which Part 2 multi-turn Evol are applied for creating multiple turns in the conversation.

3.3 Multi-turn Evol

As the final step 3 in synthesis of M2Lingual, we generate multiple user-assistant turns from the task-evolved instructions produced in the previous step. A conversation between a user and an AI assistant broadly can be categorized into four categories [kwan2024mt]Follow-up, Refinement, Expansion, and Recollection. However, these categories are generic and do not encompass the full complexity and fine-grained variety of conversational interactions. To address this, we introduce a multi-turn taxonomy comprising 21212121 distinct variations of dialogue that expand upon these four categories. These 21212121 detailed taxonomy with the 4 categories improve coverage of possible variations in continuing a conversation, thus ensuring an engaging interaction between a user and an assistant [kwan2024mt]. We also ensure that subsequent instructions are generated in the language of the initial instruction by explicitly prompting GPT-4. The last block in Figure 2 shows all the 21212121 variations. The multi-turn Evol prompts to GPT-4 are shown in Appendix 9.4. We convert the instructions to multi-turn conversations with following steps:

  1. 1.

    We use the prompt specified in Appendix 9.4 and replace the {instruction} with the task-evoled generated instructions from the previous step (i.e., Step 2), {follow_up_type} with one of the 21212121 dialogue variations in 9.4, and {language} with the Evol instruction language. We then pass it to GPT-4 n𝑛nitalic_n times to generate the next user instruction.

  2. 2.

    For all the generated instructions, we generate subsequent response turns using GPT-4 using the entire conversation history. To mitigate the potential impact of topic drift from the prolonged conversations [zhang2021advances], we restrict the number of subsequent instructions or multi-turns to <=4absent4<=4< = 4.

  3. 3.

    We generate conversations for all the evoled instructions from the Aya dataset, resulting in 36363636K conversations. For Aya collection, we pick a balanced subset of size 35353535K across all tasks and languages and generate conversations. After applying the same post-processing steps as mentioned in Section  3.2, we end up with 70707070K conversations.

In total, M2Lingual contains 182182182182K IR pairs, with the exact sizes from different steps of M2Lingual synthesis shown in Table 2.

4 Experiments

We conduct experiments across three model families & five model sizes — Mistral-7B [jiang2023mistral], LLaMA-3-8B [llamapaper] and QWEN-4B [bai2023qwen]. Furthermore, to demonstrate the effectiveness of our dataset across different model scales, we fine-tune both a larger model, LLaMA-2-13B [touvron2023llama], and a smaller model, QWEN-1.8B [bai2023qwen]. To evaluate how well the datasets work with instruction-tuned models, we also experiment with Mistral-Instruct-7B.

4.1 Baseline Datasets

We use six different multilingual datasets as baselines for comparison: 1) the top ranked conversation trees from Open Assistant [kopf2024openassistant], 2) Aya [ayadataset], 3) self-instruct dataset MultiAlpaca [wei2023polylm], 4) machine translated Bactrian-X [li2023bactrian] derived from Alpaca-52k [alpaca] and Dolly-15k [DatabricksBlog2023DollyV2], 5) the ShareGPT 222https://sharegpt.com/ collection, and 6) WildChat [zhao2024WildChat].

For a fair comparison with WildChat, we use 200200200200K non-English conversations, ensuring the same language proportions, and downsampled 60606060K English conversations, resulting in a total of 260260260260K conversations. Similarly for Bactrian-X, we sample 1111M IR pairs ensuring the same language proportion as of the original dataset.

Additional Baselines To highlight the importance of each step in our data curation process, we consider several ablations as baselines. Specifically we conduct experiments by training models using 1) only Seed samples, 2) seed samples with the generated evols (Seed + Evol) and 3) seeds, evols and the generated multi-turn conversations (Seed + Evol + MT). Finally, to see whether adding parallel data (PD) helps in improving the over model’s performance, we collect 60606060K from the Aya collection and train a baseline by augmenting the PD with our full dataset (Seed + Evol + MT + PD).

4.2 Training

All training is performed on 8888 A-100100100100 80808080GB NViDIA GPUs [choquette2021nvidia], with the Axolotl333https://github.com/OpenAccess-AI-Collective/axolotl framework. We used Mistral tags [jiang2023mistral] for finetuning all models. We use a batch size of 64646464, max seq length 8192819281928192, learning rate of 5×1065superscript1065\times 10^{-6}5 × 10 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT - 6 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT, Adam optimizer [kingma2014adam] with a cosine scheduler and 10101010 warmup steps. We reserve a 5555% validation split, and train all the models until validation loss convergence. We compute the loss only on the targets using fp16161616 training.

4.3 Evaluation

Multilingual benchmarks. We utilize the EleutherAI evaluation framework [eval-harness] for consistent comparisons. We evaluate the performance of different multilingual datasets on the following tasks:

  • Question Answering (QA): We focus on 3333 multilingual QA datasets 1) XQUAD [artetxe2019cross] with QA across 11111111 languages, 2) TyDiQA [clark2020tydi] which has human generated QA in 11111111 languages and 3) MLQA [lewis2019mlqa] with QA in 7777 languages. While QA data requires short answer phrases, conversational IR pairs might lead to longer answer span generation. Hence, we use 3333 in-context examples to get the right output format for LLMs. In the interest of time, we keep the number of examples per language to 100100100100 for XQUAD and MLQA, and 1000100010001000 for TyDiQA. We use the validation set for XQUAD and test set for TyDiQA & MLQA, and compute the standard F1-score.

  • Summarization: We use the XLSUM [hasan2021xl] dataset and focus on 6666 languages - Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Japanese and Russian. We restrict the total number of examples to 100100100100 and prompt the model to generate a summary in the same language as the context. We look at the ROUGEL [lin-2004-rouge] & BLEU [papineni-etal-2002-bleu] scores for comparison.

  • Classification: We focus on XNLI [conneau2018xnli] and XCOPA [ponti2020xcopa] with 15151515 and 11111111 languages respectively in a zero-shot setting. We compute the accuracy (Acc) by looking at the log-likelihood assigned to the ground truth answer on the validation set.

  • Multilingual math word problems: We use MGSM [shi2022language], a grade-school math benchmark that translates GSM8K [cobbe2021training] to 10101010 different languages. Similar to QA tasks, we use 3333 in-context examples and compute the exact match (EM) with the ground truth answer.

Translated MT-Bench. To evaluate the conversation and instruction following ability of multilingual models across a wide array of tasks and languages, we translate MT-Bench [zheng2023judging]. MT-Bench comprises of 80808080 multi-turn questions across 8888 domains. The models are required to respond to an initial and a follow-up question and GPT-4 assesses the model’s responses on a scale of 1111 to 10101010 (10101010 being the best), with the overall score being the mean over the two turns. We translate it into 9999 different languages with professional linguists to ensure high quality evaluation. We modify the judge prompt to include the language of the question asked at each turn, and additionally instruct GPT-4 to make sure the responses are in the same language as the question asked. We report the average scores across all 80808080 examples for each language and also report the average MT-Bench score across all languages.

Model Dataset MT-EN MT-FR MT-IT MT-JP MT-ES MT-DE MT-NL MT-PT MT-AVG Mistral-7B Open Assistant 6.72 5.87 (5.90) 6.04 4.19 5.87 5.82 4.97 6.01 5.66 MultiAlpaca 5.45 4.90 (5.22) 4.63 3.76 5.01 4.66 4.51 4.65 4.77 Bactrian-X 5.60 5.35 (5.26) 5.46 4.82 5.24 5.53 4.96 5.31 5.25 ShareGPT 7.04 5.93 (5.70) 5.42 4.75 5.83 6.00 5.27 5.92 5.80 WildChat 7.02 6.46 (6.77) 6.68 5.50 6.71 6.43 6.51 6.89 6.53 Aya 6.43 5.42 (5.39) 4.97 3.37 5.45 5.37 4.94 5.12 5.18 Seed 6.01 5.15 (5.14) 5.35 3.44 5.07 5.98 4.62 4.91 5.04 Seed + Evol 6.33 5.44 (5.30) 5.46 4.74 5.88 5.61 5.40 5.78 5.56 Seed + Evol + MT (M2Lingual) 7.13 6.75 (6.81) 6.9 5.70 6.81 6.39 6.34 6.46 6.54 Seed + Evol + MT + PD 5.85 5.75 (5.39) 5.60 4.86 5.81 5.73 5.32 5.74 5.55 LLaMA-3-8B Open Assistant 6.26 5.15 (5.03) 4.95 4.08 5.26 4.87 5.01 5.48 5.12 MultiAlpaca 4.96 4.60 (5.09) 4.22 3.30 4.76 4.18 4.32 4.27 4.41 Bactrian-X 6.27 5.73 (5.77) 5.73 4.83 5.95 5.34 5.41 5.90 5.66 ShareGPT 7.07 6.17 (5.76) 6.43 5.40 6.10 6.07 5.82 6.13 6.10 WildChat 7.20 6.74 (6.96) 6.78 6.35 6.86 6.60 6.58 6.72 6.75 Aya 5.95 5.01 (4.50) 5.41 3.86 5.27 4.93 4.66 4.95 4.95 Seed 4.38 3.55 (3.75) 3.56 2.68 3.52 3.42 3.45 3.54 3.54 Seed + Evol 6.95 6.41 (6.50) 6.22 5.41 6.35 6.11 5.90 5.27 6.12 Seed + Evol + MT (M2Lingual) 7.17 6.55 (6.82) 6.86 6.26 6.95 6.65 6.58 6.81 6.74 Seed + Evol + MT + PD 7.00 6.60 (6.75) 6.61 6.27 6.58 6.55 6.93 6.59 5.99

Table 3: MT-Bench evaluations in different languages for LLaMA-3-8B-base and Mistral-7B-base. Performance of Canadian French variant is reported in brackets for MT-FR. Best scores are denoted in bold with dark green while 2nd best scores are highlighted with light green. Seed denotes 15.1K seed IR pairs; Seed + Evol denotes addition of Evol IR pairs over seeds totaling 15.1+94.9=110.5K15.194.9110.5𝐾15.1+94.9=110.5K15.1 + 94.9 = 110.5 italic_K IR pairs. Seed + Evol + MT denotes addition of multi-turn data resulting in 110.5K+71.5K=182K110.5𝐾71.5𝐾182𝐾110.5K+71.5K=182K110.5 italic_K + 71.5 italic_K = 182 italic_K IR pairs which is M2Lingual. Seed + Evol + MT + PD denotes adding of 60K machine translated parallel data taken from Aya collection.

Low-resource Languages. We evaluate models on 6666 low-resource languages, including Hindi, Urdu, Thai, Tamil, Bengali and Gujarati using the same aforementioned procedure. Since finding native annotators for these low-resource languages might be difficult, we leverage GPT-4 for translations.

5 Results

Consistent best results: As observed in table 3 and 4, M2Lingual leads to best or amongst the top results in both multi-turn evaluations (Table 3) and several NLP task comprised multilingual evaluation benchmarks (Table 4). On the other hand, the majority of baseline datasets show competitive results only on select evaluation settings. Specifically, on multi-turn evaluations, conversational IFT datasets like ShareGPT and WildChat lead to competitive performances but all of the other baseline datasets have low MT-Bench scores. This suggests importance of including multi-turn IR sets within IFT datasets. M2Lingual achieves top MT-Bench score in 5 languages and 2nd best in remaining 3 languages, outperforming all of the baseline datasets overall. Similarly, as shown in Table 4, M2Lingual also leads top performance across 4 out of 7 multilingual NLP task evaluation benchmarks and 2nd best results with very close performance to the best score in remaining 3 benchmarks. It is worth noting that evaluations on classification tasks such as XCOPA and XNLI show very minimal performance variations across all IFT datasets which has been shown in other works as well [li2023bactrian]. In generation tasks (MGSM, XLSUM, including QA tasks MLQA, XQuAD, TyDiQA), M2Lingual leads to better results over all the baseline datasets. For instance, with Mistral-7B base model, our proposed M2Lingual outperforms the second best baseline (Bactrian-X) by 2.13 and 1.98 F1 points on MLQA and XQuAD respectively.

Model Dataset XQUAD TyDiQA MLQA XLSUM MGSM XNLI XCOPA F1 F1 F1 ROUGEL BLEU EM Acc Acc Mistral-7B Open Assistant 67.99 54.22 53.64 10.86 0.85 16.05 42.74 56.73 MultiAlpaca 67.99 64.44 55.69 10.9 1.59 10.41 42.18 58.91 Bactrian-X 71.91 66.63 60.27 3.30 0.20 17.14 43.91 58.64 ShareGPT 66.33 56.97 50.78 3.31 0.288 11.32 41.13 56.09 WildChat 72.55 64.27 59.53 3.91 0.41 18.41 43.11 58.00 Aya 70.46 66.95 57.47 12.5 2.01 13.86 41.78 59.00 Seed 72.52 65.89 59.33 11.53 1.72 16.95 43.28 57.64 Seed + Evol 71.01 65.04 57.47 9.8 1.37 14.23 43.00 57.55 Seed + Evol + MT (M2Lingual) 74.53 67.57 62.40 10.42 1.38 15.38 42.12 59.55 Seed + Evol + MT + PD 68.79 62.62 60.00 9.92 1.37 16.45 42.36 59.00 LLaMA-3-8B Open Assistant 64.38 52.65 47.08 9.38 1.21 17.36 46.17 63.82 MultiAlpaca 75.08 64.49 59.01 10.98 1.45 10.68 46.93 63.55 Bactrian-X 69.57 56.45 58.51 8.39 1.28 22.86 46.90 62.18 ShareGPT 56.98 58.48 43.43 3.53 0.40 25.32 45.93 63.00 WildChat 63.15 59.88 63.16 5.52 0.76 26.36 46.88 62.27 Aya 75.14 59.60 53.14 10.38 1.39 22.09 45.64 63.55 Seed 77.27 68.57 60.01 9.92 1.45 17.18 46.02 62.82 Seed + Evol 76.17 69.89 63.09 8.96 1.23 28.00 46.38 61.36 Seed + Evol + MT (M2Lingual) 75.91 67.84 63.50 8.87 1.25 27.36 46.18 62.55 Seed + Evol + MT + PD 76.69 59.24 60.02 9.84 1.37 29.00 46.37 62.09

Table 4: Evaluations of LLaMA-3-8B-base & Mistral-7B-base in different tasks. Same notations as in Table 3

Impact on different LLMs: We evaluate Mistral-Instruct-7B to highlight the impact of multilingual IFT datasets on pre-instruction finetuned models. M2Lingual leads Mistral-Instruct-7B to achieve best performance in 5555 of 8888 MT-Bench language evaluations and 5555 of the 7777 multilingual evaluation benchmarks as shown in Tables 5 and 9 respectively. Interestingly, the improvements from M2Lingual in Mistral-Instruct-7B over baseline datasets is consistently higher when compared to Mistral-7B-base (Table 4) in all of the multilingual QA tasks, MGSM, and XCOPA. We also evaluate QWEN-4B model to showcase results from smaller LLM from different model family. We observe similar findings as QWEN-4B finetuned with M2Lingual achieves competitive results in both MT-Bench and multilingual evaluation datasets. Another interesting observation is that improvements seem relatively higher for QWEN-4B model using M2Lingual when compared to Mistral-7B and LLaMA-3-8B models, highlighting the usefulness of our proposed data on moderate sized LLMs.

Ablation of M2Lingual: As observed in our empirical studies in Tables 4, 5, 6, 7, generating Evol data and appending it with seeds helps improve performance consistently in all evaluation benchmarks, highlighting impact of Evol. For instance, on LLaMA-3-8B, our proposed Evol improves performance significantly by 10.82 points on MGSM task as compared to the Seed data. Adding multi-turn IFT pairs specifically helps boost performance in MT-Bench evaluations substantially across all of the languages with the most significant gain of 1.31 points on French for Mistral-7B model. Adding multi-turn data also helps consistently in multilingual benchmark evaluations as shown in Tables 4 and 5. Evol + MT and Evol provides 1.50 and 0.98 points of MT-AVG performance gain over Seed-only IFT data on Mistral-7B model. These findings reinforce the benefits of adding multi-turn Evol IFT pairs.

Model Dataset XQUAD TyDiQA MLQA XLSUM MGSM XNLI XCOPA MT-Avg F1 F1 F1 ROUGEL BLEU EM Acc Acc QWEN-4B Open Assistant 53.63 45.30 46.34 4.15 0.29 17.50 38.52 58.45 3.47 MultiAlpaca 51.81 53.51 40.26 8.9 1.0 12.1 38.3 58.40 2.93 Bactrian-X 46.70 42.79 42.2 7.1 0.8 18.6 38.3 57.70 3.80 ShareGPT 41.86 28.20 36.03 4.58 0.43 16.95 37.83 58.55 3.80 WildChat 53.18 49.18 42.81 5.23 0.56 19.27 38.74 58.18 4.29 Aya 54.00 52.14 48.28 10.91 1.31 16.50 37.59 57.73 3.43 Seed 66.55 58.09 48.25 10.65 0.65 15.36 37.59 58.00 2.47 Seed + Evol 52.24 52.50 49.87 8.50 1.12 20.77 38.36 57.91 3.79 Seed + Evol + MT (M2Lingual) 49.12 47.53 50.36 8.30 1.02 21.36 38.37 58.36 4.23 Seed + Evol + MT + PD 57.76 51.97 43.24 9.64 1.21 19.36 37.95 57.91 4.24 Mistral-Instruct-7B Open Assistant 61.33 59.28 53.27 9.62 1.43 19.00 43.91 58.09 5.58 MultiAlpaca 63.76 63.05 51.09 11.51 1.80 13.18 44.70 58.18 4.74 Bactrian-X 70.5 64.8 50.60 9.14 1.35 17.91 42.23 57.25 5.98 ShareGPT 44.53 49.5 40.45 3.31 0.38 17.36 42.13 56.73 6.11 WildChat 61.53 53.1 52.60 6.31 0.56 21.00 41.86 57.75 6.62 Aya 69.9 66.43 57.27 12.58 2.05 16.36 42.84 58.60 5.20 Seed 68.78 61.54 56.11 12.45 2.04 18.27 43.23 58.45 3.92 Seed + Evol 72.87 68.43 55.43 12.51 1.33 22.00 42.51 58.09 6.48 Seed + Evol + MT (M2Lingual) 71.41 69.44 58.33 9.57 1.51 19.82 42.37 59.45 6.64 Seed + Evol + MT + PD 70.04 69.67 59.13 9.06 1.46 22.27 42.92 57.82 6.56

Table 5: Evaluations of QWEN-4B & Mistral-Instruct-7B in different tasks and MT-Bench score averaged across languages. Please see table 9 in appendix for MT-Bench score in each language. \star in XQUAD, TyDiQA scores for QWEN-4B show exception cases where outputs had repeated noisy patterns in multiple runs resulting in low scores.

Low-resource languages:

We also compare M2Lingual with our most competitive baseline dataset WildChat on MT-Bench in low-resource languages. As shown in Figure 3, M2Lingual consistently leads to much higher MT-Bench scores in majority of the low-resource languages highlighting that existing multi-turn IFT datasets created from cached user chats may have poor coverage of low-resourced languages. On the other hand, our synthetically generated M2Lingual has uniform coverage of all the 70 languages in terms of number of IFT sets.

Refer to caption
Figure 3: Results on Low Resource translated MT-Bench for Mistral-7B and LLaMA-3-8B

6 Additional Analysis

Effect of IFT datasets on different sized LLMs. In addition to 4B, 7B, and 8B sized LLMs shown in Tables 4, 5, 6, 7, we also study impact of our IFT datasets on a smaller LLM (QWEN-1.8B) and a larger LLM (LLaMA-2-13B). As shown in Table 6, on QWEN-1.8B LLM, M2Lingual leads to even higher performance for various tasks when compared to our strongest baseline WildChat with the most significant improvements of 13.6413.6413.6413.64 and 22.2422.2422.2422.24 points on MGSM and TyDiQA tasks respectively. Similar findings for the LLaMA-2-13B model highlights the effectiveness of our proposed M2Lingual across various sized LLMs.

Qwen-1.8B WildChat 4.99 2.75 (2.74) 2.08 1.72 2.88 1.92 1.54 2.68 2.59 8.00 29.39 42.42
MultiAlpaca 3.97 1.93 (1.99) 1.74 1.44 1.87 1.86 1.52 1.91 2.03 7.45 19.30 33.38
M2Lingual 6.20 4.55 (4.25) 3.85 3.27 4.40 4.11 3.32 4.51 4.27 21.64 38.24 64.66
LLaMA-2-13B WildChat 6.64 6.25 (5.89) 5.98 5.10 6.20 6.10 5.82 5.99 6.00 9.95 53.69 60.14
MultiAlpaca 5.09 4.35 (4.55) 4.35 3.52 4.47 4.54 4.69 4.62 4.46 7.80 48.74 59.46
M2Lingual 6.47 6.40 (6.20) 6.13 5.35 6.18 5.94 5.87 6.17 6.08 11.95 54.64 64.66
Table 6: Evaluations of QWEN-1.8B and LLaMa-2-13B for highlighting impact on different sized LLMs.

Importance of Evol. We selected 15.1K15.1𝐾15.1K15.1 italic_K seeds from Aya dataset and Aya collection as discussed in section 3.1. We generated Evol and multi-turn IR pairs from these seed but as an alternative, more data can also be sampled from Aya. To highlight benefits from Evol and generating multi-turn IR pairs, we sample 94.9K94.9𝐾94.9K94.9 italic_K more IR pairs from Aya collection and Aya dataset, making the total seed size as M2Lingual of 110.5K110.5𝐾110.5K110.5 italic_K. As shown in Table 7, simply sampling more seed IFT pairs from Aya achieves low performance, whereas having the same number Evol IR pairs from M2Lingual leads to much higher performance in MT-Bench and MGSM ( and 6.686.686.686.68 points respectively). It is worth noting that MLQA being reading comprehension QA data requires short answer phrases for exact match. IR pairs within M2Lingual are longer (Table 2) and conversational which often lead to longer answer span generation for reading comprehension task. Hence, we utilized 3-shot setting to get the right output format from LLMs in our QA evaluation experiments.

Mistral-Instruct-7B Aya-seeds(110.5K) 4.59 71.40 68.00 57.69 14.08/2.45 15.32 40.77 57.55
Seed + Evol (110.5K) 6.64 72.87 68.43 55.43 12.51/1.33 22.00 42.51 58.09
Table 7: Performance comparison of M2Lingual vs Aya-seeds data of same size.
Alpaca Dolly OpenAssistant ShareGPT LMSYS-Chat-1M WildChat M2Lingual
User 0.01% 0.00% 0.53% 0.16% 3.08% 6.05% 0.21%
Chatbot 0.02% 0.04% 0.45% 0.28% 4.12% 5.18% 0.13%
Avg 0.015% 0.02% 0.49% 0.22% 3.60% 5.61% 0.17%
Table 8: Content moderation analysis similar to WildChat [zhao2024WildChat], with the addition of M2Lingual, conducted using the OpenAI Moderation API [openaimoderation].

Content moderation. To ensure the quality of M2Lingual, we conduct moderation testing with the OpenAI Moderation API [openaimoderation], same as WildChat [zhao2024WildChat] to ensure similarity in comparisons. Less than 0.2% of M2Lingual is flagged by the Moderation API, as shown in Table 8. It is worth noting that real user conversation IFT datasets like LMSYS-Chat and WildChat have substantially more sensitive content compared to M2Lingual which is a synthetically generated multi-turn IFT dataset. We remove the flagged utterances, and make the cleaned dataset available publicly.

7 Conclusion

We build M2Lingual, a multilingual, multi-turn IFT dataset that leads to top performances across several multilingual evaluation benchmarks. Our work presents the Evol taxonomy for IFT data enrichment techniques, consisting of 1) instruction-task specific Evol, and 2) multi-turn Evol for generating a diverse, conversational multilingual IFT dataset. M2Lingual contains roughly same number of IR pairs for 70707070 languages, resulting in substantial performance improvements in low resource languages. M2Lingual also strongly improves multilingual performance of different sized LLMs ranging from 4B, 7B, 8B, and 13B parameters but in particular leads to massive improvements of small LLMs with 1.8B parameter size. Thus, M2Lingual presents a strong impact specifically for underrepresented or low-resourced languages. Additionally, the massive performance gains with M2Lingual on smaller 1.8B parameter LLMs also contribute towards improving accessibility to the wider community.

8 Limitations and Ethical Considerations

As future work and limitations of our work, M2Lingual can be extended to more than 3 turns to generate longer conversational IFT data, although this would be computationally expensive. Similarly, M2Lingual can be extended to more number of NLP tasks and languages in future work. In this work, we select seeds from Aya which does not contain specific flags for toxic, harmful, or offensive speech [ayadataset], but report low risk. We conducted manual inspection of a few generated IFT pairs from Evol, and did not find any harmful IFT data, but future work includes filtering M2Lingual by automatic safety tools.


9 Appendix

9.1 MTbench score from QWEN-4B and Mistral Instruct-7B

Model Dataset MT-EN MT-FR MT-IT MT-JP MT-ES MT-DE MT-NL MT-PT MT-Avg QWEN-4B Open Assistant 5.95 3.49 (3.66) 2.84 2.38 3.88 2.73 2.46 3.23 3.47 MultiAlpaca 4.74 3.29 (2.88) 2.65 1.90 3.15 2.56 2.08 2.90 2.93 Bactrian-X 5.88 3.84 (4.03) 3.25 2.66 3.85 3.49 2.77 3.90 3.80 ShareGPT 5.89 3.92 (4.02) 3.39 3.13 4.20 2.97 2.55 3.72 3.80 WildChat 6.27 4.49 (4.81) 3.83 3.20 4.38 3.83 3.11 4.27 4.29 Aya 5.24 3.45 (3.74) 2.96 2.24 3.77 3.08 2.44 3.51 3.43 Seed 4.60 2.68 (2.63) 2.09 1.59 2.43 2.18 1.67 2.03 2.47 Seed + Evol 5.81 3.86 (4.03) 3.00 2.82 4.24 3.35 2.53 3.68 3.79 Seed + Evol + MT 6.01 4.67 (4.62) 3.55 3.36 4.48 3.83 2.89 4.02 4.23 Seed + Evol + MT + PD 5.95 4.35 (4.53) 3.92 3.39 4.38 4.10 3.30 4.23 4.24 Mistral-Inst 7B Open Assistant 6.76 5.74 (6.07) 5.73 3.78 5.84 5.91 4.99 5.60 5.58 MultiAlpaca 5.90 4.83 (4.82) 4.66 3.25 5.01 4.57 4.84 4.71 4.74 Bactrian-X 7.06 5.96 (6.02) 6.22 4.53 6.25 6.09 5.81 6.15 5.98 ShareGPT 6.84 6.34 (6.20) 5.84 4.61 6.51 6.10 6.06 6.25 6.11 WildChat 7.39 6.77 (6.53) 6.737 5.64 6.503 6.80 6.39 6.95 6.62 Aya 5.83 5.32 (5.78) 5.45 3.61 5.39 5.06 5.28 5.32 5.20 Seed 4.85 4.28 (4.24) 3.98 2.44 3.98 3.71 3.85 4.03 3.92 Seed + Evol 7.20 6.24 (6.56) 6.40 5.55 6.83 6.41 6.51 6.57 6.48 Seed + Evol + MT 7.47 6.70 (6.50) 6.71 5.75 6.91 6.52 6.37 6.83 6.64 Seed + Evol + MT + PD 7.15 6.60 (6.75) 6.73 5.68 6.76 6.28 6.66 6.60 6.56

Table 9: MT-Bench evaluations in different languages for QWEN-4B and Mistral-Instruct-7B.

9.2 Examples of Generated Evols and conversations

Step Content Evol
Seed Sample What is the longest-running Broadway show ever?
evoled (Turn 1) Instr. Which Broadway show holds the record for the longest run? Please answer briefly. Concise
GPT-4 Response The Phantom of the Opera holds the record for the longest run on Broadway.
Turn 2 Now, break down the following multi-part question and answer each part: Who wrote this show? What are some of its most popular songs? When did it first premiere on Broadway? Expanding Queries
Change Context
GPT-4 Response 1. Who wrote this show?
The Phantom of the Opera was composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber. The lyrics were written by Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe.

2. What are some of its most popular songs?
Some of its most popular songs include "The Phantom of the Opera," "Music of the Night," "All I Ask of You," and "Masquerade."

3. When did it first premiere on Broadway?
The Phantom of the Opera first premiered on Broadway on January 26, 1988.
Table 10: Conversation example from M2Lingual
Step Content Evol
Seed Sample Formulate an answer to this elaborate question: Where is the regional airline based that Jim French is the former chairman and CEO of?
evoled (Turn 1) Instr. Formulate an answer to this elaborate question: Identify the base location of the regional airline for which Jim French served as the former chairman and CEO, and explain the significance of this location in the context of the airline’s regional operations. Combine Facts
GPT-4 Response Jim French served as the former chairman and CEO of Flybe, a British regional airline. The base location of Flybe was Exeter International Airport in Devon, England.

The significance of Exeter International Airport as the base location for Flybe lies in its strategic positioning within the United Kingdom. Exeter is situated in the southwest region of England, which allowed Flybe to efficiently connect various regional destinations across the UK and Europe. This location provided a central hub for operations, facilitating shorter flight routes and quick turnaround times, which are essential for regional airlines aiming to offer frequent and reliable services. Additionally, having a base in Exeter helped Flybe tap into a market with fewer competing airlines, allowing it to establish a strong regional presence and foster economic growth within the southwest of England by improving connectivity and accessibility.
Turn 2 Please adjust the output to provide the answer in a concise text-only format. Adjust Output Format
GPT-4 Response Jim French served as the former chairman and CEO of Flybe, a British regional airline based at Exeter International Airport in Devon, England. The significance of this location lies in its strategic positioning in the southwest of England, enabling efficient regional connectivity across the UK and Europe and fostering economic growth in the region.
Turn 3 Now, rephrase your response as if you were an enthusiastic travel blogger sharing fascinating details with your readers. Persona Rewriting Follow Up
GPT-4 Response Hey travel enthusiasts! Did you know that Jim French, the former chairman and CEO of Flybe, once led this fantastic British regional airline based at Exeter International Airport in beautiful Devon, England? It’s such a cool spot! Nestled in the southwest of England, Exeter’s prime location made it perfect for Flybe to connect countless regional destinations across the UK and Europe. This strategic hub wasn’t just about convenience; it played a crucial role in boosting regional connectivity and economic growth. So, next time you’re flying through Exeter, remember the incredible role it played in the world of regional air travel!
Table 11: Conversation from M2Lingual
Step Content Evol
Seed Sample Given the following statement, predict the tags for each word: Daniel Smith [email protected] Durham University, United Kingdom
evoled (Turn 1) Instr. Identify the appropriate tags for each element in this data: Daniel Smith [email protected] Durham University, United Kingdom. Please provide a brief response. Concise
GPT-4 Response Name: Daniel Smith
Email: [email protected]
Institution: Durham University
Country: United Kingdom
Turn 2 Now, please reformat the output to display only the tags and associated elements in a structured JSON format. Adjust Output Format
GPT-4 Response { "Name": "Daniel Smith", "Email": "[email protected]", "Institution": "Durham University", "Country": "United Kingdom" }
Table 12: Conversation from M2Lingual
Step Content Evol
Seed Sample Finish the following sentence with the best choice: To clean away the excess plastic from the edge of a project, you can

- Use a belt sander to remove the spare plastic
- Use a coffee grinder to remove the spare plastic

evoled (Turn 1) Instr. Complete the sentence with the most appropriate choice: To prevent the documents from flying around in a windy environment, you can

- Use a heavy paperweight to keep them in place
- Use a feather to keep them in place

Object Properties
GPT-4 Response Use a heavy paperweight to keep them in place
Turn 2 Now, generate a paragraph explaining the pros and cons of using a heavy paperweight to keep documents in place in windy conditions. Challenging Follow Up
GPT-4 Response Using a heavy paperweight to secure documents in a windy environment has several advantages. First, the weight of the paperweight can effectively prevent papers from being blown away, ensuring they stay in the designated area. It also allows for easy accessibility and organization of the documents as they can be quickly retrieved without the hassle of chasing loose papers. In addition, paperweights are available in various designs and materials, providing aesthetic appeal to your workspace.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks. The primary disadvantage is the risk of damage to the documents. If the paperweight is too heavy or it is dropped accidentally, it could tear or crumple the papers. Furthermore, paperweights take up desk space and can be inconvenient if you’re working with a limited area. Lastly, if the wind is extremely strong, even a heavy paperweight might not be enough to keep the documents in place.
Turn 3 Now, transform your previous response into a haiku format. The haiku should have a 5-7-5 syllable structure. Reconstruct your answer if necessary to fit this format. Random Follow Up
GPT-4 Response Paperweight holds firm,
Yet may damage precious sheets,
In strong gusts, it fails.
Table 13: Conversation from M2Lingual
Step Content Evol Type
Seed Sample Quelle pourrait être la principale contribution de Dante, Boccacio et Petrach à la langue italienne? Étant donné la question précédente, écrivez un contexte qui contient la réponse. Cela peut être de 1 à 20 phrases. Le contexte:
Evolved (Turn 1) Instr. Comment les œuvres de Dante, Boccace et Pétrarque ont-elles influencé non seulement la langue italienne, mais aussi la philosophie et la littérature européennes ? Étant donné cette question, écrivez un contexte qui contient la réponse. Cela peut être de 1 à 20 phrases. Le contexte: Increase Reasoning
GPT-4 Response Les œuvres de Dante, Boccace et Pétrarque ont profondément marqué la langue italienne et ont eu une influence durable sur la philosophie et la littérature européennes. Dante Alighieri, avec sa "Divine Comédie", a non seulement consolidé l’usage du toscan comme langue littéraire, mais a également introduit des thèmes philosophiques et théologiques d’une grande profondeur, influençant la pensée médiévale et renaissante. Giovanni Boccace, à travers son "Décaméron", a enrichi la prose italienne et a offert un aperçu critique et souvent satirique de la société de son temps, ouvrant la voie à une littérature plus réaliste et humaniste. Francesco Pétrarque, avec ses sonnets et poésies en langue vernaculaire, a non seulement perfectionné la forme du sonnet, mais a aussi contribué à l’idéal de l’humanisme, valorisant l’étude des textes classiques et la quête de la connaissance personnelle. Ensemble, ces auteurs ont jeté les bases de la Renaissance italienne et ont influencé des écrivains et des penseurs à travers toute l’Europe, de Chaucer à Shakespeare, en passant par Montaigne et Cervantès, renforçant l’idée que la littérature peut être un moyen puissant d’exploration philosophique et d’expression culturelle.
Turn 2 Maintenant, en vous basant sur le contexte fourni, pouvez-vous détailler comment les œuvres de ces trois auteurs ont spécifiquement influencé la Renaissance italienne ? Context Retention Follow Up
GPT-4 Response Les œuvres de Dante, Boccace et Pétrarque ont joué un rôle central dans le développement de la Renaissance italienne en redéfinissant les normes littéraires, linguistiques et philosophiques de l’époque. Dante Alighieri, avec sa "Divine Comédie", a non seulement démontré que le toscan pouvait être une langue littéraire de premier ordre, mais a également exploré des thèmes universels comme la justice, la rédemption et l’amour divin, qui sont devenus des préoccupations centrales de la pensée renaissante. Son usage du toscan a contribué à l’unification linguistique de l’Italie, jetant les bases d’une langue nationale.
Giovanni Boccace, par le biais de son "Décaméron", a offert une vision plus terrestre et réaliste de la société, abordant des thèmes tels que l’amour, la fortune et l’intelligence humaine. Ses histoires, souvent humoristiques et critiques, ont encouragé une approche plus humaniste et empirique de la vie, en réaction aux dogmes rigides du Moyen Âge. Boccace a également influencé la prose narrative, rendant les histoires accessibles à un public plus large et diversifié. Francesco Pétrarque, quant à lui, est souvent considéré comme le père de l’humanisme. Ses œuvres, notamment son "Canzoniere", ont popularisé le sonnet et ont mis l’accent sur l’expression individuelle et la quête de la connaissance personnelle. Pétrarque a redécouvert et valorisé les textes classiques, inspirant une redécouverte des œuvres de l’Antiquité gréco-romaine, ce qui est une pierre angulaire de la Renaissance. Son admiration pour la culture classique a encouragé les intellectuels italiens à réévaluer leurs propres traditions et à chercher à les harmoniser avec les idéaux antiques. Ensemble, ces auteurs ont transformé la culture italienne et ont ouvert la voie à un mouvement intellectuel et artistique qui allait révolutionner l’Europe, en mettant l’accent sur la dignité de l’homme, l’importance de la raison, et la beauté de la langue et de la littérature. Leurs œuvres ont servi de modèles et de sources d’inspiration pour les artistes, écrivains et penseurs de la Renaissance, consolidant ainsi leur place comme piliers de ce mouvement culturel et intellectuel.
Table 14: Conversation from M2Lingual in Dutch
Step Content Evol Type
Seed Sample Continuate a scrivere il seguente testo: Oliver ha colpito Bishop con tanta forza che il vecchio si e’stravolto all’indietro e e’caduto sul lato del trono; poi Oliver si e’spostato sul lato di Amelie. “no!” Oliver ha fatto un salto mentre Sam si aggrappava del palo per tirarlo fuori. “lei e’vecchia.”
Evolved (Turn 1) Instr. C’era una volta un villaggio chiamato Lanciano, famoso per le sue feste. Un giorno, il più coraggioso tra gli abitanti, un uomo chiamato Oliver, decise di sfidare il vecchio e autoritario leader, Bishop. Così, durante la festa più importante dell’anno, Oliver ____ con tanta forza che il vecchio si e’stravolto all’indietro e e’caduto sul lato del palo delle bandiere. La folla si fermò, in attesa di vedere cosa sarebbe successo dopo. Poi Oliver si e’spostato sul lato di Amelie, la figlia di Bishop, e ha esclamato, “Non è giusto! Lei è ____.” I villaggi erano in shock. Sam, il migliore amico di Oliver, ha fatto un salto mentre si aggrappava al palo per ____. La tensione era palpabile. Contextual Blanks
GPT-4 Response colpì Bishop
bellissima e merita di essere trattata con rispetto
Turn 2 Potresti riassumere la storia in punti elenco? Format Rewriting Follow Up
GPT-4 Response Certamente! Ecco la storia riassunta in punti elenco:

- Il villaggio di Lanciano è famoso per le sue feste.
- Oliver, il più coraggioso abitante del villaggio, decide di sfidare il vecchio e autoritario leader Bishop.
- Durante la festa più importante dell’anno, Oliver colpisce Bishop con tanta forza che quest’ultimo cade all’indietro, finendo vicino al palo delle bandiere.
- La folla si ferma, aspettando di vedere cosa accadrà dopo.
- Oliver si sposta accanto ad Amelie, la figlia di Bishop, e dichiara che non è giusto che lei venga trattata male perché è bellissima e merita rispetto.
- I villaggi sono in shock per la dichiarazione di Oliver.
- Sam, il migliore amico di Oliver, fa un salto e si aggrappa al palo per stabilizzarsi.
- La tensione nell’aria è palpabile.
Turn 3 Per favore, riscrivi la storia in forma di elenco puntato. Format Rewriting Follow Up
GPT-4 Response Certamente! Ecco la storia riscritta in forma di elenco puntato:

- C’era una volta un villaggio chiamato Lanciano, famoso per le sue feste.
- Un giorno, Oliver, il più coraggioso tra gli abitanti, decise di sfidare il vecchio e autoritario leader, Bishop.
- Durante la festa più importante dell’anno, Oliver colpì Bishop con tanta forza che il vecchio si estraniò all’indietro e cadde vicino al palo delle bandiere.
- La folla si fermò, in attesa di vedere cosa sarebbe successo dopo.
- Oliver si spostò accanto ad Amelie, la figlia di Bishop, e esclamò: "Non è giusto! Lei è bellissima e merita di essere trattata con rispetto."
- I villaggi rimasero in shock.
- Sam, il migliore amico di Oliver, fece un salto e si aggrappò al palo per stabilizzarsi.
- La tensione era palpabile.
Table 15: Conversation from M2Lingual in Italian.
Step Content Evol Type
Seed Sample Este álbum, el segundo de un dúo notable en el ámbito del hip hop, incluye colaboraciones de varios integrantes de un colectivo conocido por sus iniciales y su estilización particular. Este grupo, que surgió en la mitad de la primera década del siglo XXI, está asociado a una ciudad estadounidense. ¿Podrías identificar dicha ciudad?
Evolved (Turn 1) Instr. Este álbum, el segundo de un dúo notable en el ámbito del hip hop, incluye colaboraciones de varios integrantes de un colectivo conocido por sus iniciales y su estilización particular. Este grupo, que surgió en la mitad de la primera década del siglo XXI, está asociado a una ciudad estadounidense. ¿Podrías identificar dicha ciudad? Ambiguity
GPT-4 Response Claro, parece que estás hablando del álbum “Run the Jewels 2” del dúo de hip hop Run the Jewels, compuesto por El-P y Killer Mike. Este álbum incluye colaboraciones de varios miembros del colectivo conocido como “Odd Future” (estilizado como “OFWGKTA”). Odd Future es un colectivo de hip hop que surgió a mediados de la década de 2000 y está asociado con la ciudad de Los Ángeles, California.
Turn 2 “Ahora, por favor, identifica y enumera todas las canciones de ese álbum en particular, junto con sus respectivas duraciones y los artistas que colaboraron en cada una de ellas.” Challenging Follow-Up
GPT-4 Response El álbum “Run the Jewels 2” de Run the Jewels incluye las siguientes canciones:

1. “Jeopardy” - 3:21
2. “Oh My Darling Dont́ Cry” - 3:24
3. “Blockbuster Night, Part 1” - 2:32
4. “Close Your Eyes (And Count to Fuck)” con Zack de la Rocha - 3:54
5. “All My Life” - 3:08
6. “Lie, Cheat, Steal” - 3:29
7. “Early” con BOOTS - 3:44
8. “All Due Respect” con Travis Barker - 3:40
9. “Love Again (Akinyele Back)” con Gangsta Boo - 3:02
10. “Crown” con Diane Coffee - 3:48
11. “Angel Duster” - 5:12
Table 16: Conversation from M2Lingual in Spanish.
Step Content Evol Type
Seed Sample Bei Menschen kann ein Merkmal durch ein Paar oder viele Paare von was bestimmt werden? Wählen Sie aus den folgenden Optionen und begründen Sie Ihre Antwort detailliert:
1. Gene
2. Mikroben
3. Zellen
4. Organe
Evolved (Turn 1) Instr. Bei Menschen kann ein Merkmal durch ein Paar oder viele Paare von was bestimmt werden? Wählen Sie aus den folgenden Optionen und begründen Sie Ihre Antwort detailliert:
1. Gene
2. Mikroben
3. Zellen
4. Organe
GPT-4 Response Das Merkmal bei Menschen kann durch ein Paar oder viele Paare von **Genen** bestimmt werden. Hier ist die detaillierte Begründung:

**Gene**: Gene sind die grundlegenden Einheiten der Vererbung. Sie bestehen aus DNA und enthalten die Informationen, die für die Entwicklung, Funktion und Reproduktion von Organismen notwendig sind. Jedes Merkmal eines Menschen, wie Augenfarbe, Haarfarbe oder Blutgruppe, wird durch Gene bestimmt. Diese Gene befinden sich auf Chromosomen, die in Paaren vorkommen, wobei ein Chromosom von der Mutter und eines vom Vater vererbt wird. Viele Merkmale werden von mehreren Genen (polygene Vererbung) beeinflusst, die in komplexer Weise miteinander interagieren.

**Mikroben**: Mikroben sind Mikroorganismen, wie Bakterien, Viren und Pilze. Obwohl Mikroben eine Rolle bei der Gesundheit und Krankheit von Menschen spielen können, bestimmen sie keine genetischen Merkmale eines Menschen. Sie können jedoch das Immunsystem beeinflussen und zur Entwicklung bestimmter Erkrankungen beitragen.

**Zellen**: Zellen sind die grundlegenden Bausteine des Lebens. Alle Lebewesen bestehen aus Zellen, aber Zellen selbst bestimmen nicht die Merkmale eines Menschen. Die Funktionen und Eigenschaften der Zellen werden durch die in ihnen enthaltenen Gene reguliert.

**Organe**: Organe sind Strukturen im Körper, die aus verschiedenen Geweben bestehen und spezifische Funktionen erfüllen, wie das Herz, die Leber oder die Nieren. Organe bestimmen keine genetischen Merkmale, sondern sind vielmehr das Ergebnis der Expression und Interaktion von Genen.

Zusammengefasst, sind es die Gene, die die Merkmale eines Menschen durch ein oder mehrere Genpaare bestimmen. Diese Gene kodieren für Proteine und andere Moleküle, die die physischen und funktionalen Eigenschaften des Organismus beeinflussen.
Turn 2 Könntest du bitte die Antwort kürzer und prägnanter formulieren? Generic Rewriting Follow Up
GPT-4 Response Natürlich! Das Merkmal bei Menschen wird durch ein Paar oder viele Paare von **Genen** bestimmt. Gene bestehen aus DNA und enthalten die Informationen für die Entwicklung und Funktion von Organismen. Sie kommen in Paaren auf Chromosomen vor, die von beiden Elternteilen vererbt werden. Andere Optionen wie Mikroben, Zellen und Organe beeinflussen nicht direkt die genetischen Merkmale eines Menschen.
Turn 3 Könnten Sie bitte näher erläutern, wie Gene das Merkmal eines Menschen bestimmen und welche Rolle genetische Variationen dabei spielen? Expanding Queries
GPT-4 Response Gerne! Gene bestimmen die Merkmale eines Menschen durch die Kodierung von Proteinen und anderen Molekülen, die die physischen und funktionalen Eigenschaften des Organismus beeinflussen. Hier sind die wichtigsten Punkte dazu:

Funktionsweise der Gene
1. **DNA und Gene**: Gene bestehen aus DNA (Desoxyribonukleinsäure), die die Bauanleitung für Proteine enthält. Diese Proteine steuern viele Prozesse im Körper, wie Zellwachstum, Stoffwechsel und die Reaktion auf Umweltreize.

2. **Chromosomen**: Gene sind auf Chromosomen angeordnet. Menschen haben 23 Chromosomenpaare, wobei eines von jedem Elternteil kommt. Jedes Chromosom enthält viele Gene.

3. **Genexpression**: Gene werden durch Transkriptions- und Translationsprozesse in Proteine umgewandelt. Dieser Prozess wird als Genexpression bezeichnet und bestimmt, welche Proteine in welcher Menge produziert werden.

Genetische Variationen
1. **Allele**: Gene können in verschiedenen Varianten vorkommen, die als Allele bezeichnet werden. Ein Mensch hat für jedes Gen zwei Allele (eines von jedem Elternteil).

2. **Dominant und Rezessiv**: Manche Allele sind dominant und setzen sich gegenüber rezessiven Allelen durch. Ein dominantes Allel reicht aus, um ein bestimmtes Merkmal zu zeigen, während ein rezessives Allel nur dann zur Ausprägung kommt, wenn beide Allele rezessiv sind.

3. **Polygene Vererbung**: Viele Merkmale werden von mehreren Genen beeinflusst (polygene Vererbung). Zum Beispiel wird die Hautfarbe durch mehrere Gene bestimmt, die zusammenwirken.

4. **Mutation**: Mutationen sind Veränderungen in der DNA-Sequenz eines Gens. Sie können neue Allele erzeugen und zu genetischer Variation beitragen.

Rolle der genetischen Variation
1. **Einzigartigkeit**: Genetische Variationen führen dazu, dass jeder Mensch ein einzigartiges genetisches Profil hat. Diese Variationen beeinflussen Merkmale wie Aussehen, Anfälligkeit für Krankheiten und viele andere Eigenschaften.

2. **Anpassungsfähigkeit**: Genetische Diversität ist wichtig für die Anpassungsfähigkeit einer Population an sich ändernde Umweltbedingungen. Sie ermöglicht die natürliche Selektion und Evolution.

Zusammengefasst, bestimmen Gene die Merkmale eines Menschen durch die Kodierung von Proteinen, die die biologischen Funktionen steuern. Genetische Variationen, wie unterschiedliche Allele und Mutationen, tragen zur Vielfalt der menschlichen Merkmale bei und beeinflussen, wie diese Merkmale ausgeprägt werden.
Table 17: Conversation from M2Lingual in German.
Step Content Evol Type
Seed Sample Répondez à cette question: On mesure un tapis neuf pour une pièce de 5,5 m sur 4,6 m. Sur un ruban à mesurer, quelle est la plus petite unité nécessaire pour mesurer la pièce avec précision pour le tapis? Sélectionnez parmi: (1) en millièmes. (2) centimètres. (3) à des mètres. (4) kilomètres. (5) millimètres. (6) décamètres. Réponse:
Evolved (Turn 1) Instr. Répondez à cette question: On mesure un tapis neuf pour une pièce de 5,5 m sur 4,6 m. Sur un ruban à mesurer, quelle est la plus petite unité nécessaire pour mesurer la pièce avec précision pour le tapis? Sélectionnez parmi: (1) en millièmes. (2) centimètres. (3) à des mètres. (4) kilomètres. (5) millimètres. (6) décamètres. Réponse: More Choices
GPT-4 Response Pour mesurer une pièce de 5,5 m sur 4,6 m avec précision pour un tapis, la plus petite unité nécessaire serait le **millimètre**. Les millimètres permettent une mesure très précise qui est souvent nécessaire pour des ajustements fins dans des projets comme l’installation de tapis.

Ainsi, la réponse est : **(5) millimètres**.
Turn 2 Maintenant, reformulez votre réponse sous forme de liste à puces. Format Rewriting Follow-Up
GPT-4 Response - Pour mesurer une pièce de 5,5 m sur 4,6 m avec précision pour un tapis, la plus petite unité nécessaire serait le **millimètre**.
- Les millimètres permettent une mesure très précise qui est souvent nécessaire pour des ajustements fins dans des projets comme l’installation de tapis.

Ainsi, la réponse est :
- **(5) millimètres**.
Turn 3 Pouvez-vous expliquer pourquoi vous avez choisi cette unité de mesure en particulier pour mesurer la pièce avec précision pour le tapis ? Clarification
GPT-4 Response Bien sûr, voici une explication détaillée :

- **Précision nécessaire pour le tapis** : Lors de l’installation d’un tapis, il est crucial de mesurer la pièce avec une grande précision pour s’assurer que le tapis s’adapte parfaitement sans laisser de vides ni nécessiter de grandes découpes supplémentaires.

- **Millimètres versus autres unités** :
- **Millimètres** : Ils offrent la plus grande précision parmi les options données. Chaque millimètre étant un millième de mètre, il permet de capturer les dimensions exactes nécessaires pour un ajustement parfait.
- **Centimètres** : Bien que précis, les centimètres (1 cm = 10 mm) ne sont pas aussi précis que les millimètres et pourraient omettre des détails fins nécessaires à une coupe parfaite.
- **Mètres** : Mesurer en mètres (1 m = 1000 mm) serait trop grossier pour des dimensions aussi précises et fines.
- **Décamètres** et **kilomètres** : Ces unités sont beaucoup trop grandes pour une tâche de cette envergure et ne sont pas pratiques pour des mesures de précision dans un contexte domestique.
- **Millièmes** : S’il s’agit de millièmes de mètre, cela serait encore plus précis que nécessaire, et pour des mesures domestiques, les millimètres suffisent largement.

En conclusion, les **millimètres** sont l’unité de mesure la plus appropriée pour garantir que le tapis est coupé et installé avec une précision maximale, assurant ainsi un ajustement parfait.
Table 18: Conversation from M2Lingual in French.

9.3 Prompts for Evol-instruct

For Dolly, HotpotQA and MLQA we use evols from generic, OpenQA and Mintaka respectively.

Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
Transliteration Rewrite the #given_prompt# as an <translit_language> transliteration, and create #new_prompt#. Additionally, conclude with a request to respond in <translit_language> transliteration. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Dialect You are a brilliant <prompt_language> native speaker. Rewrite #given_prompt# by changing the dialect to <prompt_language> and create #new_prompt#. Finally, ask to respond in the same <prompt_language> dialect. Write the #new_prompt# prompt in <prompt_language>. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Concise Re-write the #given_prompt# concisely, and create #new_prompt#. Additionally, conclude with a request to respond concisely. Write the #new_prompt# in <prompt_language>. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Deepen Slightly increase the depth and breadth of #given_prompt#, and create #new_prompt#. Write the #new_prompt# in <prompt_language>. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Concretize Make #given_prompt# slightly more concrete, and create #new_prompt#. Additionally, conclude with a request for an AI assistant to respond with the a detailed and concrete response. Write the #new_prompt# in <prompt_language>. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Increase Reasoning If #given_prompt# can be solved with just a few simple thinking processes, rewrite it to explicitly request multi-step reasoning, and create #new_prompt#. Write the #new_prompt# in <prompt_language>. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Table 19: Generic
Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
Adding Distractors Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language that adds unrelated or distracting information in the article which is not relevant to the main topic. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Technical Jargon Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by adding technical jargon or industry specifc terms that makes it difficult to summarize. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Inconsistencies In Information Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language to include contradictions or inconsistencies within the article thus forcing the summarizer to discern which piece of information is accurate and relevant. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Multiple Topics Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language that covers multiple topics or subtopics thus make summarization more complicated. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Metaphors Idiom Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# using complex metaphors, idioms and cultural references thus making summarization more challenging. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Long Distance Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by increasing the distance between related pieces of information in the text as this requires understanding the deeper structure of the text. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Multiple Languages Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in <language_2> and asking to respond in <language_1> thus making the task challenging as it requires understanding and proficiency in more than one language. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Unstructured Data Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by presenting the article in a non-linear or non-chronological format thus increasing the complexity as it becomes challenging to pick out the main points and summarize them accurately. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Personal Opinion Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by incorporating bias or personal opinion as it greatly complicates the summarization process as the summarizer needs to remain neutral and objective. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Table 20: Abstract Summarization
Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
Jargon Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks an explanation of a joke, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by incorporating jargon to the jokes that are specific to a certain profession, field, or hobby thus requiring deeper knowledge of the field in order to explain the joke properly. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Slang Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks an explanation of a joke, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language that use slang or colloquial language, thus making it harder to understand and explain the punchline. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Cultural References Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks an explanation of a joke, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language that increasingly use jokes which are culture-specific as will require cultural understanding tp provide explanations. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Non Explicit Punchline Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks an explanation of a joke, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language such that jokes have a punchline isn’t explicitly stated, but rather implied. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Time Bound Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and a question related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by making jokes that were relative to a certain time period or current event, thus making it harder to grasp. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Compound Jokes Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks an explanation of a joke, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language such that it uses compound jokes which contain multiple punchlines within the same joke. This would make the explanation task difficult as one would need to explain multiple punchlines coherently. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Language Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks an explanation of a joke, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in <language_2> such that it challenge the language skills. This would make the explanation task difficult as one would need to explain multiple punchlines coherently. Finally ask to respond with explanation in <language_1> #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Long Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks an explanation of a joke, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but make the jokes exceedingly long where the punchline isn’t delivered immediately and requires you to remember or understand preceding parts of the joke. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Double Entendre Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks an explanation of a joke, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but utilize jokes with double entendre, where there are two possible interpretations. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Table 21: Joke Explain
Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
More Choices Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents a topic and multiple choice question related to that topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing adding more choices to the question that are relevant to the topic but not correct. This will make it challenging to answer. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
More Complex Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents a topic and multiple choice question related to that topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by making it more complex using technical or domain specific jargon This will make it challenging to understand the quesrion thus making it difficult to answer. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Negation Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents a topic and multiple choice question related to that topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by by asking negative questions that require the recognition of the negation included in the sentences. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Multiple Corrct Options Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents a topic and multiple choice question related to that topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing adding more choices to the question that are correct and relevant to the topic. This will make it challenging as one will need to choose all correct options. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Need For Context Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents a topic and multiple choice question related to that topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by asking questions that require additional context other than the one provided in the topic.This will make it challenging as it will evaluate the knowledge someone has on the topic. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Justification Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents a topic and multiple choice question related to that topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by asking to respond with the correct answer and provide a detailed justification for the answer. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Distracting Long Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents a topic and multiple choice question related to that topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by asking questions that require additional context other than the one provided in the topic. This will make it challenging as it will evaluate the knowledge someone has on the topic. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Close Choices Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents a topic and multiple choice question related to that topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by addding more choices to the question that are closely related to each other. This will make the task more challenging. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
No Correct Option Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents a topic and multiple choice question related to that topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing the choices such that no choice is the correct answer. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Table 22: Flan Qa
Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
Complex Jargon Given a prompt #given_prompt# that requires answering a question about a text snippet, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by either using technical jargons, domain-specific language, technical or scientific complexities thus making the task more challenging as it requires deep understanding and specialized knowledge to answer. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Multiple Languages Given a prompt #given_prompt# that requires answering a question about a text snippet, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in <language_2> including code-switching i.e. switching between languages within a single conversation or sentence. Finally ask to respond in <LANGUAG_1> #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Long Complex Queries Given a prompt #given_prompt# that requires answering a question about a text snippet, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by providing vital pieces of information in the text snippet in a non-linear, disconnected manner thus requiring piecing them together accurately to form an explanation.. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Disconnected Clues Given a prompt #given_prompt# that requires answering a question about a text snippet, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by translating either the question or the text snippet (but not both) in any language thus making the task more challenging as it requires understanding or different languages. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Emotion Sarcasam Given a prompt #given_prompt# that requires answering a question about a text snippet, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by adding emotion or sarcasm in the text snippet as recognizing and responding can be a huge challenge. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Advanced Reasoning Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents two sentences and asks whether the two are paraphrases or not, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by writing text snippet or question that require advanced logic or reasoning, such as those found in certain categories of IQ test, thus make it more difficult to answer. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Ambiguity Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents two sentences and asks whether the two are paraphrases or not, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by including deceptive or ambiguous phrases that might lead to misinterpretation can complicate the task. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Unknown Context Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents two sentences and asks whether the two are paraphrases or not, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by adding larger context not included in the text, as it would require to infer missing details, which adds complexity to the task. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Implicit Bias Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents two sentences and asks whether the two are paraphrases or not, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by including subtle biases or nuances, recognizing and appropriately responding to these can be challenging. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Table 23: Flan Cot
Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
Ambiguity Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and multiple questions related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing the questions only in the same language but making it much more vague and ambiguous thus making it not so straightforward to answer. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Long Form Question Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and multiple questions related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing the questions only in the same language by making it longer i.e. formulating the questions in long and complex sentences thus requiring the system to decipher the main question. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Multilingual Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and multiple questions related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing the questions in <language_2> and article in <language_1>, having different linguistic structure. Finally, ask to answer the question in the <language_2>. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Combine Facts Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and multiple questions related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing the questions only in the same language by combining multiple facts thus making the questions more complex and requiring combining multiple facts to answer correctly. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Implicit Question Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and multiple questions related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing the questions only in the same language by asking implicit questions where the answer isn’t explicit and requires understanding of the underlying implication. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Negative Questions Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and multiple questions related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by asking negative questions in the same language that require the recognition of the negation included in the sentences. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Inference Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and multiple questions related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing the question only in the same language by asking questions that require a degree of inference or deduction not directly provided. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Multichoice Questions Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and multiple questions related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by asking multiple choice questions in the same language based upon the given article, where the choices are from the article itself. Finally ask the model to respond with the correct choice and explain the decision. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
More Reasoning Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and multiple questions related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by asking questions in the same language that require multistep reasoning processes, where participants need to follow a sequence of logical steps to arrive at the correct answe. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Table 24: Flan Coqa
Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
Multiple Blanks Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to either complete the sentence with a phrase or fill in the blank in between the text, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that requires multiple blanks to be filled in. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Contextual Blanks Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to either complete the sentence with a phrase or fill in the blank in between the text, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that includes contextual blanks within a paragraph or story. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Word Bank Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to either complete the sentence with a phrase or fill in the blank in between the text, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that provides a word bank with distractors for filling in the blank. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Missing Letters Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to either complete the sentence with a phrase or fill in the blank in between the text, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that includes sentences with missing letters to be filled in. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Grammar Forms Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to either complete the sentence with a phrase or fill in the blank in between the text, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that requires choosing the correct grammatical form of a word for the blank. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Logical Inferences Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to either complete the sentence with a phrase or fill in the blank in between the text, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that requires logical inference for filling in the blank. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Word Classes Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to either complete the sentence with a phrase or fill in the blank in between the text, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that specifies the type of word needed for the blank. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Synonyms Antonyms Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to either complete the sentence with a phrase or fill in the blank in between the text, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that requires choosing a synonym or antonym for the blank. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Cultural Context Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to either complete the sentence with a phrase or fill in the blank in between the text, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that includes cultural references or idiomatic expressions. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Table 25: Flan Lambda
Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
Cross Lingual Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to generate a question for a certain text snippet or a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in <language_2> and also asking to respond in <language_1>. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Domain Language Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to generate a question for a certain text snippet or a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by introducing domain specific language and related to the specialized field or topic described in the artic;e. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Emotional Subtext Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to generate a question for a certain text snippet or a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by including sarcasm, euphemism, or other nuanced forms of communication thus make it harder to determine the possible question for the topic. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Need For Context Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to generate a question for a certain text snippet or a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language that requires additional context or background to determine the relevant question for the text snippet. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Ambiguity In Wording Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to generate a question for a certain text snippet or a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by adding ambiguity to the text snippet thus making it more challenging to come up with a relevant question. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Long Text Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to generate a question for a certain text snippet or a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by detailing and make the text snippet much longer thus making it more challenging to come up with a relevant question. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Idiom Slang Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to generate a question for a certain text snippet or a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by the use of idiomatic expressions or regional slang thus obscuring the meaning of text snippet and making it more challenging to come up with a question. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Adding Distractors Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language that adds unrelated or distracting information in the article which is not relevant to the main topic. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Multiple Questions Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by asking to come up with multiple questions regarding the text snippet. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Table 26: Answer Ranking
Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
Ambiguity Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and a question related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing the question only in the same language but making it much more vague and ambiguous thus making it not so straightforward to answer. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Long Form Question Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and a question related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing the question only in the same language by making it longer i.e. formulating the questions in long and complex sentences thus requiring the system to decipher the main question. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Multilingual Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and a question related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing the question in <language_2> and article in <language_1>, having different linguistic structure. Finally, ask to answer the question in the <language_2>. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Combine Facts Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and a question related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing the question only in the same language by combining multiple facts thus making the question more complex and requiring combining multiple facts to answer correctly. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Implicit Question Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and a question related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing the question only in the same language by asking implicit question where the answer isn’t explicit and requires understanding of the underlying implication. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Negative Questions Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and a question related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing the question only in the same language by asking negative questions that require the recognition of the negation included in the sentences. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Inference Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and a question related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by changing the question only in the same language by asking questions that require a degree of inference or deduction not directly provided. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Multichoice Questions Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and a question related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by asking multiple choice question based upon the given article, where the choices are from the article itself. Finally ask the model to respond with the correct choice and explain the decision. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
More Reasoning Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article and a question related to that article, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by asking that require multistep reasoning processes, where participants need to follow a sequence of logical steps to arrive at the correct answe. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Table 27: Mintaka
Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
Adding Distractors Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language that adds unrelated or distracting information in the article which is not relevant to the main topic. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Technical Jargon Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by adding technical jargon or industry specifc terms that makes it difficult to summarize. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Inconsistencies In Information Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language to include contradictions or inconsistencies within the article thus forcing the summarizer to discern which piece of information is accurate and relevant. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Multiple Topics Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language that covers multiple topics or subtopics thus make summarization more complicated. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Metaphors Idiom Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# using complex metaphors, idioms and cultural references thus making summarization more challenging. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Long Distance Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by increasing the distance between related pieces of information in the text as this requires understanding the deeper structure of the text. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Cross Lingual Summary Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents some article about a topic, rewrite the article only and create a #new_prompt# in any <language_2>. Finally ask to provide a summary in the <language_1>. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Unstructured Data Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by presenting the article in a non-linear or non-chronological format thus increasing the complexity as it becomes challenging to pick out the main points and summarize them accurately. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Personal Opinion Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents an article to be summarized, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# by incorporating bias or personal opinion as it greatly complicates the summarization process as the summarizer needs to remain neutral and objective.. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Table 28: Cross Summarization
Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
Complex Question Given a prompt #given_prompt# that requires composing a context around some question, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by formulating the question in a more complex way, requiring deeper understanding, reasoning, and inferential abilities. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Advanced Vocab Given a prompt #given_prompt# that requires composing a context around some question, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by using more complex language and advanced vocabulary to increase increase the difficulty level, as it requires deeper understanding of language and words to compose a context. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Multiple Themes Given a prompt #given_prompt# that requires composing a context around some question, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by asking question on multiple themes or topics thus making it harder to generate a context around all topics. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Ambiguity Given a prompt #given_prompt# that requires composing a context around some question, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by making question vague and ambiguous thus making it a little harder to compase a context around all topics. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
More Details Given a prompt #given_prompt# that requires composing a context around some question, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by adding more detail, domain specific knowledge and technical jargons to the question thus making it difficult to generate a context. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Increase Reasoning Given a prompt #given_prompt# that requires composing a context around some question, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by asking question that are at the intersection of multiple topic thus require understanding of all topics and how the topics are related to each other. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Time Given a prompt #given_prompt# that requires composing a context around some question, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by asking question where the context or the answer changes over time, thus assessing how up to date someone is. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Abstract Topics Given a prompt #given_prompt# that requires composing a context around some question, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by asking question where the context needs to be generated on some abstract topic where opinion varies from person to person. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Structured Info Given a prompt #given_prompt# that requires composing a context around some question, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by asking question where the context should be generated in a structured form as bulleted list with topics and sub-topics. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Table 29: Adversarial Qa
Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
Genre Specific Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to write a story on a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that specifies a genre for the short story, such as science fiction, mystery, fantasy, or historical fiction. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Character Constraints Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to write a story on a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that requires specific types of characters to be included, such as a detective, a mythical creature, or a historical figure. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Setting Restrictions Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to write a story on a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that limits the setting of the story to a specific location, time period, or environment, such as a futuristic city, the Wild West, or a remote island. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Plot Twists Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to write a story on a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that introduces a plot twist requirement, such as an unexpected turn of events, a moral dilemma, or a reversal of fortune for the main character. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Narrative Style Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to write a story on a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that specifies a narrative style or point of view, such as first-person, third-person limited, or epistolary (written as a series of letters). #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Word Count Limit Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to write a story on a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that sets a word count limit for the short story to encourage concise and focused storytelling. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Incorporate Dialogue Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to write a story on a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that requires meaningful dialogue between characters to develop plot, reveal character traits, or create tension. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Theme Integration Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to write a story on a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that integrates a specific theme into the story, such as friendship, resilience, betrayal, or the passage of time. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Include Symbolism Given a prompt #given_prompt# that asks to write a story on a topic, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but, that encourages the use of symbolism or allegory to convey deeper meanings or themes within the story. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Table 30: Soda
Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
Object Interaction Given a prompt #given_prompt# that involves commonsense physical reasoning, asking to finish a sentence with two possible options based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language that involves object interaction reasoning. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Object Properties Given a prompt #given_prompt# that involves commonsense physical reasoning, asking to finish a sentence with two possible options based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language that requires understanding and reasoning over the object properties. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Logical Sequencing Given a prompt #given_prompt# that involves commonsense physical reasoning, asking to finish a sentence with two possible options based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language that requires logical sequence reasoning. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Object Transformation Given a prompt #given_prompt# that involves commonsense physical reasoning, asking to finish a sentence with two possible options based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language that requires object transformation reasoning. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
More Choices Given a prompt #given_prompt# that involves commonsense physical reasoning, asking to finish a sentence with two possible options based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by adding more options and asking to finish with all correct options. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Justification Given a prompt #given_prompt# that involves commonsense physical reasoning, asking to finish a sentence with two possible options based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by asking to give a detailed step-by-step justification of the chosen option. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Incorrect Choices Given a prompt #given_prompt# that involves commonsense physical reasoning, asking to finish a sentence with two possible options based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by adding more options that are incorrect this making it difficult to identify correct option. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Double Negatives Given a prompt #given_prompt# that involves commonsense physical reasoning, asking to finish a sentence with two possible options based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language with double negatives thus making it hard to understand and can increase the complexity of the task. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Theoretical Scenario Given a prompt #given_prompt# that involves commonsense physical reasoning, asking to finish a sentence with two possible options based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by making the base scenarios less straightforward and more abstract thus making the task more complex. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Table 31: Commonsense
Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
Idioms Phrases Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents two sentences and asks whether the two are paraphrases or not, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language Idioms and phrases have meanings different from their literal meanings, using them for paraphrasing can add complexity. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Abbrevations Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents two sentences and asks whether the two are paraphrases or not, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by converting certain commonly known phrases or organizations into their abbreviated forms thus making identification more difficult. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Sentence Structure Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents two sentences and asks whether the two are paraphrases or not, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by increasing the complexity of sentences i.e. either rearranging the individual sentences, making use of passive and active voice or changing the sentence structural form. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Information Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents two sentences and asks whether the two are paraphrases or not, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by adding or subtracting relevant details from one sentence which do not change the main theme but add extra entities can make it challenging. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Variation Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents two sentences and asks whether the two are paraphrases or not, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by introducing variations in dialect, accent, slang, or colloquial language usage can make the task complex. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Negation Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents two sentences and asks whether the two are paraphrases or not, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by introducing negations or double negatives, the meaning of the sentence could be the same but the formation different. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Time Navigation Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents two sentences and asks whether the two are paraphrases or not, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by changing the time description (from past to present or future) in paraphrased sentences. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Cultural Inferences Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents two sentences and asks whether the two are paraphrases or not, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by using different cultural inferences in each sentence. The task gets complicated when two sentences infer same conclusion but uses culturally different examples or metaphors. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Length Variation Given a prompt #given_prompt# that represents two sentences and asks whether the two are paraphrases or not, based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by using different sentence length one can be short and another very long. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Table 32: Pawsx
Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
Ambiguity Given a prompt #given_prompt# based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language but making it much more vague and ambiguous thus making it not so straightforward to answer. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Long Form Question Given a prompt #given_prompt# based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by making it longer i.e. formulating the questions in long and complex sentences thus requiring the system to decipher the main question. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Multilingual Given a prompt #given_prompt# based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in <language_2> have different linguistic structure. Finally, ask to answer the question in the <language_1>. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Combine Facts Given a prompt #given_prompt# based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by combining multiple facts thus making the question more complex and requiring combining multiple facts to answer correctly. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Implicit Question Given a prompt #given_prompt# based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by asking implicit question where the answer isn’t explicit and requires understanding of the underlying implication. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Negative Questions Given a prompt #given_prompt# based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by asking negative questions that require the recognition of the negation included in the sentences. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Inference Deduction Given a prompt #given_prompt# based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by design question that require a degree of inference or deduction that might not be directly provided anywhere. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Multiple Answers Given a prompt #given_prompt# based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by design multiple-choice questions where more than one answer could be correct, making it more complex to find the right named entities. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Comparitive Questions Given a prompt #given_prompt# based upon the #given_prompt# create a #new_prompt# in the same language by asking questions would require the system to understand the comparative degree being asked about, making extraction or sorting from data more complicated. #given_prompt#: <prompt>
Table 33: Openqa

9.4 Prompt for Multiturn Evol-instruct

Evol Type GPT-4 Prompt
Challenging - The follow-up instruction must be challenging in terms of difficulty in comparison with the initial instruction.
Ambiguous - The follow-up instruction must refer to the previous result obtained from the initial instruction in an ambiguous way (e.g., summarize that under 3 paragraphs…)
Redirection - The follow-up instruction must abruptly change the type of the request/task or the thematic/topic of the initial instruction with no transition formula (e.g., let’s shift gears) or even referring to the initial instruction.
Generic Rewriting - The follow-up instruction must request a change in the {property} of the response to the INITIAL INSTRUCTION.
Feedback Handling - The follow-up instruction must indicate that what the AI model responded to the INITIAL INSTRUCTION was not good enough (you must specify on which random aspect).
Random - The follow-up instruction must request to change the response content or format in unique and unusual ways (e.g. switch to JSON or YAML or even a custom format illustrated by a template or very specific format description, keep all words starting with certain letter, remove every other word… You must specify this way in the instruction).
Context Retention - The follow-up instruction must present a request/task that will test the ability of the model to retain the context of the conversation established by the previous instructions.
Format Rewriting - The follow-up instruction must request a change in the format of the response to the previous instruction.
Persona Rewriting - The follow-up instruction must request a change in the persona of the response to the previous instruction.
Detailed Constraints - The follow-up instruction must add detailed constraints, like specifying the desired output format. Also involves providing more specific parameters or criteria to narrow down search results. Examples include specifying keywords, time ranges, locations, categories, or sources.
Adjust Output Format - The follow-up instruction must ask to adjust the output format as users may request specific formats for the output, such as text-only, summarized results, or structured data formats.
Expanding Queries - The follow-up instruction must ask to expand on a certain topic as users might want to broaden the search scope to include related topics or synonyms.
Refocus Queries - The follow-up instruction must be a refocus query as users may wish to refocus the query to target a specific aspect or angle of their original request.
Change Context - The follow-up instruction must introduce a new topic or context that is related to the current conversation, allowing the chatbot to provide a different perspective or information.
Clarification - The follow-up instruction must ask for clarification as the chatbot may provide a complex or unclear response, ask for clarification to encourage it to expand on its answer.
Chatbot Opinion - The follow-up instruction must encourage the chatbot to provide its own perspective or opinion on a topic, which can help create a more dynamic and engaging conversation.
Open Ended Questions - The follow-up instruction must ask open-ended questions that require more detailed and thoughtful responses, encouraging the chatbot to provide more information and keep the conversation going.
Complex Queries - The follow-up instruction must ask to create a multi-part question or instruction and see how the chatbot manages to break down and answer each part.
Pronouns - The follow-up instruction must ask a question that uses pronouns like "it," "he," or "she" after some gap in the conversation. The bot should have to remember the noun the pronoun is referring to.
Engaging Conversation - The follow-up instruction must engage the chatbot in a conversation about a topic that requires knowledge of previous interactions.
Recall Information - The follow-up instruction must ask the chatbot to recall the details of the earlier turns in the conversation.
Table 34: Multiturn Evols
GPT-4 Multiturn Prompt Your goal is to create a follow-up instruction to an INITIAL INSTRUCTION given to an AI model. You must design the follow-up using these specifications: - The follow-up instruction must read like it’s addressed to an AI model and not to another human. As such it should exclude requests impossible for an AI model to do (e.g. watch a movie or build a house). - The follow-up instruction should be fully relevant and make sense regardless of the AI model’s previous answer to the INITIAL INSTRUCTION. As such, it should rely on the INITIAL INSTRUCTION only and not on a hypothetical, unknown response by the AI model. - The follow-up instruction should be in < {language} > and should be a natural continuation of the INITIAL INSTRUCTION. {follow_up_type} INITIAL INSTRUCTION: "{instruction} " Provide directly the follow-up instruction requested with no additional comment, text or explanation, strictly in a valid json object: { "follow_up_user_prompt": "…" }
Figure 4: Multiturn Prompt to GPT-4

NeurIPS Paper Checklist

  1. 1.


  2. Question: Do the main claims made in the abstract and introduction accurately reflect the paper’s contributions and scope?

  3. Answer: [Yes]

  4. Justification: Yes, the claims made in the abstract and introduction are discussed throughout the paper and empirically shown in section 5 (Results).

  5. 2.


  6. Question: Does the paper discuss the limitations of the work performed by the authors?

  7. Answer: [Yes]

  8. Justification: Yes, we briefly describe limitations of our work in section 8.

  9. 3.

    Theory Assumptions and Proofs

  10. Question: For each theoretical result, does the paper provide the full set of assumptions and a complete (and correct) proof?

  11. Answer: [N/A]

  12. Justification: We do not present theoretical assumptions or proofs in our paper, which is empirical in focus.

  13. 4.

    Experimental Result Reproducibility

  14. Question: Does the paper fully disclose all the information needed to reproduce the main experimental results of the paper to the extent that it affects the main claims and/or conclusions of the paper (regardless of whether the code and data are provided or not)?

  15. Answer: [Yes] ,

  16. Justification: We share the full taxonomy in appendix of this paper, describe steps in details (section 3) to generate M2Lingual, and provide all model hyperparameters (section 4.2).

  17. 5.

    Open access to data and code

  18. Question: Does the paper provide open access to the data and code, with sufficient instructions to faithfully reproduce the main experimental results, as described in supplemental material?

  19. Answer: [Yes]

  20. Justification: We provide all details for each aspect of the taxonomy based evols in appendix of this paper. We will share a small sample of the dataset and our code repository in supplementary material. We will share the full dataset and trained models with the camera-ready version of the paper.

  21. 6.

    Experimental Setting/Details

  22. Question: Does the paper specify all the training and test details (e.g., data splits, hyperparameters, how they were chosen, type of optimizer, etc.) necessary to understand the results?

  23. Answer: [Yes]

  24. Justification: We describe hyperparameters in section 4.2, dataset statistics in table 1, table 2, and captions or in-rows of each of the result tables.

  25. 7.

    Experiment Statistical Significance

  26. Question: Does the paper report error bars suitably and correctly defined or other appropriate information about the statistical significance of the experiments?

  27. Answer: [No]

  28. Justification: We could not include the standard deviations in result tables in main content due to space constraints.

  29. 8.

    Experiments Compute Resources

  30. Question: For each experiment, does the paper provide sufficient information on the computer resources (type of compute workers, memory, time of execution) needed to reproduce the experiments?

  31. Answer: [Yes]

  32. Justification: Mentioned in section 4

  33. 9.

    Code Of Ethics

  34. Question: Does the research conducted in the paper conform, in every respect, with the NeurIPS Code of Ethics https://neurips.cc/public/EthicsGuidelines?

  35. Answer: [Yes]

  36. Justification: We adhere to the NeurIPS Code of Ethics.

  37. 10.

    Broader Impacts

  38. Question: Does the paper discuss both potential positive societal impacts and negative societal impacts of the work performed?

  39. Answer: [Yes]

  40. Justification: We discuss the ethical considerations along with limitations in Section 8.

  41. 11.


  42. Question: Does the paper describe safeguards that have been put in place for responsible release of data or models that have a high risk for misuse (e.g., pretrained language models, image generators, or scraped datasets)?

  43. Answer: [Yes]

  44. Justification: We discuss the low risk of toxic or offensive data in our dataset in Section 8.

  45. 12.

    Licenses for existing assets

  46. Question: Are the creators or original owners of assets (e.g., code, data, models), used in the paper, properly credited and are the license and terms of use explicitly mentioned and properly respected?

  47. Answer: [Yes]

  48. Justification: We cite all relevant work that we utilize, and follow the respective licenses.

  49. 13.

    New Assets

  50. Question: Are new assets introduced in the paper well documented and is the documentation provided alongside the assets?

  51. Answer: [Yes]

  52. Justification: We provide documentation for reproducibility and our repository (provided in supplementary material) will also have documentation.

  53. 14.

    Crowdsourcing and Research with Human Subjects

  54. Question: For crowdsourcing experiments and research with human subjects, does the paper include the full text of instructions given to participants and screenshots, if applicable, as well as details about compensation (if any)?

  55. Answer: [N/A]

  56. Justification: Our data is fully synthetic and we did not employ human subjects to construct the datasets.

  57. 15.

    Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approvals or Equivalent for Research with Human Subjects

  58. Question: Does the paper describe potential risks incurred by study participants, whether such risks were disclosed to the subjects, and whether Institutional Review Board (IRB) approvals (or an equivalent approval/review based on the requirements of your country or institution) were obtained?

  59. Answer: [N/A]

  60. Justification: Since the dataset is fully synthetic and we do not conduct research with human subjects.


We adhere to Apache 2.0 License from Aya Dataset and Aya Collection and Terms of Use for GPT-4 when constructing our M2Lingual dataset. We confirm that we bear the responsibility in the case of violation of rights and will take appropriate course of actions if needed. Our dataset is licensed through CC-by-NC-SA-4.0 license. The dataset will be hosted on HuggingFace datasets and maintained by the authors.

Dataset Documentation

Dataset documentation and sub-samples are available at https://huggingface.co/datasets/ServiceNow-AI/M2Lingual. The Croissant metadata associated with the dataset is available at https://huggingface.co/api/datasets/ServiceNow-AI/M2Lingual/croissant. It is intended to be used to improve model performance towards multilingual natural language understanding.