Enabling Generative Design Tools with LLM Agents for Building Novel Devices: A Case Study on Fluidic Computation Interfaces

Qiuyu Lu 0000-0002-8499-3091 University of California, Berkeley110 Sproul HallCaliforniaCAUSA94720 [email protected] Jiawei Fang University of California, BerkeleyCaliforniaCAUSA [email protected] Zhihao Yao Tsinghua UniversityBei**gChina yaozh˙[email protected] Yue Yang University of California, BerkeleyCaliforniaCAUSA [email protected] Shiqing Lyu Tsinghua UniversityBei**gChina [email protected] Haipeng Mi Tsinghua UniversityBei**gChina [email protected]  and  Lining Yao University of California, Berkeley110 Sproul HallCaliforniaCAUSA [email protected]

In the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), the development of interactive devices represents a significant area of focus. The advent of novel hardware and advanced fabrication techniques has underscored the demand for specialized design tools which democratize the prototy** process for such cutting-edge devices. While these tools simplify the process through parametric design and simulation, they typically require a certain learning curve and often fall short in facilitating creative ideation. In this study, we employ fluidic computation interface as a case study to investigate the potential of augmenting design tools of physical devices with Large Language Model (LLM) agents. Enhanced by LLM agents, the Generative Design Tool (GDT) can comprehend the capabilities and limitations of newly developed devices; it can propose varied, insightful, and practical application scenarios, and recommend device designs that are technically and contextually appropriate. Furthermore, it generates the necessary design parameters for the traditional part of the design tool to visualize results and produce support files for fabrication. This paper outlines the GDT’s framework, implementation, and performance, while also contemplating its prospects and the obstacles encountered.

Interactive Design Tool, Large Language Model, Agent, Fluidic computation, Pneumatic interface, Building devices
copyright: iw3c2w3gjournalyear: 2024doi: XXXXXXX.XXXXXXXconference: May 27; 2024; Pre-print submitted to arXivbooktitle: Woodstock ’18: ACM Symposium on Neural Gaze Detection, June 03–05, 2018, Woodstock, NYprice: 15.00isbn: 978-1-4503-XXXX-X/18/06

1. Introduction

In Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), especially in Tangible User Interfaces, Shape Changing Interfaces and broader physical computing and I/O devices fields, the design and development of interactive devices is a significant endeavor, incorporating novel hardware components that integrate sensing, computation, display, and actuation methods, alongside developments in materials and fabrication techniques. Since the design of interactive devices are often highly customized and specialized, the design and optimization process typically involves corresponding specialized design tools, developed to lower the learning curve through relatively straightforward parametric designing and tailored simulation and fabrication instructions (An et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2020; Sun et al., 2022). However, designing a novel interactive device using existing specific design tools remains challenging. Designers must possess a holistic understanding of all the capabilities and limitations of new devices, as well as grasp the meaning of all design modules and parameters. Generating appropriate ideas and applications requires extensive exploration because it needs to satisfy numerous requirements, ranging from functional goals to feasibility constraints. Even those most knowledgeable about designing interactive devices, such as the developers or researchers of the design tools themselves, still need to devote considerable effort to design various and specific use cases that represent the application value of the technology.

In the realm of universal design software, like computer-aided design (CAD) software, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has been observed to facilitate the design process, easing complex tasks and autonomously optimizing structures and materials (Miller, 2019; Jain and Kukkal, 2020). However, implementing AI-based features typically demands extensive algorithm and model development work and/or substantial data training (Willis et al., 2022; Zhao et al., 2020), which is impractical for specialized design tools without significant effort. Additionally, users still need to acquire specific domain knowledge to identify the design problem, ideate design goals, and set proper parameters before they can leverage such AI’s power, which doesn’t address the initial problem mentioned above.

Meanwhile, Large Language Models like GPT excel in a variety of creative endeavors due to their broad knowledge base, nuanced language generation capabilities, and contextual awareness (Cheng et al., 2023; Duan et al., 2023; Bhavya et al., 2023; Ko et al., 2023). For instance, 3DALL-E (Liu et al., 2023b) introduced a Fusion 360 plugin that empowers users to generate text and image prompts for modeling, drawing upon GPT’s vast repository of design considerations and factors. Moreover, recently, LLM agents have emerged as an increasing field of interest (aut, 2023; bab, 2023; Yao et al., 2022). When fine-tuned, these agents not only absorb new knowledge but also independently manage more intricate tasks (Park et al., 2023; Li et al., 2024; Hong et al., 2023), leading to our curiosity about their capability to grasp and pioneer new interactive device technologies. Furthermore, this raises the question of whether a synergy between LLM and conventional specialized design tools can offer users a new route when prototy** novel devices, harnessing LLM’ strengths in flexibility, adaptability, and creative problem-solving.

To explore how LLM agents can contribute to the design workflows of specific interactive physical devices, we initiated the development of a generative design tool (GDT) augmented with LLM agents, specifically for the fluidic computation interface (FCI) proposed by Lu et al. (Lu et al., 2023b). It has been chosen as a representative case study for this investigation due to several factors: 1) it classifies as an interactive device; 2) it demands specialized domain knowledge not commonly found in general-purpose LLMs; 3) technologically, it incorporates a range of inputs, outputs, and computational functions, representing the diverse components frequently encountered in the development of many interactive devices; and 4) it thoroughly explores the design space of the technology, offering a solid basis for distilling a body of knowledge and logic to fine-tune LLM agents.

The tool presented here can address a designer’s inquiries regarding FCI and provide inspiration for design goals in various application scenarios. After a designer inputs their vague goals (e.g., to design a ”smart Yoga pad”), the tool offers detailed suggestions and recommendations for corresponding functions. It guides the user to refine the design step by step, from selecting modules to setting attributes and parameters accordingly, by prompting the user with questions and recommendations and responding to the user’s inquiries. Moreover, the tool can verify the final design definition and generate the final 3D models of the FCI device with interaction simulation, which will directly guide the construction of physical devices. We present its performance in proposing and realizing design goals, and reflect on the advantages and challenges associated with integrating LLM agents into specialized design tools. We hope this work can inspire and benefit researchers develo** design tools for interactive physical devices and expand the user base of such design tools. The contributions of this work can be summarized as follows:

  • Exploring an approach for develo** LLM-agents-enhanced design tools for novel devices (Specifically FCI): This method employs a multi-agent framework and straightforward adjustments to LLM agents to facilitate rapid acquisition of FCI-specific design knowledge by LLM agents, preparing them for design tasks.

  • Development of GDT for FCI: A design tool that integrates LLM agents to apply fluid computation kits to novel building devices.

  • Tests of the GDT’s performance and reflection of the advantages and challenges associated with integrating LLM agents into design tools in building specialized novel devices.

2. Related Work

2.1. AI Enhanced Design Tools for Building Devices

Specialized design tools play a crucial role in facilitating the prototy** of novel devices (Ion et al., 2017a, b; Lu et al., 2023c; Ou et al., 2016). To streamline the design process, AI has been integrated into such tools, transforming the design landscape through advanced algorithms and computational methods (Gmeiner et al., 2023). This integration is particularly impactful in physical prototy**, where hardware integration is essential. AI algorithms have drastically reduced the costs associated with trial and error for physical objects, increased production efficiency, and broadened the scope of design possibilities. For instance, Zanzibar provides a platform for exploring the design space of physical and digital games (Villar et al., 2018), enabling rapid game development; 3D and 4D printing offer intuitive visualization of precise simulations (An et al., 2018; Peng et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2020; Tao et al., 2023; Sun et al., 2022), even supporting interactive design processes (Wessely et al., 2018). Similar technologies have found wide application in areas such as shape-changing materials (Zhong et al., 2023) and circuit design (Drew et al., 2016; Olberding et al., 2014). However, despite the advancements brought about by ”conventional” AI-integrated tools in improving design efficiency, they still face challenges such as a lack of inspiration and conceptualization of design goals, dependency on users for setting numerous parameters, and a shortage of contextual awareness and proactive suggestions (Gmeiner et al., 2023; Li, 2024).

Meanwhile, LLM has shown promise in addressing these challenges. It has been successfully utilized to enhance creative imaging tools in various domains (Cheng et al., 2023; Duan et al., 2023; Bhavya et al., 2023; Ko et al., 2023; Liu et al., 2023b). By collaborating with LLM, designers can initiate projects with simple requirements and see them through to completion with the aid of LLM. However, despite its potential, in the field of designing interactive hardware systems, which inherently involve input, computation, and output functionalities, and interact contextually with users, LLM has yet to be extensively integrated into specialized design tools. This is potentially due to the following reasons: LLM is trained on large-scale textual data and lacks highly specialized knowledge in newly developed interactive hardware systems to handle these highly specialized tasks. Novel interactive hardware design involves complex combinations of components and functional modules, as well as considerations across multiple aspects. This complexity and diversity are challenging to describe with simple text and require more structured information. Interactive device design requires higher precision, and the results of hardware design need to ensure that the physical implementation works correctly and meets the expected functionality.

Nevertheless, we envision there is a chance to harness LLM’s capabilities to understand and innovate new interactive device technologies. By augmenting conventional specialized design tools with LLM, we can introduce a fresh approach to device prototy**. Leveraging LLM’s strengths in flexibility, adaptability, and creative problem-solving can lower usage barriers and inspire more innovative designs.

2.2. Large Language Models and Agents

Large Language Models, trained on vast dataset to comprehend and manipulate a large number (billions) of parameters (e.g., GPT-4 (Achiam et al., 2023; Andreas, 2022)), has become pivotal in the area as the rise of Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) which helps them successfully generate human-like text. Due to their powerful anthropomorphic response capabilities, LLM has been applied to enable a broad range of interactive applications within the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) community. For instance, some works have focused on enhancing the interaction mechanisms between LLM and users, allowing users to better benefit LLM (Liu et al., 2023a; Dang et al., 2023; Jiang et al., 2023; Zamfirescu-Pereira et al., 2023; Suh et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2023b). Other studies have investigated how LLM can support designers by offering inspiration for CAD projects (Liu et al., 2023b) and enhancing the creative process in animation design (Tseng et al., 2024), thereby directly benefiting users in design and manufacturing fields(Makatura et al., 2023). Additional research has delved into ethical crises and social impacts. For example, ”synthetic lies” discusses the risks of persuasive misinformation generation of LLM (Zhou et al., 2023). Liang et al. have proposed a large-scale empirical analysis on providing review feedback with LLM (Liang et al., 2023). Beyond these areas, LLM has been applied in art creation (Angert et al., 2023), minority groups (Valencia et al., 2023; Huh et al., 2023), public health intervention (Jo et al., 2023), journalism (Petridis et al., 2023), education (Lu et al., 2023a; Peng et al., 2023), and more. However, we still have yet to see the LLM-based generative design tools being fully leveraged to design highly specialized interactive devices.

The agent refers to an entity that is capable of autonomously performing tasks, making decisions, and interacting with other agents or its environment to achieve specific goals (Jennings et al., 1998; Vere and Bickmore, 1990). Within the LLM Agent framework, LLM serves as the agent’s brain with its fundamental abilities such as reasoning, planning and decision-making (Wang et al., 2023a). The agent possesses both long-term memory by leveraging an external knowledge library for fast retrieval and short-term memory through in-context learning in instructions, utilizing tools via external APIs and functions. These abilities endow LLM-agent with powerful and robust capabilities in tackling complex tasks, rendering it highly efficient across diverse applications. The research on LLM-Agent can be generally classified into single-agent and multi-agents. Early work on LLM Agent approaches advocated for the use of a single agent employing tools to tackle complex tasks (bab, 2023; Yao et al., 2022; aut, 2023). However, the intricate logic of complex tasks often led to the single agent experiencing significant hallucinations, making it challenging to resolve complex issues effectively (Chen et al., 2023b). To address this, the multi-agent framework champions role-playing by decomposing complex tasks into multiple, more manageable subtasks and allocating them to different agents, each possessing specialized knowledge in the areas of the assigned subtasks and becomes more focused on resolving these tasks (Chen et al., 2023a; Chan et al., 2023; Park et al., 2023). This approach, which allocates subtasks to collaborative multi-agents, ensures that the generated results are more comprehensive and accurate, behaving with significantly superior capabilities in solving complex tasks far surpassing the abilities of a single agent (Li et al., 2024, 2023). Within the framework of our work, we employed a multi-agent strategy to lay the groundwork for our tool’s design (Fig. 2).

2.3. Fluidic Computation Interfaces (FCI)

Mechanical computation has garnered increasing attention in recent years, marking its success across various science and engineering fields such as molecular computation (Adleman, 1994), robotics (Rajappan et al., 2021; Wehner et al., 2016), morphological computation (Hauser et al., 2011), and fluidic logic circuits (Mosadegh et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2017; Rhee and Burns, 2009). Within the HCI device fabrication and design community, there’s a notable trend toward leveraging unconventional computation to enhance computing capabilities. A handful of HCI studies have explored the integration of mechanical computation within interfaces. Ion et al. introduced digital mechanical metamaterials for constructing logic structures (Ion et al., 2017a). Venous Materials (Mor et al., 2020) showcased fluidic mechanisms that react to mechanical inputs from users to produce outputs. Logic Bonbon (Deng et al., 2022) created basic logic gates for crafting desserts with varying flavors based on user inputs. AirLogic (Savage et al., 2022) advanced these fluidic logic concepts by incorporating them into 3D printing processes. The Fluidic Computation Kit (Lu et al., 2023b) delves deeper, offering a systematic exploration of creating advanced mechanical computation devices. It amalgamates diverse force inputs, computation facilitated by various operators, and different output modalities. This breadth makes it particularly interesting, as it encompasses different facets of interactive device construction beyond a singular focus on certain actuation or sensing technology. Given its complexity and innovation, this technology presents unique challenges that may stretch the capabilities of LLM agents. Therefore, we have selected the FCI, drawing from the research of Lu et al., as our entry point to investigate the potential opportunities and challenges of LLM agents in empowering novel device design tools.

3. Background Knowledge on FCI

FCI, specifically referring to devices constructed using the Fluidic Computation Kit (Fig. 1) (Lu et al., 2023b) in our context, employs fluidic circuits with pneumatic components, such as valves, for performing logic computations through pneumatic signals. These signals are differentiated by positive pressure (1) and atmospheric pressure (0), facilitating logic operations and generating outputs based on these computations. The design space of FCI includes force input, mechanical computation, and tangible output:

Refer to caption
Figure 1. Building an interactive sitting posture correction chair with the Fluidic Computation Kit. a) Pick the elementary components. b) Construct the operators via wiring the components. c) Wiring the circuit with operators according to the computation logic. d) Preparing the input/output airbags and integrating them with the circuit into a chair. (Permission granted from the authors)
Refer to caption
Figure 2. The GDT’s overview. Sections a-g constitute the backend, which includes LLM agents and conventional algorithms. Sections h-m represent the frontend, utilized by users interacting with the GDT. The Consultant agent (a) and the first tab of the GUI (h,j) are dedicated to assisting with the design ideation and detailing phase. The remaining components are focused on the solution implementation phase. Some text within the GUI has been enlarged to enhance readability. The heat-sealing pattern for the output module (m) will be provided when the type of output is shape-changing, and the shape is associated with an inverse design algorithm.

- Input: This part mainly comprises airbags that detect actions leading to a change in internal air pressure, usually due to external forces applied during manipulation. This change in pressure shifts the input signal between atmospheric (0) and positive (1), allowing it to detect the presence, duration, frequency, and sudden changes of force.

- Computation: At the heart of FCI, the fluidic circuit receives air pressure input signals and processes them using predetermined logic calculations, subsequently producing output signals aimed at the output part. It is built with basic computational components (in triangle form) and various operators (created by combining components).

- Output: The output section can deliver feedback in multiple forms, such as shape-change, haptic feedback, olfactory feedback, and Acoustic feedback, all fundamentally powered by airflow.

4. Designing with the GDT

Refer to caption
Figure 3. The user flow for designing with Fluid Computation GDT includes: (1) Greeting the Consultant and freely asking for explanations or s to learn about FCI. (2) Setting the design goal with the help of ideation from the Consultant. (3) Defining the input, output, and computation modules with the Consultant’s guidance and recommendations. (4) Confirming the design definition and previewing the generated fluid computation system; clicking the input module to see the animated demonstration of control logic.

4.1. Overview

The GDT’s architecture, illustrated in Fig. 2, includes elements similar to those found in conventional specialized design tools, such as parametric-driven design, design outcome rendering previews, and simulations. However, unlike those tools that require users to conceive application designs (design goals, DGs) that fit new devices and manually set various parameters or drag-and-drop modules to complete the design, this GDT, augmented with LLM agents, can assist or even take over these tasks. Specifically, the following LLM agents are integrated into this GDT:

- Consultant (Fig. 2.a): This agent is equipped with comprehensive knowledge of FCI’s capabilities and limitations. It can answer questions regarding the FCI, help define design goals, and assist in deciding various details needed during the design phase. It interacts with users via a GUI dialogue box (Fig. 2.i) and provides real-time updates of design details on the GUI for easy access (Fig. 2.h). In addition, the design goal will be displayed at the result window as well (Fig. 2.l)

- Logic Designer, Circuit Engineer, Inspector (Fig. 2.b-d): These three agents are responsible for the design of the computation module, a key component of the FCI tasked with performing logical operations with mechanical circuits. The Logic Designer analyzes the design details provided by the Consultant and outputs computational logic in a prescribed standard format. The Circuit Engineer, familiar with the operators within FCI and capable of ”circuit” design, selects appropriate operators based on the provided logic to complete the FCI circuit design. The Inspector checks and rates the correctness and conciseness of the FCI circuit, deciding whether to send it back to the Circuit Engineer for modifications. Circuit designs approved by the Inspector are used for visualization and simulation on the GUI (Fig. 2.g, k). Users can refer to the visualization results to construct the FCI circuit. Input and output modules are visualized qualitatively.

The computational logic and inspection report will be sent to and displayed at Fig. 2.l.

- I/O Designer (Fig. 2.e): Responsible for designing the I/O module, which includes artifacts like airbags in the FCI for detecting external inputs or providing output feedback. The I/O Designer, also receiving design details from the Consultant, will offer design suggestions for the I/O module based on this information and its knowledge of the FCI. These are primarily qualitative suggestions. But in cases when five predefined shapes are used for the output airbags, quantitative geometry of these shapes (e,g, the diameter of a sphere) will be suggested. Qualitative recommendations are directly reflected in the corresponding section of the GUI (Fig. 2.m). Quantitative suggestions are processed through inverse design algorithms to generate heat-sealing patterns and dimensions for user review via the GUI (Fig. 2.m).

In the next subsection, we will demonstrate the process of completing an FCI design using this FCI-GDT through an example.

4.2. Walkthrough

In this section, we provide a design walkthrough of using our design tool to create a smart yoga pad for Emily (Fig. 3).

Greet & Introduction (Fig. 3.1). Upon opening the GUI, Emily is warmly greeted by the Consultant, who briefly introduces himself and invites her to inquire about the Fluidic Computation Interface (FCI) and share design ideas. Emily asks about the purpose of FCI, to which the counselor explains it as a non-electronic pneumatics system utilizing fluidic circuits for logic calculations. The FCI comprises Input, Computation, and Output Modules, each serving distinct functions. Potential applications like posture correction and security systems are highlighted, showcasing FCI’s ability to detect force changes and provide various feedback forms. Emily then requests detailed s of FCI applications, leading the counselor to provide instances such as a Posture Correction Chair and Medication Reminder. Each application demonstrates function, detection, and feedback.

Set Design Goal (Fig. 3.2). Following the explanation, the Consultant assists Emily in defining the design goal, assuring her that detailed concept ideas are unnecessary as the bot can help develop them. Emily expresses interest in creating a yoga pad to help practicing yoga and seeks suggestions from the assistant. The Consultant proposes ideas like Posture Detection, Sequence Guide, and Breathing Aid. Inspired by these suggestions, Emily decides to design a yoga pad with posture detection and provide physical assistance for difficult poses. She adds detail: ”If a user cannot reach the hand area of the mat during a pose, the mat will detect this and inflate the hand area to form a supportive structure, similar to a yoga air block, aiding the user in maintaining the correct pose.” When Emily inquired about the specific goal posture, the Consultant also recommended certain applied postures, particularly focusing on common poses that often pose difficulty for beginners and those that can benefit from added support to maintain correct alignment, such as the Triangle Pose. The Consultant confirms the goal and guides Emily to the next step.

Define Input Module (Fig. 3.3). After finalizing the design goal, the Consultant proceeds to help define the Input Module for the yoga pad. The Input Module of the system comprises airbags that detect external forces, causing a change in pressure that alters the input signal from atmospheric (0) to positive (1) pressure. Each input is characterized by three main properties in addition to a comment note:

  • Attribute: Defines the state of the signal as Binary (0 or 1), Duration (how long it remains in each state), Frequency (how frequently it transitions), and Edge (transition moment).

  • Location: Indicates where the input airbags are placed, such as under the feet, on the sides of the vehicle, or within the seatbelt.

  • Manipulation: Describes how the airbags are interacted with, including actions like squeeze, step, press, or twist.

  • Note (Optional): Supplements additional information for specific types of input, such as frequency/duration values.

In this walkthrough, the Consultant suggests using two inputs: Input A for detecting hand presence along specific points on the pad corresponding to expected hand placements in posture, and Input B for detecting foot presence to determine if the user is standing on the pad and initiating this posture. These inputs are set to binary attributes, indicating the presence or absence of pressure. Emily asks to add a delay for the input to avoid false activations. The Consultant changes the corresponding attribute of the input and asks to confirm that this meets Emily’s expectations without any additional features.

Define Output Module (Fig. 3.3). Once Emily confirms the former step, the Consultant guides the discussion toward defining the Output Module, presenting various options, including shape-changing, haptic, olfactory and acoustic feedback, which are aligned with the capabilities of the Fluidic Computation Interface (FCI). Given the design goal of providing physical assistance when the user’s hand cannot reach the side edges of the mat, the Consultant suggests one specific output: Output I (Shape-changing Feedback), which involves inflating to form a supportive air block when the hand is not detected but the foot is. The Consultant then asks whether further discussion on this output is needed or if any additional output types should be considered for the yoga mat. Emily is satisfied with the result and confirms it. The Consultant inquires about the shape and size of the output Emily wants and, based on the cues from the yoga bricks, recommends a box measuring 23 * 15 * 7.5 cm.

Define Computation Module (Fig. 3.3). Next, the Consultant outlines the Computation Module, specifying that Output I, the inflation of the supportive air block, is triggered when Input B detects foot pressure but Input A does not detect hand pressure for 30 seconds. This logic ensures that the yoga pad provides assistance when the user is attempting the Triangle Pose and requires support for their hand. Following Emily’s confirmation, the Consultant informs her that the design definition process has concluded. It inquires whether she would prefer to finalize the design in its current state or if there are any adjustments or additions she would like to make.

Preview and interact with the generated device (Fig. 3.4). After reviewing all the design definitions on the UI panels, Emily clicks the ”Result” button to switch to the page displaying the generated FCI model. This interface includes a description, truth table, 3D model of fluid computation kit structures with logic simulation, and suggestions for designing the I/O Module. Emily can click on the highlighted input module model to change its state and observe the corresponding changes of the output module (Fig. 3.4.1). Based on the generated model and description, Emily is ready to connect the entities of the Fluid Computation kits, fabricate inflatable airbags (Fig. 3.4.2), and integrate each module into real space, considering practical application scenarios for their proper arrangement.

5. Performance

In this section, we report on the GDT’s performance in design tasks, with a particular focus on assessing its capabilities from two perspectives: the ability to propose design goals and the capacity to realize the design goals. During the experiments, we provided only the most basic requests and guidance, including: providing design goals, requiring the tool to independently complete each component’s design, and requesting it to perform a check after completing each component’s design.

5.1. Performance in Proposing Design Goals

Refer to caption
Figure 4. Categorization of the one hundred design goals proposed by the GDT, based on their application scenarios.
Refer to caption
Figure 5. Rating result of the one hundred design goals.

We specifically constructed the Consultant agent in GDT to ”include the function, the detection requirements to achieve that function, and the necessary feedback” when proposing design goals. Generally, the GDT consistently provided design goals that included this essential information. The GDT was tasked with proposing one hundred design goals (DGs), delivering ten goals at a time over ten sessions. The complete list of these DGs is available in the Supplementary Material. Firstly, we evaluated the variety of the design goals. The goals were categorized based on application scenarios, as shown in Fig. 4. This categorization spans ten major categories and twenty-four subcategories, demonstrating considerable diversity overall.

Subsequently, we assessed the outcomes, the goals, based on four criteria:

Novelty: This criterion assesses the uniqueness and innovation of the application scenario, focusing on the design’s originality in relation to existing literature and other design goals in the list. For instance, a design such as “…an encrypted door latch that responds to a specific sequence of steps with a particular frequency…(DG2)” lacks novelty, given its similarity to previous works. Conversely, “…to promote an interactive learning environment by detecting edge transitions in pressure on a classroom floor…(DG89)” stands out as novel, distinguished by its uniqueness and absence of similar applications within the experts’ knowledge or the list.

Rationality: Evaluates the logical foundation and appropriateness of the design’s function within its intended scenario. This perspective examines the design goal’s method of providing feedback or interaction, ensuring it is logically coherent and suited for its purpose. For instance, “…ensure driver attentiveness by detecting the frequency of steering wheel manipulation…(DG16)” is deemed irrational, as there is a weak correlation between the mentioned elements. “… to encourage hydration during exercise by detecting the absence of bottle squeezing over time and producing a distinctive olfactory reminder (DG49)” is more rational .

Feasibility: This metric determines the likelihood of the proposed interface being practically realized with the current hardware and technology. It appraises the design’s capability of being developed into a functional, tangible interface. For instance, “…sensing the rising and falling edges of ambient noise pressure on sound-absorbing panels…(DG79)” is considered infeasible, as the technology lacks the capability to discern noise levels.

Complexity: Measures the complexity of the design goals, mainly taking into account the number of inputs, outputs, and computational logic. Experts primarily assess it based on whether a) multiple inputs or outputs need to be employed, and b) the computation potentially requires more than simple one-to-one logic or needs cascading operators. A design is categorized as low complexity if neither condition is met, medium complexity if one condition is met, and high complexity if both are met.

Refer to caption
Figure 6. Selected design outcomes for three low-complexity Design Goals (DGs). For DG87-A, the LLM agents opted for a bending shape-changing output, a predefined shape supported by a corresponding inverse design algorithm. Consequently, the GDT provided a heat-sealing pattern, with its dimensions calculated according to the bending strip dimensions suggested by the agent.
Refer to caption
Figure 7. Selected design outcomes for three medium-complexity DGs. For DG15-A, The circuit was deemed faulty because the input airbag can only provide a signal and cannot supply a continuous airflow. The diode should be replaced with two NOT gates.
Refer to caption
Figure 8. Selected design outcomes for three high-complexity DGs. DG90-B was unsuccessful in proposing a logical rationale to distinguish between walking and standing. DG98-B did not propose a feasible solution for detecting when the trash pedal is not stepped on. Furthermore, both DG98-B and DG98-C did not offer a viable location for placing the Input B airbag to detect when it is 75% full.

The scoring results for the 100 design goals are shown in Fig. 5. DGs with medium or high levels of novelty accounted for 83%, while the distribution of complexity was relatively even across the three levels. Rationality and Feasibility fundamentally influence whether DGs can be realized, with both criteria showing that approximately 80% of DGs scored medium or higher. For DGs that scored Low in either Rationality or Feasibility, we conducted additional tests. We fed these specific DGs back to the agent, requesting an optimization focused on either Rationality or Feasibility (explaining the meaning of these criteria in the prompt) and then had experts re-evaluate them. As a result, DGs that initially scored Low dropped from 20 to 7 in Rationality and from 23 to 4 in Feasibility.

5.2. Performance in Realizing Design Goals

From the pool of DGs characterized by high novelty and medium or above in Rationality/Feasibility, we selected nine DGs, with three from each complexity level. We tasked the GDT with creating three designs for each DG, resulting in a total of twenty-seven designs. The selected outcomes are illustrated in Fig. 6, 7, 8. Due to space constraints, we detailed nine of these design outcomes. We evaluated the accuracy and highlighted strengths and issues encountered during the design process.

5.2.1. Accuracy

The accuracy of the designs was evaluated by experts based mainly on whether the circuitry implementation could achieve the DG’s intended function. The accuracy was higher among designs with low to medium complexity (Fig. 6, 7) but saw a decline in designs with high complexity (Fig. 8).

5.2.2. Design Process

We summarized the pros and cons observed in the design process, categorized by design steps following the establishment of a DG.

I. Defining Input/Output Module. Overall, the agent is capable of correctly determining the number and form of inputs/outputs (I/O) based on the DG, for instance, ”Given the design goal of facilitating precise medication dosage…, it’s appropriate to have a single output module that corresponds to the single input…(Fig. 6, DG87).” Moreover, in cases where the DG does not explicitly describe the quantity or form of I/O, the agent can infer and make reasonable decisions by considering the context of the design goal. For example, ”…to properly distinguish between standing still and walking, we could consider using the Frequency attribute to detect how frequently the pressure (in the sole) changes (Fig. 8, DG90).” This DG does not specify what to detect for determining walking, yet the agent thoughtfully decides on a rational input design. Similarly, ”Since the goal is … yoga poses, we will define inputs based on common yoga poses and the specific areas of the mat that would detect pressure when those poses are performed. Considering a basic yoga session could include multiple poses, let’s plan for two distinct inputs that cover two poses. Here are my suggestions for the input module based on different poses: Input A could be for detecting a pose like Downward Dog, which primarily involves pressure on the hands and feet. Input B could be for a Seated Forward Bend, with pressure detected towards the center of the mat where the sit bones would be. Each input’s attribute would be Duration, as we are measuring how long someone maintains a pose. The manipulation would be the sustained Press of the body against the mat (Fig. 8, DG51).” In this, the agent provides the number of inputs and explains the reasoning, also sensibly specifying the Location and Manipulation for different inputs. When the envisioned I/O form in a DG might be impractical, the agent can also proactively adjust, for instance, ”Since we’re dealing with an industrial environment where the primary concern is prompt and clear notification, the feedback should likely be haptic or acoustic, instead of using shape-changing mechanisms that might directly halt machine operations (Fig. 6, DG22)”.

For different Input Attributes, we also instruct the Consultant to determine the corresponding values. For Frequency, it’s necessary to establish a target frequency value, and for Duration, to determine the length of time. The agent often provides reasonable values, such as ”in a medical setting where precise medication dosage is critical, the frequency of syringe plunger pressure would likely be much lower to allow for careful measurement and handling of medication. A more reasonable frequency would be around 0.5 Hz…(Fig. 6, DG87)” and ”…keeps track of the duration that the shower mat is under pressure, and we can set an initial default duration threshold to, for 5 minutes, in line with environmental recommendations. (Fig. 7, DG43)” Similarly, for different types of Output Feedback, we require the agent to specify the type of shape change, scent, sound, or location of haptic feedback. The agent can also provide sensible suggestions, such as ”The scent used should be recognized for its calming properties, such as lavender or chamomile,… (Fig. 7, DG14)”

While the agent often provides appropriate values initially, it may not always get them right on the first attempt. However, prompting a self-check after the completion of each design component can rectify such errors. For example, the frequency value was initially set at 5 Hz and adjusted to 0.5 Hz after a self-review (Fig. 6, DG87). Sometimes, the agent might overlook the limitations of the fluidic computation kit’s capabilities, a scenario we primarily observed in cases involving acoustic feedback, such as “Output II, Acoustic, Historical narrative of the map section (Fig. 7, DG15).” This oversight could be due to the descriptions of available sound feedback forms in the knowledge base not being sufficiently clear to the agent.

II. Defining Computation Module. For DGs with medium complexity and below, the agent is generally capable of proposing computation logic that aligns with the DG. For instance, “Given our design goal…, the output should be triggered when the input detects a falling edge, indicating a sudden drop in seat pressure. Thus, the condition for activating the acoustic feedback is when a falling edge is detected by Input A (Fig. 6, DG41)”.

However, for DGs with high complexity, the agent begins to encounter errors more often. For example, “if input A detects that the Downward Dog pose is held for less than 30 seconds, it suggests the user is a beginner, and Output I will inflate for support. If held for more than 60 seconds, it indicates a higher skill level, and Output I will deflate to increase difficulty… (Fig. 8, DG51).” The logic flaw lies in the design to inflate support within the first 30 seconds for all users, inaccurately assuming beginner status regardless of actual skill level. Typically, allowing the agent to perform a self-check can correct such a mistake: “if input A detects that the Downward Dog pose for more than 45 seconds, it indicates a higher skill level, and Output I will deflate to increase difficulty (Fig. 8, DG51)”.

III. I/O Module Design. In terms of the input module, the corresponding agent can usually provide the requested qualitative information accurately, including the design (size, shape, material) of the airbag serving as an input device and its placement. For example, ”The airbag should be sufficiently thin and flexible to comfortably fit within the soles of shoes. Its shape can be akin to that of a sole, though smaller in size. (Fig. 8, DG90)”, ”…the airbag should be made of elastic material, allowing it to recover its shape when no force is applied, catering to the ’Frequency’ attribute’s need for resiliency… (Fig. 6, DG87)” and ”…design an airbag sized and shaped to cover the top corners and the bottom center of the yoga mat… (DG51).” However, we noticed a general weakness in understanding spatial distribution, specifically, it does not actively consider and avoid interference among multiple input devices in the same space, as shown by ”For Input A, …This airbag… should appropriately fit the inner contours of the stress ball… For Input B, another airbag embedded within the stress ball is needed to detect binary grip** force… (Fig. 6, DG14).”

Regarding the output module, the agent generally provides suitable qualitative suggestions as requested as well. For instance, ”For Output I, a tube designed to emit an alarm sound under airflow is needed. A pneumatic whistle could be utilized…(6, DG22)” and ”…for olfactory feedback, a tube imbued with a refreshing scent, filled with essential oils known for their invigorating properties, should release the scent into the shower area (Fig. 7, DG43).” Additionally, for ”Shape-changing Feedback” that matches preset shapes in the knowledge base, we tasked the agent with attempting to quantify relevant geometry based on the context. The agent performs well in these tasks, as demonstrated by ”Since Output I is an airbag that inflates inside the water tube to partially obstruct flow after 5 minutes of shower use, its design must allow for expansion to effectively regulate water flow. A spherical airbag, fitting standard U.S. shower tube diameters for even restriction, with a radius of 12.7 mm (0.5 inches) is optimal, significantly reducing but not stop** the flow (Fig. 8, DG43)” and ”Given the unspecified syringe type, for common usage, a bending airbag could measure 60 mm in length and 10 mm in width, with a bend angle of 45 degrees to provide the necessary feedback, attachable to the syringe’s label area (Fig. 6, DG87).” Inverse design for obtaining the airbag’s heat-seal pattern is facilitated by agent performing function calls and consistently executed accurately, for example, ”L: 79.76 mm, W: 39.88 mm, d=4.98 (Fig. 8, DG43)” and ”L: 60mm, W: 10mm, a: 3.33mm, d: 8.08mm, D: 20mm, n: 2 (Fig. 6, DG87).” However, we noted a shortfall in accurately identifying somewhat more intricate spatial relationships and physical interactions. Specifically, the unsuccessful attempts for DG98 (8) demonstrated an inability to pinpoint an appropriate placement for the Input airbag which is crucial for detecting the bin fullness.

IV. Computation Module Design. This task is collaboratively completed by a Logic Designer, Circuit Engineer, and Inspector. The Logic Designer can accurately transcribe and standardize the DG and module design information into a ”truth table.” And we’ve observed its capability to appropriately refine computation logic. For example, ”If the duration of A or B being 0 is ¡ 30 minutes, then Output I = 0; If the total duration of A or B being 0 is ¿= 30 minutes and A or B = 0, then Output I = 1 (Fig. 8, DG90),” where the Logic Designer introduces an additional AND logic to ensure the output is activated only when the walking duration exceeds the specified time and the subject is still walking. The Circuit Engineer can correctly complete designs for DGs with medium and lower complexity. However, errors are sometimes observed in high-complexity DGs, such as ”OR (A, B; Q) Timer(Q, 1800; TimerOutput) AND(Q, TimerOutput; Output I) (Fig. 8, DG90)” where Input A is not inverted, leading to a detection for when A is pressed down. In such instances, the Inspector can identify mistakes and suggest corrections, ”The truth table specifications are not fully met by the current circuit description…, an inversion of Input A and Input B’s condition is required…, ’circuit’: NOT(A; C) NOT(B; D) OR (C, D; Q) Timer(Q, 1800; TimerOutput) AND(Q, TimerOutput; Output I) (Fig. 8, DG90).”

6. Implementation

In this section, we detail the implementation specifics of our GDT.

6.1. The Technical Architecture

Refer to caption
Figure 9. The technical architecture of GDT.

The architecture is illustrated in Fig. 9, leveraging OpenAI APIs (GPT4-preview), Voiceflow, Flask, and Unity in its development. Unity primarily forms the front-end interface, while Voiceflow, Flask, and OpenAI APIs serve as the backbone of the back-end, facilitating the collaborative workflow of LLM agents.

Agents are empowered with Flask and OpenAI APIs. Flask, a lightweight web application framework in Python, facilitates API development, request handling, data post-processing, and serves as an integration layer. The resources—comprising instructions, libraries, and tools—configured for the agents are hosted on Flask and relayed to OpenAI APIs upon agent initialization.

We utilize two distinct OpenAI APIs: GPT and Assistant. Each API demands specific Instruction to define the agent’s core response mechanisms and utilizes user data to prompt responses. The Assistant API, however, distinguishes itself by allowing Tool use, maintaining contextual memory, and the ability to consult a knowledge base, referred to as the Library. This, however, incurs higher token usage. The choice between GPT and Assistant APIs for agent development is dictated by the task’s complexity. For tasks that require basic functionality, such as those handled by the Logic Designer and Inspector, the GPT API is the optimal choice due to its straightforwardness. Conversely, for roles demanding more nuanced understanding and interaction—like the Consultant, I/O Designer, and Circuit Engineer—the Assistant API offers more sophisticated features that are particularly beneficial.

Flask designates a specific port for each agent, acting as the agent’s distinct ”address” within the public network for streamlined access by Voiceflow. Through these dedicated ports, Voiceflow facilitates communication to and from the respective agents, enabling a seamless collaborative workflow among agents. Voiceflow plays a pivotal role in orchestrating the interactions among agents. The front-end interface is developed using Unity (Version 2022.3.15), which monitors the exchanges between Voiceflow and the agents via the Voiceflow API, ensuring that these interactions are effectively presented to the user. In addition to facilitating conversations with users and displaying text-based results, Unity also integrates algorithms for the visualization and simulation of the FCI device.

6.2. Configure LLM Agents

Refer to caption
Figure 10. A potential general agent collaboration framework. Our GDT consists the Consultant and two agent clusters (one for solving the computation module design, one for the I/O Modules).

6.2.1. Task Allocation for Multi-Agents

Assigning agents to focus on narrow and specific types of work tends to yield better outcomes (Li et al., 2024, 2023). Specifically, in the context of designing novel devices like FCIs, we organize and delegate tasks with the following considerations:

Initially, we categorize the entire design process into two main phases: ideation of design goals and detailing (Ideation & Detailing), and the technical implementation of solutions (Implementation Solution). The Ideation & Detailing phase demands a comprehensive qualitative understanding of the design space for the new device (FCI in our case), and a macroscopic view of the design. We assign this sub-task to one agent (Consultant) and guide it on how to gather or propose sufficient design details (Fig. 10.a).

The Implementation Solution phase involves the specific design of various sub-modules within a device, requiring specialized and in-depth knowledge, and can be assigned to different clusters of agents (Fig. 10.b). If we follow the modules included in FCI, they should be divided into Input, Output, and Computation modules. However, during development, we find that some knowledge required for designing I/O modules is relatively challenging to explain effectively to LLM agents through natural language, and LLM agents inherently struggle with tasks involving structure, geometry, and space. Therefore, we adjust the design expectations for these two modules to primarily produce qualitative suggestions, thereby simplifying the task difficulty and assigning it to one agent (I/O Designer). For the Computation Module, as LLM agents can draw on their knowledge in electronic circuit design, we set the design expectation to produce directly executable solutions. We refer to the conventional steps of logic electrical design (Dessouky et al., 2019; Blocklove et al., 2023) and specifically divide this design task into Logic Analysis (Logic Designer), Circuit Generation (Circuit Engineer), and Circuit Inspection (Inspector), allocating them to an agent cluster to achieve the best results.

6.2.2. Qualifying Agents for Tasks

We primarily qualify agents for their assigned tasks through three resources: the Libraries, the Instruction, and the Tool (Fig. 10.c).

I. Instructions are a carefully crafted prompt designed to articulate the objectives of a task and outline the expected method for the agent’s response. All Instructions utilized for each agent are detailed in Appendix A. Proper organization of the Instruction is essential to augment the agent’s effectiveness in accomplishing tasks. To achieve this, we organize the Instruction into distinct sections, not only simplifying comprehension for agents but also easing maintenance for developers. Generally, the sections include:

  • Role delineates the fundamental identity and capabilities of each agent, providing a clear directive like ”you are an electronic circuit engineer, your goal is …”.

  • Input Interpretation enhances an agent’s comprehension of information received from others, ensuring accurate understanding and response.

  • Resources function as the agents’ memory, embedding highly relevant task-specific knowledge, such as ”I/O module design principles” for the I/O Designer. Another is the Operator Description Language, specially devised for the Circuit Engineer and Inspector (Appendix A.4, sec:Inspector). This language efficiently and succinctly conveys the assembly of FCI’s basic computational units to the agent, and by digitizing analog operators such as filters and timers, it also lightens the load for agents during the circuit design process. Meanwhile, information not immediately necessary is cataloged in the Library, not here. It is accessible to agents only when the need arises. This organization prevents Instructions from becoming unwieldy and distracting.

  • Tools convey to the agent the suite of functions it can utilize, presented more as an accessible list than detailed within the Instructions.

  • Workflow provides a structured approach for task execution, guiding agents through complex activities. For instance, we offer a reference dialogue logic for the Consultant to ensure a comprehensive collection of design details.

  • Attention section draws the agent’s focus to critical aspects that warrant extra scrutiny. For instance, the I/O Designer is reminded to utilize corresponding functions for calculating dimensions of the heat-sealing pattern when certain specific shapes are specified for the output module.

  • Output Requirement delineates the anticipated format, categories, and constraints for the agent’s outputs. Setting these standards facilitates smoother communication among agents.

II. Library (Appendix B). In our context, the Library houses systemic knowledge regarding the design space of FCI. The content is distilled and abstracted from academic papers (Lu et al., 2023b), preserving core information essential for agents to comprehend FCI. It is meticulously organized and supplemented with tags to streamline retrieval. The content of the library mainly focuses on the basic concept and framework of FCI, in addition to detailed explanations of the input module, output module, and computation module. Additionally, several s of regarding each module are included.

III. Tools (Appendix C) predominantly consist of functions hel** the agent to execute certain tasks. For the Consultant, upon completing a module design, it can utilize functions to save basic information to local JSON files and seamlessly transition into the next phase of the design process. Another group of tools is the inverse design functions for the output module when sphere, cylinder, box, fold, or bend shape is chosen (Teng et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2024) (Appendix C.2). The I/O Designer will invoke the corresponding function as needed.

6.2.3. Facilitating Agents Collaboration

To facilitate collaboration among agents, we implement standardized information formats for communication and ensure the agents receive necessary information only.

I. Standardized Information Formats. The use of well-defined structured information, like Standardized Operating Procedures (SOPs) (Gourevitch and Morris, 2008), has been shown to significantly enhance the consistent and accurate completion of tasks (Qian et al., 2023; Hong et al., 2023). Similarly, we mandate that each agent output information in a defined format as a JSON file, with the goal of enhancing cooperation and enabling more efficient information extraction. For example, the output from the Circuit Engineer should resemble {’circuit’: ’Filter(input, 3; output)’, ’description’: ’The Filter operator is used to …’}. This standardization allows for the circuit’s details to be extracted from the JSON for visualization within Unity and for evaluation by the Inspector.

II. Receive Necessary Information Only To avoid information overload and enhance the operational efficiency of our agents, we ensure that they are provided only with the information critical to their specific roles. Excessive, irrelevant information can dilute an agent’s focus, resulting in outputs that stray from the established standards. This drop in performance is partly due to the reliance of LLM on the Transformer architecture, which is based on attention mechanisms (Vaswani et al., 2017). For instance, our observations indicated that the proficiency of the Circuit Engineer in designing efficient circuits diminished as it was exposed to more non-essential information.

6.3. Circuit Visualization and Simulation

We implemented the core algorithm for circuit construction using C# in Unity. It is mainly divided into three parts: FCI operator construction, layout wiring, and simulation.

6.3.1. FCI Operator

We crafted models for operators in Blender and defined their data structures upon importing them into Unity (Fig. 11). Each type of logic operator has an associated template, which includes the operator’s cell positions, port positions, number of inputs, and a simulation function. The process of parsing the circuit begins with the final JSON format generated during the design stage, detailing all the logic operators in the circuit and their connections. The parsing function converts this description into an internal network structure, creating an instance of the circuit network. This process involves assigning a unique node to each logic operator, recording the connections (inputs and outputs) of each operator within the network, and generating network ports corresponding to each logic operator.

Refer to caption
Figure 11. The model of the FCI Operator and its corresponding input/output ports.

6.3.2. Layout Wiring

We employed a simulated annealing algorithm to optimize the physical layout, aiming to minimize the occupied area of the circuit and reduce the crossing of wires. Starting from a random initial layout, the system progressively explores the layout space by randomly changing the positions and rotation angles of the logic operators. After each change, a target function assesses the quality of the layout, considering the overlap of logic operators, the length of connecting wires, and the total area occupied by the circuit. Ultimately, a compact and optimized circuit design scheme is found.

6.3.3. Simulation

Initially, we use the user’s click events on the input model(s) as a starting state for the simulation process. The system navigates through each logic operator within the circuit network, computing the output for each operator based on its typology through the utilization of predefined logical functions. A dictionary structure is employed to efficiently archive and retrieve the signal states of logic operators along with their ports, facilitating the system’s rapid response and update to the circuit logic. Furthermore, a list is systematically curated to sequentially archive the components within the circuit and the pathways of signal propagation, enabling signal processing according to the circuit’s design sequence. Given the asynchronous nature of signal propagation, a specialized queue was devised to ensure the accurate sequence of signal transmission across logic operators, thereby mirroring the dynamic signal alterations observed in actual circuits. The output model(s) will display a qualitative animation when activated.

7. Reflection & Discussion

In this section, we concentrate on reflecting on the advantages and limitations of LLM agents we found within the context of enhancing design tools for innovative devices. Furthermore, by using several novel device technology projects as examples, we discuss the potential of applying LLM to their design tools.

7.1. Breadth of Knowledge and Divergent Thinking

LLM agents bring a vast expanse of knowledge and a unique capacity for generating a diverse array of ideas, complementing human creativity in the design ideation phase. This approach is particularly advantageous when generating innovative solutions across various scenarios, as LLM agents can rapidly access and synthesize information across a wide range of topics, thus expanding perspectives and catalyzing creative thought.

Furthermore, in the DG detailing phase, the synergy between human intuition and LLM’s data-driven suggestions can lead to fascinating outcomes. For example, beyond proposing specific scents for olfactory feedback in FCIs, the LLM agent can delve into its extensive database to suggest essential oil recipes, enriching the design process with detailed and informed choices.

However, this extensive knowledge base and capacity for idea generation can become a drawback if not appropriately managed. It is crucial to clearly communicate the new technology’s design space and capabilities to the LLM agent. Setting constraints is also beneficial; for instance, although FCIs may be compatible with electronic sensors or actuators, the focus is encouraged to be on exploring non-electronic designs. Explicitly informing the agent that FCI is a non-electronic system can greatly reduce the likelihood of it suggesting unsuitable electronic components. This approach ensures that the LLM agent’s contributions are aligned with the project’s goals and adhere to the specified technological framework.

7.2. Specialized Knowledge and Areas of Limited Proficiency

Designing novel devices often involves specialized technical tasks. If corresponding knowledge is well-represented in the LLM’s training data, the agent typically performs competently, as seen in tasks like programming (Hong et al., 2023) and electronic circuit design (Blocklove et al., 2023). If not, the extent to which a LLM agent can handle a specific task would highly depend on how efficiently we can explain the new knowledge to it, and if the agent can leverage its existing ability in the task. For instance, the “circuitry” in FCIs represents a novel approach to mechanical computation, yet it shares analogies with electronic circuits—a domain that has been covered in LLM training. Therefore, after explaining the logic operators used in FCI to the agent, it can combine its extensive knowledge of electronic circuitry to finish designing the computation module of FCIs.

On the other hand, the design intricacies of I/O modules within FCIs illuminate a challenging domain for LLM agents, primarily due to the specialized knowledge required for understanding soft actuators’ complex behaviors and structures could require knowledge about the intricate structures and functionalities of soft actuators, areas with which the LLM can be less acquainted. At present, the tuned agent in our GDT can provide mainly qualitative guidance in these aspects. Although capable of suggesting quantitative dimensions for a few relatively simple shapes that we have explained to it, its ability to tackle tasks that demand a deep understanding of spatial geometry remains constrained. This limitation is true both in introducing new geometric concepts to the agent and in expecting it to design complex geometric shapes or mechanisms.

Efforts to overcome spatial comprehension challenges are crucial, especially since numerous novel device technologies, particularly those involving innovative output actuators, depend heavily on understanding complex spatial and mechanical concepts. To enhance an LLM agent’s capabilities in spatial reasoning and mechanical design, one strategy could involve enriching its training data with s that encompass spatially complex and mechanically detailed scenarios. However, it’s also important to acknowledge that certain domains, such as three-dimensional modeling and design, may inherently lie outside the optimal skill set of LLM due to their primarily text-based knowledge and reasoning capabilities. In such cases, it might be more effective to leverage other types of generative AI that are specifically tailored for 3D conceptualization and design. These specialized AI systems can complement LLM agents by providing expertise in areas where LLM faces limitations, ensuring a more holistic approach to the design and development of novel devices. Recognizing and integrating the strengths of different AI modalities can potentially further enhance the GDT.

7.3. Contextual Awareness

Throughout the design task, we noted the agent exhibited great contextual awareness and cognitive capabilities. This keen awareness facilitates a better understanding of the nuances involved in design tasks, enabling the agent to contribute more effectively. We’ve identified three tiers of contextual awareness displayed by the agents within the FCI GDT, each contributing uniquely to the design process:

  • Understanding the Design Space: The agent possesses a good awareness of the FIC’s design space if properly tuned. This enables it to not only grasp the broader technological landscape but also to identify and propose relevant and appropriate DGs.

  • Reasonably Detailing Post-DG Establishment: After a DG is established, the agent can suggest sensible design details and correct errors based on the context. For instance, it can suggest representative yoga poses and propose corresponding input detection methods; it also recommends feasible parameters like frequency and duration based on the intended detection target or action.

  • Strategic Technical Implementation: When determining technical implementation, the agent can suggest practical qualitative and even quantitative solutions based on the DG and design details. s include advising on the shape and processing material requirements for input airbags, or suggesting dimensions for shape-changing output airbags tailored to the usage scenario.

We believe the contextual awareness of LLM agents could positively impact the process of designing novel devices. Our hypothesis suggests that such awareness not only makes the ideation and development phases more efficient but also fosters the creation of solutions that blend innovation with practicality, thereby enhancing the collaborative design performance between AI and human users. This vision emphasizes the necessity for extensive empirical studies in human-AI co-design tasks using our tool to substantiate these potential outcomes. Accordingly, we posit that the agent’s contextual awareness could emerge as a crucial factor in navigating the complexities of novel device design. Should LLM agents demonstrate the capacity to understand, detail, and implement design strategies with precision, they could become invaluable resources in the evolving landscape of novel device creation.

7.4. Configuring and Debugging Agents

In the implementation of the FCI-GDT, configuring and debugging the agent emerges as a core aspect. Throughout this process, the careful crafting of the Library and clear Instruction is particularly crucial. Theoretically, the configuration process is straightforward, making it relatively simple for those without an extensive programming or development background. Both the library and instructions are mainly written in natural language and can be constructed using our organizational structure as a template (section 6.2.2). However, practical implementation is not without challenges. Creating the library tests developers’ abilities to distill key technological information, while writing instructions examines their skills in conveying information to the agent efficiently and succinctly. Moreover, natural language is not always the most efficient means of conveying a lot of information, differing greatly from the highly abstract, structured, and standardized norms of coding.

Furthermore, the library and instructions guide the agent more as a form of soft constraint, with the agent acting based on its own ”understanding and thinking.” For instance, for the Consultant agent, we defined a dialogue inquiry flow, but it doesn’t necessarily strictly follow this process and can switch freely between different sections. Developers should acknowledge this dynamic, steering away from the inclination to compel the agent into specific actions. Instead, they ought to embrace and leverage the agent’s autonomy, trying to trust the agent’s abilities and granting it a certain freedom in completing tasks. For example, it could be made clear to the agent that it can independently judge the collection of design details and guide users through completing various sections.

The process of debugging agents also greatly differs from software debugging. In the process of debugging an agent, pinpointing problems is often vague, unlike software debugging where specific lines of code with issues is possible to be identified. Developers need to continuously practice to identify the agents’ erroneous behaviors and gradually adjust and improve the library and instructions. For instance, if the agent consistently overlooks certain functions of the device, additional relevant knowledge might need to be supplemented; if an agent’s designs exceed the device’s capabilities, new restrictions could be added; if an agent misuses a certain design space elements due to misunderstanding, it’s necessary to check if the expressions caused confusion, etc.

In summary, the process of configuring and debugging the agent is essentially iterative and optimization-focused, akin to writing and revising a manual. Through precise knowledge libraries and clear operational instructions, as well as meticulous debugging of agent behavior, the performance and applicability of the GDT can be enhanced.

7.5. Enhancing Other Novel Device Designs with LLM Agents

We propose that a similar strategy employed in the development of the FCI-GDT, particularly in terms of task decomposition and agent allocation, could be potentially applied to other research work involving novel devices. To illustrate, we analyze potential approaches for integrating LLM agents into the design tools for several projects as examples.

Digital Mechanical Metamaterials (DMM) (Ion et al., 2017b) are devices created through 3D printing that incorporate mechanical computation. For ideation and detailing phases, a similar Consultant agent could be utilized. However, the design space of this technology has not been systematically summarized in the paper, necessitating its distillation and summarization to clearly explain this technology’s capabilities to the Consultant agent. This includes its fundamental concepts, core framework, input detection and output capabilities, and limitations. For technical implementation, the device could potentially be divided into two main parts: the mechanical circuitry and the metamaterials (Ion et al., 2017a), each assigned to different groups of agents. The design process for mechanical circuitry could leverage the agents’ expertise in electronic circuit design, akin to what is seen in FCI-GDT. However, it’s important to note the key differences between DMM circuitry and that of FCI. DMM circuits operate on non-volatile, binary computing principles, utilizing bistable configurations that do not rely on a constant “power supply”. Instead, they require recharging to recover lost energy after use. These critical differences need to be clearly communicated to the agents. Additionally, it’s crucial to effectively draw analogies between the mechanical operators in DMM systems and the electronic operators in traditional circuits. This approach will facilitate corresponding agents in leveraging their existing circuit design expertise for mechanical circuitry tasks. Synthesizing and visualizing the structure, as well as generating fabricable files for the circuit, could still depend on ”traditional” design tools as outlined in the DMM paper. The metamaterial part could be delegated to another agent or group of agents. Such structures might be unfamiliar to LLM agents, making it unlikely for them to provide precise quantitative suggestions. However, agents could potentially offer reference suggestions, like advising on approximate overall dimensions for the device’s placement or ergonomic shapes and thickness for specific parts, like handles.

LineForm (Nakagaki et al., 2015) represents an actuated curve interface reminiscent of serpentine robotics. Its design space is thoroughly outlined in the associated paper, which could aid a Consultant agent in gras** the underlying technology. The technical implementation primarily emphasizes the programming aspects of the devices, tasks that could potentially be delegated to one group of agents. To effectively program, an agent must first quantitatively describe the target shape which the Consultant agent might have decided to adopt for specific design scenarios. This may involve identifying a set of geometric parameters that can comprehensively define the shapes and explaining these parameters to the agent—along with how altering these parameters influences the shape. The next step could involve assisting another agent in understanding how adjusting each servo’s parameters affects curve control, thereby enabling the agent to program the servos to achieve the desired shape described by the previous agent. If it’s discovered that the final step of achieving and realizing the desired shape can be more efficiently managed using an inverse design algorithm, then a strategic shift could be advantageous. In this case, the agent’s role would mainly be leveraging its contextual awareness and decision-making capabilities to determine the shape parameters based on the design scenario. These parameters would then be inputted into the inverse design algorithm, which is adept at calculating the precise adjustments needed to program the device accordingly.

FoamSense (Nakamaru et al., 2017) introduces a novel soft sensor capable of measuring the deformation states of volumetric soft objects, including compression, bending, twisting, and shearing. The paper meticulously outlines the design process and elements, providing a solid foundation for tuning a Consultant agent to conceptualize and detail the designs. Given the technology’s emphasis on sensor development, two clusters of agents could potentially undertake this task. The first cluster of agents, guided by the Consultant agent’s assembly of requirements—such as the type of manipulation and the specific surface/object integration—would be tasked with estimating the force range, determining the sensor’s optimal shape, selecting suitable materials, and more. The experimental results discussed in the paper could empower the agent to offer quantitative insights regarding these parameters. The second cluster of agents would concentrate on develo** the Arduino code and peripheral support circuits. This area falls within the ”comfort zone” of LLM agents and is theoretically capable of yielding executable outcomes.

7.6. Limitations and Future Work

Quality control & improvement. While LLMs excel in creative tasks, it’s important to note that creativity often benefits from collaboration between AI and humans. LLMs can generate ideas, suggest possibilities, and provide inspiration, but human judgment, expertise, and subjective taste play crucial roles in refining and realizing creative visions. Besides, LLMs are prone to hallucinations, although we have made efforts to minimize them using multiple agents and confirming with users at each step. Additionally, incorporating feedback from experts and lessons from positive or negative examples in practices could be crucial in refining GPT training. This feedback would be instrumental in enhancing the quality of generated content.

Multimodality. The current version of the tool only supports users in conveying their ideas through textual descriptions, and the generated innovative concept designs are limited to FCI modeling and textual descriptions. It currently lacks support for translating these ideas into sketches, images, models, or videos with real-life scenarios, such as demonstrating the effect of using the Computation Kit on a yoga mat. Future work could explore and integrate advanced technologies and theories, such as leveraging other types of generative AI models. These improvements have the potential to assist users not only in designing and develo** the Fluid Computation device but also in testing, refining, and realizing these concepts in more practical and applicable formats.

User study & Human-AI co-design interaction. Currently, testing of this tool primarily concentrates on objectively evaluating GPT’s performance in designing FCI with minimal human intervention. Future plans include expanding the research to encompass a more diverse user base with varying levels of expertise, to assess how increased human involvement and collaborative design affect performance. This expansion may include role-switching activities between questioning and answering to encourage a more interactive and iterative design methodology, ultimately aiming to understand how these advancements enhance the user experience in design tasks.

8. Conclusion

This study points towards the growing need for improved design tools in the development of interactive devices, suggesting the use of LLM agents as a practical enhancement. Through examining fluidic computation devices, we’ve seen how LLM agents in a GDT can help navigate design challenges, providing useful, context-aware design insights. We’ve outlined the GDT’s structure, its practical application, and its performance, shedding light on both its advantages and the hurdles it faces. This exploration indicates a potential path for refining design tools, combining traditional methods with LLM capabilities for a more effective approach to device prototy**.


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Appendix A Instructions

Instructions are a pre-designed prompt aimed at clearly explaining the objectives of a task and specifying the expected method for the agent’s response. We generally divide the Instructions into distinct sections, including Role, Input Interpretation, Resources, Tool and Output Requirement, utilizing symbols such as ”#” and ”⁢⁢” to demarcate these various segments. Details of Information are presented as follows:

A.1. Consultant

#### Role:

You are a Fluidic Computation Interface (FCI) design Consultant who helps design such interfaces. You should acquire all mandatory information about the ⁢⁢Design Goal⁢⁢, the ⁢⁢Input Module⁢⁢, the **Output Module**, and the **Computation Module**, and write them to local JSON files when finished.

#### Attention:

1. Try to follow the Reference Chat Flow for conversations.
2. Only after the **Design Goal** is defined, you can move to the succeeding phases.
3. Answer user questions condensedly.
4. Always expect the users to have very limited knowledge about FCI. Try to guide and support them.
5. You can evaluate the complexity of the design goal. The more complex the design goal, the more complex the circuit you have to design to accomplish it. When users ask you to design/decide, please think carefully to fulfill the design goal.

#### Functions (Tools)

1. ⁢⁢write_design_goal⁢⁢: document design goal of users and write to local json file.
2. ⁢⁢write_input_module⁢⁢: document input module of users and write to local json file.
3. ⁢⁢write_computation_module⁢⁢: document computation module of users and write to local json file.
4. ⁢⁢write_output_module⁢⁢: document output module of users and write to local json file.
5. ⁢⁢ask_user_next_agent⁢⁢: ask the user whether to enter the next agent/step.

#### Reference Workflow

## Phase 1: Define the ⁢⁢Design Goal⁢⁢ a. Answer the user’s questions.
b. Ask the user to define the design goal, or if they need help to conceptualize the goal.
c. Strictly refer to FC.txt when you provide design goal s.
d. Make sure your s meet these requirements: FCI is a non-electronic pneumatic system; FCI can only detect behaviors that induce force changes. It can not detect other factors like moisture levels, brightness, sound, or temperature; FCI can only deliver haptic, shape-changing, olfactory, or acoustic feedback.
g. When proposing s, try to include: what is the function, to achieve that function what it needs to detect, and what feedback it needs to provide.
f. Double-check if the design goal meets the above requirements.
h. When you finish defining the design goal, you must call function ⁢⁢write_design_goal⁢⁢ and move to the next phase.

## Phase 2: Define the ⁢⁢Input Module⁢⁢
a. Refer to FC.txt and introduce the definition of ⁢⁢Input Module⁢⁢, ⁢⁢Attribute⁢⁢, ⁢⁢Location⁢⁢, and ⁢⁢Manipulation⁢⁢.
b. Ask how many inputs and number them alphabetically (Input A, Input B, etc.)
c. Inquire the ⁢⁢Attribute⁢⁢, ⁢⁢Location⁢⁢, and ⁢⁢Manipulation⁢⁢ of EACH input.
d. In addition, if the ⁢⁢Attribute⁢⁢ is ⁢⁢Frequency⁢⁢, inquire the frequency value and add to ⁢⁢Note_I⁢⁢; If ⁢⁢Duration⁢⁢, inquire the time of duration and add to ⁢⁢Note_I⁢⁢; If ⁢⁢Edge⁢⁢, inquire whether it is a rising or falling edge and add to ⁢⁢Note_I⁢⁢; If ⁢⁢Binary⁢⁢, inquire the force/pressure threshold and add to ⁢⁢Note_I⁢⁢
e. ⁢⁢Note_I⁢⁢ can only contain additional information about the ⁢⁢Attribute⁢⁢, as explained above.
f. Check FC.txt to see if you made any mistakes.
g. The inputs should not interfere with each other, either positionally or in terms of manipulation.
h. When you finish defining the input module, you must call function ⁢⁢write_input_module⁢⁢ and move to the next phase.
Output the result in this format: ⁢⁢input module⁢⁢: $Input Name$, $Attribute$, $Location$, $Manipulation$, $Note_I$ For Input Module: $Input A$, $Binary$, $Beneath the armrest$, $Press$; $Input B$, $Frequency$, $Under the feet$, $Step$, $5 Hz$; $Input C$, $Duration$, $Attached to the backrest$, $Push$, $10 mins$; $Input D$, $Edge$, $Within the seatbelt$, $Suddenly hit$, $Rising edge$.

## Phase 3: Define the ⁢⁢Output Module⁢⁢
a. Refer to FC.txt and introduce the definition of ⁢⁢Output Module⁢⁢, and ⁢⁢Feedback⁢⁢.
b. Ask how many outputs and number them in Roman numbers (Output I, Output II, etc.)
c. Inquire the ⁢⁢Feedback⁢⁢ type of EACH Output.
d. In addition, if the ⁢⁢Feedback⁢⁢ is ⁢⁢Shape-changing⁢⁢, inquire about the type of shape change and add to ⁢⁢Note_O⁢⁢, You should also inquire about its location and add to ⁢⁢Note_O⁢⁢, ; If ⁢⁢Haptic⁢⁢, inquire which part of the body it will be applied to and add to ⁢⁢Note_O⁢⁢; If ⁢⁢Olfactory⁢⁢, inquire what kind of scent and add to ⁢⁢Note_O⁢⁢; If ⁢⁢Acoustic⁢⁢, inquire what kind of sound and add to ⁢⁢Note_O⁢⁢.
e. ⁢⁢Note_O⁢⁢ can only contain additional information about the ⁢⁢Feedback⁢⁢, as explained above.
f. Check FC.txt to see if you made any mistakes.
g. When you finish defining the output module, you must call function ⁢⁢write_output_module⁢⁢ and move to the next phase.
Output the result in this format: ⁢⁢output module⁢⁢: $Output Name$, $Feedback$, $Note_O$ For ⁢⁢output module⁢⁢: $Output I$, $Shape-changing$, $Cylinder$; $Output II$, $Haptic$, $Face$; $Output III$, $Olfactory$, $Garlic$; $Output IV$, $Acoustic$, $Detonation$;

## Phase 4: Define the ⁢⁢Computation Module⁢⁢
a. Refer to FC.txt and introduce the definition of ⁢⁢Computation Module⁢⁢.
b. Inquire about the ⁢⁢Condition⁢⁢ that triggers the activation of EACH output.
c. Define ⁢⁢Condition⁢⁢ when EACH output will not be triggered automatically.
d. Review the ⁢⁢Computation Module⁢⁢ to see if it makes sense.
e. When you finish defining the computation module, you should call function ⁢⁢write_computation module⁢⁢ and move to the next phase.
Output the result in this format:
Computation Module: $Output Name$, $Condition$

## Phase 5: Wrap up the design
If all module and the design goal phase are finished, you could ask the user whether the design is completed. Only if the user confirms the design is completed. You can call the function ”ask_user_next_agent”.

#### Resources

1. Knowledge Library: FC.txt
2. Long-term memory management.

#### Output Requirement:
1. ⁢⁢design goal⁢⁢: ”The function of the interface is to …”
2. ⁢⁢input module⁢⁢: $Input Name$, $Attribute$, $Location$, $Manipulation$, $Note_I$
3. ⁢⁢output module⁢⁢: $Output Name$, $Feedback$, $Note_O$
4. ⁢⁢computation module⁢⁢: $Output Name$, $Condition$
Let’s think step by step.

A.2. I/O Designer

You are an input/output device designer and an experienced assistant who helps design Pneumatic Input and Output devices based on the ⁢⁢Module Information⁢⁢ provided.
The ⁢⁢Module Information⁢⁢ should be in the following:
{{ ”Design Goal”: ”{design_goal}”,
”Input Module”:”{input_module}”,
”Output Module”:”{output_module}”,
”Computation Module”:”{computation_module}” }}

#### Interpretation of the Information provided (Input Interpretation)
1. ⁢⁢Design Goal⁢⁢: $description$
2. ⁢⁢Input Module⁢⁢: $Input Name$, $Attribute$, $Location$, $Manipulation$, $Note_I$
3. ⁢⁢Output Module⁢⁢: $Output Name$, $Feedback$, $Note_O$
4. ⁢⁢Computation Module⁢⁢: $Output Name$, $Condition$
⁢⁢Design Goal⁢⁢: The user’s design goal, you need to ensure that your input and output device design, can achieve this goal.
⁢⁢Input module⁢⁢: The collection of input devices, which are made of airbags.
”Input Name”: The number of the input device.
”Location”: Where the input device is placed.
”Manipulation”: How the airbags are handled
⁢⁢Output Module⁢⁢: The collection of output devices.
”Output Name”: The number of the output device.
”Feedback”: What kind of feedback the output device will provide?
”Note_O”: Additional Information to help you design the output devices.
⁢⁢Computation Module⁢⁢: This module receives input signals, processes them according to predefined logic calculations, and generates output signals directed towards the Output Module.
”Condition”: the activation triggers of EACH output.

#### Basic Design principle (Resources)
##For input devices:
1. The input devices are airbags in various shapes.
2. The airbag’s size and shape should match the ”Location”.
3. The airbag size and shape should match the ”Manipulation”
4. In most cases, the airbags should be properly inflated before it is connected to the input port.
5. If the input attribute is ”Frequency”, the airbag should be made of elastic material that can to recover when there is no force.
6. If the input attribute is ”Frequency” or ”Duration”, the airbag should be made of elastic material that can restore shape when there is no input force. It needs to have one single exhaust port connected to the computation module, and one single intake port connected to the atmosphere.
7. If the input attribute is ”Binary”, the airbag internal pressure should increase to the threshold that the computation module would consider as 1 when the external force beyond the desired threshold. The airbag materials and shape may need special consideration to meet this requirement.
8. If the input attribute is ”Binary” or ”Edge”, there is no specific strict for airbag materials. You can decide. It needs to have only one bi-directional port.
9. You need to consider avoiding interference between the input devices and provide suggestions.
##For output devices:
1. ”Shape-changing Feedback” requires an airbag as the output device. The airbag, when inflated, should achieve the desired shape change in ”Note_O” and the design goal.
2. ”Haptic Feedback” requires a tube as the output device. The tube needs to point to the body area that is mentioned in the ”Note_0”.
3. ”Olfactory Feedback” requires a tube with essential oil inside as the output device. Choose essential oil based on the ”Note_O”.
4. ”Acoustic Feedback”: requires a tube with an artifact that would make a sound that matches ”Note_O” under airflow (e.g., wind-bell, whistle).
2. ”Haptic Feedback” requires a tube as the output device. The tube needs to point to the body area that is mentioned in the ”Note_0”.
3. ”Olfactory Feedback” requires a tube with essential oil inside as the output device. Choose essential oil based on the ”Note_O”.
4. ”Acoustic Feedback”: requires a tube with an artifact that would make a sound that matches ”Note_O” under airflow (e.g., wind-bell, whistle).

#### Attention
For each input, you should clarify:
1. The design (size, shape, material, etc) of the airbag serves as an input device based on ”Location” and ”Manipulation”;
2. Where the airbag should be put;
For each output device, you should clarify:
a. If it is ”Shape-changing Feedback”, suggest the design of the airbag serves for ”Note_O” and the design goal. Access FC.txt for ⁢⁢airbag designs⁢⁢. You must suggest ALL required geometry values in international system of units if the shape is sphere, cylinder, box, bending strip, or folding strip. For other shapes, you can provide just qualitative suggestions based on your knowledge. Explain the rationale behind deciding the geometries in the ”output description”.
b. If it is ”Haptic Feedback”, suggest the user needs to use a tube and suggest where the tube should point to based on ”Note”.
c. If it is. ”Olfactory Feedback”, suggests the user needs to use a tube with essential oil inside and suggest the type of essential oil based on ”Note”.
d. If it is ”Acoustic Feedback”, suggest the user needs to use a tube along with a wind bell, or a whistle, or whatever artifact you think makes sense.

#### Functions (Tools)
You should utilize the following functions to help you calculate the shape-changing parameters when you use corresponding shape, you should decide the args according to output module properly, !all the units are millimeters ONLY!:
1. ”Calculate_Sphere”: to make a Sphere airbag with radius, args: ”radius”:¡radius¿;
2. ”Calculate_Cylinder”: to make a cylinder airbag with radius and height, args: ”radius”:¡radius¿, ”height”:¡height¿;
3. ”Calculate_Box”: to make a box airbag with length, width and height, args: ”length”:¡length¿, ”width”:¡width¿, ”height”:¡height¿;
4. ”Calculate_Fold”: to make a folding airbag with length, weight and bending angle, args: ”length”:¡length¿, ”width”:¡width¿, ”angle”:¡angle¿; you must call this function if output module mentions word like ”fold”. The fold Angle is between 0 and 180 degree.
5. ”Calculate_Bend”: to make a bending airbag with length, weight and folding angle, args: ”length”:¡length¿, ”width”:¡width¿, ”angle”:¡angle¿; the bend Angle is between 0 and 180. You must call function ”Calculate_Bend” if output module mentions word like ”bend”. Make sure the length, width and angle are in the right shape.
6. You can retrieve the FC.txt library for help.

####Output Requirement:
You should output like in JSON/json format. Here is an : {{”input_description”: ”For Input A, you can…”, ”output_description”: ”For Output A, you can…”}}

A.3. Logic Designer

You are a mechanical computing logic designer, you need to use the following Mechanical Fluidic Computation Kit to help the user design the circuit logic. You should design the truth table properly based on ⁢⁢Module Information⁢⁢:
####The ⁢⁢Module Information⁢⁢ should be in the following:
{{ ”Design Goal”: ”{design_goal}”,
”Input Module”:”{input_module}”,
”Output Module”:”{output_module}”,
”Computation Module”:”{computation_module}” }}

#### Interpretation of the Information provided (Input Interpretation)
1. ⁢⁢Design Goal⁢⁢: $description$
2. ⁢⁢Input Module⁢⁢: $Input Name$, $Attribute$, $Location$, $Manipulation$, $Note_I$
3. ⁢⁢Output Module⁢⁢: $Output Name$, $Feedback$, $Note_O$
4. ⁢⁢Computation Module⁢⁢: $Output Name$, $Condition 
⁢⁢Design Goal⁢⁢: The user’s design goal, you need to ensure that your input and output device design, can achieve this goal.
⁢⁢Input module⁢⁢: The collection of input devices, which are made of airbags.
”Input Name”: The number of the input device.
”Location”: Where the input device is placed.
”Manipulation”: How the airbags are handled.
”Note_I”: Additional information to help you understand the input signal.
⁢⁢Output Module⁢⁢: The collection of output devices.
”Output Name”: The number of the output device.
”Feedback”: What kind of feedback the output device will provide?
”Note_O”: You can ignore this value.
⁢⁢Computation Module⁢⁢: This module receives input signals, processes them according to predefined logic calculations, and generates output signals directed towards the Output Module.
”Condition”: the activation triggers of EACH output.
Input Module:
The input module primarily consists of airbags designed to detect actions that increase internal air pressure, typically due to the application of external forces. The change in pressure alters the input signal from atmospheric (0) to positive (1), with four key Attribute processed by the computation module:

##Phase a. Firstly, you should reference to ⁢⁢Design Goal⁢⁢ to understand the user requirement.
##Phase b. then, check the ⁢⁢Input Module⁢⁢ and ⁢⁢Output Module⁢⁢ to see the number of the input and output device ports.
##Phase c. you should check the ⁢⁢Computational Module⁢⁢ to decide Logic Mechanism and write ⁢⁢Truth Table⁢⁢.

####Attention 1.Attribute of the ⁢⁢Input Module⁢⁢: ⁢⁢Duration⁢⁢: How long the signal remains in either state. ⁢⁢Frequency⁢⁢: How frequently the signal transitions between states. ⁢⁢Edge⁢⁢: The transition moment, either rising (0 to 1) or falling (1 to 0). If Attribute of ⁢⁢Input Module⁢⁢ is ”⁢⁢Frequency⁢⁢”/”⁢⁢Duration⁢⁢”/”⁢⁢Edge⁢⁢”, you should emphasize these parts and point out their input module port in description. ⁢⁢Binary⁢⁢:The state of the signal, either 0 (external force below the threshold) or 1 (external force exceeds the threshold). Pressure, intensity, etc should be categorized as Binary. If Attribute of is ”⁢⁢Binary⁢⁢”, Signal should only be 0 or 1.
2.You need to make sure your design (Truth Table) is accurate.
3.Logic must be user-friendly and simple, with as few operators as possible to make it easy for users to use.

####Output Requirement
You should only respond in json format as described below!
{{”truth_table”: ”You should write the truth table of the input and output module port here. e.g., if…,then…”, ”description”: ”If Attribute of ⁢⁢Input Module⁢⁢ is ⁢⁢Frequency⁢⁢”/”⁢⁢Duration⁢⁢”/”⁢⁢Edge⁢⁢, you should emphasize these parts and point out their input module port in description, be clear, simple and concise, making Citcuit Engineer easily and understand to assemble operators”}}
Example: {{”truth_table”: ”If A = 1, then B = 1; If A = 0, then B = 0”, ”description”: ”a simple gate”}}
Let’s think step by step.

A.4. Circuit Engineer

You are an electronic circuit engineer, you are proficient in various basic circuit knowledge and assembling circuit structure using ⁢⁢Operators⁢⁢. Please help me design a circuit based on the ⁢⁢Design Document⁢⁢.

####Interpretation of the Information provided
⁢⁢Truth Table⁢⁢: The truth table of the input and output module. You must ensure that the circuit you design conforms to this truth table, which is the most important. ⁢⁢Truth Table Description⁢⁢: the description of the circuit. Tell users how to use the truth table work. ⁢⁢Inspector Review”: Some constructive advice about your circuit design, you can take it or not.

You could use the ⁢⁢FC-HDL⁢⁢ below:
1.NOT(input; output)
2.NOR(input; output)
3.OR(input; output)
4.NAND(input; output)
5.XOR(input; output)
6.AND(input; output)
7.operators: Filter(input, frequency; output);
description:When the input signal frequency=1, output=1; Else output=0; you should use Filter when ⁢⁢Truth Table Description⁢⁢ mentions ”Frequency” or ⁢⁢Attribute⁢⁢ of ⁢⁢Input Module⁢⁢ is ”Frequency”.
example: Filter(A, 1; B); //Indicates that when the frequency of input A is frequency=1, the output B=1; Else B=0;
8.operators: timer(input, time; output);
description:When the input holds the signal input 1 for time s, the output is 1; Otherwise output is 0; you should use timer when ⁢⁢Truth Table Description⁢⁢ mentions ”Duration” or ⁢⁢Attribute⁢⁢ of ⁢⁢Input Module⁢⁢ is ”Duration”.
example: timer(A,10;B);//Indicates that when input A is 1 and the time is kept for 10s, output B is 1. Otherwise it is 0.
9.operators: Register(D,E;Q,iQ)
description: Register(D-latch); When E = 0, Q = D; When E = 1, Q won’t change with D; iQ is inverted Q; Register is used to storage previous signal.
example: Register(A,B;Q,iQ);// When A = 0, Q = B; When A = 1, Q won’t change with B; iQ is inverted Q; When you use an EdgeDetector and want to store the signal, you should use a Register to store it. 10.operators: EdgeDetector(A; Q, time)
description: Q=1 for a short duration when detecting a rising edge of A (A changes from 0 to 1); The edge detector operator can monitor the input signal and generate a short air pulse at the output when a rising edge is detected. Time means the output signal duration. You should use EdgeDetector when ⁢⁢Truth Table Description⁢⁢ mentions ”Edge”. To detect the falling edge, you need to use a NOT gate to invert the input signal.
example: EdgeDetector(A; Q, 0.5);// When A changes from 0 to 1, Q = 1 for 0.5s; else Q = 0. NOT(NOT_A;A) EdgeDetector(A; Q, 0.5);// When A changes from 1 to 0, Q = 1 for 0.5s; else Q = 0;
11.operators: Multiplexer(D0, D1, D2, D3; S1, S2; Output)
description: ”we demonstrate a 4-to-1 multiplexer, which has 4 inputs D0, D1, D2, D3, and only one output. Output changes with control signal S1, S2; When S1=0, S0=0, Output=D0; When S1=0, S0=1, Output=D1; When S1=1, S0=0, Output=D2; When S1=1, S0=1, Output=D3;”
example:EdgeDetector(A; Q);// Multiplexer(D0, D1, D2, D3; S1, S2; Output)
12. operators: Demultiplexer(Input; S1, S2; D0, D1, D2, D3)
description:”we demonstrate a 1-to-4 multiplexer, which has only one input and four outputs D0, D1, D2, D3, and Output changes with control signal S1, S2;
When Input = 0, S1=0, S0=0, then D0, D1, D2, D3=0,0,0,0;
When Input = 1, S1=0, S0=0, then D0, D1, D2, D3=1,0,0,0;
When Input = 0, S1=0, S0=1, then D0, D1, D2, D3=0,0,0,0;
When Input = 1, S1=0, S0=1, then D0, D1, D2, D3=0,1,0,0;
When Input = 0, S1=1, S0=0, then D0, D1, D2, D3=0,0,0,0;
When Input = 1, S1=1, S0=0, then D0, D1, D2, D3=0,0,1,0;
When Input = 0, S1=1, S0=1, then D0, D1, D2, D3=0,0,0,0;
When Input = 1, S1=1, S0=1, then D0, D1, D2, D3=0,0,0,1;
: Demultiplexer(Input; S1, S2; D0, D1, D2, D3);
13.operators: Diode(Input, direction; Output), direction is a parameter which can be ’forward/backward‘; description:”A Diode is an electronic component with two electrodes that is commonly used to allow current to flow in only one direction. When two or more output ports are connected to each other, you should use diodes in these output ports to prevent the current flowing to the other ends; when direction is ”forward”, input=1, output=1; else input=1, output=0;
:Diode(A, forward; B); Diode(A, backward; B);

1. You should use as few operators as possible to keep the circuit simple and thus reduce the power consumption of the circuit, check the circuit components to ensure none of the module are redundant.
2. You must keep the circuit design functional and accurate.
3. Check the circuit to make sure your circuit matches the truth table. This is very important.

####Output Requirement
You must respond in json/JSON format as described below:
{{”circuit”: ”operator_name (input_A, input_B; Output)”, ”description”: ”write your circuit design description here, please be concret, structured and vivid”}}
: ”circuit”:”XOR(a, b; S1) XOR(S1, cin; sum)”, ”description”:”Logic gates combination” Let’s think step by step.

A.5. Inspector

If you are an experienced circuit Inspector, you need to find errors and defects in the circuit design as much as possible. You will accept the Designer’s ”document” and the Engineer’s ”circuit” and verify that the circuit’s design meets the document’s needs. Your review should be simple, clear, and strong, and output the refined ”circuit”.

####Input Interpretation
Designer’s document:
{{ ”description”:”{description}”,
}} Engineer’s circuit:

You should
###Phase1, analyzing the Truth Table Compliance##
The truth table provides specific outcomes based on the inputs. You must verify if the circuit’s logic correctly implements these outcomes using the provided ”FC-HDL”(Fluidic Computation Hardware Description Language). You should test the truth table against the circuit’s logic to ensure that it is accurate and consistent with the truth table.
###Phase2, check the grammar of circuit based on ”FC-HDL”
The syntax of some module maybe incorrect and you should point it out and correct.
##Phase3, assessing Circuit module for Redundancy##
The document mentions the module of circuit. You need to confirm that all these module are necessary for the design and whether any component does not contribute to the final output, thus being redundant. If any module do not contribute to the final output, point out them.
##Phase4, Identifying Other Potential Circuit Defects
You should also look for any design flaws that might not be immediately evident from the description. After phase 1-4, you should summarize and reflect the error in the output ”review”.
##Phase5, output the refined circuit after correcting these error.##

You could use the ⁢⁢FC-HDL⁢⁢ below:
1.NOT(input; output)
2.NOR(input; output)
3.OR(input; output)
4.NAND(input; output)
5.XOR(input; output)
6.AND(input; output)
7.operators: Filter(input, frequency; output);
description: When the input signal frequency=1, output=1; Else output=0; you should use Filter when ⁢⁢Truth Table Description⁢⁢ mentions ”Frequency” or ⁢⁢Attribute⁢⁢ of ⁢⁢Input Module⁢⁢ is ”Frequency”.
example: Filter(A, 1; B); //Indicates that when the frequency of input A is frequency=1, the output B=1; Else B=0;
8.operators: timer(input, time; output);
description:When the input holds the signal input 1 for time s, the output is 1; Otherwise output is 0; you should use timer when ⁢⁢Truth Table Description⁢⁢ mentions ”Duration” or ⁢⁢Attribute⁢⁢ of ⁢⁢Input Module⁢⁢ is ”Duration”.
example:timer(A,10;B);//Indicates that when input A is 1 and the time is kept for 10s, output B is 1. Otherwise it is 0.
9.operators: Register(D,E;Q,iQ)
description: Register(D-latch); When E = 0, Q = D; When E = 1, Q won’t change with D; iQ is inverted Q; Register is used to storage previous signal.
example: Register(A,B;Q,iQ);// When A = 0, Q = B; When A = 1, Q won’t change with B; iQ is inverted Q; When you use an EdgeDetector and want to store the signal, you should use a Register to store it.
10.operators: EdgeDetector(A; Q, time)
description: Q=1 for a short duration when detecting a rising edge of A (A changes from 0 to 1); The edge detector operator can monitor the input signal and generate a short air pulse at the output when a rising edge is detected. Time means the output signal duration. You should use EdgeDetector when ⁢⁢Truth Table Description⁢⁢ mentions ”Edge”. To detect the falling edge, you need to use a NOT gate to invert the input signal.
example: EdgeDetector(A; Q, 0.5);// When A changes from 0 to 1, Q = 1 for 0.5s; else Q = 0.
NOT(NOT_A;A) EdgeDetector(A; Q, 0.5);// When A changes from 1 to 0, Q = 1 for 0.5s; else Q = 0;
11.operators: Multiplexer(D0, D1, D2, D3; S1, S2; Output)
description: ”we demonstrate a 4-to-1 multiplexer, which has 4 inputs D0, D1, D2, D3, and only one output. Output changes with control signal S1, S2; When S1=0, S0=0, Output=D0; When S1=0, S0=1, Output=D1; When S1=1, S0=0, Output=D2; When S1=1, S0=1, Output=D3;”
example: EdgeDetector(A; Q);// Multiplexer(D0, D1, D2, D3; S1, S2; Output)
12. operators: Demultiplexer(Input; S1, S2; D0, D1, D2, D3) description:”we demonstrate a 1-to-4 multiplexer, which has only one input and four outputs D0, D1, D2, D3, and Output changes with control signal S1, S2;
When Input = 0, S1=0, S0=0, then D0, D1, D2, D3=0,0,0,0;
When Input = 1, S1=0, S0=0, then D0, D1, D2, D3=1,0,0,0;
When Input = 0, S1=0, S0=1, then D0, D1, D2, D3=0,0,0,0;
When Input = 1, S1=0, S0=1, then D0, D1, D2, D3=0,1,0,0;
When Input = 0, S1=1, S0=0, then D0, D1, D2, D3=0,0,0,0;
When Input = 1, S1=1, S0=0, then D0, D1, D2, D3=0,0,1,0;
When Input = 0, S1=1, S0=1, then D0, D1, D2, D3=0,0,0,0;
When Input = 1, S1=1, S0=1, then D0, D1, D2, D3=0,0,0,1;
example: Demultiplexer(Input; S1, S2; D0, D1, D2, D3);
13.operators: Diode(Input, direction; Output), direction is a parameter which can be ”forward/backward”; description:”A Diode is an electronic component with two electrodes that is commonly used to allow current to flow in only one direction. When two or more output ports are connected to each other, you should use diodes in these output ports to prevent the current flowing to the other ends; when direction is ’forward”, input=1, output=1; else input=1, output=0;
example:Diode(A, forward; B); Diode(A, backward; B);

####Output Requirement
You should only respond in JSON/json format as described below!
Response Format:
{{”review”: ”1.Truth Table: (Comments on the truth table are written here;) 2.Circuit Components: (The opinion on the circuits’ components are written here;), 3. Circuit Errors:(Other errors about the circuit are written here)”, ”score”:”You should write a score number (1,2,3,4,5) here”}}
Let’s think step by step.

Appendix B Library

Library is a component of Resources primarily dedicated to housing crucial knowledge and design space information related to Fluidic Computation Interfaces (FCI).
The Knowledge Library FC.txt is as follows:
#### Basic Concept of Fluidic Computation
⁢⁢Tags⁢⁢: Fluidic Computation, Pneumatic Computation, Logic Calculations, Pneumatic Signals, Non-electrical Control, Fluidic Computation Interface, FCI.
Fluidic Computation, also known as Pneumatic Computation, utilizes fluidic circuits comprised of pneumatic components, such as valves, to conduct logic calculations using pneumatic signals. These signals, represented by positive pressure (1) and atmospheric pressure (0), enable the performance of logic operations and the generation of outputs based on the results of these calculations. This approach allows for non-electrical, on-board control through integration with a Fluidic Computation Interface (FCI).

#### Framework of Fluidic Computation Interface
⁢⁢Tags⁢⁢: Interface, Input Module, Computation Module, Output Module, Feedback Mechanisms The FCI typically encompasses three modules: input, computation, and output.

#### Input Module

⁢⁢Tags⁢⁢: Airbags, Pressure Detection, Attribute, Binary, Duration, Frequency, Edge, Location, Manipulation.
The Input Module primarily consists of airbags designed to detect actions that increase internal air pressure, typically due to the application of external FORCES. The change in pressure alters the input signal from atmospheric (0) to positive (1). NO electronic sensors are used.
Each input has three main properties.
The first one is ⁢⁢Attribute⁢⁢, which ONLY include:
1. ⁢⁢Binary⁢⁢: The state of the signal, either 0 (external force below the threshold) or 1 (external force exceeds the threshold). Pressure, intensity, etc should be categorized as Binary.
2. ⁢⁢Duration⁢⁢: How long the signal remains in either state.
3. ⁢⁢Frequency⁢⁢: How frequently the signal transitions between states.
4. ⁢⁢Edge⁢⁢: The transition moment, either rising (0 to 1) or falling (1 to 0).
The second one is ⁢⁢Location⁢⁢, which means where the input airbags are placed. For :
1. Under the feet, 2. On the sides of the vehicle, 3. Embedded in the dashboard, 4. Mounted in the roof, 5. Within the seatbelt, 6. Integrated into the door handle, 7. Inside the headrest, 8. Beneath the armrest, 9. Within the knee bolster, 11. In the shoulder area of the seat, 12. Along the sides of the backseat, 13. Concealed in the ceiling, 14. Installed in the side mirrors, 15. Incorporated into the floor.

The third one is ⁢⁢Manipulation⁢⁢, which means how the airbags are handled. For : 1. Squeeze, 2. Step, 3. Press, 4. Pinch, 5. Twist, 6. Hit, 7. Tap, 8. Compress.

#### Computation Module
⁢⁢Tags⁢⁢: Fluidic Circuit, Logic Operations, Logic Operators, NOT, NOR, NAND, OR, AND, Filter, Timer, Register, Edge Detector, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer.
This module, essentially the fluidic circuit, receives input signals, processes them according to predefined logic calculations, and generates output signals directed towards the Output Module. The basic computation operators contain:
1. ⁢⁢NOT⁢⁢: Outputs 0 (1) if the input is 1 (0).
2. ⁢⁢NOR⁢⁢: Outputs 1 only if both inputs are 0.
3. ⁢⁢NAND⁢⁢: Outputs 0 only if both inputs are 1.
4. ⁢⁢OR⁢⁢: Outputs 0 only if both inputs are 0.
5. ⁢⁢AND⁢⁢: Outputs 1 only if both inputs are 1.
6. ⁢⁢Filter⁢⁢: Produces maximum output airflow when the input signal resonates at a specific frequency.
7. ⁢⁢Timer⁢⁢: Outputs 1 after a predefined interval following the input’s transition to 1.
8. ⁢⁢Register⁢⁢: Stores one bit of data.
9. ⁢⁢Edge Detector⁢⁢: Outputs 1 whenever detecting rising or falling edges in the input.
10. ⁢⁢Multiplexer⁢⁢: Selects one input from multiple sources based on selection signals and outputs it.
11. ⁢⁢Demultiplexer⁢⁢: Distributes one input signal to one of many outputs based on selection signals.

#### Output Module
⁢⁢Tags⁢⁢: Feedback, Shape-changing, Haptic Feedback, Olfactory Feedback, Acoustic Feedback Designed to provide ⁢⁢Feedback⁢⁢ in various forms based on the output signal:
1. ⁢⁢Shape-changing Feedback⁢⁢: Utilizes specially designed airbags that inflate (for positive pressure/1) or deflate (for atmospheric pressure/0), altering their shape. s of shape change include bending, folding, twisting, volumetric change, etc.
2. ⁢⁢Haptic Feedback⁢⁢: Employs the airflow from a positive pressure output (1) to deliver tactile sensations on the skin.
3. ⁢⁢Olfactory Feedback⁢⁢: Uses the airflow from a positive pressure output (1) to dispense scents.
4. ⁢⁢Acoustic Feedback⁢⁢: Activates non-electronic devices to produce sounds using the airflow from a positive pressure output (1).
⁢⁢airbag designs⁢⁢ for ⁢⁢Shape-changing Feedback⁢⁢
- Sphere. Required Geometry: radius.
- Cylinder. Solid, not hollow. Required Geometry: Radius r, Height H.
- Box. Required Geometry: Length L, Width W, and Height H.
Bending strip. It can be an arc, doesn’t have to be a complete circle. Required Geometry: Length L, Width W, and Radius Angle α𝛼\alphaitalic_α. Bend along the length direction. You can use this shape-changing paradigm especially when bending is needed to help the user, e.g. wrist, bending chair.
Folding strip. Required Geometry: Length L, Width W, and Folding Angle α𝛼\alphaitalic_α (Assuming one end is stationary, the angle at which the other end is lifted after folding). Fold along the length direction.
- Other shapes you think make sense.

#### Examples of Fluidic Computation Interface
1. An interface that can detect and correct sitting posture.
2. A door latch encrypted by frequency.
3. An alarm clock.
4. A weekly pill organizer that automatically locks/unlocks each cell based on the date.
5. A toy that reacts differently based on how many people are interacting with it.

Appendix C Tools

C.1. Consultant

The Consultant plays a crucial role during the Ideation & Detailing phases, guiding users through the design of the Design Goal, Input Module, Output Module, and Computation Module sequentially. Once the user finalizes their design, the Consultant summarizes and sends these files to Unity for display to the user. Firstly, since the Design Goal, Input Module, Output Module, and Computation Module are essential information for the subsequent agents (i.e., the Technical Implementation phase), how can we ensure that these four design tasks are complete before moving on to the next phase? In addition, the Consultant proceeds to the next stage without the user’s permission, before the design has been confirmed with the user. How can we make the design process more controllable by the user?

To address these issues, we designed five functions for the Consultant (i.e., write_design_goal, write_input_module, write_output_module, write_computation_module, ask_user_next_agent) and four flags (i.e., design_goal_flag, input_module_flag, output_module_flag, computation_module_flag) to indicate the completion status of the corresponding design tasks. Upon completing a design task (for example, design_goal), the Consultant writes the design goal into the design_”goal.json” file for visualization in Unity and sets the design_goal_flag to 1, signifying the completion of that design task. Once all four flags are set to 1, the ask_user_next_agent function is called to inquire if the user has completed the Ideation & Detailing phase. With the user’s agreement, the process then moves to the next phase. This approach significantly enhances the accuracy of the Consultant’s workflow.

C.2. I/O Designer

Algorithm 1 Calculate Sphere
1:procedure Calculate_Sphere(radius𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠radiusitalic_r italic_a italic_d italic_i italic_u italic_s)
2:     lengthπ×radius×2𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡𝜋𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠2length\leftarrow\pi\times radius\times 2italic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h ← italic_π × italic_r italic_a italic_d italic_i italic_u italic_s × 2
3:     widthπ×radius𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡𝜋𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠width\leftarrow\pi\times radiusitalic_w italic_i italic_d italic_t italic_h ← italic_π × italic_r italic_a italic_d italic_i italic_u italic_s
4:     dlength/16𝑑𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡16d\leftarrow length/16italic_d ← italic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h / 16
5:     return length,width,d𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡𝑑length,width,ditalic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h , italic_w italic_i italic_d italic_t italic_h , italic_d
6:end procedure
Algorithm 2 Calculate Cylinder
1:procedure Calculate_Cylinder(radius,height𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑡radius,heightitalic_r italic_a italic_d italic_i italic_u italic_s , italic_h italic_e italic_i italic_g italic_h italic_t)
2:     lengthπ×radius×2𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡𝜋𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠2length\leftarrow\pi\times radius\times 2italic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h ← italic_π × italic_r italic_a italic_d italic_i italic_u italic_s × 2
3:     radiusπ×radius𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠𝜋𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠radius\leftarrow\pi\times radiusitalic_r italic_a italic_d italic_i italic_u italic_s ← italic_π × italic_r italic_a italic_d italic_i italic_u italic_s
4:     heightheight𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑡𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑡height\leftarrow heightitalic_h italic_e italic_i italic_g italic_h italic_t ← italic_h italic_e italic_i italic_g italic_h italic_t
5:     return length,radius,height𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑡length,radius,heightitalic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h , italic_r italic_a italic_d italic_i italic_u italic_s , italic_h italic_e italic_i italic_g italic_h italic_t
6:end procedure
Algorithm 3 Calculate Box
1:procedure Calculate_Box(length,weight,height𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑡𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑡length,weight,heightitalic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h , italic_w italic_e italic_i italic_g italic_h italic_t , italic_h italic_e italic_i italic_g italic_h italic_t)
2:     lengthlength𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡length\leftarrow lengthitalic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h ← italic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h
3:     weightweight𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑡weight\leftarrow weightitalic_w italic_e italic_i italic_g italic_h italic_t ← italic_w italic_e italic_i italic_g italic_h italic_t
4:     heightheight𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑡𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑡height\leftarrow heightitalic_h italic_e italic_i italic_g italic_h italic_t ← italic_h italic_e italic_i italic_g italic_h italic_t
5:     return length,weight,height𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑡𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑡length,weight,heightitalic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h , italic_w italic_e italic_i italic_g italic_h italic_t , italic_h italic_e italic_i italic_g italic_h italic_t
6:end procedure
Refer to caption
Figure 12. The Empirical formula(a), and heat-sealing pattern for folding (b) and bending (c).

For Sphere, Box, and Cylinder shapes: The heat-sealing pattern and the method for calculating the pattern’s dimensions based on target shape dimensions aree adapted from PoPuP (Teng et al., 2018). The specific functions for these calculations are detailed in Algorithms 1, 2, and 3.

For Bending and Folding shapes: The heat-sealing pattern and the method for calculating the pattern’s dimensions based on target shape dimensions aree adapted from SnapInflatables (Yang et al., 2024). The specific functions for these calculations are detailed in Algorithms 4 and 5.

Algorithm 4 Calculate Fold
1:procedure Calculate_Fold(length,width,angle𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒length,width,angleitalic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h , italic_w italic_i italic_d italic_t italic_h , italic_a italic_n italic_g italic_l italic_e)
2:     awidth/3𝑎𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡3a\leftarrow width/3italic_a ← italic_w italic_i italic_d italic_t italic_h / 3
3:     Dwidth𝐷𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡D\leftarrow widthitalic_D ← italic_w italic_i italic_d italic_t italic_h
4:     Initialize d,n,j𝑑𝑛𝑗d,n,jitalic_d , italic_n , italic_j as undefined
5:     if 0<angle450𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒450<angle\leq 450 < italic_a italic_n italic_g italic_l italic_e ≤ 45 then
6:         θangle𝜃𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒\theta\leftarrow angleitalic_θ ← italic_a italic_n italic_g italic_l italic_e
7:         d(θ51.50)/(0.65×60/width)𝑑𝜃51.500.6560𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡d\leftarrow(\theta-51.50)/(-0.65\times 60/width)italic_d ← ( italic_θ - 51.50 ) / ( - 0.65 × 60 / italic_w italic_i italic_d italic_t italic_h )
8:         n1𝑛1n\leftarrow 1italic_n ← 1
9:         jlength/2𝑗𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡2j\leftarrow length/2italic_j ← italic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h / 2
10:     else if 45<angle9045𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒9045<angle\leq 9045 < italic_a italic_n italic_g italic_l italic_e ≤ 90 then
11:         θangle/2𝜃𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒2\theta\leftarrow angle/2italic_θ ← italic_a italic_n italic_g italic_l italic_e / 2
12:         d(θ51.50)/(0.65×60/width)𝑑𝜃51.500.6560𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡d\leftarrow(\theta-51.50)/(-0.65\times 60/width)italic_d ← ( italic_θ - 51.50 ) / ( - 0.65 × 60 / italic_w italic_i italic_d italic_t italic_h )
13:         n2𝑛2n\leftarrow 2italic_n ← 2
14:         j(lengthD)/2𝑗𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡𝐷2j\leftarrow(length-D)/2italic_j ← ( italic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h - italic_D ) / 2
15:     else if 90<angle13590𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒13590<angle\leq 13590 < italic_a italic_n italic_g italic_l italic_e ≤ 135 then
16:         θangle/3𝜃𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒3\theta\leftarrow angle/3italic_θ ← italic_a italic_n italic_g italic_l italic_e / 3
17:         d(θ51.50)/(0.65×60/width)𝑑𝜃51.500.6560𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡d\leftarrow(\theta-51.50)/(-0.65\times 60/width)italic_d ← ( italic_θ - 51.50 ) / ( - 0.65 × 60 / italic_w italic_i italic_d italic_t italic_h )
18:         n3𝑛3n\leftarrow 3italic_n ← 3
19:         j(length2D)/2𝑗𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡2𝐷2j\leftarrow(length-2\ast D)/2italic_j ← ( italic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h - 2 ∗ italic_D ) / 2
20:     else if 135<angle180135𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒180135<angle\leq 180135 < italic_a italic_n italic_g italic_l italic_e ≤ 180 then
21:         θangle/4𝜃𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒4\theta\leftarrow angle/4italic_θ ← italic_a italic_n italic_g italic_l italic_e / 4
22:         d(θ51.50)/(0.65×60/width)𝑑𝜃51.500.6560𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡d\leftarrow(\theta-51.50)/(-0.65\times 60/width)italic_d ← ( italic_θ - 51.50 ) / ( - 0.65 × 60 / italic_w italic_i italic_d italic_t italic_h )
23:         n4𝑛4n\leftarrow 4italic_n ← 4
24:         j(length3D)/2𝑗𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡3𝐷2j\leftarrow(length-3\ast D)/2italic_j ← ( italic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h - 3 ∗ italic_D ) / 2
25:     end if
26:     return length,width,a,d,D,j,n𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡𝑎𝑑𝐷𝑗𝑛length,width,a,d,D,j,nitalic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h , italic_w italic_i italic_d italic_t italic_h , italic_a , italic_d , italic_D , italic_j , italic_n
27:end procedure
Algorithm 5 Calculate Bend
procedure Calculate_Bend(length,width,angle𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒length,width,angleitalic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h , italic_w italic_i italic_d italic_t italic_h , italic_a italic_n italic_g italic_l italic_e)
     nint(angle/20)𝑛int𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒20n\leftarrow\text{int}(angle/20)italic_n ← int ( italic_a italic_n italic_g italic_l italic_e / 20 )
     Dlength/(n+1)𝐷𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡𝑛1D\leftarrow length/(n+1)italic_D ← italic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h / ( italic_n + 1 )
     d(2051.50)/(0.65×60/width)𝑑2051.500.6560𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡d\leftarrow(20-51.50)/(-0.65\times 60/width)italic_d ← ( 20 - 51.50 ) / ( - 0.65 × 60 / italic_w italic_i italic_d italic_t italic_h )
     awidth/3𝑎𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡3a\leftarrow width/3italic_a ← italic_w italic_i italic_d italic_t italic_h / 3
     return length,width,a,d,n,D𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡𝑎𝑑𝑛𝐷length,width,a,d,n,Ditalic_l italic_e italic_n italic_g italic_t italic_h , italic_w italic_i italic_d italic_t italic_h , italic_a , italic_d , italic_n , italic_D
end procedure

As shown in Fig. 12.a, the bending angle at each crease is chiefly determined by d𝑑ditalic_d and W𝑊Witalic_W (width), with the angle of a single crease ranging between 0 and 45 degrees. For folding, the required number n of creases is determined based on the folding angle α𝛼\alphaitalic_α. D𝐷Ditalic_D is constrained to its theoretical minimum value (equal to W𝑊Witalic_W) to centralize the folding at the midpoint. Additional size parameters (Fig. 12.b) are calculated with Algorithm 4. For bending, we approximate it using a 20-degree crease (Fig. 12.c) to determine the required number (n𝑛nitalic_n) of creases, and calculating all dimensional parameters with Algorithm 4.