TransMI: A Framework to Create Strong Baselines from Multilingual Pretrained Language Models for Transliterated Data

Yihong Liu Chunlan Ma Haotian Ye and Hinrich Schütze

Center for Information and Language Processing
LMU Munich
Munich Center for Machine Learning (MCML)
{yihong, chunlan, yehao}

Transliterating related languages that use different scripts into a common script shows effectiveness in improving crosslingual transfer in downstream tasks. However, this methodology often makes pretraining a model from scratch unavoidable, as transliteration brings about new subwords not covered in existing multilingual pretrained language models (mPLMs). This is not desired because it takes a lot of computation budget for pretraining. A more promising way is to make full use of available mPLMs. To this end, this paper proposes a simple but effective framework: Transliterate-Merge-Initialize (TransMI), which can create a strong baseline well-suited for data that is transliterated into a common script by exploiting an mPLM and its accompanied tokenizer111Throughout this paper we will simply use mPLM to refer to both the model and its tokenizer for convenience.. TransMI has three stages: (a) transliterate the vocabulary of an mPLM into a common script; (b) merge the new vocabulary with the original vocabulary; and (c) initialize the embeddings of the new subwords. We applied TransMI to three recent strong mPLMs, and our experiments demonstrate that TransMI not only preserves their ability to handle non-transliterated data, but also enables the models to effectively process transliterated data: the results show a consistent improvement of 3% to 34%, varying across different models and tasks. We make our code and models publicly available at

TransMI: A Framework to Create Strong Baselines from Multilingual Pretrained Language Models for Transliterated Data

1 Introduction

Crosslingual transfer refers to applying knowledge gained from one language to the learning or processing of another language (Zoph et al., 2016; Wu and Dredze, 2019; Artetxe et al., 2020). This manipulation is attractive as we often do not have enough training data for low-resource languages while training data for high-resource languages is generally abundant (Magueresse et al., 2020; Hedderich et al., 2021; Liu, 2022). Although recent mPLMs have made remarkable progress in improving crosslingual transfer, they often cannot achieve strong performance when transferring to a wide spectrum of low-resource languages. Lexical overlap, i.e., the phenomenon where vocabularies are shared between languages, is a key factor influencing the quality of crosslingual transfer (Pires et al., 2019; Lin et al., 2019). However, because languages are written in different writing systems, or scripts, lexical overlap cannot be fully exploited.

original sentence: {CJK}UTF8gbsn今天是个好天气
transliteration: **tianshigehaotianqi
original tokenizer {CJK}UTF8gbsn‘_今天’, ‘是个’, ‘好’, ‘天气’
‘_**t’, ‘ian’, ‘shig’, ‘ehao’, ‘tian’, ‘qi’
modified tokenizer {CJK}UTF8gbsn‘_今天’, ‘是个’, ‘好’, ‘天气’
‘_**tian’, ‘shige’, ‘hao’, ‘tianqi’
Table 1: Tokenization results of a sentence written in its original script (Hani) and its Latin transliteration. The correct word correspondence should be: ({CJK}UTF8gbsn今天 – **tian – <today>), ({CJK}UTF8gbsn是个 – shige – <is>), ({CJK}UTF8gbsn好 – hao – <good>) and ({CJK}UTF8gbsn天气 – tianqi – <weather>). The original tokenizer breaks the transliterated words in the middle, which is not optimal. The modified tokenizer correctly tokenizes the transliterated text while also preserving the ability to handle the sentence in its original Hani script.

To tackle this problem, a few recent works attempt to apply rule-based transliteration tools and convert all data to a common script (Dhamecha et al., 2021; Muller et al., 2021; Moosa et al., 2023). By doing this, the script diversity no longer poses difficulty in improving lexical overlap, therefore better performance can be obtained when the original scripts are different for the transfer source and target languages. However, this line of approaches either requires training a brand-new mPLM from scratch (Dhamecha et al., 2021; Moosa et al., 2023) or involving (parameter-efficient) parameter updates to adapt the transliterated data (Muller et al., 2021; Purkayastha et al., 2023), as the embeddings of the new subwords resulted from transliteration need to be properly trained before a model can be applied to any downstream tasks. This inevitably demands a high computing budget. Additionally, such dedicated models specific to transliterated data can only deal with one script. Therefore, a natural research question would be whether one can make full use of an mPLM and a transliteration tool to build a strong baseline that is well-suited for transliterated data, without any training.

To this end, this work presents a simple yet effective framework: Transliterate-Merge-Initialize (TransMI). TransMI has three stages. In the first stage, a rule-based transliteration tool is used to transliterate all the subwords in the vocabulary of an mPLM into a common script (Latin). Next, we merge the new subwords obtained in the previous step into the original tokenizer, where we propose three different modes to account for the problem of transliteration ambiguity (different subwords in the vocabulary have the same transliteration). Lastly, we initialize the embeddings for the newly added subwords. In this way, we modify the original mPLM so that it can deal with transliterated data while not losing the ability to process non-transliterated data. In contrast to the original mPLM tokenizer that generates not meaningful tokenization for transliteration, the modified tokenizer generates ideal tokenization, as shown in Table 1.

We validate TransMI by applying it to three recent strong mPLMs that show strong crosslingual transfer and evaluating the resulting models on a variety of downstream tasks including sentence retrieval, text classification, and sequence labeling. For each evaluation type, we perform on both the transliterated and non-transliterated evaluation datasets. We show the models manipulated by our framework not only achieve very similar performance on non-transliterated data as their original mPLM counterparts but also largely outperform them on transliterated data across all tasks.

The contributions are as follows: (i) We present TransMI, a simple yet effective framework that creates strong baselines from mPLMs for transliterated data, without any training. (ii) We show that TransMI can largely boost the performance on transliterated data while not sacrificing performance on non-transliterated data. (iii) We perform an in-depth exploration of how different modes in the Merge (Initialize) step in TransMI influence the performance. (iv) Through fine-grained analysis, we show TransMI benefits languages from all script groups for transliterated data.

2 Related Work

2.1 Transliteration for Multilingual NLP

Transliteration is the process of converting text from one script into another (Wellisch et al., 1978). This process does not involve translating meanings but rather represents the original sounds as closely as possible in the target script. Transliteration has been proven to be an effective method for improving neural machine translation between languages that are written in different scripts (Gheini and May, 2019; Goyal et al., 2020; Amrhein and Sennrich, 2020). Transliteration can also boost crosslingual transfer on a large scale when languages are transliterated into a common script, especially for languages that are mutually influenced but written in different scripts (Dhamecha et al., 2021; Muller et al., 2021; Purkayastha et al., 2023; Moosa et al., 2023). More recently, Liu et al. (2024) propose TransliCo, a framework where transliteration is used as an auxiliary input along with the original-script text to improve the alignment across different script. This line of approaches involves training for adapting to transliterated data. In contrast, this work presents a simple framework to construct strong baselines directly from existing mPLMs for transliterated data, without any training.

2.2 Vocabulary and Tokenizer Manipulation

Training a new tokenizer on data of unseen languages and optionally merging it with the original tokenizer is a common way for efficient language adaptation (Pfeiffer et al., 2021; Alabi et al., 2022; ImaniGooghari et al., 2023; Liu et al., 2023b). Similarly, adaptively manipulating the tokenizer and vocabulary also show strong performance improvement for domain-specific data within the same language (Sachidananda et al., 2021; Lamproudis et al., 2022; Liu et al., 2023a). Recently, Kajiura et al. (2023) proposes to replace certain subwords in a tokenizer with new subwords learned from the domain-specific corpus for domain adaptation, thus not changing the vocabulary size. Nevertheless, this line of work requires training to learn good representations for the new subwords. Another related work (Hofmann et al., 2022), instead of modifying the vocabulary, directly changes the behavior of the tokenizer to preserve the morphological structure, enhancing the robustness and performance. Our work also modifies the vocabulary and tokenizer by including new subwords. In contrast to previous work, we initialize the new subword embedding by actively exploiting the original mPLM embedding. Thus the resulting model can be directly adapted to the transliterated data without any training.

3 Preliminary: SentencePiece Unigram

Unigram (Kudo, 2018) is a tokenization algorithm for obtaining subword vocabulary, which is usually used in conjunction with SentencePiece (Kudo and Richardson, 2018). In contrast to Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) (Gage, 1994; Sennrich et al., 2016) or WordPiece (Schuster and Nakajima, 2012; Wu et al., 2016), Unigram is based on a language model, which is able to output multiple subword segmentations with probabilities. In addition, Unigram does not learn subwords through merging frequent character combinations gradually as done by BPE. Instead, it initializes a large number of units as its vocabulary and progressively remove units that have low contributions to the likelihood of a given training corpus, until a pre-defined vocabulary size is obtained. The optimization is done by expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm (Dempster et al., 1977) and the overall training objective is to maximize the marginal likelihood \mathcal{L}caligraphic_L:

=i=1|𝒟|logP(Xi)=i=1|𝒟|log(𝒙S(Xi)P(𝒙))superscriptsubscript𝑖1𝒟𝑃subscript𝑋𝑖superscriptsubscript𝑖1𝒟subscript𝒙𝑆subscript𝑋𝑖𝑃𝒙\mathcal{L}=\sum_{i=1}^{|\mathcal{D}|}\log\,P(X_{i})=\sum_{i=1}^{|\mathcal{D}|% }\log\,(\sum_{\boldsymbol{x}\in S(X_{i})}P(\boldsymbol{x}))caligraphic_L = ∑ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i = 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT | caligraphic_D | end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT roman_log italic_P ( italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) = ∑ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i = 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT | caligraphic_D | end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT roman_log ( ∑ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT bold_italic_x ∈ italic_S ( italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_P ( bold_italic_x ) )

where 𝒟𝒟\mathcal{D}caligraphic_D is the training corpus, Xisubscript𝑋𝑖X_{i}italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is the i𝑖iitalic_ith sentence in 𝒟𝒟\mathcal{D}caligraphic_D, and S(Xi)𝑆subscript𝑋𝑖S(X_{i})italic_S ( italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) is the set of all possible segmentation candidates for the input sentence Xisubscript𝑋𝑖X_{i}italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT.

Once the Unigram tokenizer is trained, in addition to its vocabulary V𝑉Vitalic_V, the model will also save a score, i.e., the log probability, learned from the training corpus, for each subword w𝑤witalic_w in V𝑉Vitalic_V, as examples shown in Figure 1. This makes it possible for the model to provide the probability of each possible tokenization for a given sentence after training. In practice, the tokenizer is usually set to generate the most probable segmentation, i.e., the sequence of subwords that maximize the log probability:

𝒙=argmax𝒙S(X)w𝒙logP(w)superscript𝒙subscript𝒙𝑆𝑋subscript𝑤𝒙𝑃𝑤\boldsymbol{x}^{*}=\arg\max_{\boldsymbol{x}\in S(X)}\sum_{w\in\boldsymbol{x}}% \log P(w)bold_italic_x start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ∗ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT = roman_arg roman_max start_POSTSUBSCRIPT bold_italic_x ∈ italic_S ( italic_X ) end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∑ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_w ∈ bold_italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_log italic_P ( italic_w )

where 𝒙superscript𝒙\boldsymbol{x}^{*}bold_italic_x start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ∗ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT is the optimal tokenization given the sentence X𝑋Xitalic_X and logP(w)𝑃𝑤\log P(w)roman_log italic_P ( italic_w ) is the log probability of a particular subword w𝑤witalic_w in the tokenization 𝒙𝒙\boldsymbol{x}bold_italic_x.

4 Methodology

We present TransMI, a simple yet effective framework to create a strong baseline from a given mPLM for transliterated data222In this work, we consider one special type of transliteration that involves converting non-Latin scripts into the Latin script. This is also referred to as romanization. without any training. There are three stages in TransMI: (1) transliterate the subwords in the vocabulary; (2) merge the transliterated subwords into the tokenizer; and (3) initialize the embedding for the new subwords. In each stage, the information and knowledge from the mPLM and its tokenizer are carefully exploited. We illustrate the whole pipeline in Figure 1 and introduce each stage in detail in the following.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Overview of TransMI. We transliterate all the subwords from the vocabulary of the source mPLM tokenizer into Latin script in Step 1. We then merge the filtered triplets (ambiguous transliterations) into the tokenizer vocabulary table using one of the three proposed modes in Step 2. Note that we perform direct merge operations for the rest of the triplets that are not ambiguous (not shown in the figure). Lastly in Step 3, we initialize the embeddings for the newly added subwords according to the merge mode used in the previous step.

4.1 Tokenizer Vocabulary Transliteration

The vocabulary of a multilingual tokenizer contains subwords that are learned using tokenization algorithms such as SentencePiece333The tokenizers used in this study are all SentencePiece Unigram models where each subword is associated with a log probability. (Kudo and Richardson, 2018) on a concatenation of data from different languages (Conneau et al., 2020; ImaniGooghari et al., 2023). As a result, many subwords are in non-Latin script. An intuitive way of adapting the vocabulary to Latin-script transliterated data is to add the transliterations of these non-Latin subwords into the vocabulary. Formally, let Vorigsuperscript𝑉origV^{\text{orig}}italic_V start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT orig end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT be the vocabulary of a given mPLM, and Transli be a deterministic transliterator. We create a set of transliteration triplets by applying Transli to every subword w𝑤witalic_w that associates with a score s𝑠sitalic_s:

T={(v,w,s)|v=Transli(w)wVorig}𝑇conditional-set𝑣𝑤𝑠𝑣Transli𝑤𝑤superscript𝑉origT=\{(v,w,s)|v=\texttt{Transli}(w)\wedge w\in V^{\text{orig}}\}italic_T = { ( italic_v , italic_w , italic_s ) | italic_v = Transli ( italic_w ) ∧ italic_w ∈ italic_V start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT orig end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT }

It is important to note that |T|=|Vorig|𝑇superscript𝑉orig|T|=|V^{\text{orig}}|| italic_T | = | italic_V start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT orig end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT | and there will be no duplicates in T𝑇Titalic_T. That is, given two elements: (vi,wi,si)subscript𝑣𝑖subscript𝑤𝑖subscript𝑠𝑖(v_{i},w_{i},s_{i})( italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_s start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) and (vj,wj,sj)subscript𝑣𝑗subscript𝑤𝑗subscript𝑠𝑗(v_{j},w_{j},s_{j})( italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_s start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) where vi=vjsubscript𝑣𝑖subscript𝑣𝑗v_{i}=v_{j}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, we always have wiwjsubscript𝑤𝑖subscript𝑤𝑗w_{i}\neq w_{j}italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≠ italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT (usually also sisjsubscript𝑠𝑖subscript𝑠𝑗s_{i}\neq s_{j}italic_s start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≠ italic_s start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT). For example, “taiyang” is the Latin transliteration for both “{CJK*}UTF8gbsn太阳” (“sun” in simplified Chinese) and “{CJK*}UTF8bsmi太陽” (“sun” in traditional Chinese) by Uroman (Hermjakob et al., 2018). The score of “{CJK*}UTF8bsmi太陽” is higher than “{CJK*}UTF8gbsn太阳” since “{CJK*}UTF8bsmi太陽” is more frequent therefore the log probability is higher.

4.2 Merge New Vocabulary

Once we obtain T𝑇Titalic_T, we can modify the original vocabulary Vorigsuperscript𝑉origV^{\text{orig}}italic_V start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT orig end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT by adding the subword transliteration v𝑣vitalic_v. However, we need to consider the possible introduced transliteration ambiguity while merging. For subword transliterations that already exist in Vorigsuperscript𝑉origV^{\text{orig}}italic_V start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT orig end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT, we do not have to do any modification (this applies to all subwords that are original in Latin script and without any diacritics). For subword transliterations that have one-to-one relation, i.e., {vi|vi=vjiffwi=wj}conditional-setsubscript𝑣𝑖subscript𝑣𝑖subscript𝑣𝑗iffsubscript𝑤𝑖subscript𝑤𝑗\{v_{i}|v_{i}=v_{j}\,\text{iff}\,w_{i}=w_{j}\}{ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT | italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT iff italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT }, we simply add them as their associated scores to the vocabulary table. For the rest of the new subwords, to address the transliteration ambiguity, we propose three different modes444Each mode is exclusive to the other: only one merge mode is selected each time when we merge the vocabulary. to merge them into the vocabulary.

Min-Merge Mode

In this mode, we simply select the triplet with the lowest score for a given ambiguous transliteration among all triplets:

{(vi,wi,si)j,(vi=vj)ij(si<sj)}conditional-setsubscript𝑣𝑖subscript𝑤𝑖subscript𝑠𝑖for-all𝑗subscript𝑣𝑖subscript𝑣𝑗𝑖𝑗subscript𝑠𝑖subscript𝑠𝑗\{(v_{i},w_{i},s_{i})\mid\forall j,(v_{i}=v_{j})\wedge i\neq j\Rightarrow(s_{i% }<s_{j})\}{ ( italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_s start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) ∣ ∀ italic_j , ( italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) ∧ italic_i ≠ italic_j ⇒ ( italic_s start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT < italic_s start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) }

This mode will be favorable to preserve the less frequent subwords. Therefore, by adding the subword transliteration visubscript𝑣𝑖v_{i}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and its associated score sisubscript𝑠𝑖s_{i}italic_s start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT to the vocabulary table, it might alter the tokenization behavior when it is applied to transliterated data compared with applying it to the original non-transliterated data. As a consequence, we expect this mode will provide the worst performance for transliterated data among all modes.

Max-Merge Mode

In contrast to Min-Merge Mode, this mode simply selects the triplet with the highest score among all triplets:

{(vi,wi,si)j,(vi=vj)ij(si>sj)}conditional-setsubscript𝑣𝑖subscript𝑤𝑖subscript𝑠𝑖for-all𝑗subscript𝑣𝑖subscript𝑣𝑗𝑖𝑗subscript𝑠𝑖subscript𝑠𝑗\{(v_{i},w_{i},s_{i})\mid\forall j,(v_{i}=v_{j})\wedge i\neq j\Rightarrow(s_{i% }>s_{j})\}{ ( italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_s start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) ∣ ∀ italic_j , ( italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) ∧ italic_i ≠ italic_j ⇒ ( italic_s start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT > italic_s start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) }

This mode will preserve the tokenization behavior when the tokenizer encounters the Latin transliteration of high-frequency subwords in their original scripts. Therefore, we expect this mode will achieve the best performance for transliterated data.

Average-Merge Mode

This mode provides a moderate effect on changing the tokenizer behavior between the Min-Merge Mode and Max-Merge Mode by simply averaging the score for triplets that have the same v𝑣vitalic_v. We add the subword v𝑣vitalic_v and the computed average score to the vocabulary table.

It should be noted that adding new subwords and the scores to the vocabulary table will result in a non-normalized unigram probability distribution, since additional probabilities are introduced to the original vocabulary. However, non-normalized probabilities do not change the priorities of different tokenizations for a given sentence, as only the orders of total scores (the sum of individual subword scores for different tokenizations) decide the priorities of different tokenizations, and, such orders are still preserved in a non-normalized distribution. Thus, most studies involving vocabulary extension or merging tokenizers do not consider altering the scores (ImaniGooghari et al., 2023; Lin et al., 2024).

4.3 Subword Embedding Initialization

The last stage deals with embedding initialization for the newly introduced subwords. We aim to make full use of the knowledge encoded in the original embedding matrix 𝑬origsuperscript𝑬orig\boldsymbol{E}^{\text{orig}}bold_italic_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT orig end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT to avoid any sort of training. To achieve this, we create an additional embedding matrix 𝑬addsuperscript𝑬add\boldsymbol{E}^{\text{add}}bold_italic_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT add end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT for the new subwords and initialize the embedding for each subword based on the correspondence we obtain in the previous vocabulary merge stage. Specifically, we directly copy the original embedding for those new subwords that have a one-to-one transliteration relation. For the rest of the subwords, we initialize their embeddings according to which mode is used in the last stage, in order to make the tokenizer behavior consistent with the resulting embeddings.

Min-Merge Mode

We leverage the selected triplets (vi,wi,si)subscript𝑣𝑖subscript𝑤𝑖subscript𝑠𝑖(v_{i},w_{i},s_{i})( italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_s start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) in the last stage and simply initialize the embedding of visubscript𝑣𝑖v_{i}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT as wisubscript𝑤𝑖w_{i}italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT: 𝑬viadd=𝑬wiorigsubscriptsuperscript𝑬addsubscript𝑣𝑖subscriptsuperscript𝑬origsubscript𝑤𝑖\boldsymbol{E}^{\text{add}}_{v_{i}}=\boldsymbol{E}^{\text{orig}}_{w_{i}}bold_italic_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT add end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = bold_italic_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT orig end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_POSTSUBSCRIPT. That is, we initialize the embedding of visubscript𝑣𝑖v_{i}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT as the embedding of the subword wisubscript𝑤𝑖w_{i}italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT whose transliteration is visubscript𝑣𝑖v_{i}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and score sisubscript𝑠𝑖s_{i}italic_s start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is the least among all subwords in Vorigsuperscript𝑉origV^{\text{orig}}italic_V start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT orig end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT that have visubscript𝑣𝑖v_{i}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT as their transliterations.

Max-Merge Mode

Similarly, we use the triplets obtained in the last stage and initialize the embedding of a new subword visubscript𝑣𝑖v_{i}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT as the embedding of the subword wisubscript𝑤𝑖w_{i}italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT whose transliteration is visubscript𝑣𝑖v_{i}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and score sisubscript𝑠𝑖s_{i}italic_s start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is the largest among all subwords in Vorigsuperscript𝑉origV^{\text{orig}}italic_V start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT orig end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT that have visubscript𝑣𝑖v_{i}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT as their transliterations: 𝑬viadd=𝑬wiorigsubscriptsuperscript𝑬addsubscript𝑣𝑖subscriptsuperscript𝑬origsubscript𝑤𝑖\boldsymbol{E}^{\text{add}}_{v_{i}}=\boldsymbol{E}^{\text{orig}}_{w_{i}}bold_italic_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT add end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = bold_italic_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT orig end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_POSTSUBSCRIPT.

Average-Merge Mode

We initialize the embedding of visubscript𝑣𝑖v_{i}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT as the average embedding of all subwords with visubscript𝑣𝑖v_{i}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT as their transliterations.

By choosing any mode, each embedding in 𝑬addsuperscript𝑬add\boldsymbol{E}^{\text{add}}bold_italic_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT add end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT is carefully initialized, and in the same representation space as 𝑬origsuperscript𝑬orig\boldsymbol{E}^{\text{orig}}bold_italic_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT orig end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT. To construct the final embeddings, we simply concatenate 𝑬origsuperscript𝑬orig\boldsymbol{E}^{\text{orig}}bold_italic_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT orig end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT and 𝑬addsuperscript𝑬add\boldsymbol{E}^{\text{add}}bold_italic_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT add end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT and ensure the tokenizer subword indices and their indices in the embeddings are consistent

1 2 3 >3 Total
XLM-R 97,456 6,866 1,380 1,088 106,790
Glot500 123,001 8,373 1,706 1,274 134,354
Table 2: Transliteration ambiguity of the newly added subwords (transliterations). For example, 97,456 indicates that, out of the total newly added 106,790 subwords for the XLM-R model, 97,456 subwords have a 1-to-1 relationship, i.e., the subword is the Latin transliteration of only 1 subword in the original XLM-R vocabulary. Most of the new subwords are not ambiguous.

5 Experiments

5.1 Setups

SR-B SR-T Taxi1500 SIB200 NER POS
tail head all tail head all tail head all tail head all tail head all tail head all
XLM-R 7.0 28.6 12.5 26.5 35.4 32.9 11.4 34.8 17.4 43.0 52.7 47.4 46.3 46.2 46.3 34.1 59.0 51.3
XLM-R (Max-Merge) 7.4 35.8 14.6 30.1 48.2 43.0 13.6 47.0 22.1 48.3 73.0 59.5 46.7 53.7 50.5 37.8 70.1 60.2
Glot500 33.1 31.6 32.7 44.9 42.3 43.0 41.5 36.4 40.2 59.3 56.2 57.9 54.0 49.0 51.3 48.9 59.8 56.4
Glot500 (Max-Merge) 34.3 38.4 35.4 49.2 55.5 53.7 45.1 48.9 46.0 66.8 74.7 70.4 57.3 57.2 57.2 52.5 68.8 63.8
Furina 47.9 51.2 48.7 55.4 53.6 54.1 45.0 43.0 44.5 60.7 59.9 60.3 54.4 52.2 53.2 54.3 67.4 63.4
Furina (Max-Merge) 49.4 54.2 50.6 56.4 59.1 58.3 49.6 53.0 50.5 66.7 74.1 70.1 57.6 58.5 58.1 55.9 71.7 66.8
Table 3: Performance of three model types on transliterated evaluation datasets across 5 random seeds. We report the performance as an average over head, tail, and all language-scripts for each model variant. Modified models consistently outperform the original model on transliterated evaluation data. Bold: best result per model type.
SR-B SR-T Taxi1500 SIB200 NER POS
tail head all tail head all tail head all tail head all tail head all tail head all
XLM-R 7.4 54.2 19.3 32.6 66.2 56.6 13.5 58.7 25.0 49.5 81.1 63.9 47.6 61.0 54.9 42.7 76.4 66.0
XLM-R (Max-Merge) 7.4 53.3 19.1 33.1 65.1 56.0 13.2 58.0 24.6 46.9 80.7 62.2 46.6 60.7 54.3 42.7 76.5 66.1
Glot500 43.2 59.0 47.3 59.8 75.0 70.7 52.5 60.9 54.6 68.5 80.4 73.9 60.8 63.7 62.4 62.0 76.0 71.7
Glot500 (Max-Merge) 41.7 57.8 45.8 58.3 72.8 68.7 51.5 60.8 53.8 69.5 81.2 74.8 59.6 63.2 61.6 62.1 76.0 71.7
Furina 55.3 66.2 58.1 62.1 71.5 68.8 55.9 63.8 57.9 70.3 82.2 75.7 60.5 63.9 62.4 63.3 75.7 71.9
Furina (Max-Merge) 55.3 65.9 58.0 60.9 70.6 67.9 56.6 63.8 58.4 71.8 82.5 76.7 60.1 64.2 62.4 62.1 76.5 72.1
Table 4: Performance of three model types on non-transliterated evaluation datasets across 5 random seeds. We report the performance as an average over head, tail, and all language-scripts for each model variant. Modified models perform close to the original model on non-transliterated evaluation data. Bold: best result per model type.

We apply the proposed framework TransMI to three strong mPLMs: XLM-R, Glot500, and Furina. XLM-R (Conneau et al., 2020) is pretrained on 100 languages using masked language modeling (MLM) (Devlin et al., 2019). Glot500 (ImaniGooghari et al., 2023) is a continued pretrained model from XLM-R on Glot500-c dataset that covers more than 500 languages. Furina (Liu et al., 2024) is a post-aligned version of Glot500, which is fine-tuned using Latin-script transliteration data. We use Uroman (Hermjakob et al., 2018) as the rule-based transliteration tool. Note that the tokenizers of Glot500 and Furina are the same. We show the number of newly added subwords and the transliteration ambiguity in Table 2. We use the base version of each model (their architectures are the same) for a fair comparison. There are 9 resulting models (3 merge modes ×\times× 3 model types) in total. When evaluating the model, we use both the non-transliterated evaluation datasets (the original ones) and the transliterated Latin-script evaluation datasets, which are also obtained by using Uroman. Following (ImaniGooghari et al., 2023), we refer to language-scripts555A language-script is a combination of the ISO 639-3 code and the script. supported by XLM-R as the head languages and the rest language-scripts that are supported by Glot500 as the tail languages.

5.2 Downstream Tasks

We consider the following three evaluation types. For each type, we consider two evaluation datasets. The evaluation is performed in an English-centric crosslingual zero-shot fashion: fine-tuning on the English train set, selecting the best checkpoint on the English dev set, and then evaluating the best checkpoint on the test sets of all other languages (Sentence Retrieval does not involve any training). For all tasks, only the subset of languages (head and tail languages) supported by Glot500 are considered. Details of the used dataset and hyperparameter settings for fine-tuning are reported in §A.

Sentence Retrieval.

We use Bible (SR-B) and Tatoeba (Artetxe and Schwenk, 2019) (SR-T). The similarity is calculated using the mean pooling of contextualized word embeddings at the 8th layer.

Text Classification.

We use Taxi1500 (Ma et al., 2023) and SIB200 (Adelani et al., 2024).

Sequence Labeling.

We use WikiANN for named entity recognition (NER) (Pan et al., 2017) and Universal Dependencies (de Marneffe et al., 2021) for Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging.

5.3 Results and Discussion

We evaluate the original mPLMs and their corresponding modified variants by TransMI on both the transliterated evaluation datasets (all scripts are converted into Latin script) and the non-transliterated (original) datasets. We notice that the different merge modes offer similar performance while the Max-Merge mode slightly outperforms the other modes. Therefore we only show the performance of the Max-Merge mode in this section. The comparison between different modes is presented and discussed in Analysis §6.1.

SR-B SR-T Taxi1500 SIB200 NER POS
tail head all tail head all tail head all tail head all tail head all tail head all
XLM-R (Min-Merge) 7.4 34.7 14.4 28.7 46.4 41.3 14.4 45.0 22.1 49.6 73.7 60.5 45.9 52.3 49.3 38.0 69.1 59.5
XLM-R (Average-Merge) 7.4 34.1 14.2 29.0 45.4 40.7 14.3 46.2 22.4 47.1 70.7 57.8 47.2 53.5 50.6 37.6 69.4 59.6
XLM-R (Max-Merge) 7.4 35.8 14.6 30.1 48.2 43.0 13.6 47.0 22.1 48.3 73.0 59.5 46.7 53.7 50.5 37.8 70.1 60.2
Glot500 (Min-Merge) 34.1 36.2 34.6 48.8 53.0 51.8 46.1 48.0 46.6 67.1 73.8 70.1 57.4 55.8 56.6 52.5 67.1 62.6
Glot500 (Average-Merge) 34.2 37.4 35.0 49.4 54.8 53.2 47.2 49.8 47.9 66.6 73.9 69.9 56.7 56.1 56.4 52.0 68.3 63.3
Glot500 (Max-Merge) 34.3 38.4 35.4 49.2 55.5 53.7 45.1 48.9 46.0 66.8 74.7 70.4 57.3 57.2 57.2 52.5 68.8 63.8
Furina (Min-Merge) 49.3 52.3 50.1 56.2 58.0 57.4 48.5 50.2 49.0 66.7 72.8 69.5 58.2 59.0 58.6 55.5 71.0 66.2
Furina (Average-Merge) 49.4 53.5 50.5 56.2 58.5 57.8 48.4 51.4 49.2 67.6 75.1 71.0 57.0 57.7 57.4 56.1 71.6 66.8
Furina (Max-Merge) 49.4 54.2 50.6 56.4 59.1 58.3 49.6 53.0 50.5 66.7 74.1 70.1 57.6 58.5 58.1 55.9 71.7 66.8
Table 5: Performance of three merge modes applying to three types of mPLMs on transliterated evaluation datasets across 5 random seeds. The performance difference among the three modes are small but Min-Merge mode is favorable to tail languages while Max-Merge mode is favorable to head languages. In general, Max-Merge mode achieves the overall best performance. Bold (underlined): best (second-best) result for each task in each model type.

5.3.1 Evaluation on Transliterated Data

We report performance on transliterated data in Table 3. We observe consistent improvement across all tasks. The original mPLMs are not pretrained on transliterated data and thus they perform suboptimally on transliterated evaluation datasets. Modifying these mPLMs with TransMI equips these models with the ability to deal with the transliterated texts, as new subwords (transliterations of the subwords covered by the original mPLMs) are included and their embeddings are wisely initialized. Consequently, the resulting models can process the transliterated data and achieve decent performance.

It can be observed that the improvement by modifying Furina is relatively smaller than on other model types. We hypothesize this is because Furina is already fine-tuned on transliterated data through MLM and transliteration contrastive modeling (Liu et al., 2024). Even though Furina’s vocabulary is the same as Glot500, i.e., not extended and adapted specifically for Latin transliterations, the fine-tuning phase still helps the model gain some knowledge beneficial for processing transliterated data.

5.3.2 Evaluation on Non-transliterated Data

We report performance on non-transliterated data in Table 4. Across all tasks, modified models achieve very close performance to the original mPLMs, with generally negligibly small performance degradation. This is expected as the vocabulary is only augmented with new subwords in Latin script (transliteration) and therefore the tokenization results for non-Latin texts remain the same (their embeddings are also not changed).

On the other hand, the slight decrease in performance is not surprising. The included new subwords will influence the tokenization results for all languages written in Latin script, including English. As the evaluation is done in an English-centric manner, even if the target language is not written in Latin script, altered English tokenization can still influence the crosslingual transfer performance. When the transfer target language is also written in Latin, the tokenization results and representation are changed both on the source side and target side, the performance therefore varies.

6 Analysis

6.1 Which Merge Mode Wins

To explore how different merge modes (Min-Merge, Average-Merge, and Max-Merge) influence the crosslingual transfer, we report the performance of the three variants of each model type in Table 5. Generally, the performance differences among the three merge modes are very small across model types and tasks. This can be explained by the fact that most of the newly added subwords (transliterations of subwords in the original mPLM vocabulary) are not ambiguous: 91% subwords in XLM-R and 92% in Glot500 (also Furina) have 1-to-1 relations, as shown in Table 2. Each merge mode simply does the same copy operation for these unambiguous subwords, and operates differently on the rest ambiguous subwords (the transliteration corresponds to more than one subword in the original vocabulary), which is relatively a small portion.

Although the difference is small, we observe that the Min-Merge mode supports better tail languages while the Max-merge mode supports better head languages. We hypothesize the scores (log probabilities) of some subwords from tail languages (usually low-resource languages) are small, and the Min-Merge mode preserves the small scores and therefore is favorable to tail languages. Similarly, the scores for some subwords from high-resource languages are large, and the Max-Merge mode keeps their priority in tokenization. In general, the Max-Merge mode seems to be the best option, as it provides the best performance more often across all tasks in each model type.

Refer to caption
(a) Sentence Retrieval
Refer to caption
(b) Text Classification
Refer to caption
(c) Sequence Labeling
Figure 2: Qualitative comparisons between the original mPLMs and TransMI (Max-Merge mode) models (denoted with word “Trans”) on transliterated evaluation datasets. We compute the average performance for each evaluation type (e.g., Sentence Retrieval is the average of SR-B and SR-T) for languages grouped into the major scripts which the languages are originally written in: Latn (Latin), Cyrl (Cyrillic), Hani (Hani), Arab (Arabic), and Deva (Devanagari). The remaining languages are grouped into Other. TransMI-modified models consistently outperform the original mPLMs across all tasks and all script groups. The stride of each axis in the chart is different.

6.2 Which Script Benefits

We compare the original mPLMs and their modified variant (using the Max-Merge mode) on the three evaluation types (transliterated evaluation) across different scripts in which the transfer target languages are originally written, as shown in Figure 2. Globally, each TransMI-modified model consistently achieves better performance than its counterpart across all script groups and all tasks, since the original mPLMs are not specifically trained on transliterated data (except for Furina). We observe the smallest improvement from the Hani group and the Latn group. This can be explained by the fact that the former is logograms and transliterated words potentially lose semantic or contextual nuances and are more prone to ambiguity (Liu et al., 2024) while the latter does not change much after Uroman transliteration (only diacritics are removed). The rest of the script groups, i.e., Cyrl, Arab, and Deva, all enjoy large improvements, which indicates that TransMI is effective in creating strong baselines for transliterated data for languages originally written in phonetic scripts.

6.3 Transliterated vs. Non-transliterated

Latn Cyrl Hani Arab Deva Other
Sentence Retrieval 64.6 69.0 43.1 58.2 68.8 55.2
62.2 50.3 14.4 32.6 43.4 28.1
Text Classification 65.7 73.2 34.2 73.0 76.5 71.5
62.4 60.2 10.6 58.2 56.6 48.8
Sequence Labeling 70.8 72.0 29.2 62.8 59.6 60.0
69.8 65.2 22.8 47.9 49.6 46.0
Table 6: Comparison between the performance of Furina (Max-Merge) on non-transliterated and transliterated evaluation datasets for different script groups. For each evaluation type, the results on non-transliterated (resp. transliterated) data are in the first (resp. second) row. Furina (Max-Merge) consistently performs better on non-transliterated data than transliterated data.
Latn Cyrl Hani Arab Deva Other
Furina 45.7 39.4 42.7 42.3 44.1 44.5
45.5 43.8 34.9 50.8 53.7 57.0
Furina (Max-Merge) 44.8 39.4 42.7 42.3 44.1 44.5
43.3 36.0 30.9 36.3 38.4 38.9
Table 7: Average sequence length of SR-B dataset averaged by script group. The results on non-transliterated (resp. transliterated) data are in the first (resp. second) row. The tokenizer of Furina (Max-Merge) has consistently shorter sequence lengths on transliterated data compared with the original Furina tokenizer.

We also explore how the performance varies before and after the evaluation datasets are transliterated, as shown in Table 6. Not surprisingly, the performance on all script groups drops after transliterating the evaluation datasets. There are mainly two reasons: (1) the embeddings of the newly added subwords that have transliteration ambiguity are not suitable for each occurrence within the same language, e.g., “shiwu” is the transliteration for both “{CJK*}UTF8gbsn食物” (“food” in Chinese) and “{CJK*}UTF8gbsn时务” (“current affairs” in Chinese) and across different languages, e.g., “miso” is the transliteration for both μις´ο (“half” in Greek) and “{CJK*}UTF8gbsn味噌” (“miso” in Japanese, a traditional Japanese seasoning); (2) the tokenization result is different before and after transliterating a sentence into Latin script (even if we try to preserve the tokenization result, it is impossible to achieve), as shown in Table 7. The different tokenizations alter the final representations of sentences, resulting in a drop in performance.

7 Conclusion

This paper presents TransMI, a framework to create baseline models adapted for transliterated data from existing mPLMs, without any training. We show TransMI-modified models not only preserve the ability to deal with data written in their original script but also demonstrate good capability in processing transliterations of data originally written in non-Latin script. Our experiments indicate the modified models consistently largely outperform the original mPLMs. In addition, we show that TransMI is particularly effective for transliterated data of languages written in phonetic scripts. The modified models therefore serve as strong baselines for transliterated data and also potentially good starting points for continued pretraining or finetuning on domain-specific (transliterated) data.


TransMI presented in this work tries to create strong baselines from mPLMs for transliterated data without including any training phase. Though the modified models can achieve much better performance than the original mPLMs on transliterated evaluation datasets, there is still a gap between it and the performance on non-transliterated (in the original script) evaluation. We propose several explanations for this phenomenon, such as subword transliteration ambiguity and tokenization differences. These issues should be able to be alleviated by further fine-tuning or continued pretraining on transliterated data. However, this is beyond the scope of the paper, as our motivation is to create strong baselines through a simple and effective framework for modifying existing mPLMs. We would therefore expect much stronger models can be obtained by using our TransMI-modified mPLMs as the starting points of further training / fine-tuning, which we would leave for future exploration in the community.

Another possible limitation is that we only consider mPLMs that leverage SentencePiece Unigram tokenizers. This is due to the fact that the most recent strong mPLMs favor such choices. However, it should be very easy to extend TransMI to mPLMs that use other types of tokenizers. For example, mBERT (Devlin et al., 2019) uses WordPiece subword tokenizer where the vocabulary is learned through BPE. The vocabulary keeps frequencies of subwords instead of log probabilities. Therefore, we can simply use the frequencies to replace the scores being manipulated in the Merge step of TransMI. We would leave this exploration in the community if other tokenizers are used in their studies for instance.


This work was funded by the European Research Council (grant #740516).


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Appendix A Settings and Hyperparameters

|head| |tail| #class measure (%)
SR-B 94 275 - top-10 Acc.
SR-T 70 28 - top-10 Acc.
Taxi1500 89 262 6 F1 score
SIB200 78 94 6 F1 score
NER 89 75 7 F1 score
POS 63 28 18 F1 score
Table 8: Information of the evaluation datasets and used measures. |head| (resp. |tail|): number of head (resp. tail) language-scripts according to ImaniGooghari et al. (2023) (a language-script is a head language if it is covered by XLM-R, otherwise it is tail) #class: the number of the categories if it belongs to a text classification or sequence labeling task.

The basic information of each downstream task dataset is shown in Table 8. The number of languages in each major script group for each dataset is shown in Table 9. We use the same fine-tuning hyperparameters for both transliterated evaluation (train / valid /test sets are transliterated to Latin script using Uroman for all languages) and non-transliterated evaluation. We introduce the detailed hyperparameters settings in the following.

Latn Cyrl Hani Arab Deva Other All
SR-B 290 28 4 11 8 28 369
SR-T 64 10 3 5 2 14 98
Taxi1500 281 25 4 8 7 26 351
SIB200 117 11 0 13 6 28 172
NER 104 17 4 10 5 24 164
POS 57 8 3 5 3 15 91
Table 9: The number of languages in each script group in the evaluation datasets.
Sentence Retrieval

For both SR-B and SR-T, we use English-aligned sentences (up to 500 and 1000 for SR-B and SR-T respectively) from languages that the Glot500 and Furina supports (head + tail languages). This evaluation type does not involve any parameter updates: we directly use each model to generate the sentence-level representation by averaging the contextual token embeddings at the 8th layer (Jalili Sabet et al., 2020; ImaniGooghari et al., 2023) and then perform retrieval by sorting the pairwise cosine similarities.

Text Classification

For both Taxi1500 and SIB200, we fine-tune sequence-level classification models with a 6-classes classification head on the English train set and then select the best checkpoint using the English validation set. We train all models using Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2015) for a maximum of 40 epochs, with a learning rate of 1e-5 and an effective batch size of 16 (batch size of 8, gradient accumulation of 2). We use a single GTX 1080 Ti GPU for training. The evaluation is done in a zero-shot transfer: we directly apply the best checkpoint to the test sets of all other languages.

Sequence Labeling

For NER and POS, we fine-tune token-level classification models with a suitable classification head (7 for NER and 18 for POS) on the English train set and select the best checkpoint using the English validation set. We train all models using Adam optimizer for a maximum of 10 epochs. The learning rate is set to 2e-5 and the effective batch size is set to 32 (batch size of 8, gradient accumulation of 4). The training is done on a single GTX 1080 Ti GPU. The evaluation is done in a zero-shot transfer: we directly apply the best checkpoint to the test sets of all other languages.

Appendix B Full Tokenization Performance

We further compare each model type by reporting their average sequence length on the SR-B dataset grouped by the scripts in Table 10. Glot500 and Furina have the same tokenizers, therefore, they possess identical tokenization behavior when the same merge mode is applied. We observe that TransMI-modified models have consistently shorter lengths on transliterated data than the original mPLM.

Appendix C Compete Crosslingual Transfer Results

We report the complete results of the performance of all model variants on transliterated evaluation datasets for all tasks and languages in Table 11, 12, 13, 14 (SR-B), Table 15 (SR-T), Table 16, 17, 18, 19(Taxi1500), 20, 21 (SIB200), Table 22, 23 (NER), and Table 24 (POS).

Latn Cyrl Hani Arab Deva Other
XLM-R 61.0 54.7 44.1 63.0 51.8 51.2
56.9 49.4 40.7 57.3 62.1 64.8
XLM-R (Min-Merge) 58.5 54.7 44.1 63.0 51.8 51.2
53.7 42.9 34.8 41.7 45.3 48.0
XLM-R (Average-Merge) 58.3 54.7 44.1 63.0 51.8 51.2
53.5 42.7 34.0 41.4 45.0 47.6
XLM-R (Max-Merge) 58.2 54.7 44.1 63.0 51.8 51.2
53.2 42.6 34.1 41.1 44.5 47.2
Glot500 45.7 39.4 42.7 42.3 44.1 44.5
45.5 43.8 34.9 50.8 53.7 57.0
Glot500 (Min-Merge) 44.9 39.4 42.7 42.3 44.1 44.5
43.5 36.1 30.8 36.7 38.8 39.1
Glot500 (Average-Merge) 44.9 39.4 42.7 42.3 44.1 44.5
43.4 36.1 30.6 36.5 38.7 39.0
Glot500 (Max-Merge) 44.8 39.4 42.7 42.3 44.1 44.5
43.3 36.0 30.9 36.3 38.4 38.9
Furina 45.7 39.4 42.7 42.3 44.1 44.5
45.5 43.8 34.9 50.8 53.7 57.0
Furina (Min-Merge) 44.9 39.4 42.7 42.3 44.1 44.5
43.5 36.1 30.8 36.7 38.8 39.1
Furina (Average-Merge) 44.9 39.4 42.7 42.3 44.1 44.5
43.4 36.1 30.6 36.5 38.7 39.0
Furina (Max-Merge) 44.8 39.4 42.7 42.3 44.1 44.5
43.3 36.0 30.9 36.3 38.4 38.9
Table 10: Full tokenization performance on SR-B dataset averaged by script group. The results on non-transliterated (resp. transliterated) data are in the first (resp. second) row.
Language XLM-R XLM-R (Min-Merge) XLM-R (Average-Merge) XLM-R (Max-Merge) Glot500 Glot500 (Min-Merge) Glot500 (Average-Merge) Glot500 (Max-Merge) Furina Furina (Min-Merge) Furina (Average-Merge) Furina (Max-Merge)
ace_Latn 5.2 6.4 6.2 6.2 46.2 45.2 48.0 48.4 64.4 69.0 69.6 70.8
ach_Latn 5.2 5.0 5.4 5.2 41.6 40.2 40.0 41.0 51.6 50.6 50.2 50.0
acr_Latn 3.2 3.8 3.6 3.8 24.6 26.0 27.2 25.8 46.8 52.8 52.0 52.8
afr_Latn 76.6 75.2 75.0 75.2 69.2 65.6 65.4 67.2 82.2 81.6 82.6 82.0
agw_Latn 5.4 6.6 6.4 6.2 34.4 33.4 32.4 33.0 53.0 53.4 45.4 47.2
ahk_Latn 3.4 3.0 2.4 3.6 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.8 8.6 10.0 9.6 10.6
aka_Latn 5.8 5.2 5.4 4.4 28.4 34.0 32.8 33.4 44.6 45.6 45.4 44.2
aln_Latn 49.4 53.6 52.2 52.2 53.6 57.8 58.4 59.0 73.6 73.0 73.0 73.0
als_Latn 39.8 41.2 41.0 41.6 48.0 50.6 51.0 51.2 57.4 56.6 56.6 56.4
alt_Cyrl 6.8 8.4 8.2 7.6 14.6 21.8 19.8 20.6 38.2 39.8 41.0 40.2
alz_Latn 4.6 4.2 4.6 4.6 34.6 33.6 33.8 34.6 44.6 44.4 44.2 43.4
amh_Ethi 5.6 10.4 9.4 9.2 4.6 15.4 16.2 14.6 12.8 20.2 20.2 20.2
aoj_Latn 3.0 5.2 5.0 4.4 17.4 18.8 19.4 18.8 26.2 31.8 31.4 30.0
arb_Arab 4.6 4.0 3.8 6.2 6.0 10.0 10.2 10.2 10.4 14.2 15.2 14.4
arn_Latn 4.4 4.0 3.6 3.8 12.0 20.6 20.6 22.2 28.4 37.6 36.6 35.6
ary_Arab 3.6 4.6 5.0 4.8 5.2 8.6 8.6 10.8 17.0 14.0 15.6 14.6
arz_Arab 6.0 4.6 5.4 4.4 6.2 8.6 8.4 8.6 13.4 17.4 16.2 17.4
asm_Beng 4.6 6.2 6.4 7.4 6.0 15.6 11.8 14.6 32.0 26.2 25.8 30.4
ayr_Latn 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.0 44.4 44.8 45.6 45.4 65.2 64.8 65.0 65.4
azb_Arab 5.4 6.6 6.0 6.0 6.4 25.4 24.6 24.8 23.8 45.6 45.2 45.0
aze_Latn 24.4 48.4 51.0 52.8 37.2 54.4 59.6 59.8 72.4 72.0 73.2 73.8
bak_Cyrl 6.4 7.0 6.6 7.0 12.0 26.4 26.8 24.4 42.2 43.6 43.2 41.4
bam_Latn 7.4 6.8 6.8 7.0 32.0 37.2 39.0 38.8 53.6 54.6 57.2 55.6
ban_Latn 9.0 8.6 8.2 9.4 33.0 33.6 32.8 32.8 61.0 62.4 62.4 62.0
bar_Latn 13.6 17.2 17.6 15.2 34.8 29.6 31.8 31.2 65.0 68.6 68.2 67.8
bba_Latn 5.2 6.0 6.2 5.8 18.4 25.6 26.4 25.2 31.0 33.8 33.6 33.2
bbc_Latn 7.8 7.2 7.6 7.2 57.2 51.8 52.2 52.4 71.4 71.8 72.4 72.2
bci_Latn 5.6 5.0 5.4 5.2 14.4 15.0 16.4 16.2 35.0 36.6 35.2 34.2
bcl_Latn 10.2 10.6 10.8 10.8 79.8 78.0 78.2 78.0 85.8 86.2 86.6 86.0
bel_Cyrl 7.4 22.2 24.8 25.8 10.2 23.2 22.6 24.2 46.6 41.6 43.0 46.4
bem_Latn 6.6 7.2 6.4 6.8 58.6 56.2 56.4 56.8 59.0 58.8 59.0 59.4
ben_Beng 6.0 7.2 6.4 8.8 7.2 10.2 11.0 14.4 38.4 32.2 33.8 39.6
bhw_Latn 5.0 4.0 4.4 4.4 32.4 34.6 34.4 33.6 50.2 50.8 51.0 51.8
bim_Latn 4.2 3.4 4.2 4.2 41.2 41.8 40.2 40.4 57.6 58.8 57.8 57.0
bis_Latn 7.0 6.2 5.8 5.4 48.6 47.6 47.6 47.8 65.6 65.6 66.0 66.4
bod_Tibt 2.0 2.2 1.8 2.2 2.8 20.0 19.6 20.2 4.8 26.4 26.0 27.2
bqc_Latn 5.0 5.0 4.8 4.8 10.2 9.2 9.4 10.0 14.0 12.6 11.8 12.6
bre_Latn 17.2 16.2 15.2 15.8 30.4 27.4 28.0 28.4 59.2 56.6 56.8 55.6
bts_Latn 6.0 6.6 6.0 6.6 56.4 54.2 54.2 55.0 70.8 70.4 70.2 71.0
btx_Latn 11.0 11.0 11.8 11.8 59.6 59.0 58.0 57.8 71.4 70.0 70.4 70.4
bul_Cyrl 15.6 24.8 25.8 30.8 18.6 35.0 35.0 36.0 75.4 62.8 63.8 64.8
bum_Latn 6.0 5.4 5.2 5.6 18.0 21.0 21.0 20.0 35.8 37.4 37.0 36.0
bzj_Latn 7.8 7.8 6.6 6.2 75.0 74.0 74.0 74.0 84.4 85.6 85.6 85.8
cab_Latn 4.8 5.8 5.8 6.4 17.6 19.8 21.2 19.8 26.2 30.4 31.0 30.4
cac_Latn 3.2 2.8 2.8 3.0 14.2 16.2 14.6 14.0 30.2 35.8 34.8 36.6
cak_Latn 3.8 4.2 3.8 4.0 19.8 19.4 19.0 20.6 42.2 46.2 45.8 46.0
caq_Latn 3.6 4.4 4.2 5.2 8.4 15.2 14.8 15.8 21.6 29.6 29.4 29.6
cat_Latn 81.6 81.4 81.8 81.6 73.6 68.8 69.4 69.4 84.2 82.2 84.2 84.2
cbk_Latn 30.2 33.2 34.6 33.8 54.6 55.2 53.4 54.8 76.6 76.6 77.0 76.6
cce_Latn 5.2 6.6 6.2 6.0 51.6 46.6 46.4 47.0 68.6 69.2 69.8 70.4
ceb_Latn 14.2 13.8 13.8 13.2 68.0 65.6 67.2 67.8 81.4 82.0 82.2 82.2
ces_Latn 42.6 50.6 49.6 50.0 29.6 36.6 37.2 38.4 66.2 65.2 65.0 64.0
cfm_Latn 5.0 5.4 5.4 5.0 46.2 47.0 46.2 46.8 60.6 60.8 61.4 61.4
che_Cyrl 4.4 4.0 5.0 5.8 5.2 7.4 7.8 7.2 15.6 13.8 13.6 13.4
chk_Latn 5.0 4.8 5.6 5.0 30.4 33.4 36.8 37.6 59.8 60.6 60.4 60.6
chv_Cyrl 5.8 6.2 6.2 5.8 8.2 14.0 13.2 13.2 20.4 23.2 22.6 23.4
ckb_Arab 3.8 5.4 5.4 5.2 4.6 15.0 15.2 14.0 20.0 25.4 25.6 25.6
cmn_Hani 4.0 9.8 8.0 13.8 5.8 13.2 14.2 15.0 11.6 14.2 14.8 18.0
cnh_Latn 4.2 4.6 4.4 3.8 55.0 54.2 54.0 53.8 63.8 63.2 62.6 62.6
crh_Cyrl 12.8 18.2 17.0 15.6 31.8 43.8 45.4 45.2 69.2 63.6 67.4 64.2
crs_Latn 7.4 8.2 7.4 8.0 80.6 77.4 78.0 78.2 84.2 82.0 82.8 82.4
csy_Latn 3.8 4.4 3.8 4.4 50.0 49.4 48.4 49.4 64.4 64.2 63.2 63.6
ctd_Latn 4.2 4.2 4.0 3.2 59.4 57.4 58.2 57.8 63.6 62.0 61.6 62.2
ctu_Latn 3.8 3.6 4.4 4.6 14.4 15.6 16.8 14.6 33.6 34.0 32.6 31.4
cuk_Latn 5.2 5.0 4.6 4.8 22.8 20.6 20.4 20.6 40.6 42.8 43.6 43.2
cym_Latn 38.6 35.6 35.8 35.0 43.0 35.4 37.4 36.4 60.4 59.2 60.0 58.2
dan_Latn 60.2 67.8 67.8 67.4 54.4 56.2 59.0 58.0 75.6 75.8 76.0 75.2
deu_Latn 72.2 78.6 78.8 79.6 61.4 62.4 64.6 64.0 81.8 81.8 82.2 81.4
djk_Latn 4.4 4.4 4.0 5.0 40.4 40.2 40.4 39.8 55.0 57.2 57.6 57.6
dln_Latn 5.0 4.6 5.2 5.2 57.2 55.4 56.0 56.0 68.0 68.6 68.4 68.8
dtp_Latn 5.2 4.8 4.8 4.2 25.0 24.4 23.6 24.6 41.2 45.4 45.0 45.4
dyu_Latn 5.4 4.4 5.2 4.4 29.4 30.6 31.8 31.6 50.2 55.0 56.4 56.0
dzo_Tibt 1.8 1.4 2.0 1.8 2.0 16.8 16.0 17.6 4.0 29.6 27.4 29.4
efi_Latn 5.8 8.4 6.8 7.4 31.0 42.6 42.4 42.4 51.2 56.6 56.2 56.2
ell_Grek 5.4 12.2 11.0 13.2 10.4 16.6 16.4 16.8 33.0 31.2 35.6 34.4
enm_Latn 39.8 38.2 38.6 38.6 66.0 64.0 64.4 64.6 75.6 75.2 75.4 75.4
epo_Latn 60.4 59.8 61.4 60.8 53.0 52.0 52.0 51.0 73.8 73.2 74.4 74.0
est_Latn 45.4 64.0 65.8 63.6 38.4 47.6 49.4 51.2 66.2 67.8 68.0 67.6
eus_Latn 26.2 25.4 25.8 25.2 23.2 22.2 22.0 22.2 36.8 35.6 35.8 36.6
ewe_Latn 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.2 18.0 27.2 26.4 27.0 31.8 39.2 40.6 41.0
fao_Latn 14.8 19.2 20.0 19.8 32.4 47.6 53.2 51.6 73.8 74.6 76.0 76.0
fas_Arab 4.6 13.8 12.0 18.2 6.8 24.8 30.2 32.6 34.6 44.2 47.6 51.6
fij_Latn 3.8 4.0 4.0 3.8 36.4 35.6 35.0 35.2 43.6 43.8 42.6 45.6
fil_Latn 60.0 59.4 59.4 56.6 72.0 68.4 67.2 67.2 84.8 84.0 85.2 85.2
fin_Latn 31.6 66.0 66.6 68.0 28.8 44.0 46.8 49.8 55.8 65.6 67.4 67.8
fon_Latn 3.6 3.8 3.8 4.0 9.0 10.2 11.2 11.2 18.8 23.6 23.8 23.0
fra_Latn 81.4 81.0 81.2 81.4 76.8 71.8 72.6 74.0 90.2 88.8 89.6 89.6
fry_Latn 20.8 21.2 21.4 21.4 38.0 34.6 34.8 35.6 71.6 69.6 69.6 70.2
gaa_Latn 6.6 6.6 5.2 6.0 12.0 18.0 18.4 18.0 31.2 41.4 39.6 39.2
gil_Latn 5.6 5.0 4.0 4.2 36.8 34.8 34.0 35.6 52.6 53.4 53.6 55.2
giz_Latn 5.6 5.8 5.6 5.8 23.2 28.2 27.6 27.4 41.6 48.8 49.8 49.8
gkn_Latn 5.8 6.8 5.6 6.8 8.8 9.8 10.0 11.4 19.0 21.0 20.6 20.6
gkp_Latn 4.8 5.2 4.2 4.8 9.2 8.8 8.4 8.8 14.4 15.8 17.8 16.8
Table 11: Top-10 accuracy of models on transliterated dataset of SR-B (Part I).
Language XLM-R XLM-R (Min-Merge) XLM-R (Average-Merge) XLM-R (Max-Merge) Glot500 Glot500 (Min-Merge) Glot500 (Average-Merge) Glot500 (Max-Merge) Furina Furina (Min-Merge) Furina (Average-Merge) Furina (Max-Merge)
gla_Latn 25.0 25.8 26.4 26.4 42.4 42.0 42.6 42.2 57.2 60.4 61.8 61.0
gle_Latn 23.6 27.0 27.4 29.6 28.4 29.8 29.8 30.4 51.4 53.2 54.4 52.4
glv_Latn 5.8 5.0 6.0 5.4 47.4 39.4 38.8 39.0 58.2 54.2 55.6 54.8
gom_Latn 5.8 6.8 7.0 6.6 44.6 40.2 40.8 41.0 58.0 56.6 57.6 56.0
gor_Latn 3.8 4.0 3.8 4.2 27.4 27.6 28.6 28.2 46.4 46.4 46.6 47.0
grc_Grek 4.4 6.8 5.4 5.8 10.0 15.8 14.4 13.0 14.6 13.2 14.8 14.8
guc_Latn 3.4 3.2 3.2 2.8 6.0 11.4 11.8 11.8 15.4 22.0 21.6 20.6
gug_Latn 4.0 4.8 5.4 4.8 22.8 27.8 28.4 27.8 31.6 34.8 35.4 34.8
guj_Gujr 5.8 10.0 6.8 13.8 7.4 18.4 16.4 20.2 32.8 31.2 34.6 41.8
gur_Latn 5.2 4.2 4.4 4.0 13.6 18.4 19.8 21.0 32.8 41.2 40.2 40.2
guw_Latn 5.0 5.8 5.6 5.0 11.8 26.6 23.6 23.4 32.4 42.4 41.4 42.4
gya_Latn 5.8 5.0 5.0 6.6 12.4 13.2 13.2 13.4 22.8 24.4 25.0 24.0
gym_Latn 4.0 4.4 3.4 3.0 8.8 13.8 14.2 15.0 20.6 27.6 27.8 28.6
hat_Latn 5.0 4.4 4.6 4.6 62.8 62.2 62.0 64.2 80.0 79.8 79.8 79.6
hau_Latn 30.8 30.6 31.2 28.4 51.6 48.2 48.8 49.8 67.8 67.2 67.0 67.0
haw_Latn 4.2 4.2 4.0 4.2 38.8 36.4 36.4 34.8 61.6 62.8 62.8 63.2
heb_Hebr 5.0 7.4 6.2 9.8 5.0 6.4 8.4 7.8 12.6 12.6 13.2 13.8
hif_Latn 15.2 16.6 15.6 18.2 44.6 29.8 31.2 31.4 73.4 67.4 66.8 64.0
hil_Latn 11.0 12.4 13.0 12.2 76.2 72.8 73.4 72.8 89.2 89.0 89.0 89.6
hin_Deva 13.0 19.0 14.0 29.4 26.2 33.4 40.2 45.4 65.0 52.8 57.6 61.8
hin_Latn 13.6 15.0 11.8 12.0 43.2 30.2 30.8 32.0 64.6 58.4 59.0 57.6
hmo_Latn 6.4 6.2 6.6 6.0 48.2 47.6 47.6 47.0 60.0 59.6 59.8 57.8
hne_Deva 5.8 6.6 6.2 8.4 7.2 19.2 20.6 23.4 33.8 40.2 40.8 45.0
hnj_Latn 2.8 3.2 3.6 3.2 54.2 53.8 53.4 54.8 64.0 64.6 65.2 65.4
hra_Latn 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.4 45.4 43.2 44.6 45.2 56.6 53.6 55.0 55.2
hrv_Latn 69.0 63.0 63.8 63.6 66.6 61.0 61.6 62.0 74.8 71.4 71.6 71.2
hui_Latn 3.8 2.8 2.6 3.2 27.8 26.0 26.4 26.4 30.6 31.4 31.4 31.4
hun_Latn 39.0 58.0 57.8 55.6 24.2 35.2 36.0 36.8 56.4 62.6 62.2 61.8
hus_Latn 4.2 3.6 3.6 4.0 15.8 19.2 19.0 18.8 40.2 39.8 40.0 39.8
hye_Armn 5.4 9.0 6.4 8.2 11.2 18.6 19.8 21.4 25.4 28.4 31.4 30.4
iba_Latn 14.4 15.8 15.6 14.8 66.0 65.0 65.6 64.6 71.4 72.4 72.4 72.6
ibo_Latn 6.6 6.4 7.0 6.4 25.2 22.2 22.8 23.6 41.0 41.8 41.4 41.4
ifa_Latn 4.4 4.0 4.4 4.0 39.2 38.6 37.4 38.2 52.2 53.0 52.6 52.8
ifb_Latn 4.8 5.0 4.8 4.4 36.6 35.0 35.0 35.4 52.0 53.4 52.6 53.0
ikk_Latn 5.2 5.2 5.0 5.8 11.0 17.4 18.4 16.8 26.6 35.6 36.0 36.0
ilo_Latn 6.2 7.0 6.6 6.4 55.0 51.8 51.8 51.8 73.6 73.6 74.4 73.6
ind_Latn 82.6 80.2 79.8 79.2 72.2 71.4 72.2 72.8 77.8 77.8 78.4 78.2
isl_Latn 16.6 34.6 34.6 33.2 24.6 38.8 39.8 38.6 63.6 67.6 67.2 68.0
ita_Latn 71.6 70.2 71.4 71.4 68.8 64.8 65.8 66.2 79.4 79.0 79.2 79.2
ium_Latn 3.2 2.4 2.4 2.4 24.8 24.6 24.4 24.8 38.6 37.4 37.8 38.2
ixl_Latn 3.0 3.4 3.8 3.4 12.2 16.6 15.2 15.2 26.0 31.8 31.6 31.8
izz_Latn 4.6 4.2 4.0 4.0 16.2 18.0 17.2 17.0 32.2 33.0 31.4 30.6
jam_Latn 6.6 7.4 7.2 6.0 67.8 66.4 67.4 66.0 85.2 84.8 86.2 86.2
jav_Latn 28.4 26.0 27.2 27.0 50.4 45.8 46.0 46.0 70.8 68.8 68.4 67.8
jpn_Jpan 3.4 13.2 11.6 14.4 4.8 10.6 12.0 12.6 11.8 18.8 18.0 19.0
kaa_Cyrl 7.2 16.2 16.0 18.6 27.4 38.6 44.2 43.8 61.2 63.2 66.6 65.0
kaa_Latn 9.2 12.2 12.8 12.2 34.8 35.0 36.2 37.0 71.4 70.2 73.6 72.6
kab_Latn 6.0 7.0 7.2 6.8 16.8 16.2 16.2 16.4 30.8 29.8 29.4 30.0
kac_Latn 3.6 3.6 3.0 3.8 26.4 27.4 26.0 25.6 45.8 45.2 44.6 44.0
kal_Latn 3.4 4.8 4.2 4.2 23.0 18.6 18.0 19.0 22.8 20.6 20.6 20.2
kan_Knda 4.0 14.2 12.0 17.8 7.2 13.8 15.2 17.4 27.2 33.8 33.4 31.2
kat_Geor 6.0 12.6 9.6 11.0 7.0 14.6 16.6 16.0 16.6 23.0 23.2 22.6
kaz_Cyrl 4.0 18.2 17.0 18.0 15.2 27.6 30.0 31.8 51.0 49.6 52.6 51.8
kbp_Latn 5.4 4.4 4.2 5.0 6.6 11.6 11.8 10.8 19.2 24.0 25.2 24.8
kek_Latn 4.0 3.2 3.6 3.8 23.6 24.6 22.0 23.0 45.2 46.4 45.4 44.6
khm_Khmr 2.4 11.6 9.2 9.8 2.8 14.4 15.8 16.4 6.4 23.8 25.4 22.8
kia_Latn 5.2 5.2 4.8 4.4 25.2 27.4 26.8 27.2 43.2 43.4 43.4 43.0
kik_Latn 5.2 5.8 4.6 5.4 14.6 26.0 24.2 23.0 37.0 50.4 50.2 48.2
kin_Latn 5.0 6.6 6.0 6.4 59.6 50.6 50.2 51.2 69.0 66.4 66.8 67.0
kir_Cyrl 6.8 23.4 21.2 24.2 22.4 34.0 37.6 39.4 56.0 57.6 62.0 60.0
kjb_Latn 4.4 3.8 3.8 3.8 29.6 32.8 30.2 30.0 54.0 55.4 54.8 55.2
kjh_Cyrl 4.4 4.8 5.4 5.8 9.0 18.8 18.6 16.8 26.0 30.6 30.0 30.2
kmm_Latn 4.8 4.2 5.2 4.6 38.6 36.4 36.6 36.8 52.8 51.0 51.0 51.2
kmr_Cyrl 5.0 7.2 6.8 5.8 7.8 13.6 14.8 14.0 28.6 23.8 25.6 23.4
kmr_Latn 11.6 16.6 15.4 15.8 23.4 28.6 29.8 29.6 49.2 53.4 53.8 54.0
knv_Latn 2.6 2.8 2.8 3.0 11.8 11.2 11.8 12.2 21.0 20.8 20.8 21.0
kor_Hang 2.8 20.8 21.2 24.8 3.8 16.2 17.0 19.4 9.8 23.2 25.2 27.0
kpg_Latn 5.2 5.8 5.8 6.0 51.8 49.6 48.8 49.8 61.6 61.0 60.6 61.0
krc_Cyrl 6.2 12.2 13.0 13.0 16.8 23.2 22.4 22.6 44.2 45.6 45.0 44.4
kri_Latn 6.6 7.8 7.2 7.8 38.2 38.2 40.0 40.6 66.0 66.6 67.2 67.2
ksd_Latn 7.0 5.8 5.2 5.4 42.6 42.4 42.4 42.4 53.6 53.6 53.4 52.6
kss_Latn 4.2 3.8 3.6 4.2 7.2 10.2 11.8 12.2 21.0 27.2 29.0 28.0
ksw_Mymr 3.4 2.8 3.0 3.4 2.8 10.6 10.0 8.8 6.4 21.2 20.6 22.2
kua_Latn 4.8 5.0 5.4 5.6 43.8 40.2 40.2 40.8 54.4 54.0 55.6 55.8
lam_Latn 6.8 5.8 6.0 6.2 25.2 23.4 23.2 24.8 35.4 36.8 36.2 35.6
lao_Laoo 2.6 10.2 7.0 11.0 3.2 12.2 13.6 14.0 10.2 21.2 25.0 26.8
lat_Latn 53.0 51.0 52.0 51.0 49.8 47.0 47.2 46.8 57.0 56.0 56.4 56.6
lav_Latn 23.4 44.6 44.6 45.0 22.2 30.6 32.4 32.2 53.8 55.8 56.2 56.0
ldi_Latn 5.6 6.6 6.2 5.8 28.8 26.6 27.2 26.8 49.0 49.0 49.2 48.4
leh_Latn 5.6 5.2 5.2 5.2 58.6 53.8 54.4 54.0 67.6 67.2 68.4 68.6
lhu_Latn 2.8 2.8 3.4 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.2 4.0 11.6 12.4 12.4 12.6
lin_Latn 6.8 7.2 7.0 8.0 65.6 63.6 64.2 63.6 69.6 68.2 68.4 68.6
lit_Latn 43.4 50.0 50.2 51.6 31.0 33.2 34.6 34.8 58.4 57.2 58.6 58.2
loz_Latn 7.2 6.6 8.0 7.0 48.0 47.2 48.2 47.0 67.2 68.2 68.6 69.0
ltz_Latn 13.0 12.8 12.8 11.2 66.8 67.8 67.6 67.2 82.4 83.2 82.8 82.8
lug_Latn 5.0 5.4 5.2 4.2 48.8 39.6 39.4 37.8 50.2 46.4 47.4 46.4
luo_Latn 6.4 6.0 6.4 5.8 40.8 39.4 40.2 41.0 53.2 53.6 53.6 53.4
lus_Latn 4.4 5.0 5.6 5.8 49.4 47.8 47.8 49.0 64.2 64.0 64.4 64.6
lzh_Hani 3.2 3.4 3.0 3.6 4.4 4.6 5.0 5.2 2.4 3.0 3.0 3.4
mad_Latn 7.6 8.2 8.4 7.4 44.4 41.6 41.4 41.4 63.6 60.0 60.0 60.4
mah_Latn 6.4 5.8 5.8 5.6 27.8 29.8 28.6 28.0 45.0 45.8 46.0 45.6
mai_Deva 5.4 6.4 5.8 8.2 6.6 18.6 20.8 21.8 35.2 43.2 40.2 41.8
mal_Mlym 5.0 14.4 13.6 18.4 4.8 11.8 18.0 22.0 14.0 27.8 29.0 29.4
Table 12: Top-10 accuracy of models on transliterated dataset of SR-B (Part II).
Language XLM-R XLM-R (Min-Merge) XLM-R (Average-Merge) XLM-R (Max-Merge) Glot500 Glot500 (Min-Merge) Glot500 (Average-Merge) Glot500 (Max-Merge) Furina Furina (Min-Merge) Furina (Average-Merge) Furina (Max-Merge)
mam_Latn 3.6 4.2 3.6 3.4 13.4 12.4 12.2 13.4 30.0 33.2 31.2 34.0
mar_Deva 4.2 20.6 20.2 26.0 6.8 20.8 24.8 31.8 25.0 39.2 41.6 46.0
mau_Latn 2.4 2.8 2.6 2.8 3.8 3.8 3.2 3.0 7.2 7.2 6.8 7.0
mbb_Latn 3.6 3.4 4.2 3.0 30.6 36.2 35.0 36.2 47.6 50.8 51.2 51.4
mck_Latn 5.2 5.6 5.0 5.0 57.8 53.4 53.8 54.4 65.0 65.0 63.4 64.6
mcn_Latn 6.8 7.4 7.2 7.0 32.0 27.4 28.8 30.2 40.6 40.8 41.4 41.6
mco_Latn 3.0 2.4 2.8 3.4 7.2 7.0 7.2 6.0 17.4 19.0 18.8 17.8
mdy_Ethi 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.0 4.6 12.8 13.6 11.8 10.6 16.4 15.0 14.8
meu_Latn 5.6 6.4 6.8 6.8 52.2 49.6 49.4 51.2 59.2 59.0 60.2 60.0
mfe_Latn 9.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 78.6 73.8 74.6 75.2 77.2 77.4 77.6 77.8
mgh_Latn 5.2 4.0 5.4 4.6 23.6 21.2 20.6 19.8 55.0 54.2 53.2 52.8
mgr_Latn 4.0 4.2 4.6 4.4 57.6 53.6 54.2 53.2 64.6 64.0 64.0 63.8
mhr_Cyrl 5.8 5.0 5.6 6.2 9.6 14.8 16.6 17.0 22.4 27.6 26.4 28.4
min_Latn 9.4 9.6 10.0 9.6 29.0 25.8 25.8 26.2 54.6 55.8 55.2 55.2
miq_Latn 5.2 6.0 6.4 6.2 45.4 44.8 43.6 43.6 50.0 51.0 50.4 50.6
mkd_Cyrl 24.6 33.2 33.8 33.4 37.0 48.6 49.6 50.2 81.2 68.4 68.8 68.8
mlg_Latn 29.2 24.8 25.4 25.6 65.2 62.8 64.4 61.8 64.8 63.4 64.2 64.4
mlt_Latn 5.4 7.4 7.4 6.6 38.0 39.6 38.2 38.4 71.4 72.4 71.6 70.8
mos_Latn 5.0 4.8 5.6 3.8 12.6 15.0 17.4 17.8 25.2 33.0 33.6 34.6
mps_Latn 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.4 22.2 23.0 23.0 22.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 29.0
mri_Latn 4.2 5.8 6.0 5.6 48.4 45.6 45.2 45.8 72.4 71.2 70.8 71.0
mrw_Latn 6.0 6.6 6.4 6.2 52.2 51.4 50.4 51.6 61.8 64.6 64.6 65.4
msa_Latn 40.6 40.4 40.6 40.6 41.4 40.2 40.4 40.8 46.0 46.2 46.8 46.4
mwm_Latn 6.0 6.4 5.2 6.4 7.4 7.8 7.6 7.4 15.4 17.0 17.4 17.6
mxv_Latn 3.6 2.8 3.2 2.8 6.2 7.8 8.4 7.2 16.8 19.2 18.2 17.4
mya_Mymr 3.0 8.4 4.4 10.2 3.2 7.4 7.8 10.8 6.2 11.6 14.8 17.4
myv_Cyrl 4.8 4.4 4.6 4.4 7.0 9.0 10.0 10.2 23.4 20.0 21.0 21.4
mzh_Latn 3.0 3.6 3.6 4.6 17.6 23.2 21.0 22.0 28.8 37.0 36.0 37.6
nan_Latn 3.8 3.6 4.6 4.4 7.0 8.6 9.2 8.4 15.8 15.0 15.2 16.6
naq_Latn 3.8 4.0 4.0 3.4 11.0 17.0 17.0 16.0 20.6 31.6 32.2 32.2
nav_Latn 3.6 2.8 3.0 2.8 7.0 7.4 7.2 7.8 12.8 13.2 11.8 12.2
nbl_Latn 9.2 9.2 10.0 9.8 53.8 49.2 49.8 49.8 62.6 60.2 59.8 59.8
nch_Latn 4.4 4.4 3.6 4.0 21.4 19.2 19.2 19.0 47.4 48.0 48.0 48.4
ncj_Latn 4.0 3.6 3.4 3.8 24.4 22.4 22.2 23.0 49.8 46.0 46.2 45.4
ndc_Latn 5.2 4.4 4.2 4.2 40.0 35.2 35.4 34.6 55.4 56.2 56.0 55.0
nde_Latn 13.0 12.2 12.8 12.0 53.8 51.2 52.8 53.0 62.0 61.4 62.4 62.4
ndo_Latn 5.2 5.2 4.2 4.6 48.2 43.6 43.6 43.2 63.8 63.4 63.6 63.4
nds_Latn 9.6 9.0 8.4 8.6 36.6 36.2 37.6 36.4 66.4 66.4 67.6 66.4
nep_Deva 4.2 18.8 17.0 23.4 9.6 24.2 27.0 31.2 33.4 43.2 46.6 50.4
ngu_Latn 4.4 5.4 5.6 5.4 27.8 27.4 27.2 27.2 52.8 55.0 54.0 54.4
nia_Latn 3.6 5.2 4.4 5.2 20.2 24.6 23.8 24.6 42.0 45.0 47.0 47.2
nld_Latn 77.8 76.4 76.8 76.8 71.6 69.8 69.8 70.0 84.2 84.6 84.8 84.0
nmf_Latn 4.0 5.2 4.8 5.6 30.2 29.6 29.8 30.4 31.6 33.0 34.6 33.4
nnb_Latn 5.0 4.4 4.2 4.2 51.8 36.6 38.2 38.0 58.8 54.0 55.0 55.2
nno_Latn 48.8 52.4 53.4 53.0 64.0 62.8 64.0 65.4 80.0 78.2 78.6 77.8
nob_Latn 68.8 76.6 78.2 78.6 66.4 71.8 74.4 75.6 84.6 85.4 87.0 86.6
nor_Latn 66.0 73.0 76.4 76.2 75.4 78.4 80.2 80.8 84.8 84.0 84.6 85.0
npi_Deva 5.0 16.2 16.2 21.0 8.4 27.2 32.8 33.8 41.0 49.0 52.4 56.8
nse_Latn 5.0 6.6 6.2 6.2 49.6 45.8 46.6 47.0 70.2 67.2 67.0 67.2
nso_Latn 5.4 5.2 5.2 5.2 54.2 53.6 53.4 52.6 68.4 67.2 68.6 67.8
nya_Latn 3.8 4.8 4.8 4.6 60.6 56.4 57.6 58.2 64.2 65.8 66.0 66.2
nyn_Latn 4.4 4.2 5.6 4.8 51.8 38.8 38.6 37.2 60.4 55.2 55.2 54.2
nyy_Latn 4.2 4.8 5.0 5.2 28.6 25.4 26.0 26.0 53.6 52.4 53.6 53.4
nzi_Latn 4.2 4.8 4.0 4.0 16.8 19.6 21.4 21.0 33.2 39.6 38.4 38.6
ori_Orya 4.4 11.6 7.8 13.8 5.0 17.4 16.4 18.6 35.4 27.2 26.2 31.6
ory_Orya 4.0 10.0 6.6 13.0 4.4 12.6 12.2 14.2 29.4 24.0 25.6 27.6
oss_Cyrl 3.4 3.8 3.6 3.8 5.8 16.2 17.4 18.0 16.6 35.8 38.0 35.8
ote_Latn 4.0 3.6 3.2 4.2 9.4 12.4 12.0 12.6 20.8 25.0 26.6 24.6
pag_Latn 8.0 7.8 8.6 8.2 61.2 55.8 57.4 56.2 76.8 75.0 75.2 75.0
pam_Latn 8.2 7.8 7.8 8.4 49.8 49.0 48.4 48.2 77.0 76.0 76.6 76.2
pan_Guru 4.2 10.6 8.6 14.2 5.2 11.8 12.8 19.6 39.2 34.8 36.2 39.6
pap_Latn 12.4 13.2 12.4 12.6 70.4 69.4 69.8 69.0 78.8 77.8 77.8 78.2
pau_Latn 4.4 3.8 4.4 3.8 29.8 28.2 28.4 28.8 46.4 47.8 48.0 48.0
pcm_Latn 13.6 14.4 14.6 14.2 66.8 65.4 66.2 66.4 73.2 72.8 73.6 73.4
pdt_Latn 9.4 9.6 9.2 9.2 61.2 61.4 62.4 63.2 77.2 76.4 76.2 77.4
pes_Arab 4.2 15.0 13.6 19.0 6.2 21.2 22.4 27.2 30.4 41.4 44.4 45.4
pis_Latn 6.4 7.2 7.0 7.4 57.2 55.2 54.6 54.4 74.6 75.2 75.0 75.0
pls_Latn 5.0 5.6 5.0 5.6 30.4 29.4 28.8 29.2 53.4 51.4 51.4 52.4
plt_Latn 26.8 24.6 24.6 24.0 60.0 56.6 57.4 56.4 68.0 67.0 68.0 68.2
poh_Latn 3.2 3.4 3.2 3.2 15.0 13.2 13.8 14.0 31.2 28.2 28.4 27.6
pol_Latn 61.2 64.8 67.8 67.0 42.6 44.4 47.4 48.2 73.8 72.8 73.6 73.6
pon_Latn 5.8 5.6 5.6 5.8 21.6 20.4 20.8 20.6 36.4 34.6 34.8 33.4
por_Latn 75.8 78.2 77.6 79.2 67.4 68.2 70.6 71.2 82.6 82.4 82.8 83.2
prk_Latn 3.6 4.0 3.2 3.4 49.8 51.6 51.6 52.4 58.8 58.2 57.6 57.6
prs_Arab 3.8 15.2 14.0 19.0 6.2 23.6 24.8 29.2 32.2 45.8 47.0 53.0
pxm_Latn 4.4 4.4 4.0 3.8 10.2 17.2 17.8 17.2 22.6 34.6 34.0 34.2
qub_Latn 4.8 5.2 5.0 5.0 38.6 38.2 38.8 40.0 47.0 42.2 42.2 42.4
quc_Latn 3.2 3.0 3.2 3.0 22.0 24.4 22.8 22.6 46.0 45.2 46.0 45.4
qug_Latn 4.8 5.6 5.8 6.4 49.6 49.4 48.4 49.0 68.6 66.2 66.2 66.4
quh_Latn 5.2 3.6 3.6 4.2 54.8 52.6 51.8 52.2 61.0 59.2 58.0 57.8
quw_Latn 6.8 6.4 5.4 6.6 47.0 47.0 45.8 46.6 57.4 57.2 57.0 57.2
quy_Latn 5.0 5.2 5.6 5.4 59.8 58.2 57.8 59.6 51.4 52.2 52.8 53.4
quz_Latn 5.0 4.4 5.4 4.4 65.0 61.0 61.8 62.2 65.2 66.0 65.6 65.6
qvi_Latn 4.2 5.2 4.4 4.8 44.8 43.8 43.2 43.8 70.4 70.0 69.8 70.2
rap_Latn 4.4 4.2 4.4 3.6 16.2 20.0 18.6 18.4 32.6 45.4 43.2 41.4
rar_Latn 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.6 31.6 31.8 33.2 32.2 44.4 48.2 49.2 48.4
rmy_Latn 6.8 7.2 7.2 7.0 33.2 31.8 31.4 31.6 62.6 60.8 59.8 58.8
ron_Latn 66.0 68.4 68.2 68.0 54.8 53.4 54.2 53.2 75.2 74.4 75.2 74.6
rop_Latn 4.6 4.8 5.4 5.2 46.0 45.8 46.6 46.6 62.6 63.6 63.8 63.4
rug_Latn 3.8 4.2 4.4 4.0 47.0 48.2 48.6 47.8 61.8 64.8 64.8 63.4
run_Latn 5.4 6.6 5.8 6.8 54.6 46.0 46.0 45.8 65.0 61.0 61.8 61.8
rus_Cyrl 16.6 35.0 33.4 38.0 21.0 38.2 38.8 41.8 71.8 61.6 64.0 66.0
sag_Latn 5.6 5.2 5.2 6.0 49.0 47.4 47.2 49.4 63.0 62.4 62.8 61.8
Table 13: Top-10 accuracy of models on transliterated dataset of SR-B (Part III).
Language XLM-R XLM-R (Min-Merge) XLM-R (Average-Merge) XLM-R (Max-Merge) Glot500 Glot500 (Min-Merge) Glot500 (Average-Merge) Glot500 (Max-Merge) Furina Furina (Min-Merge) Furina (Average-Merge) Furina (Max-Merge)
sah_Cyrl 5.0 5.4 5.4 5.0 6.8 19.4 19.2 18.0 20.8 32.4 33.0 29.8
san_Deva 3.6 7.2 5.4 6.6 10.4 11.0 9.6 10.4 20.0 14.4 12.2 15.0
san_Latn 3.8 3.8 3.2 3.8 8.2 9.2 8.2 8.6 16.4 12.0 12.6 11.8
sba_Latn 4.6 4.2 4.4 4.6 8.2 10.8 11.4 11.0 16.2 19.6 18.6 19.0
seh_Latn 6.4 6.8 6.2 7.0 74.6 68.2 70.4 71.0 82.0 79.8 80.6 80.8
sin_Sinh 4.4 13.6 12.4 13.6 4.6 9.4 11.6 10.2 14.6 19.6 21.4 20.2
slk_Latn 57.4 56.8 57.0 54.8 41.0 42.4 43.4 42.6 72.2 69.2 70.0 69.0
slv_Latn 56.4 57.0 58.8 58.4 46.0 45.6 47.4 49.0 72.6 70.6 70.2 70.4
sme_Latn 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.6 30.6 34.0 33.8 32.8 52.8 51.6 51.2 51.4
smo_Latn 4.4 4.8 4.2 4.6 37.2 36.8 35.2 36.6 60.8 58.2 57.6 58.6
sna_Latn 6.8 6.8 6.8 7.4 45.6 40.6 40.6 41.2 61.2 59.4 60.6 60.4
snd_Arab 3.8 15.6 12.4 18.2 5.2 15.0 15.2 16.8 11.2 22.2 25.6 27.4
som_Latn 22.2 24.6 21.2 24.2 33.0 27.8 28.6 27.4 52.8 48.6 49.8 49.2
sop_Latn 4.6 5.8 5.8 6.6 32.6 28.2 29.0 29.2 54.8 54.0 53.6 54.0
sot_Latn 6.0 6.4 7.0 6.8 52.2 51.0 50.6 50.6 73.0 73.4 72.6 73.4
spa_Latn 77.8 78.8 79.2 78.4 78.6 78.0 78.2 78.2 84.4 84.0 83.8 84.2
sqi_Latn 49.2 48.0 47.4 47.0 55.8 56.2 56.8 57.2 75.2 69.4 71.2 71.4
srm_Latn 4.0 3.4 3.2 3.2 19.6 26.4 27.4 26.8 39.2 46.0 45.6 43.8
srn_Latn 7.6 7.4 7.2 7.0 79.2 79.2 79.0 79.4 83.0 83.0 83.0 82.8
srp_Cyrl 57.8 63.6 63.4 64.4 57.6 60.2 61.8 61.8 81.2 71.8 73.2 73.8
srp_Latn 77.8 70.6 72.0 70.2 73.0 69.4 69.4 69.6 83.6 79.2 80.4 80.2
ssw_Latn 4.8 6.0 6.0 5.8 47.0 45.2 46.4 45.4 58.4 57.8 57.0 56.8
sun_Latn 22.4 25.2 24.0 25.4 43.0 39.8 40.0 39.4 63.8 62.2 62.2 62.2
suz_Deva 2.4 3.4 3.8 3.8 4.0 8.4 9.8 8.8 8.4 13.2 13.2 12.8
swe_Latn 45.2 68.6 72.2 74.2 43.2 59.4 63.6 65.2 80.6 81.0 81.2 82.0
swh_Latn 47.8 45.8 46.0 45.6 66.4 60.0 59.4 60.8 74.6 74.0 75.4 75.6
sxn_Latn 5.4 4.6 4.6 5.0 25.0 26.6 26.6 26.4 45.0 48.4 48.2 48.4
tam_Taml 4.8 16.0 10.6 16.4 7.8 17.0 18.4 20.8 19.6 32.0 33.4 34.8
tat_Cyrl 7.4 7.4 7.8 7.8 13.6 28.6 25.4 25.2 48.2 50.4 51.6 49.0
tbz_Latn 4.2 4.2 4.0 4.8 7.2 9.0 7.6 8.2 13.0 13.0 12.2 12.8
tca_Latn 2.4 2.8 3.0 3.4 4.0 13.8 13.8 15.6 9.8 27.0 30.2 29.2
tdt_Latn 6.2 5.6 6.4 6.0 63.0 58.0 60.4 60.6 78.2 76.6 76.4 76.6
tel_Telu 4.2 18.0 13.6 14.4 7.0 11.2 12.2 15.0 20.2 21.4 24.4 25.6
teo_Latn 5.6 6.0 5.8 6.0 24.6 24.0 24.0 24.0 28.6 27.8 29.4 29.4
tgk_Cyrl 6.8 7.4 6.6 6.6 17.4 30.4 28.6 29.8 56.6 59.4 59.0 59.8
tgl_Latn 61.2 57.6 58.0 57.4 78.8 76.2 75.8 75.2 84.2 84.0 84.6 84.4
tha_Thai 2.6 8.8 6.4 11.8 3.2 11.6 14.4 14.4 6.2 19.4 22.8 22.2
tih_Latn 5.2 5.4 5.4 4.6 51.6 49.8 48.6 48.6 67.6 70.8 71.2 71.6
tir_Ethi 4.4 4.0 5.2 5.0 4.0 11.6 11.8 12.0 10.8 14.8 13.6 14.6
tlh_Latn 7.8 9.2 8.0 8.6 72.4 67.6 67.4 68.4 73.2 74.4 74.0 73.8
tob_Latn 2.8 3.0 3.2 2.8 15.8 17.4 16.2 16.8 30.0 32.8 33.4 32.2
toh_Latn 4.0 4.6 4.6 4.8 47.2 42.8 43.0 42.4 64.4 65.0 64.2 64.2
toi_Latn 4.2 5.0 4.0 4.8 47.2 42.4 43.6 41.2 58.0 59.0 59.2 57.0
toj_Latn 4.2 5.0 3.4 4.4 16.6 14.8 14.8 14.0 31.4 34.2 34.8 34.4
ton_Latn 3.4 3.4 3.8 4.6 22.6 23.4 23.6 24.4 46.8 47.6 46.8 47.2
top_Latn 5.6 5.2 5.0 4.6 11.4 10.0 10.0 9.4 22.0 21.0 20.4 21.6
tpi_Latn 5.8 6.2 7.4 6.0 58.0 58.8 59.0 59.0 68.4 68.2 68.0 68.4
tpm_Latn 4.2 5.0 5.2 5.0 26.6 35.4 35.0 35.8 38.0 41.0 41.2 41.8
tsn_Latn 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.2 41.6 39.8 39.2 38.8 61.8 60.6 60.2 60.4
tso_Latn 5.6 4.4 4.4 4.6 50.4 48.4 47.8 49.0 65.0 64.4 63.4 64.2
tsz_Latn 6.2 5.2 5.8 5.6 16.6 19.0 19.6 19.4 32.6 37.2 36.2 36.6
tuc_Latn 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.2 27.4 29.6 29.2 29.4 35.4 40.4 40.0 41.2
tui_Latn 3.4 4.4 4.4 4.6 12.0 24.4 28.6 27.0 31.0 42.4 46.8 47.8
tuk_Cyrl 10.8 14.2 15.0 15.2 31.6 34.6 35.2 35.2 63.0 59.2 59.4 58.2
tuk_Latn 9.0 16.4 16.6 17.4 29.8 42.2 42.8 42.0 67.2 67.4 67.2 66.8
tum_Latn 5.4 6.0 5.8 5.8 61.4 59.2 59.0 59.2 64.8 66.0 66.4 66.2
tur_Latn 33.0 58.0 59.8 59.4 36.8 45.0 48.4 49.8 68.8 66.6 66.6 67.2
twi_Latn 4.8 4.2 4.2 4.0 28.6 34.8 34.0 35.4 43.6 43.0 42.2 42.8
tyv_Cyrl 5.4 5.6 5.4 5.2 7.8 17.8 17.6 16.8 21.2 33.6 32.0 31.8
tzh_Latn 5.8 5.4 5.4 5.4 23.8 25.2 24.2 24.0 45.0 46.6 46.8 45.8
tzo_Latn 4.2 3.8 3.4 3.2 16.0 14.0 14.0 13.4 32.2 34.6 33.6 34.0
udm_Cyrl 5.4 5.2 5.4 5.2 9.4 17.8 14.2 13.6 20.4 24.2 23.8 24.6
uig_Arab 3.4 16.8 14.0 15.8 6.0 18.6 18.8 19.2 23.4 37.6 40.8 39.8
uig_Latn 9.8 10.6 10.4 9.2 62.8 54.0 54.4 54.4 72.6 75.6 76.2 75.8
ukr_Cyrl 9.2 23.6 23.2 24.0 8.8 19.8 22.6 24.2 57.6 46.8 50.0 50.8
urd_Arab 4.4 12.0 12.0 18.2 5.8 14.4 18.6 23.0 36.0 32.4 39.2 44.2
uzb_Cyrl 33.2 32.0 31.0 32.8 52.0 57.0 57.2 57.6 78.0 72.8 73.2 74.0
uzb_Latn 54.8 50.6 50.6 50.6 67.6 65.6 63.8 64.0 84.0 83.8 83.2 83.4
uzn_Cyrl 28.6 27.2 27.8 28.4 53.4 64.4 66.0 65.8 80.2 78.4 79.2 80.4
ven_Latn 4.4 5.6 5.6 4.6 45.0 42.0 42.0 43.4 47.6 47.6 48.4 48.2
vie_Latn 7.6 11.4 9.0 15.2 8.4 10.2 11.4 12.2 22.4 22.2 26.4 26.6
wal_Latn 4.2 4.6 4.6 4.0 51.4 43.0 43.2 42.2 54.8 54.2 54.8 53.4
war_Latn 9.8 8.2 9.0 9.0 43.4 40.6 41.0 41.0 78.0 77.2 78.4 77.8
wbm_Latn 3.8 3.8 3.2 3.2 46.4 47.2 47.4 49.0 49.4 48.8 48.2 48.8
wol_Latn 5.2 6.4 5.4 5.0 25.4 27.2 26.6 25.8 42.6 42.8 42.8 42.2
xav_Latn 2.6 2.6 3.0 2.8 3.4 4.6 4.8 4.8 6.6 8.6 8.2 7.8
xho_Latn 10.6 11.0 11.6 12.4 41.4 39.8 40.8 40.0 62.6 62.6 62.8 63.2
yan_Latn 4.6 4.4 4.4 4.0 31.0 30.0 29.8 31.0 37.6 36.2 36.4 36.2
yao_Latn 4.6 4.8 5.4 4.8 45.0 45.6 47.4 46.6 56.6 55.4 54.6 55.4
yap_Latn 4.0 5.2 4.8 5.0 24.0 25.2 25.0 25.0 42.0 43.2 42.6 42.4
yom_Latn 5.0 5.2 5.6 5.2 42.0 40.0 41.0 41.0 56.6 54.2 55.0 54.6
yor_Latn 4.4 3.8 4.4 4.2 23.4 24.4 24.0 25.2 44.8 46.8 45.8 47.6
yua_Latn 4.0 3.6 3.2 3.6 11.0 16.2 14.6 14.6 33.4 36.6 37.6 38.4
yue_Hani 3.8 4.0 3.2 3.6 6.6 7.0 5.8 5.8 15.6 14.2 14.0 16.0
zai_Latn 6.6 6.0 5.4 6.2 32.4 29.8 29.8 28.6 42.6 42.0 43.2 42.2
zho_Hani 4.2 9.4 5.4 11.4 6.0 11.2 12.4 14.2 11.8 15.8 16.6 18.8
zlm_Latn 83.4 81.8 82.2 80.2 87.0 85.0 85.6 85.0 82.8 82.0 82.2 82.2
zom_Latn 3.6 3.6 4.0 3.8 50.2 47.6 46.6 48.0 59.2 58.0 59.6 59.6
zsm_Latn 90.2 88.8 88.8 88.6 83.0 81.4 81.6 82.2 85.0 85.8 86.2 86.4
zul_Latn 10.6 11.8 12.2 11.6 48.8 43.8 43.4 44.8 56.6 55.0 55.6 56.0
Table 14: Top-10 accuracy of models on transliterated dataset of SR-B (Part IV).
Language XLM-R XLM-R (Min-Merge) XLM-R (Average-Merge) XLM-R (Max-Merge) Glot500 Glot500 (Min-Merge) Glot500 (Average-Merge) Glot500 (Max-Merge) Furina Furina (Min-Merge) Furina (Average-Merge) Furina (Max-Merge)
afr_Latn 71.7 69.9 67.4 65.7 80.7 77.0 77.1 74.8 84.3 83.6 82.0 82.3
amh_Ethi 10.7 22.0 20.2 21.4 13.1 23.2 19.0 22.0 24.4 26.8 28.0 29.2
ara_Arab 3.4 19.2 18.7 23.4 4.2 25.3 27.0 31.0 8.0 17.6 18.8 20.1
arz_Arab 6.5 13.6 12.8 17.0 8.4 25.2 27.9 31.4 11.5 15.5 18.9 19.9
ast_Latn 52.8 52.0 55.1 59.1 79.5 78.0 78.7 78.7 85.0 85.0 84.3 84.3
aze_Latn 27.6 48.3 47.0 50.1 52.0 66.6 68.7 67.8 68.0 73.6 71.9 72.9
bel_Cyrl 11.4 34.0 33.6 36.0 16.4 42.0 44.1 44.9 48.7 57.5 57.5 58.3
ben_Beng 4.0 15.4 12.5 16.9 6.1 21.4 28.1 30.8 25.8 26.4 30.8 32.5
bos_Latn 68.9 71.5 71.8 72.9 86.2 88.1 88.4 87.0 92.4 91.5 91.0 91.2
bre_Latn 10.5 9.8 9.2 9.5 16.7 15.7 15.6 15.5 20.3 19.2 18.8 18.9
bul_Cyrl 16.4 39.9 40.1 42.6 28.4 54.5 56.7 58.5 69.1 70.9 71.6 71.0
cat_Latn 68.4 66.9 68.1 67.3 76.4 73.1 73.8 73.8 83.8 82.8 83.2 82.8
cbk_Latn 38.0 37.6 38.3 38.9 60.0 59.0 60.7 60.8 65.2 65.0 64.7 64.5
ceb_Latn 15.2 15.7 15.7 15.8 41.0 40.0 41.2 40.8 42.3 43.0 42.7 42.8
ces_Latn 44.9 55.2 54.4 55.7 48.7 57.1 59.2 60.0 68.4 70.8 70.6 70.4
cmn_Hani 2.9 20.8 16.5 28.9 4.3 26.3 28.5 35.2 6.0 16.5 17.6 18.9
csb_Latn 25.7 27.3 27.7 27.3 39.9 41.5 43.5 42.3 69.6 66.4 66.4 67.2
cym_Latn 47.0 43.1 40.2 41.6 56.3 52.0 51.3 49.0 54.3 52.5 52.3 51.8
dan_Latn 81.8 89.4 87.1 88.9 82.9 88.3 88.3 87.2 92.2 93.4 93.5 93.3
deu_Latn 92.5 95.1 94.5 94.9 91.4 94.5 94.3 93.8 95.6 96.5 96.0 96.4
dtp_Latn 5.6 6.1 5.7 5.9 21.1 20.1 20.2 19.8 19.8 20.2 20.2 19.9
ell_Grek 5.9 22.3 22.4 24.4 6.9 22.1 24.3 25.6 19.8 25.1 26.3 27.0
epo_Latn 46.8 51.1 51.3 51.8 56.7 59.1 60.2 59.9 76.6 77.1 76.7 77.0
est_Latn 47.4 59.3 57.8 59.2 49.7 61.1 61.0 61.2 65.6 72.2 71.1 71.6
eus_Latn 45.9 46.1 45.0 45.3 52.7 51.2 52.0 51.5 58.7 58.3 57.7 58.0
fao_Latn 37.0 38.5 38.9 40.1 58.4 70.2 73.3 71.8 80.2 82.8 82.1 81.7
fin_Latn 53.0 76.2 74.8 75.9 42.8 62.5 65.1 65.4 61.0 71.4 71.0 70.9
fra_Latn 80.4 79.4 80.1 81.0 81.5 79.5 80.9 79.5 83.1 82.5 83.3 83.7
fry_Latn 63.6 61.3 63.0 62.4 78.0 76.3 75.7 73.4 85.5 85.5 85.0 84.4
gla_Latn 20.4 22.0 21.7 22.0 38.8 38.2 38.4 37.0 42.3 44.0 44.0 43.4
gle_Latn 21.5 26.6 26.6 27.2 36.7 42.1 42.0 41.5 38.8 43.2 43.1 42.8
glg_Latn 68.2 67.9 68.3 68.1 73.6 73.0 72.5 71.8 83.5 82.8 82.5 82.3
gsw_Latn 39.3 39.3 40.2 41.0 58.1 67.5 65.8 60.7 67.5 75.2 75.2 73.5
heb_Hebr 2.4 26.5 22.1 32.4 3.3 20.0 25.2 28.9 8.1 20.2 22.8 24.5
hin_Deva 15.3 30.0 25.1 41.6 24.9 45.4 55.2 59.0 52.9 44.3 50.4 56.4
hrv_Latn 69.1 69.3 68.7 69.2 83.5 84.2 84.1 83.8 87.5 86.3 85.6 85.5
hsb_Latn 22.4 23.8 24.0 24.0 33.3 36.0 36.6 36.0 58.4 57.8 56.9 56.5
hun_Latn 47.9 66.5 65.1 65.3 37.1 56.7 57.8 57.5 52.4 64.2 63.5 64.1
hye_Armn 3.6 16.0 14.8 17.3 10.9 24.9 27.9 29.8 17.8 21.2 22.6 23.6
ido_Latn 25.5 27.2 27.3 28.3 57.5 55.3 55.0 55.3 76.6 75.5 74.7 74.8
ile_Latn 35.5 36.1 37.0 37.0 75.4 74.4 75.3 74.5 83.0 82.4 82.2 81.9
ina_Latn 62.7 63.0 63.8 64.0 91.4 90.3 90.1 89.5 93.4 93.1 92.7 93.2
ind_Latn 84.3 82.9 83.0 82.6 88.8 88.0 87.8 87.8 86.4 86.1 85.9 85.8
isl_Latn 25.6 52.6 52.9 53.8 32.3 56.4 57.5 56.5 74.4 82.5 82.6 82.6
ita_Latn 78.3 78.5 77.7 78.2 84.1 84.0 83.4 83.1 89.2 88.6 87.9 87.9
jpn_Jpan 3.0 24.4 22.8 29.0 3.8 19.4 21.1 21.7 6.6 13.7 15.0 15.0
kab_Latn 3.9 4.1 4.0 4.2 11.3 11.9 12.1 12.0 14.3 14.3 14.2 14.8
kat_Geor 6.6 23.9 23.5 25.7 11.0 28.0 30.0 31.1 17.6 22.5 22.7 24.7
kaz_Cyrl 13.0 30.3 28.9 30.6 33.9 51.3 53.6 55.8 44.7 49.6 50.1 51.7
khm_Khmr 3.3 26.6 27.6 28.3 5.4 31.3 34.2 34.2 9.4 28.4 29.1 29.5
kor_Hang 2.7 32.9 33.7 37.7 3.7 31.0 32.9 34.0 8.3 26.7 26.6 28.6
kur_Latn 17.3 22.9 22.4 22.9 38.8 42.4 41.7 41.7 47.6 48.8 49.5 49.8
lat_Latn 34.5 33.8 33.8 33.9 43.6 42.6 42.6 42.5 47.3 46.4 45.2 45.7
lfn_Latn 37.6 38.4 39.3 39.0 76.5 75.5 74.6 74.4 81.5 81.0 80.9 81.1
lit_Latn 45.1 53.4 53.9 54.6 38.0 47.3 48.5 49.1 59.5 64.1 63.7 63.8
lvs_Latn 31.3 51.3 52.1 51.3 37.4 55.6 55.9 55.8 61.2 68.5 68.1 67.3
mal_Mlym 2.6 32.9 30.3 39.4 4.4 30.7 39.3 42.8 18.9 40.3 46.3 46.7
mar_Deva 4.0 31.1 28.1 36.9 7.1 33.9 38.7 40.0 21.8 32.0 34.2 35.0
mhr_Cyrl 4.5 5.2 5.1 5.6 8.1 13.8 14.7 15.8 15.8 15.1 15.7 15.2
mkd_Cyrl 19.0 30.9 30.4 32.5 46.6 57.9 59.4 60.4 72.4 65.2 65.1 64.9
mon_Cyrl 9.3 35.5 30.0 33.2 30.5 52.0 52.5 53.0 40.2 49.3 48.2 48.6
nds_Latn 28.9 29.5 30.4 31.2 67.1 73.5 73.8 73.6 79.8 82.1 81.9 82.1
nld_Latn 90.4 89.2 88.1 88.9 91.9 90.2 89.9 89.9 91.6 91.1 90.8 91.2
nno_Latn 56.8 60.9 60.7 63.4 78.0 81.6 81.2 82.0 88.6 88.8 87.8 88.2
nob_Latn 82.0 87.5 87.0 89.6 88.8 92.4 92.7 92.5 94.5 96.0 95.8 96.2
oci_Latn 26.4 24.9 25.7 25.0 45.1 41.9 42.4 41.7 61.7 58.6 58.5 59.5
pam_Latn 7.6 7.7 8.2 8.2 23.0 21.6 22.9 23.0 31.4 31.0 30.3 30.2
pes_Arab 3.5 26.5 25.6 42.3 5.8 36.4 44.0 52.7 21.0 44.1 47.8 51.9
pms_Latn 22.5 20.4 22.3 21.0 47.2 37.3 41.9 39.0 68.6 63.4 62.9 63.0
pol_Latn 65.3 71.5 70.3 71.4 64.5 68.3 69.2 68.8 75.8 77.9 77.3 77.0
por_Latn 82.9 86.9 83.9 87.3 78.0 81.8 83.7 84.3 91.2 92.0 91.7 92.0
ron_Latn 75.9 79.9 78.5 80.2 74.6 76.2 77.1 77.3 85.2 85.5 85.3 84.7
rus_Cyrl 13.3 43.4 43.5 50.7 22.2 56.9 59.2 62.3 64.9 69.4 71.0 70.3
slk_Latn 51.3 58.9 58.3 59.4 54.7 59.6 60.8 61.0 73.4 75.4 74.6 74.4
slv_Latn 62.7 64.6 64.5 63.9 66.3 70.4 70.8 70.4 78.5 78.4 77.6 77.6
spa_Latn 82.1 82.3 82.1 81.8 84.8 83.6 83.9 83.0 86.9 86.7 86.4 86.5
sqi_Latn 49.1 54.6 55.0 55.8 68.2 73.4 74.0 74.1 81.2 83.5 83.5 83.1
srp_Latn 59.7 64.5 64.9 64.4 80.5 83.5 83.0 82.8 89.0 86.5 86.0 85.2
swe_Latn 57.8 83.8 83.7 87.4 61.2 78.7 81.9 82.7 85.8 89.2 88.9 89.5
swh_Latn 30.3 30.8 32.3 30.5 44.1 44.9 45.6 45.9 44.6 44.1 43.8 43.6
tam_Taml 10.1 22.1 21.5 25.4 9.1 26.1 30.6 32.2 16.3 30.9 33.9 35.8
tat_Cyrl 8.1 10.0 10.9 10.7 16.3 36.7 36.6 35.3 32.5 35.5 37.0 36.5
tel_Telu 12.4 30.3 24.8 32.9 12.4 35.0 33.8 32.9 27.4 37.2 38.0 42.7
tgl_Latn 47.6 46.5 47.2 47.4 77.3 76.3 75.4 75.3 76.6 75.9 76.0 75.6
tha_Thai 3.3 18.6 15.9 22.6 4.6 25.9 29.9 30.5 6.9 14.2 15.9 16.6
tuk_Latn 19.2 24.6 25.1 27.1 36.9 52.7 49.3 50.7 50.2 52.7 56.2 55.2
tur_Latn 42.5 65.3 64.4 67.5 46.8 65.5 66.8 67.1 59.9 71.2 70.3 70.9
uig_Arab 3.5 16.4 14.1 15.7 8.0 26.4 28.1 29.6 15.3 24.6 27.8 27.4
ukr_Cyrl 12.0 32.8 33.5 37.8 20.8 41.1 44.8 48.4 54.4 56.4 56.1 57.6
urd_Arab 3.0 17.6 16.3 25.9 6.9 25.7 33.1 36.1 24.8 29.2 33.1 35.2
uzb_Cyrl 29.9 31.1 29.7 31.8 56.8 56.1 55.8 55.1 61.0 60.5 59.6 59.6
vie_Latn 6.4 11.4 10.7 18.0 10.9 13.0 16.0 18.5 18.5 22.1 25.0 26.6
war_Latn 9.5 8.7 9.1 8.9 31.0 30.7 31.7 32.1 44.4 44.8 45.4 45.6
wuu_Hani 4.0 11.5 8.9 16.4 4.9 15.0 16.7 18.8 6.0 10.6 10.8 14.2
xho_Latn 28.9 28.9 28.9 29.6 56.3 54.9 56.3 60.6 60.6 60.6 61.3 61.3
yid_Hebr 3.5 23.7 20.6 28.2 4.0 29.2 38.4 38.3 11.9 39.6 41.0 44.7
yue_Hani 4.4 8.5 7.4 11.4 4.3 11.4 12.2 12.9 6.6 8.0 8.5 11.2
zsm_Latn 81.4 80.8 81.1 80.9 91.8 91.4 90.4 90.0 88.8 88.7 88.0 87.9
Table 15: Top-10 accuracy of models on transliterated dataset of SR-T.
Language XLM-R XLM-R (Min-Merge) XLM-R (Average-Merge) XLM-R (Max-Merge) Glot500 Glot500 (Min-Merge) Glot500 (Average-Merge) Glot500 (Max-Merge) Furina Furina (Min-Merge) Furina (Average-Merge) Furina (Max-Merge)
ace_Latn 13.1 16.0 12.4 16.3 62.8 62.1 64.1 65.4 64.6 67.1 69.1 68.1
ach_Latn 8.2 11.6 9.3 9.0 42.0 42.8 44.6 38.4 50.5 49.2 51.4 56.3
acr_Latn 8.9 13.2 11.0 12.5 56.8 57.9 59.9 54.7 58.8 58.7 60.0 59.6
afr_Latn 67.0 63.1 65.3 65.7 62.5 59.2 59.6 59.9 63.6 62.3 61.5 64.9
agw_Latn 11.1 15.9 14.6 14.1 60.2 59.7 61.9 59.2 54.8 58.0 59.5 60.1
ahk_Latn 6.0 8.1 7.4 8.6 6.8 7.5 5.7 6.7 7.2 5.9 7.2 6.3
aka_Latn 9.0 14.3 11.3 11.6 30.9 39.5 37.5 37.1 39.1 41.9 43.7 43.3
aln_Latn 44.9 48.4 46.4 47.2 51.0 56.5 55.1 57.3 53.3 57.9 58.4 58.0
als_Latn 46.3 48.8 47.6 47.3 49.4 55.2 56.9 57.9 52.1 58.3 58.7 59.1
alt_Cyrl 7.8 15.1 13.6 10.5 17.5 39.1 40.8 34.8 25.3 35.0 32.5 34.5
alz_Latn 7.5 11.3 11.5 10.5 34.1 36.4 37.8 34.7 43.7 41.2 39.6 45.9
amh_Ethi 7.0 8.2 7.7 8.2 4.9 5.8 6.1 5.6 8.0 6.5 9.1 11.8
aoj_Latn 8.9 13.4 11.6 11.2 37.1 52.9 51.0 49.2 39.4 49.2 47.8 46.9
arn_Latn 5.7 9.5 8.0 8.2 30.7 44.5 47.1 41.3 32.4 43.9 46.2 45.6
ary_Arab 11.3 10.6 9.7 11.7 7.8 15.9 17.8 19.2 15.4 15.4 17.5 20.8
arz_Arab 8.9 14.7 9.5 10.4 11.0 17.3 18.6 23.3 11.3 17.7 18.8 21.7
asm_Beng 9.5 16.6 15.1 19.4 9.4 31.0 33.2 33.2 18.4 25.9 24.3 34.8
ayr_Latn 9.1 13.0 10.1 11.1 59.4 60.2 62.0 59.4 60.0 60.0 60.8 62.3
azb_Arab 8.3 15.8 12.2 14.7 5.8 46.5 47.7 41.1 17.5 46.3 45.3 45.7
aze_Latn 47.7 59.5 65.2 62.6 53.3 63.9 63.3 60.5 62.1 62.0 60.4 63.8
bak_Cyrl 10.3 16.3 12.4 15.9 24.1 45.3 46.6 45.2 36.2 50.3 49.8 52.2
bam_Latn 8.0 10.9 11.3 12.1 38.0 40.5 42.3 38.6 39.8 37.6 37.2 39.1
ban_Latn 17.0 17.2 20.1 20.8 48.6 48.6 50.1 47.0 52.0 51.4 53.6 55.5
bar_Latn 25.9 33.2 34.3 34.2 45.0 46.9 49.7 48.1 50.9 52.7 49.8 54.3
bba_Latn 6.1 9.8 7.2 6.4 15.4 28.2 30.6 27.4 22.2 36.7 34.6 38.8
bci_Latn 6.6 6.6 8.4 7.1 30.3 33.8 37.5 31.0 39.2 39.3 40.4 38.3
bcl_Latn 29.5 29.1 33.4 30.4 58.4 61.4 60.4 56.0 58.9 61.1 57.7 58.2
bel_Cyrl 13.9 40.1 39.5 40.9 19.0 41.8 42.5 40.4 29.5 40.6 40.7 40.4
bem_Latn 9.9 13.2 13.5 12.0 52.3 51.0 49.0 48.6 53.1 56.1 56.1 56.9
ben_Beng 7.5 26.2 25.8 27.2 10.2 35.3 40.3 38.4 33.8 39.9 44.4 44.4
bhw_Latn 7.9 11.6 11.8 12.7 43.1 45.5 46.6 43.8 47.9 47.5 48.7 48.5
bim_Latn 5.7 9.3 8.8 7.8 48.8 52.3 48.2 48.7 49.4 54.8 52.6 56.0
bis_Latn 13.0 14.5 15.7 10.6 70.6 69.5 70.9 69.7 72.0 73.0 72.8 73.1
bqc_Latn 11.9 12.5 13.9 10.9 10.0 14.5 11.9 15.4 13.3 15.4 15.6 17.4
bre_Latn 24.2 21.8 25.5 23.1 36.2 35.8 38.3 34.1 42.2 38.2 39.8 40.6
btx_Latn 21.4 22.9 25.7 22.4 57.5 59.4 59.1 55.7 62.5 61.7 60.6 61.2
bul_Cyrl 29.0 52.4 54.7 54.0 38.5 54.5 58.8 54.3 50.8 54.0 56.8 56.4
bum_Latn 8.5 11.6 11.0 10.9 24.6 24.9 31.3 29.0 28.3 34.6 31.7 35.8
bzj_Latn 12.0 15.1 12.7 16.9 68.6 68.8 69.7 69.5 70.4 71.9 71.2 71.1
cab_Latn 8.3 10.5 9.7 8.0 29.8 30.7 34.5 31.2 34.1 30.0 35.6 32.1
cac_Latn 7.7 11.4 9.3 9.9 55.5 52.2 54.2 48.6 55.5 56.4 56.2 56.5
cak_Latn 6.6 11.1 9.2 9.3 62.2 62.2 61.2 60.1 58.0 60.6 63.2 61.2
caq_Latn 7.3 11.7 12.1 9.8 10.5 31.3 33.6 30.1 16.1 33.2 32.2 35.4
cat_Latn 65.2 64.4 64.7 64.5 59.2 57.9 59.6 56.2 63.4 62.2 62.1 60.7
cbk_Latn 49.5 46.4 50.5 48.8 64.3 66.3 66.7 65.0 68.5 71.6 69.6 69.1
cce_Latn 9.0 10.5 10.6 8.7 57.4 59.0 59.0 53.4 57.0 56.1 58.2 62.2
ceb_Latn 27.3 31.1 31.2 32.4 57.7 54.3 56.1 51.8 61.1 60.1 61.0 59.6
ces_Latn 53.1 55.4 54.9 55.8 45.4 54.9 54.4 51.5 54.0 56.0 55.5 56.8
cfm_Latn 6.5 10.1 9.8 8.7 66.0 64.4 68.3 62.6 65.1 65.3 63.8 64.7
che_Cyrl 7.5 11.4 9.2 9.7 6.1 7.2 6.9 6.0 5.5 5.6 6.1 7.4
chv_Cyrl 8.0 11.5 11.4 9.4 7.0 17.2 21.1 17.1 7.3 14.9 14.9 16.4
cmn_Hani 7.5 19.3 18.7 22.7 4.9 26.3 31.1 29.5 5.5 23.4 27.8 33.4
cnh_Latn 7.5 9.6 8.7 8.6 64.3 64.6 66.6 61.7 67.6 68.7 66.0 68.0
crh_Cyrl 25.8 31.3 34.5 29.7 40.9 55.6 57.8 55.7 49.1 61.5 58.2 59.7
crs_Latn 13.1 16.6 15.2 13.3 73.3 68.6 70.4 68.4 69.3 69.7 65.6 67.6
csy_Latn 6.0 11.4 10.2 8.1 63.0 65.8 66.5 65.9 61.5 64.6 62.0 62.7
ctd_Latn 5.7 9.0 8.0 7.2 64.1 62.6 62.9 64.7 60.6 64.7 60.4 61.3
ctu_Latn 10.1 14.2 11.1 11.8 37.6 49.2 45.7 43.1 46.2 55.4 51.0 51.7
cuk_Latn 10.9 13.3 13.0 13.4 43.3 44.9 46.6 41.9 48.0 48.0 49.3 50.7
cym_Latn 49.9 47.3 50.2 47.7 50.5 48.5 45.3 47.4 53.1 51.7 48.5 51.2
dan_Latn 56.2 58.7 60.8 59.3 48.8 59.9 60.6 59.1 53.9 57.1 56.6 57.5
deu_Latn 50.7 53.0 54.0 53.8 44.6 50.2 48.3 48.4 49.0 49.0 50.5 49.0
djk_Latn 7.9 13.1 12.3 11.7 61.2 61.4 61.4 60.3 55.2 55.8 57.5 57.9
dln_Latn 8.2 12.6 10.0 12.4 53.6 53.8 55.4 52.9 57.8 57.0 56.4 59.6
dtp_Latn 6.5 9.3 9.9 9.6 53.6 50.5 55.8 47.3 60.1 60.6 58.0 58.3
dyu_Latn 7.2 11.9 12.4 10.0 36.7 43.5 42.1 43.0 42.3 43.7 43.4 47.4
dzo_Tibt 5.5 5.2 5.8 4.9 5.2 37.8 43.6 37.2 4.9 38.7 43.5 42.5
efi_Latn 9.4 11.7 10.3 10.3 30.6 43.2 46.5 46.6 35.8 49.0 51.3 54.7
ell_Grek 11.8 19.5 18.3 20.6 12.9 28.6 32.3 28.0 18.3 26.0 26.5 30.6
eng_Latn 77.3 76.5 76.4 76.2 74.9 74.1 77.1 76.2 76.0 74.7 76.9 77.8
enm_Latn 57.4 55.4 58.1 57.6 70.6 66.5 68.6 67.4 71.9 70.1 69.6 70.9
epo_Latn 60.0 60.8 60.3 62.8 60.1 58.6 60.2 59.9 62.4 62.1 59.4 62.0
est_Latn 54.7 68.4 66.9 68.1 49.8 57.6 57.6 56.8 62.0 63.0 63.2 65.4
eus_Latn 23.3 24.6 25.0 23.0 21.9 24.2 27.0 25.3 28.1 26.5 27.6 31.0
ewe_Latn 9.9 11.8 11.7 11.9 23.5 35.5 36.6 36.8 35.9 41.4 38.6 40.2
fao_Latn 19.6 32.6 35.5 31.4 41.6 53.6 58.1 59.5 49.7 55.8 54.4 58.8
fas_Arab 8.0 45.9 50.4 54.7 8.5 52.1 55.4 59.7 25.7 52.1 58.5 62.6
fij_Latn 7.8 12.1 9.3 7.7 53.6 57.8 58.1 53.6 55.6 57.0 57.4 53.5
fil_Latn 53.4 49.9 50.8 52.9 61.3 62.4 61.0 59.4 61.6 65.8 61.6 65.7
fin_Latn 49.2 57.7 55.9 58.1 37.3 52.5 54.0 50.6 47.3 59.5 59.9 59.8
fon_Latn 6.3 7.1 7.8 6.9 12.9 18.7 24.2 21.0 24.9 23.9 29.3 29.0
fra_Latn 68.9 68.5 67.7 67.4 64.6 63.1 61.6 64.6 64.8 68.6 64.6 67.6
fry_Latn 32.1 29.1 33.0 32.6 38.0 38.5 40.9 39.5 48.4 48.4 46.2 49.9
gaa_Latn 7.4 11.9 8.9 9.5 6.2 21.4 25.8 22.7 15.2 29.2 29.4 29.0
gil_Latn 6.4 9.0 10.7 9.5 47.6 52.0 51.4 50.6 53.9 53.7 52.8 53.6
giz_Latn 7.0 10.0 10.5 9.1 27.0 43.9 41.6 39.2 27.6 43.9 45.5 48.0
gkn_Latn 8.9 12.8 13.1 10.1 5.9 10.2 10.9 12.7 17.0 17.3 19.6 23.8
gkp_Latn 6.9 10.4 12.3 10.2 5.6 9.8 11.1 10.3 7.5 10.7 14.1 13.7
gla_Latn 30.7 32.5 35.5 34.1 46.4 40.0 42.6 39.1 48.1 40.5 42.1 43.5
Table 16: F1 scores of models on transliterated dataset of Taxi1500 (Part I).
Language XLM-R XLM-R (Min-Merge) XLM-R (Average-Merge) XLM-R (Max-Merge) Glot500 Glot500 (Min-Merge) Glot500 (Average-Merge) Glot500 (Max-Merge) Furina Furina (Min-Merge) Furina (Average-Merge) Furina (Max-Merge)
gle_Latn 24.2 28.8 34.6 28.8 32.6 35.5 38.3 34.4 40.1 40.6 38.7 39.7
glv_Latn 9.0 11.7 10.0 10.0 44.7 40.3 43.8 40.3 44.2 43.7 42.8 44.7
gom_Latn 7.4 10.2 11.5 9.7 39.1 34.1 38.5 37.6 37.0 38.7 36.8 34.9
gor_Latn 15.0 14.4 15.3 13.3 49.6 48.8 51.7 49.3 59.5 54.8 56.5 59.2
guc_Latn 5.6 9.7 9.2 7.4 28.5 39.1 39.2 36.0 36.1 41.3 42.5 44.1
gug_Latn 10.2 12.7 12.5 10.5 34.0 46.6 46.8 42.4 33.3 40.8 42.9 41.9
guj_Gujr 11.8 30.8 26.1 41.1 16.3 38.6 42.0 42.8 41.7 41.8 43.7 50.0
gur_Latn 10.6 12.5 12.9 12.8 21.1 44.5 44.0 40.8 24.8 39.8 43.6 41.8
guw_Latn 6.6 10.1 11.3 8.8 17.3 35.8 33.4 31.9 30.0 43.2 38.0 39.2
gya_Latn 9.4 11.0 11.3 12.2 7.0 7.9 10.7 11.4 14.7 15.2 16.8 17.6
gym_Latn 5.8 9.8 6.8 7.4 22.7 42.8 48.0 40.8 31.6 48.8 49.5 48.2
hat_Latn 10.0 12.4 13.1 13.4 63.2 66.2 63.7 60.5 68.8 65.3 66.9 66.8
hau_Latn 40.2 39.0 43.0 40.6 52.0 53.9 55.1 52.6 61.1 58.3 60.6 60.0
haw_Latn 6.1 6.8 7.4 7.0 49.5 44.4 46.9 41.1 42.7 45.7 43.6 44.1
heb_Hebr 8.0 11.0 11.2 11.7 5.5 9.4 9.3 10.1 11.5 13.8 14.0 16.5
hif_Latn 18.4 23.9 24.9 22.5 46.1 46.1 51.5 46.7 50.2 52.4 48.8 47.4
hil_Latn 29.3 28.8 31.4 30.8 70.9 70.6 70.8 66.2 75.9 74.9 70.3 73.8
hin_Deva 21.6 40.0 42.6 50.2 35.8 55.2 57.2 59.4 43.7 52.2 55.7 56.4
hmo_Latn 11.4 14.1 12.9 11.7 62.6 58.8 62.1 59.7 60.4 65.6 63.5 64.4
hne_Deva 8.1 14.4 13.6 14.1 8.4 41.6 39.0 36.9 12.5 39.9 35.3 38.4
hnj_Latn 5.6 8.4 10.9 8.1 65.2 63.0 64.5 65.0 68.2 66.2 65.8 69.8
hra_Latn 7.0 10.6 11.2 12.2 52.4 52.5 53.6 54.5 56.3 56.6 56.7 57.0
hrv_Latn 66.6 66.8 67.8 66.4 64.8 63.2 63.5 62.7 67.8 62.3 65.5 64.9
hui_Latn 7.8 11.5 9.7 11.2 52.0 54.1 51.7 50.3 55.6 57.3 58.7 60.6
hun_Latn 61.7 64.3 65.5 66.1 45.2 47.6 50.2 51.4 49.8 55.0 57.6 60.2
hus_Latn 10.1 9.3 10.2 9.9 43.7 42.5 40.0 39.3 47.3 41.2 41.9 43.3
hye_Armn 9.2 29.3 35.1 37.5 23.6 49.4 50.3 49.8 25.9 43.7 46.3 47.4
iba_Latn 30.8 34.7 39.5 36.5 64.4 63.5 66.9 66.9 66.0 66.1 65.6 66.7
ibo_Latn 7.3 10.6 9.7 9.9 44.5 49.0 50.3 47.5 49.1 54.4 53.4 53.2
ifa_Latn 7.7 10.0 11.2 10.5 55.7 54.6 56.9 54.5 54.4 55.6 52.1 55.3
ifb_Latn 8.5 11.8 11.6 12.9 52.0 57.9 58.6 52.4 49.4 54.3 52.3 49.3
ikk_Latn 6.1 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 28.8 29.8 31.3 19.8 34.9 34.4 34.8
ilo_Latn 15.5 18.4 17.8 17.8 58.0 58.3 58.6 57.4 63.6 63.7 61.8 65.1
ind_Latn 75.2 69.0 70.1 68.7 76.2 75.0 75.5 74.6 74.9 76.9 75.0 74.9
isl_Latn 27.6 45.8 46.7 45.1 29.7 44.5 47.1 44.2 47.7 49.8 51.2 52.9
ita_Latn 68.5 67.0 68.3 67.5 62.7 63.9 66.1 65.2 69.3 67.1 69.8 65.4
ium_Latn 5.4 6.7 6.6 6.2 64.8 60.9 63.7 60.0 63.4 61.0 62.4 65.8
ixl_Latn 8.3 11.0 10.3 8.3 41.1 37.9 34.8 34.0 43.5 38.5 39.6 36.1
izz_Latn 8.2 10.2 10.2 8.9 28.7 31.7 31.5 31.4 33.4 36.2 36.4 40.4
jam_Latn 11.9 16.7 19.9 17.3 66.1 64.4 63.3 66.0 67.6 67.0 67.7 66.6
jav_Latn 44.0 44.7 44.5 46.9 50.3 53.4 51.5 47.7 54.9 57.8 54.1 59.4
jpn_Jpan 6.6 28.5 26.4 28.7 4.9 27.7 27.8 28.6 9.3 26.8 29.2 33.6
kaa_Cyrl 20.8 21.2 21.9 21.3 61.3 62.8 64.6 59.4 57.9 59.3 57.4 62.1
kab_Latn 9.0 12.1 11.7 10.3 24.8 23.2 25.0 22.8 25.6 22.7 24.1 25.5
kac_Latn 6.0 8.2 9.9 9.4 55.8 52.6 55.6 53.6 54.9 59.4 56.0 58.7
kal_Latn 8.3 10.7 9.5 9.0 39.0 40.5 37.6 37.5 36.0 37.7 36.2 37.8
kan_Knda 10.1 40.2 38.3 41.6 17.4 43.0 45.4 45.4 32.5 48.7 52.9 53.7
kat_Geor 7.7 29.4 29.5 31.3 6.8 29.4 31.6 31.9 10.7 30.4 29.0 31.7
kaz_Cyrl 7.4 32.3 35.8 35.1 27.9 45.1 50.9 49.4 39.1 49.4 50.7 48.2
kbp_Latn 8.8 12.7 12.0 11.8 7.0 15.9 16.2 15.4 8.5 17.4 19.0 17.3
kek_Latn 6.7 8.6 9.9 10.3 41.8 43.2 44.4 42.6 44.7 50.2 49.1 48.8
khm_Khmr 6.4 45.1 40.7 37.8 4.9 47.3 45.8 43.6 6.8 42.9 53.6 50.8
kia_Latn 7.8 10.3 11.0 8.7 43.6 50.2 48.6 45.1 41.7 46.6 47.5 47.7
kik_Latn 8.8 12.5 13.7 12.2 22.4 36.9 36.6 32.1 28.8 36.1 34.7 38.3
kin_Latn 12.2 14.6 12.1 12.0 58.4 58.7 57.3 58.3 59.5 55.9 60.0 58.8
kir_Cyrl 8.8 43.5 48.3 46.3 36.6 54.8 56.6 53.1 44.2 57.6 54.6 58.5
kjb_Latn 6.0 9.0 8.2 7.3 58.1 57.2 59.5 52.4 56.2 59.0 59.4 58.6
kjh_Cyrl 10.4 13.4 12.8 12.1 9.2 33.0 33.7 30.5 13.6 35.1 31.1 30.0
kmm_Latn 5.6 9.7 9.0 7.3 54.8 53.6 54.9 52.6 59.5 61.2 58.9 59.3
kmr_Cyrl 10.0 14.4 12.7 13.8 7.4 22.9 24.8 23.9 19.1 29.4 30.0 29.1
knv_Latn 5.5 9.0 8.8 8.1 41.2 50.2 54.5 50.3 46.3 53.1 54.1 55.7
kor_Hang 6.0 42.6 48.1 46.2 4.9 46.2 48.6 49.5 5.4 45.3 48.4 49.8
kpg_Latn 8.0 10.1 11.1 10.7 68.6 68.4 67.6 67.5 64.3 64.8 64.4 66.3
krc_Cyrl 17.0 24.2 21.7 21.2 31.3 43.9 48.3 46.5 36.1 47.3 47.4 43.4
kri_Latn 14.1 16.8 15.1 18.2 49.7 50.0 52.6 48.3 55.0 56.2 58.1 56.9
ksd_Latn 7.2 10.0 10.2 8.5 58.7 58.1 59.8 57.7 62.5 60.6 59.1 62.0
kss_Latn 6.5 7.8 7.7 6.5 8.9 23.4 28.0 28.8 13.4 26.7 33.6 34.8
ksw_Mymr 6.4 8.2 7.9 5.4 4.8 30.8 30.8 23.6 7.7 30.4 33.9 29.1
kua_Latn 9.8 13.4 11.9 11.3 50.4 48.3 49.8 47.3 51.4 55.5 54.6 54.3
lam_Latn 11.1 10.7 11.4 10.9 42.7 40.4 46.6 41.1 45.1 46.5 49.1 49.3
lao_Laoo 6.7 29.4 26.6 33.7 4.9 22.0 29.4 33.1 6.0 25.8 36.0 42.2
lat_Latn 65.1 65.8 68.4 65.3 55.4 56.7 59.1 55.3 54.5 59.6 57.5 55.1
lav_Latn 43.2 49.2 49.2 52.1 35.7 45.9 47.0 41.1 49.1 49.3 51.1 51.6
ldi_Latn 7.6 11.5 10.8 11.3 30.4 31.1 33.0 33.9 40.2 38.6 39.7 39.1
leh_Latn 8.1 13.4 12.4 10.7 52.6 50.7 53.9 49.8 58.5 58.2 58.0 59.5
lhu_Latn 5.9 9.4 9.6 10.3 12.8 12.5 13.4 12.2 23.5 21.1 20.9 24.8
lin_Latn 8.2 11.6 10.4 8.9 53.8 53.2 56.3 53.7 55.3 58.2 55.3 59.5
lit_Latn 50.3 57.1 60.8 58.6 38.7 48.8 50.7 45.7 46.0 58.5 53.0 54.8
loz_Latn 6.7 10.9 10.7 10.5 55.6 53.8 59.9 57.0 56.6 58.8 60.2 60.2
ltz_Latn 21.8 25.2 25.6 22.5 48.9 54.2 54.5 50.2 59.0 59.6 57.8 62.2
lug_Latn 10.0 12.1 10.7 10.9 55.2 56.4 52.5 52.1 59.6 57.2 57.0 57.5
luo_Latn 7.4 11.6 9.7 10.3 42.2 45.0 45.8 44.7 51.0 50.1 48.3 50.6
lus_Latn 6.9 10.2 9.4 10.3 59.7 61.8 60.9 58.2 61.6 66.6 63.4 64.7
lzh_Hani 7.1 13.0 11.1 14.1 5.0 10.3 12.0 16.3 8.7 11.1 10.7 12.3
mad_Latn 20.4 22.6 22.9 22.7 62.1 62.0 61.9 59.9 67.9 65.2 63.4 67.6
mah_Latn 7.3 8.7 8.6 7.4 28.7 36.8 34.6 34.8 37.9 45.1 41.3 43.2
mai_Deva 7.1 16.0 13.9 16.0 9.2 36.5 38.3 32.8 15.6 38.9 33.8 37.6
mal_Mlym 8.6 11.4 10.1 11.9 5.5 7.9 8.1 10.4 11.5 7.4 7.9 10.4
mam_Latn 6.4 11.1 8.5 9.1 40.6 42.0 41.6 33.8 44.0 43.1 43.7 41.2
Table 17: F1 scores of models on transliterated dataset of Taxi1500 (Part II).
Language XLM-R XLM-R (Min-Merge) XLM-R (Average-Merge) XLM-R (Max-Merge) Glot500 Glot500 (Min-Merge) Glot500 (Average-Merge) Glot500 (Max-Merge) Furina Furina (Min-Merge) Furina (Average-Merge) Furina (Max-Merge)
mar_Deva 8.7 36.3 38.3 40.2 8.5 42.3 48.0 45.1 30.5 39.1 51.9 48.3
mau_Latn 5.1 5.5 5.9 5.0 4.9 5.6 5.3 5.8 4.9 5.3 5.6 6.8
mbb_Latn 9.9 11.4 9.8 12.7 54.9 57.9 59.5 56.9 54.8 57.6 58.5 58.1
mck_Latn 11.8 12.7 14.2 9.9 54.0 51.2 53.2 50.5 54.7 56.4 54.2 57.5
mcn_Latn 8.3 12.1 10.5 9.2 39.7 41.9 41.2 39.9 31.2 38.4 36.8 39.9
mco_Latn 7.6 11.0 9.0 8.0 15.5 18.5 20.6 18.9 24.0 22.2 24.6 25.4
mdy_Ethi 7.3 10.5 8.5 9.3 5.1 28.8 30.2 30.2 10.2 33.4 33.9 34.7
meu_Latn 11.7 14.7 14.6 10.4 53.0 53.7 55.0 50.7 50.6 53.0 50.4 52.5
mfe_Latn 14.6 14.4 15.6 14.5 71.1 69.5 69.2 67.4 72.7 72.3 73.8 71.7
mgh_Latn 6.4 9.6 9.7 8.8 33.7 37.3 35.9 33.3 42.0 42.6 42.4 44.7
mgr_Latn 10.7 14.9 14.6 11.4 51.7 53.1 53.0 50.6 59.4 58.4 57.6 61.9
mhr_Cyrl 7.9 10.6 11.2 9.3 8.5 26.4 25.2 27.5 12.8 20.4 21.4 23.3
min_Latn 21.7 24.9 26.0 28.3 51.4 49.4 52.7 46.1 56.1 59.9 58.8 60.1
miq_Latn 5.0 8.2 7.5 7.7 60.9 58.8 63.1 58.4 55.7 54.9 57.3 57.0
mkd_Cyrl 44.9 56.6 62.8 58.8 59.2 61.4 63.4 63.0 73.0 69.3 68.7 67.5
mlg_Latn 33.2 36.3 35.4 35.8 51.5 55.3 56.2 52.9 56.0 56.3 55.2 56.3
mlt_Latn 10.0 9.3 12.0 10.6 47.7 49.6 50.1 47.7 55.1 54.5 54.9 52.8
mos_Latn 8.3 11.6 10.5 10.6 10.2 18.3 20.0 22.7 18.5 30.8 28.8 32.5
mps_Latn 8.7 8.8 9.8 8.3 64.6 64.7 66.3 63.8 59.4 61.8 63.4 60.3
mri_Latn 7.9 8.7 9.4 9.3 52.0 54.1 56.1 53.1 53.3 56.0 53.3 58.6
mrw_Latn 12.6 13.3 13.7 13.7 49.4 49.8 51.0 49.1 49.7 50.0 42.2 51.3
msa_Latn 48.4 40.8 44.5 43.4 50.0 51.8 50.3 49.9 52.1 56.4 53.9 56.1
mwm_Latn 8.6 12.9 10.7 10.5 4.9 14.7 15.3 16.2 9.3 18.0 18.9 21.6
mxv_Latn 5.5 8.0 10.9 6.9 19.9 19.6 22.6 18.0 25.1 27.9 25.5 26.9
mya_Mymr 5.5 21.2 16.6 23.0 4.9 20.9 20.6 24.4 6.0 15.6 20.5 29.9
myv_Cyrl 7.4 9.8 9.2 8.6 7.1 14.5 13.7 15.1 9.7 11.9 14.3 14.9
mzh_Latn 6.4 12.1 9.4 9.5 36.2 41.0 41.9 41.2 34.0 40.4 43.7 41.6
nan_Latn 5.6 7.9 8.4 7.5 4.9 10.9 12.6 11.5 7.4 14.2 15.3 19.2
naq_Latn 7.1 7.8 7.5 7.2 18.5 31.7 36.3 34.1 28.7 37.3 36.3 37.7
nav_Latn 7.0 9.0 7.1 7.5 12.0 17.2 18.4 19.9 17.8 19.8 19.5 23.0
nbl_Latn 15.7 18.6 19.6 16.6 54.9 55.0 54.5 51.8 52.2 57.0 53.7 57.2
nch_Latn 7.3 8.0 6.6 6.3 42.4 44.3 47.3 43.6 49.6 51.0 51.7 50.6
ncj_Latn 6.7 6.9 9.2 5.3 42.1 45.6 45.9 41.5 48.3 43.9 46.8 48.9
ndc_Latn 9.3 11.6 12.3 9.3 50.8 49.0 51.5 49.8 53.8 53.8 53.8 52.9
nde_Latn 15.7 18.6 19.6 16.6 54.9 55.0 54.5 51.8 52.2 57.0 53.7 57.2
ndo_Latn 10.3 11.7 10.3 10.3 46.9 47.0 46.4 42.5 52.4 50.4 52.6 53.7
nds_Latn 10.6 11.2 11.6 13.0 40.7 41.7 44.4 41.7 46.4 48.5 45.5 49.5
nep_Deva 10.6 32.1 36.9 43.9 21.3 50.6 51.8 51.4 31.3 49.7 55.1 56.1
ngu_Latn 6.8 9.0 7.3 7.2 51.5 52.1 54.6 51.7 53.4 54.0 55.7 52.6
nld_Latn 67.0 67.5 66.3 63.5 67.6 63.7 64.4 65.0 67.0 65.5 63.8 65.6
nmf_Latn 6.8 8.7 9.0 7.6 38.5 44.2 44.8 45.7 41.1 47.6 47.0 48.2
nnb_Latn 9.7 12.1 11.2 10.0 49.7 49.5 50.0 46.7 51.3 49.0 49.8 52.4
nno_Latn 59.4 54.1 58.8 59.1 64.6 65.7 66.4 64.0 66.3 65.5 66.3 66.6
nob_Latn 64.8 61.7 64.2 67.4 59.8 60.9 61.7 66.7 65.3 62.9 61.7 66.5
nor_Latn 65.1 62.3 63.3 66.2 61.1 59.0 60.4 64.1 66.1 64.4 63.4 66.5
npi_Deva 9.7 42.9 39.6 46.6 24.5 56.9 54.7 59.6 29.1 51.8 56.6 58.1
nse_Latn 12.4 13.6 13.9 14.2 48.8 48.4 51.3 48.1 54.3 52.6 51.7 57.8
nso_Latn 9.8 12.5 11.5 11.6 57.3 59.5 62.0 59.9 60.2 63.6 62.7 64.5
nya_Latn 7.8 14.3 14.3 11.6 65.7 65.6 63.8 63.5 61.9 62.4 61.5 64.5
nyn_Latn 9.7 11.3 9.7 10.6 44.9 42.9 42.5 42.8 48.6 48.7 45.3 50.7
nyy_Latn 7.6 11.5 9.6 9.6 36.4 37.0 38.7 34.0 46.5 42.1 43.2 45.6
nzi_Latn 10.3 13.7 12.5 10.7 25.1 34.1 34.4 31.8 34.9 37.3 35.6 37.4
ori_Orya 7.4 27.0 27.6 31.6 11.5 45.4 49.6 44.9 23.9 38.8 45.5 41.5
ory_Orya 8.5 30.2 30.0 35.1 15.0 48.1 48.1 46.1 23.1 44.1 45.6 49.0
oss_Cyrl 6.0 8.9 8.5 9.5 5.1 40.7 37.6 33.7 8.7 37.4 37.9 35.4
ote_Latn 8.3 12.2 12.2 7.2 15.1 20.7 25.7 22.3 21.1 24.5 27.9 28.6
pag_Latn 19.4 21.3 20.9 22.0 60.7 60.3 60.6 55.8 60.1 56.4 59.3 57.4
pam_Latn 17.8 18.2 22.3 20.2 44.9 43.5 47.1 43.0 50.4 50.1 48.8 49.5
pan_Guru 9.3 34.1 38.6 44.1 9.1 40.5 48.3 47.4 29.0 44.1 54.8 53.7
pap_Latn 31.7 29.4 35.5 31.6 62.6 60.5 61.7 61.3 71.4 72.7 69.6 70.9
pau_Latn 9.1 13.9 12.1 14.4 44.2 41.3 44.4 42.1 49.2 47.7 48.8 48.5
pcm_Latn 38.7 27.2 34.0 30.6 64.8 63.0 61.6 64.4 64.2 65.3 63.9 67.0
pdt_Latn 13.1 16.7 19.3 18.4 56.1 57.9 57.4 58.9 56.8 59.6 58.4 60.3
pes_Arab 9.0 46.6 49.8 53.9 9.0 54.9 55.4 59.2 23.4 54.2 58.4 61.8
pis_Latn 12.4 17.1 14.6 9.3 65.4 67.9 68.3 68.9 68.1 69.8 64.5 69.1
pls_Latn 12.9 20.9 22.5 20.3 52.2 51.0 54.2 51.4 50.2 51.8 54.9 51.8
plt_Latn 31.2 34.0 37.3 35.2 51.7 56.2 56.6 49.7 61.5 58.8 58.9 56.8
poh_Latn 12.1 13.9 10.6 10.2 55.7 54.5 55.2 52.7 50.9 51.4 52.1 55.8
pol_Latn 65.7 65.7 66.5 63.6 59.6 62.2 63.3 60.9 62.2 65.0 63.2 66.1
pon_Latn 7.1 8.3 8.7 9.1 55.6 55.3 56.1 57.0 61.7 60.6 62.8 62.1
por_Latn 68.4 65.1 67.2 65.5 66.9 64.3 63.2 63.7 67.8 68.9 68.7 67.8
prk_Latn 6.6 8.5 9.3 7.5 57.3 59.5 62.2 59.7 58.1 61.0 64.0 68.0
prs_Arab 9.3 50.6 54.4 59.9 7.3 55.3 61.0 65.1 26.8 61.7 66.7 70.3
pxm_Latn 9.2 10.4 10.6 8.8 20.2 39.2 39.1 33.1 26.4 32.7 33.9 34.9
qub_Latn 9.3 11.3 11.4 8.0 60.2 62.7 64.9 59.0 65.8 66.6 63.4 61.4
quc_Latn 8.9 12.0 11.4 10.8 54.2 51.6 51.5 51.3 51.0 47.7 51.6 53.6
qug_Latn 9.9 14.4 12.3 11.9 67.3 67.2 67.7 66.1 70.6 74.8 70.3 70.6
quh_Latn 7.8 12.9 12.0 12.7 66.7 67.0 67.7 66.2 68.0 66.7 66.2 68.8
quw_Latn 10.2 11.1 14.4 11.4 52.4 58.3 57.9 55.8 59.7 58.9 54.5 57.0
quy_Latn 8.8 14.7 14.2 15.2 72.2 72.8 73.1 71.0 74.6 73.5 72.8 74.8
quz_Latn 8.5 13.4 12.9 12.4 71.6 72.6 70.2 69.6 75.1 72.0 70.9 73.4
qvi_Latn 6.7 10.8 11.6 9.8 63.5 65.4 67.1 61.6 63.9 69.2 65.9 69.0
rap_Latn 8.0 12.1 13.1 11.0 40.1 49.4 45.0 40.0 49.7 50.6 50.7 49.7
rar_Latn 7.8 10.1 10.7 8.3 56.2 56.7 60.0 54.2 57.8 57.8 58.5 55.2
rmy_Latn 13.7 12.8 12.7 12.9 51.3 50.2 54.3 53.1 55.9 55.1 50.6 54.9
ron_Latn 67.7 69.0 67.7 69.8 60.0 59.6 62.9 59.5 63.0 64.3 63.2 65.4
rop_Latn 7.7 11.0 10.1 10.8 62.6 62.1 62.6 62.8 62.3 63.2 62.2 61.8
rug_Latn 6.3 8.5 9.8 8.4 60.3 63.5 63.7 60.1 63.6 58.5 61.3 64.2
run_Latn 11.7 16.6 15.7 15.1 56.5 58.0 55.7 54.9 57.6 57.1 55.2 58.1
Table 18: F1 scores of models on transliterated dataset of Taxi1500 (Part III).
Language XLM-R XLM-R (Min-Merge) XLM-R (Average-Merge) XLM-R (Max-Merge) Glot500 Glot500 (Min-Merge) Glot500 (Average-Merge) Glot500 (Max-Merge) Furina Furina (Min-Merge) Furina (Average-Merge) Furina (Max-Merge)
rus_Cyrl 30.3 54.8 61.3 57.0 43.4 52.9 53.3 55.3 54.6 59.7 58.6 58.0
sag_Latn 8.6 11.2 11.9 11.1 50.5 52.9 52.2 50.9 48.7 48.7 49.0 49.7
sah_Cyrl 7.2 10.1 10.7 10.3 5.1 36.7 30.7 34.2 10.1 40.2 40.7 39.4
sba_Latn 12.7 13.2 12.7 11.5 12.6 21.6 22.0 21.9 20.2 23.0 24.8 25.4
seh_Latn 8.9 12.1 13.0 11.2 51.8 53.6 54.6 53.2 56.9 57.1 55.9 60.6
sin_Sinh 9.8 34.7 40.6 39.8 6.4 28.5 30.3 32.6 13.0 34.4 35.4 40.8
slk_Latn 54.7 57.0 61.5 59.4 52.4 55.3 57.9 55.0 59.7 62.3 63.4 64.3
slv_Latn 63.3 61.1 62.5 62.8 60.7 66.7 67.4 64.2 65.4 68.9 68.5 68.0
sme_Latn 9.2 12.1 12.4 10.8 30.1 36.5 39.4 37.2 30.9 37.4 37.8 39.2
smo_Latn 9.7 10.6 9.5 9.4 60.1 60.6 58.8 59.4 62.2 60.6 60.7 59.2
sna_Latn 10.3 13.4 11.5 10.7 43.0 43.5 41.4 41.1 55.6 53.2 55.3 54.6
snd_Arab 6.4 39.1 38.9 44.9 5.1 43.5 53.6 51.0 10.6 42.1 45.4 49.9
som_Latn 34.5 32.7 37.0 38.2 41.0 35.5 38.7 34.4 36.0 38.0 35.6 35.9
sop_Latn 7.8 9.9 9.5 9.3 36.7 37.1 39.4 36.5 40.9 43.4 40.4 45.5
sot_Latn 10.4 11.9 11.4 10.7 57.9 55.6 58.4 51.7 60.6 58.3 57.3 57.1
spa_Latn 71.5 73.5 73.7 71.5 65.4 69.5 66.7 68.4 72.7 71.5 72.0 71.6
sqi_Latn 63.3 67.8 64.4 65.1 65.9 68.3 69.7 67.9 69.5 70.5 72.1 70.8
srm_Latn 7.7 12.1 10.7 9.4 45.0 55.1 54.7 50.1 46.1 59.5 61.0 58.9
srn_Latn 8.1 12.1 12.1 10.7 69.4 68.4 67.6 69.4 72.0 70.9 68.9 73.2
srp_Latn 65.8 60.9 64.0 65.0 65.1 68.7 71.1 68.3 69.8 71.7 71.3 74.6
ssw_Latn 10.5 13.8 12.7 12.3 48.6 48.1 49.4 45.2 52.9 48.9 50.2 46.8
sun_Latn 49.9 46.6 48.4 51.9 53.0 51.5 54.4 52.3 54.8 55.5 56.1 56.0
suz_Deva 10.8 11.4 10.6 11.1 5.9 22.7 22.8 22.7 7.9 29.9 29.6 31.2
swe_Latn 67.3 71.3 70.7 69.6 58.9 59.8 62.6 66.0 63.8 68.5 68.9 69.4
swh_Latn 59.2 60.5 58.1 60.2 63.3 62.4 62.9 60.2 65.7 67.5 65.9 65.9
sxn_Latn 6.7 10.3 11.6 12.5 41.0 44.9 48.2 43.9 46.7 50.6 50.8 53.3
tam_Taml 9.9 41.8 42.1 45.2 17.0 44.1 47.7 45.8 22.9 47.5 47.7 50.2
tat_Cyrl 9.9 18.1 16.5 16.9 33.7 55.1 58.2 47.3 41.8 52.3 49.8 52.7
tbz_Latn 8.9 12.7 12.2 12.1 8.7 15.2 18.4 19.1 14.0 19.9 21.5 21.6
tca_Latn 6.4 9.9 11.2 7.6 7.8 32.7 35.4 37.7 15.1 36.1 39.8 39.5
tdt_Latn 8.8 12.7 16.2 13.8 65.8 65.9 66.7 67.6 68.1 67.0 68.8 66.9
tel_Telu 5.9 31.4 33.4 31.4 8.4 30.6 29.5 33.1 20.9 37.3 39.0 39.6
teo_Latn 8.6 11.0 10.1 8.3 26.8 24.4 25.2 24.3 32.0 32.7 30.9 33.1
tgk_Cyrl 10.7 14.1 11.1 12.5 37.4 50.9 54.5 52.4 50.6 55.7 56.1 56.0
tgl_Latn 53.4 49.9 50.8 52.9 61.3 62.4 61.0 59.4 61.6 65.8 61.6 65.7
tha_Thai 6.1 25.4 27.8 33.4 5.8 17.2 24.1 24.9 5.9 21.4 29.4 34.7
tih_Latn 7.6 10.6 13.5 10.8 62.6 61.4 63.0 56.9 64.8 63.3 62.4 65.3
tir_Ethi 9.4 13.9 13.2 13.5 4.9 22.2 23.3 20.8 9.2 22.1 22.9 28.1
tlh_Latn 30.4 31.1 31.5 27.2 70.0 66.3 66.1 69.3 64.0 63.2 64.4 65.9
tob_Latn 6.4 8.7 8.0 6.8 46.8 52.4 52.3 50.3 41.4 48.1 50.0 46.4
toh_Latn 7.5 13.3 12.6 11.7 44.9 42.8 43.4 39.4 49.3 44.6 46.3 50.5
toi_Latn 12.7 11.4 13.9 13.1 49.9 46.5 53.4 45.7 51.3 53.4 50.8 53.6
toj_Latn 8.4 13.2 13.3 12.5 43.8 41.3 42.3 39.4 44.0 46.9 47.8 43.7
ton_Latn 7.3 8.3 8.8 7.5 52.7 52.1 57.5 51.0 54.5 58.0 60.2 55.9
top_Latn 8.5 10.6 10.2 12.0 24.3 25.9 24.2 24.6 27.4 26.3 28.0 29.9
tpi_Latn 8.6 12.6 14.5 12.0 66.8 67.9 66.7 68.4 68.0 69.3 67.4 68.3
tpm_Latn 9.0 10.3 12.4 10.8 45.3 46.8 49.2 49.7 42.5 49.3 51.2 48.2
tsn_Latn 9.5 9.8 9.7 8.4 51.9 52.7 55.8 49.8 56.7 55.5 53.8 57.8
tsz_Latn 8.0 11.7 10.9 10.6 31.8 39.8 41.2 36.3 35.9 40.1 40.4 43.6
tuc_Latn 6.3 8.7 9.6 8.3 55.3 60.9 61.8 57.4 59.2 64.3 65.6 62.3
tui_Latn 6.3 10.2 9.6 10.8 13.5 41.5 40.8 40.7 19.0 43.8 43.0 45.4
tuk_Latn 29.3 31.7 33.0 30.0 54.3 57.8 59.6 55.6 52.6 54.9 57.2 57.3
tum_Latn 10.6 14.3 14.8 12.9 48.9 53.0 52.0 52.5 58.1 60.6 58.6 59.7
tur_Latn 58.4 64.7 68.7 63.1 57.2 62.6 64.5 62.8 59.7 63.1 64.8 64.9
twi_Latn 9.4 13.2 12.1 9.3 33.7 39.1 39.0 36.6 35.7 44.1 39.7 42.4
tyv_Cyrl 7.6 7.4 8.6 9.4 12.4 39.6 39.8 37.0 17.3 38.1 36.2 40.6
tzh_Latn 9.8 12.1 11.9 10.7 43.9 50.3 49.8 43.5 51.0 50.1 50.1 50.5
tzo_Latn 8.7 13.3 11.4 11.4 38.5 41.6 44.4 38.5 48.5 42.8 44.1 45.9
udm_Cyrl 8.2 13.5 11.9 11.4 7.7 22.4 21.3 23.9 10.1 21.0 21.4 24.0
ukr_Cyrl 26.2 43.1 50.4 48.0 27.2 40.1 46.5 42.3 40.5 48.4 47.0 46.2
urd_Arab 24.4 33.9 36.7 37.0 36.6 49.2 54.7 52.7 44.7 45.2 45.2 51.5
uzb_Latn 54.2 55.7 52.9 53.3 60.5 65.3 62.0 63.0 66.0 65.5 64.6 66.2
uzn_Cyrl 33.4 37.2 37.7 40.7 51.3 61.0 64.3 64.3 60.4 66.0 66.6 66.2
ven_Latn 6.8 10.0 8.5 9.0 41.9 42.6 43.3 39.7 49.4 47.8 47.1 51.7
vie_Latn 12.0 23.7 26.4 32.9 5.3 12.1 17.7 20.8 12.2 18.8 25.8 30.4
wal_Latn 10.5 9.9 9.4 10.0 47.3 42.9 50.5 41.3 42.5 42.2 44.1 43.0
war_Latn 15.0 20.2 21.1 21.2 50.6 55.8 53.8 52.8 55.4 55.0 56.3 56.1
wbm_Latn 6.3 8.2 8.9 7.5 57.5 57.7 60.5 59.5 59.3 62.0 64.5 66.4
wol_Latn 10.4 15.5 14.7 12.8 28.9 31.4 33.6 30.0 29.7 34.0 37.0 36.3
xav_Latn 8.8 10.7 9.6 12.2 11.4 17.2 20.0 19.7 17.8 24.2 23.9 27.3
xho_Latn 20.2 19.6 20.9 19.5 51.7 50.0 51.0 48.8 49.3 53.0 54.0 52.5
yan_Latn 5.5 6.3 7.2 5.4 56.3 57.3 58.6 53.2 51.4 54.9 57.6 55.7
yao_Latn 10.1 11.8 9.5 10.2 43.6 48.7 50.0 46.3 53.2 51.9 53.0 55.2
yap_Latn 6.2 10.0 9.3 11.9 46.1 47.5 48.9 45.3 52.2 50.4 52.1 52.1
yom_Latn 7.7 12.2 10.0 10.7 38.0 39.1 37.9 37.6 45.6 43.9 44.6 47.6
yor_Latn 8.7 10.0 10.7 8.8 26.3 29.0 32.8 30.1 36.3 40.8 40.4 43.6
yua_Latn 7.3 11.3 10.0 7.7 25.4 35.1 37.1 33.1 35.3 38.0 37.9 42.3
yue_Hani 6.7 5.4 6.6 7.2 5.1 5.3 6.9 6.1 7.2 6.5 6.8 7.4
zai_Latn 13.3 18.9 17.9 18.5 37.2 39.0 40.9 39.8 42.2 42.1 41.2 44.5
zho_Hani 6.7 22.5 18.8 20.7 5.1 27.2 30.2 32.0 6.3 26.4 32.2 31.8
zlm_Latn 72.3 70.8 70.5 68.0 74.3 71.5 71.7 72.2 74.8 75.0 73.8 75.6
zom_Latn 7.4 9.4 8.6 7.2 60.0 60.5 59.5 60.1 61.2 64.3 63.3 64.0
zsm_Latn 72.3 72.3 73.9 70.2 70.4 70.0 71.1 69.4 70.7 71.7 71.4 71.7
zul_Latn 24.1 24.2 24.4 23.2 58.4 58.9 61.0 58.3 60.0 58.3 61.2 60.2
Table 19: F1 scores of models on transliterated dataset of Taxi1500 (Part IV).
Language XLM-R XLM-R (Min-Merge) XLM-R (Average-Merge) XLM-R (Max-Merge) Glot500 Glot500 (Min-Merge) Glot500 (Average-Merge) Glot500 (Max-Merge) Furina Furina (Min-Merge) Furina (Average-Merge) Furina (Max-Merge)
ace_Latn 58.2 56.7 55.7 56.4 74.7 75.3 72.8 73.7 73.6 72.8 73.0 70.3
acm_Arab 14.2 71.5 67.1 70.8 16.2 74.9 75.2 75.4 15.4 70.7 74.8 73.1
afr_Latn 85.3 84.2 83.4 84.4 81.1 81.0 82.1 81.5 82.4 82.4 82.1 81.0
ajp_Arab 13.5 70.5 64.2 67.8 17.4 72.5 71.3 74.0 21.6 69.6 73.5 71.2
aka_Latn 35.0 34.7 35.4 34.0 55.6 58.6 57.4 55.3 56.6 57.8 58.7 55.8
als_Latn 79.8 80.8 80.1 81.6 81.4 79.8 79.0 78.9 81.5 81.2 81.2 80.1
amh_Ethi 15.5 51.3 43.8 45.2 19.9 51.4 47.5 48.3 23.0 48.3 53.1 50.2
apc_Arab 13.9 70.8 69.9 70.2 17.6 73.3 72.7 74.5 17.7 68.0 72.7 68.7
arb_Arab 11.8 76.5 69.7 75.5 15.0 76.2 76.3 77.6 15.8 71.7 77.7 75.9
ary_Arab 12.2 65.5 59.2 62.4 13.9 70.3 67.2 69.4 15.1 63.4 68.4 64.1
arz_Arab 13.3 74.0 69.0 71.9 15.2 72.2 73.0 76.3 16.6 72.3 76.9 74.2
asm_Beng 11.9 42.9 42.4 49.0 21.5 63.9 62.2 63.4 30.2 54.7 56.9 57.9
ast_Latn 81.0 83.0 79.5 80.8 88.1 87.6 85.3 85.5 86.2 85.5 86.0 85.6
ayr_Latn 28.3 32.3 29.0 29.3 51.4 50.6 51.1 50.1 51.6 50.1 50.0 50.6
azb_Arab 11.9 55.7 56.3 56.6 19.3 60.3 62.5 63.1 21.9 54.1 57.3 54.3
azj_Latn 68.0 80.9 76.5 79.9 76.8 83.1 84.9 84.6 80.0 84.5 84.3 83.3
bak_Cyrl 50.5 52.4 47.4 50.7 62.8 74.1 74.5 73.5 68.6 73.6 75.6 73.1
bam_Latn 31.0 31.3 28.8 30.2 43.2 46.2 46.2 45.3 46.9 48.8 49.4 47.0
ban_Latn 71.7 73.2 70.9 69.9 79.0 80.0 79.9 78.7 79.1 79.9 79.7 79.0
bel_Cyrl 43.5 75.3 69.7 73.8 48.4 72.1 72.5 74.7 59.1 77.1 78.8 77.2
bem_Latn 36.0 35.9 32.9 32.2 64.3 66.5 65.3 67.0 65.7 64.7 66.4 64.6
ben_Beng 13.1 57.3 56.4 58.6 25.1 62.1 62.1 65.1 34.4 57.9 61.7 62.8
bjn_Latn 69.7 69.0 67.8 64.5 78.5 76.4 77.1 76.8 79.5 77.6 79.4 78.8
bod_Tibt 9.7 11.7 9.4 11.1 13.6 64.8 63.8 63.9 13.6 61.3 63.2 61.9
bos_Latn 87.0 85.3 84.4 84.8 86.4 87.9 87.1 88.1 86.5 87.8 88.4 87.2
bul_Cyrl 68.6 78.6 76.5 79.2 71.2 79.9 81.6 79.7 78.3 81.6 81.8 81.7
cat_Latn 86.2 88.0 86.5 85.2 84.9 84.7 84.2 85.9 85.0 85.7 85.4 85.0
ceb_Latn 69.7 72.3 68.2 69.5 84.4 84.4 83.3 82.8 81.7 82.3 81.5 82.4
ces_Latn 81.5 85.0 82.8 82.4 80.3 80.2 80.6 81.8 82.6 84.1 85.3 85.3
cjk_Latn 31.5 32.6 32.2 31.6 49.7 49.8 48.5 48.9 46.8 43.9 47.2 46.5
ckb_Arab 20.2 20.7 19.0 20.4 23.5 70.5 70.0 72.2 27.0 69.3 70.4 70.4
crh_Latn 62.7 71.5 68.7 70.0 68.6 76.2 75.1 74.7 75.1 76.6 78.2 76.0
cym_Latn 75.2 74.7 72.1 72.0 75.3 75.7 74.0 73.5 75.2 74.2 74.0 73.9
dan_Latn 85.0 84.7 85.4 85.6 84.2 83.8 84.8 84.6 84.0 84.1 84.9 83.7
deu_Latn 87.2 89.4 89.4 87.8 83.5 84.5 83.7 84.8 84.4 86.0 86.2 85.7
dyu_Latn 33.7 35.8 34.6 35.7 43.3 43.7 44.2 45.7 45.3 45.3 46.2 44.0
dzo_Tibt 7.6 8.0 7.9 7.3 9.5 54.4 56.4 57.8 7.7 51.1 53.4 48.8
ell_Grek 29.5 62.7 58.3 61.9 34.8 60.8 61.3 60.7 37.8 51.1 58.6 54.5
eng_Latn 90.8 89.2 90.3 89.7 89.0 88.5 87.4 88.4 87.5 87.5 88.1 88.1
epo_Latn 79.1 82.6 80.4 80.4 79.5 81.7 80.2 79.1 82.1 82.1 82.3 82.4
est_Latn 78.9 82.9 80.9 80.8 78.2 77.1 76.9 79.0 80.4 80.7 79.3 80.3
eus_Latn 82.0 83.0 80.7 81.8 82.8 83.4 83.2 83.1 82.7 82.3 82.6 81.9
ewe_Latn 27.6 27.1 27.8 27.6 42.4 43.6 45.6 43.1 44.6 46.6 46.9 45.7
fao_Latn 55.6 71.0 67.8 69.7 66.2 77.3 77.7 77.8 75.3 80.5 81.3 82.1
fij_Latn 27.9 31.1 28.7 29.9 61.2 61.2 61.7 59.5 62.2 62.5 63.3 61.9
fin_Latn 84.6 88.7 87.2 87.1 77.2 79.6 80.4 80.8 81.5 83.0 84.0 82.8
fon_Latn 27.0 29.0 25.3 28.0 38.5 41.5 41.7 39.4 39.7 41.9 42.4 41.1
fra_Latn 87.9 88.8 88.5 88.0 84.5 86.0 85.0 84.8 85.1 85.5 87.2 85.7
fur_Latn 66.7 66.9 61.5 61.2 79.8 79.3 78.1 78.4 77.6 78.9 81.2 79.4
gla_Latn 48.7 52.1 50.7 49.5 58.8 58.2 58.8 60.5 58.9 58.4 60.7 59.5
gle_Latn 57.3 63.4 58.2 60.2 54.3 62.3 60.7 63.1 59.7 64.6 65.6 64.6
glg_Latn 86.6 87.4 87.3 86.4 86.3 85.2 84.9 85.7 84.9 85.6 86.7 85.4
grn_Latn 56.6 58.1 56.1 55.3 69.0 70.4 70.1 70.1 69.7 71.3 71.2 70.5
guj_Gujr 13.8 56.8 47.6 59.4 28.9 62.4 62.1 65.4 42.2 57.6 62.3 62.2
hat_Latn 48.5 47.9 45.8 50.2 74.6 75.8 74.7 74.4 76.3 77.1 77.8 77.5
hau_Latn 55.9 58.4 54.6 53.0 66.3 63.5 64.0 63.1 67.0 65.2 64.9 65.3
heb_Hebr 9.8 65.3 58.4 66.2 13.4 62.5 62.6 65.8 15.9 59.9 65.2 64.9
hin_Deva 16.4 69.0 63.6 71.8 33.0 69.4 67.9 73.0 47.1 62.0 69.9 72.4
hne_Deva 15.6 59.1 55.3 62.4 30.4 66.9 64.0 69.9 40.2 53.2 57.0 60.7
hrv_Latn 88.1 87.9 86.6 85.9 85.8 86.8 86.7 86.8 87.4 87.5 87.7 87.8
hun_Latn 74.4 86.8 85.3 85.9 66.2 81.5 82.0 82.0 74.8 84.9 86.2 84.9
hye_Armn 30.8 65.8 62.9 65.2 40.3 71.3 69.4 68.3 45.8 64.9 64.5 62.5
ibo_Latn 32.4 32.5 30.0 29.7 67.1 69.0 68.7 70.3 66.4 70.9 69.9 71.2
ilo_Latn 56.6 59.2 54.8 56.2 78.8 77.9 76.2 75.4 78.5 78.5 78.5 77.9
ind_Latn 88.9 88.7 87.3 89.0 88.4 87.5 88.0 87.8 87.6 86.3 86.2 86.5
isl_Latn 50.7 71.4 69.1 71.4 56.1 72.4 71.3 73.5 67.6 78.2 78.7 78.9
ita_Latn 87.0 88.2 86.8 86.8 85.5 85.3 84.7 86.7 85.8 85.8 86.6 86.7
jav_Latn 77.8 79.6 77.6 77.5 78.7 79.1 79.8 81.0 81.0 81.6 81.8 80.3
jpn_Jpan 16.8 69.6 67.1 71.1 16.1 66.2 69.3 68.8 15.7 64.8 70.1 70.4
kab_Latn 21.1 20.1 17.4 17.8 29.7 32.2 32.5 31.3 31.4 32.4 33.0 32.4
kac_Latn 34.6 34.4 31.7 33.6 53.3 53.2 51.6 51.9 55.6 53.9 54.1 54.5
kam_Latn 37.6 37.7 37.0 34.7 48.0 46.6 47.1 47.7 48.5 48.6 49.4 46.5
kan_Knda 16.5 64.7 55.0 63.4 27.3 64.6 62.9 66.4 37.4 59.6 71.2 65.4
kat_Geor 47.4 70.6 65.2 67.4 50.5 74.6 74.2 72.2 54.5 66.8 69.4 66.3
kaz_Cyrl 45.2 68.5 66.2 68.4 60.8 75.4 75.8 75.2 68.5 75.6 77.2 76.7
kbp_Latn 22.5 21.6 19.9 21.2 31.0 37.6 39.2 37.2 35.6 39.2 40.0 38.9
kea_Latn 68.2 65.3 63.2 65.3 76.6 75.8 75.6 75.6 75.8 75.8 76.4 74.7
khm_Khmr 17.6 73.7 70.5 73.0 27.2 75.2 76.0 73.3 31.5 74.8 77.1 74.3
kik_Latn 36.6 42.2 40.4 40.5 52.4 52.2 52.0 50.8 53.1 54.6 54.6 52.8
kin_Latn 31.4 32.2 29.6 31.9 69.6 68.7 69.7 69.9 71.2 72.1 72.3 71.9
kir_Cyrl 54.1 70.9 70.6 69.4 64.1 72.5 73.7 75.0 69.1 72.5 73.1 74.8
kmb_Latn 29.6 33.1 28.3 31.8 49.4 48.1 50.9 51.6 52.2 48.2 50.7 48.0
kmr_Latn 50.8 63.0 57.8 59.8 61.4 63.1 64.7 62.5 64.8 67.6 68.0 66.0
kon_Latn 38.4 39.7 39.0 39.2 67.1 66.4 67.0 64.8 65.8 63.6 66.9 66.1
kor_Hang 15.1 76.4 72.9 76.1 20.1 72.9 73.1 74.1 23.0 73.5 73.4 71.4
lao_Laoo 24.3 69.4 60.6 61.4 33.4 62.4 65.9 63.2 38.2 61.7 67.7 60.8
Table 20: F1 scores of models on transliterated dataset of SIB200 (Part I).
Language XLM-R XLM-R (Min-Merge) XLM-R (Average-Merge) XLM-R (Max-Merge) Glot500 Glot500 (Min-Merge) Glot500 (Average-Merge) Glot500 (Max-Merge) Furina Furina (Min-Merge) Furina (Average-Merge) Furina (Max-Merge)
lij_Latn 68.8 70.8 66.7 68.5 75.7 76.9 76.2 77.4 78.1 77.3 78.5 77.9
lim_Latn 70.4 70.9 69.3 69.2 76.1 75.4 74.9 76.1 78.1 77.1 77.1 77.0
lin_Latn 40.2 37.0 36.7 37.5 71.3 71.1 71.3 69.5 70.5 68.4 72.5 69.8
lit_Latn 81.3 84.1 81.9 82.1 79.9 82.3 83.1 82.3 83.0 84.3 84.1 84.0
lmo_Latn 69.1 69.7 64.0 67.2 78.6 79.8 79.5 77.8 79.3 81.0 80.4 80.7
ltz_Latn 61.1 62.5 62.4 61.5 74.9 74.9 75.7 74.7 79.1 78.7 79.9 78.0
lua_Latn 38.9 41.1 39.4 41.5 57.0 58.1 59.7 56.1 55.0 54.8 55.6 56.5
lug_Latn 28.7 28.5 28.0 27.2 55.6 56.5 56.6 56.1 59.1 56.9 58.3 57.4
luo_Latn 30.8 30.0 30.6 30.1 53.6 54.9 52.1 53.0 54.2 53.1 54.5 53.8
lus_Latn 54.5 56.1 53.5 55.2 70.0 70.9 69.9 69.5 69.9 71.6 71.4 70.7
lvs_Latn 76.5 81.4 80.6 79.2 72.8 79.3 79.1 80.4 77.2 82.1 80.2 80.3
mai_Deva 16.7 64.1 59.8 68.2 34.1 72.1 69.4 72.3 40.7 61.4 64.4 68.6
mal_Mlym 11.8 59.2 56.5 63.1 16.1 58.7 59.1 65.3 24.2 56.6 66.5 60.3
mar_Deva 18.2 67.4 63.1 65.5 32.2 69.6 69.6 70.6 46.6 70.9 75.0 71.5
min_Latn 70.0 69.3 68.9 67.2 78.3 79.2 79.2 77.5 78.6 78.8 79.8 79.8
mkd_Cyrl 69.5 77.6 76.4 77.1 75.4 78.3 80.7 79.8 78.1 78.6 78.6 78.3
mlt_Latn 49.3 49.3 45.1 47.8 76.8 84.1 82.2 82.1 78.9 82.8 83.9 83.4
mos_Latn 31.9 33.2 34.1 33.7 42.9 40.7 39.6 38.6 43.3 44.3 42.0 39.5
mri_Latn 32.4 33.5 28.1 30.2 62.0 62.5 60.7 60.9 61.0 60.5 62.5 59.9
mya_Mymr 16.7 53.7 52.1 51.6 20.8 58.8 59.4 58.3 24.3 60.0 62.0 57.2
nld_Latn 88.1 88.1 87.9 87.2 86.8 86.0 85.5 86.5 86.0 87.0 85.9 85.5
nno_Latn 83.3 84.3 82.8 82.9 84.0 84.6 83.1 85.3 82.9 85.0 85.7 85.1
nob_Latn 83.5 85.1 84.9 83.6 83.8 82.5 82.3 83.1 83.7 83.1 82.7 83.1
npi_Deva 14.7 72.5 63.9 72.4 31.4 76.6 74.5 75.2 41.4 71.8 73.0 73.8
nso_Latn 28.8 30.5 30.0 31.4 63.7 60.6 60.8 62.0 65.2 62.3 65.7 65.0
nya_Latn 37.8 40.2 38.6 38.2 73.9 71.7 73.0 72.4 73.4 73.8 73.8 73.3
oci_Latn 82.0 83.5 79.8 80.8 83.0 83.5 82.6 82.1 84.2 83.5 84.0 83.1
ory_Orya 19.6 61.2 56.6 59.7 27.4 65.4 62.4 65.8 40.4 50.7 50.7 54.6
pag_Latn 62.2 63.6 62.7 62.6 78.8 77.5 77.4 76.7 80.0 78.0 79.2 78.2
pan_Guru 14.1 52.3 47.1 54.3 17.8 52.5 50.8 59.1 35.1 47.6 53.4 57.8
pap_Latn 69.0 70.4 66.6 68.1 79.0 78.3 78.4 78.7 79.7 79.8 80.0 79.7
pes_Arab 18.4 79.3 76.7 81.8 22.6 80.5 80.9 82.2 27.0 78.3 82.7 81.1
plt_Latn 59.1 64.6 60.2 58.8 68.9 72.4 70.6 68.0 70.3 70.6 72.5 70.4
pol_Latn 82.2 86.6 83.2 85.3 81.7 85.5 83.7 84.1 83.8 83.6 85.0 83.5
por_Latn 86.2 89.5 87.3 88.6 84.3 85.7 85.5 86.3 83.5 87.0 87.0 86.7
prs_Arab 16.7 77.5 71.0 77.6 23.4 78.7 78.1 77.8 25.7 75.5 79.0 77.3
quy_Latn 43.2 46.2 43.8 46.7 69.1 64.7 65.8 65.4 66.8 66.5 68.4 65.5
ron_Latn 86.2 86.2 85.5 85.4 83.8 83.4 82.8 83.9 84.4 84.4 83.7 83.3
run_Latn 27.8 27.1 27.2 27.1 69.2 70.7 69.8 69.4 68.6 70.7 69.0 68.9
rus_Cyrl 65.3 81.8 80.3 82.4 70.7 81.2 81.3 81.6 76.8 79.2 80.9 80.1
sag_Latn 38.4 40.6 36.3 39.6 59.3 57.8 59.8 59.7 59.9 58.4 60.4 59.8
san_Deva 10.3 56.3 45.4 54.6 23.3 58.6 56.9 64.7 32.0 45.3 51.0 52.1
sat_Olck 7.0 7.8 6.6 10.0 7.8 33.8 32.5 35.2 8.5 26.7 24.5 23.6
scn_Latn 62.0 65.2 61.8 62.5 78.5 75.1 75.2 75.7 78.9 78.4 78.1 76.8
sin_Sinh 19.1 65.6 58.6 61.2 22.7 65.9 66.7 65.9 27.6 61.5 65.5 64.5
slk_Latn 85.1 86.1 83.6 85.4 82.6 82.2 81.7 83.4 84.0 83.1 84.2 83.6
slv_Latn 84.7 86.2 83.8 85.8 80.9 83.0 82.8 83.2 83.2 84.7 84.8 82.9
smo_Latn 30.1 27.0 25.3 29.4 77.3 76.7 76.5 79.2 75.9 76.0 76.8 77.9
sna_Latn 30.4 30.9 26.8 29.9 60.2 62.2 61.8 61.0 62.1 62.7 61.3 61.8
snd_Arab 14.0 52.5 47.1 54.2 17.1 55.2 53.7 53.3 18.7 40.0 47.9 43.2
som_Latn 60.3 60.0 55.4 56.1 57.3 59.7 59.4 57.7 60.6 59.7 59.4 60.2
sot_Latn 34.6 35.3 31.4 33.1 69.3 67.1 66.3 66.9 68.2 66.7 69.1 66.2
spa_Latn 86.6 88.7 87.1 87.2 85.7 85.7 84.6 85.2 85.2 85.9 85.6 86.1
srd_Latn 67.4 67.6 62.8 64.7 76.2 74.9 74.0 76.4 76.3 76.7 76.0 76.3
srp_Cyrl 79.9 84.1 83.5 83.0 82.9 85.0 85.4 84.9 84.5 81.9 82.6 81.4
ssw_Latn 28.0 26.3 25.4 26.7 68.8 65.8 66.1 65.9 68.2 69.0 68.2 68.4
sun_Latn 77.6 79.6 77.7 76.4 83.5 81.2 83.0 83.9 81.5 82.1 80.9 81.0
swe_Latn 81.3 86.3 84.7 85.8 79.6 80.6 81.3 81.1 80.2 81.8 82.7 82.3
swh_Latn 73.0 74.4 71.7 73.7 79.7 77.0 77.0 78.1 80.2 79.9 81.1 80.0
szl_Latn 70.9 71.5 70.0 68.8 73.9 74.6 73.5 72.1 73.7 74.0 74.6 73.3
tam_Taml 14.8 65.8 59.1 64.8 23.6 63.3 63.0 65.0 25.7 62.6 64.8 64.9
tat_Cyrl 51.8 54.6 51.0 54.5 64.1 76.7 75.5 74.8 69.9 75.7 75.8 75.9
tel_Telu 16.7 62.5 56.8 62.7 27.3 60.9 59.7 63.9 36.1 57.6 65.3 62.1
tgk_Cyrl 40.1 42.9 37.3 39.6 52.5 74.8 74.4 75.8 60.8 79.8 79.2 78.1
tgl_Latn 79.2 81.4 78.1 79.0 82.9 83.2 83.9 82.9 82.0 83.5 83.3 82.4
tha_Thai 20.2 75.2 71.8 80.5 27.0 74.8 75.7 78.1 28.3 74.0 77.9 78.5
tir_Ethi 12.8 32.9 27.8 28.5 20.2 44.1 43.8 42.6 20.5 40.1 45.6 40.0
tpi_Latn 52.7 53.9 50.2 51.4 82.7 82.0 80.0 80.3 79.6 78.2 80.2 78.4
tsn_Latn 31.2 32.5 27.4 30.5 62.2 60.4 61.5 61.5 63.6 63.1 62.3 63.7
tso_Latn 31.6 30.4 30.3 29.0 63.3 60.1 61.7 62.8 64.6 66.4 65.5 66.0
tuk_Latn 48.9 52.2 48.0 52.5 71.0 75.8 77.0 77.5 72.1 76.3 76.1 75.8
tum_Latn 31.0 34.3 33.0 32.0 71.8 72.5 71.9 73.3 71.1 71.2 70.5 70.3
tur_Latn 73.1 82.0 82.2 82.5 73.9 80.7 81.0 80.6 76.4 83.3 82.8 80.7
twi_Latn 39.7 40.1 39.7 39.3 59.9 61.9 60.4 61.5 59.5 61.4 60.5 59.0
uig_Arab 20.0 60.4 57.0 60.1 27.0 67.5 68.8 68.2 34.6 63.1 66.6 66.8
ukr_Cyrl 58.1 77.9 76.2 78.1 61.1 75.7 77.0 77.2 70.8 77.4 78.5 78.5
umb_Latn 28.0 29.6 31.1 29.2 48.5 48.1 47.4 48.2 51.2 48.3 50.9 49.0
urd_Arab 18.5 63.9 61.5 63.5 20.9 64.7 67.1 64.5 24.7 60.4 70.0 69.2
vec_Latn 79.4 78.9 78.1 76.0 81.7 81.1 79.8 80.5 82.7 82.8 82.9 81.9
vie_Latn 29.7 50.9 47.3 55.7 35.5 48.7 54.0 53.7 40.5 49.9 61.2 57.0
war_Latn 67.0 72.1 69.6 68.8 83.4 81.8 81.7 82.5 80.8 80.4 81.3 80.5
wol_Latn 39.7 42.0 40.5 41.4 50.5 54.4 52.7 54.1 54.6 55.5 58.3 56.5
xho_Latn 46.0 43.5 41.6 43.8 64.6 66.8 65.0 65.1 68.7 67.6 68.9 68.9
yor_Latn 28.0 26.3 24.8 26.5 51.7 52.8 52.0 51.4 52.8 57.3 54.8 55.0
zsm_Latn 86.5 87.4 85.2 85.7 86.7 86.2 86.1 87.1 85.9 86.2 85.4 85.0
zul_Latn 40.9 38.2 35.9 37.7 72.0 71.7 69.9 71.3 73.0 73.2 74.1 74.7
Table 21: F1 scores of models on transliterated dataset of SIB200 (Part II).
Language XLM-R XLM-R (Min-Merge) XLM-R (Average-Merge) XLM-R (Max-Merge) Glot500 Glot500 (Min-Merge) Glot500 (Average-Merge) Glot500 (Max-Merge) Furina Furina (Min-Merge) Furina (Average-Merge) Furina (Max-Merge)
ace_Latn 33.6 29.5 29.7 30.0 43.1 45.7 46.2 44.4 44.5 43.8 40.8 42.9
afr_Latn 74.9 75.6 75.9 74.9 75.0 76.2 76.7 76.4 75.6 76.2 75.3 76.1
als_Latn 61.7 56.8 57.8 55.7 76.8 81.2 78.4 80.3 77.6 79.8 78.5 82.6
amh_Ethi 13.9 34.3 30.5 29.0 11.1 38.1 40.0 40.0 23.0 45.7 40.3 46.2
ara_Arab 7.3 23.4 27.9 28.6 8.9 28.5 29.8 33.6 11.7 40.8 31.2 35.3
arg_Latn 67.9 67.3 64.0 70.0 78.4 76.8 76.3 75.0 76.3 79.4 71.8 74.4
arz_Arab 11.2 29.9 26.4 35.3 8.9 35.6 31.5 38.1 13.4 40.2 42.1 38.2
asm_Beng 29.8 37.8 36.8 40.9 28.7 42.7 44.0 51.7 41.6 43.6 55.8 55.9
ast_Latn 80.9 78.5 79.4 80.2 82.9 83.2 71.3 70.9 71.1 72.6 72.3 71.1
aym_Latn 38.4 39.1 40.5 41.6 43.6 50.0 45.9 45.1 46.6 45.7 44.3 46.6
aze_Latn 51.1 57.3 59.9 57.9 55.7 60.4 60.3 61.5 60.2 66.0 64.3 64.4
bak_Cyrl 17.5 24.0 29.9 31.3 37.0 50.5 50.2 49.5 41.0 52.4 54.0 52.9
bar_Latn 55.0 55.6 56.1 55.6 70.1 73.3 69.9 69.2 74.2 52.7 67.6 72.3
bel_Cyrl 57.8 64.9 67.6 67.6 64.2 69.3 68.4 70.6 69.8 72.5 72.6 73.8
ben_Beng 24.7 37.3 42.1 43.9 28.9 46.3 49.6 52.6 47.9 57.1 52.3 53.9
bih_Deva 21.3 34.7 30.7 32.9 27.8 42.9 38.4 47.3 31.9 47.2 40.7 43.2
bod_Tibt 27.4 20.7 20.1 26.4 16.4 34.7 28.6 27.1 29.9 30.3 30.2 32.3
bos_Latn 71.2 73.2 73.0 72.5 71.1 72.3 71.1 70.9 72.5 74.1 73.7 74.3
bre_Latn 58.4 55.6 55.0 56.2 60.8 61.1 61.2 62.3 62.6 62.5 62.7 62.7
bul_Cyrl 65.1 68.6 69.4 68.5 71.0 72.2 74.0 73.4 74.4 75.2 75.1 74.7
cat_Latn 81.9 80.0 80.3 81.1 83.2 82.4 82.6 83.1 83.6 83.3 83.0 83.3
cbk_Latn 51.8 49.7 56.4 53.6 51.8 48.2 51.5 55.2 50.6 52.3 52.7 54.8
ceb_Latn 51.9 56.3 55.6 53.5 55.8 58.2 51.6 55.8 53.9 51.8 54.3 53.6
ces_Latn 74.5 75.0 75.6 75.2 74.7 76.8 76.5 76.9 75.9 78.0 77.6 77.4
che_Cyrl 13.9 15.4 16.3 16.3 30.9 53.6 62.0 50.8 38.3 26.5 40.9 32.2
chv_Cyrl 56.4 51.7 52.3 52.6 60.8 66.7 69.1 67.6 63.2 66.4 65.3 69.3
ckb_Arab 24.9 22.1 28.5 27.4 37.0 59.8 55.9 57.9 41.2 64.5 63.4 61.9
cos_Latn 56.3 57.0 58.8 55.4 60.3 58.4 59.6 62.5 57.4 59.1 56.9 61.7
crh_Latn 44.3 42.4 44.6 46.0 48.9 49.5 52.9 51.3 48.1 53.2 49.7 49.3
csb_Latn 56.0 55.2 59.0 57.7 60.5 61.0 61.9 66.0 57.3 61.1 63.3 64.8
cym_Latn 57.0 56.9 59.7 57.9 60.3 57.9 59.2 60.6 58.4 59.5 60.0 60.4
dan_Latn 80.6 81.2 81.5 81.8 78.7 81.2 80.7 81.4 81.1 82.3 81.9 81.9
deu_Latn 73.2 73.7 74.3 74.0 72.1 74.2 73.7 75.0 75.5 76.5 75.0 76.2
diq_Latn 39.9 38.4 39.4 39.1 56.1 51.4 50.7 51.1 42.9 54.4 54.0 52.4
div_Thaa 25.0 23.9 22.7 25.7 24.6 31.3 31.2 29.3 26.0 30.2 29.6 31.7
ell_Grek 41.9 56.5 57.3 56.9 54.2 62.2 61.9 63.3 59.9 66.3 65.3 65.6
eml_Latn 37.2 32.9 34.9 36.4 40.4 39.1 38.0 38.8 37.6 41.8 40.1 41.2
eng_Latn 82.8 82.4 82.4 82.7 83.4 83.4 83.3 83.4 83.7 83.4 83.1 83.5
epo_Latn 61.9 62.6 61.8 61.1 68.4 69.3 67.9 69.4 69.8 70.2 67.9 68.7
est_Latn 69.0 70.2 70.3 71.6 68.9 71.3 71.8 72.6 71.4 74.2 74.2 73.4
eus_Latn 58.0 58.8 58.0 61.2 56.4 56.2 55.6 58.5 56.3 56.9 55.5 53.2
ext_Latn 41.0 36.5 39.9 39.7 44.3 44.0 46.8 44.2 44.0 46.4 44.2 43.4
fao_Latn 61.1 59.3 59.6 55.9 68.8 64.8 66.1 68.2 68.2 71.9 69.8 69.5
fas_Arab 5.3 19.3 21.2 22.4 12.7 22.0 24.3 25.0 17.4 26.6 26.4 27.9
fin_Latn 74.5 74.3 75.1 75.8 73.0 74.6 72.9 74.7 75.3 76.0 75.1 74.3
fra_Latn 76.0 75.6 75.4 76.6 75.3 75.6 76.8 76.1 76.6 78.2 77.4 77.8
frr_Latn 45.1 44.6 45.5 44.6 54.0 54.8 54.4 54.0 54.6 59.4 56.8 55.7
fry_Latn 73.9 74.4 75.0 73.3 76.2 74.3 75.7 77.0 76.0 79.1 77.7 77.7
fur_Latn 56.0 51.3 51.2 53.8 55.9 55.4 53.8 56.7 55.8 56.7 55.6 55.5
gla_Latn 52.5 56.9 50.6 48.0 64.7 64.7 58.0 60.7 59.8 60.8 58.0 59.9
gle_Latn 63.0 68.7 67.5 67.1 67.6 70.4 72.0 71.0 70.5 72.3 73.0 72.5
glg_Latn 76.5 76.9 77.4 77.8 79.7 78.8 78.7 78.7 79.3 80.0 77.5 78.1
grn_Latn 43.2 38.0 43.6 39.7 54.9 49.8 50.0 48.2 49.5 53.8 55.1 52.1
guj_Gujr 3.3 35.7 38.8 44.7 3.8 40.1 48.0 40.7 21.4 52.0 47.4 51.6
hbs_Latn 58.6 60.7 57.4 54.1 69.3 64.1 57.4 65.4 72.5 67.1 65.6 65.7
heb_Hebr 7.2 23.8 25.4 28.0 8.5 23.0 27.4 28.7 14.1 27.5 28.0 31.6
hin_Deva 21.3 45.7 45.3 48.6 30.0 51.7 50.9 55.3 50.9 59.2 53.6 59.6
hrv_Latn 75.9 75.7 76.9 76.2 75.8 76.8 75.8 77.0 76.8 77.7 77.2 77.7
hsb_Latn 55.8 61.6 61.1 62.8 75.4 74.0 67.6 73.8 70.7 78.8 70.8 75.1
hun_Latn 66.4 70.4 71.2 70.9 65.4 69.2 69.3 69.2 66.7 71.1 69.6 69.5
hye_Armn 31.6 40.7 39.9 39.9 41.6 48.5 48.5 49.1 32.0 48.2 48.0 47.0
ibo_Latn 48.4 40.2 47.6 44.0 56.7 57.8 59.2 62.1 57.0 60.3 54.5 56.0
ido_Latn 69.7 66.1 63.2 67.5 82.2 75.3 79.0 79.3 85.8 81.2 86.5 81.9
ilo_Latn 58.0 60.8 66.1 66.7 72.3 77.0 76.2 74.9 77.8 78.3 75.7 77.4
ina_Latn 55.1 56.0 56.2 51.3 55.8 60.3 57.9 60.8 56.8 59.3 58.6 59.7
ind_Latn 48.5 49.2 49.3 49.1 52.8 50.9 55.1 53.4 51.3 51.0 50.3 51.6
isl_Latn 59.4 66.3 67.3 65.5 65.5 67.9 68.6 69.1 68.5 73.5 72.4 72.6
ita_Latn 77.1 76.6 76.4 77.4 78.5 77.5 77.5 78.4 78.9 78.5 77.4 78.1
jav_Latn 56.2 55.9 54.2 54.5 54.1 56.1 58.9 60.2 56.3 57.9 54.3 55.7
jbo_Latn 15.5 18.5 24.4 17.5 25.2 22.9 24.3 22.6 26.7 31.8 28.2 26.4
jpn_Jpan 7.2 7.8 7.5 9.6 8.5 7.0 6.7 7.6 7.2 7.2 7.4 7.9
kan_Knda 9.7 35.2 38.6 35.3 15.5 43.5 32.5 37.6 28.7 57.0 40.0 50.2
kat_Geor 22.8 34.4 38.7 38.0 28.6 41.2 40.7 43.3 30.0 44.8 42.9 42.5
kaz_Cyrl 27.2 37.3 39.4 39.0 42.3 44.4 46.5 45.9 38.6 47.5 44.8 46.4
khm_Khmr 19.2 32.2 30.6 30.4 21.0 31.8 28.7 30.9 28.9 35.9 32.5 34.9
kin_Latn 64.9 62.2 60.1 61.1 64.9 63.8 69.1 70.9 67.5 67.3 68.4 68.4
kir_Cyrl 30.3 40.5 43.5 42.3 30.8 45.3 41.8 40.2 38.5 46.5 46.7 49.2
kor_Hang 13.5 24.3 25.3 27.2 12.1 25.2 26.9 28.8 14.0 30.7 30.4 29.7
ksh_Latn 48.0 43.2 40.6 43.4 54.7 53.2 59.3 57.5 55.5 56.5 52.7 55.6
kur_Latn 39.1 45.3 53.0 46.4 51.3 61.2 57.9 61.3 50.2 57.9 58.0 59.6
lat_Latn 66.3 71.4 75.4 76.4 71.7 75.7 80.6 77.1 75.7 79.8 74.8 74.6
lav_Latn 66.9 68.5 70.4 71.6 70.3 72.4 71.1 73.6 73.2 76.0 73.8 73.9
Table 22: F1 scores of models on transliterated dataset of NER (Part I).
Language XLM-R XLM-R (Min-Merge) XLM-R (Average-Merge) XLM-R (Max-Merge) Glot500 Glot500 (Min-Merge) Glot500 (Average-Merge) Glot500 (Max-Merge) Furina Furina (Min-Merge) Furina (Average-Merge) Furina (Max-Merge)
lij_Latn 37.5 35.7 34.5 37.8 47.4 43.2 42.7 45.7 45.1 44.0 42.4 44.9
lim_Latn 61.5 65.2 62.2 57.9 70.5 68.7 72.6 73.3 71.4 70.2 67.8 71.7
lin_Latn 39.3 39.0 34.8 38.0 48.8 54.2 53.3 54.7 49.5 56.7 56.2 57.9
lit_Latn 67.4 68.3 69.2 69.0 69.5 70.6 70.4 71.9 71.8 74.4 73.5 73.3
lmo_Latn 72.5 68.2 68.2 68.7 70.6 72.4 71.5 74.6 70.4 77.4 72.5 75.1
ltz_Latn 49.5 50.2 51.1 51.7 66.7 67.6 67.5 67.5 68.9 70.0 68.2 69.8
lzh_Hani 8.3 5.8 4.8 6.8 9.0 7.7 4.3 6.2 6.6 9.0 9.6 6.1
mal_Mlym 7.5 25.4 28.7 34.1 11.9 31.5 31.9 35.9 23.7 41.1 40.1 39.9
mar_Deva 9.9 29.1 31.7 36.5 12.5 37.8 37.3 38.4 24.7 45.5 42.7 44.5
mhr_Cyrl 31.8 34.1 34.6 32.8 46.9 56.4 55.2 54.0 47.3 53.5 53.0 55.0
min_Latn 42.2 38.0 43.6 39.4 38.4 40.4 40.0 41.0 40.7 43.6 39.3 41.0
mkd_Cyrl 64.9 68.1 69.5 69.4 68.0 69.8 71.2 71.9 72.9 76.8 75.2 75.4
mlg_Latn 54.5 54.6 59.3 56.6 59.5 58.5 58.6 58.6 53.8 58.1 59.3 59.7
mlt_Latn 47.0 47.7 46.0 43.4 69.3 67.7 71.6 76.9 73.8 70.9 72.6 74.8
mon_Cyrl 51.7 58.1 53.2 51.9 54.2 51.6 53.8 52.5 53.7 56.5 58.3 58.9
mri_Latn 14.4 12.8 26.2 12.3 55.9 61.6 60.5 59.1 50.2 50.6 55.4 50.8
msa_Latn 68.1 63.5 65.0 59.1 63.8 69.2 68.8 66.6 69.3 69.6 70.1 70.7
mwl_Latn 46.5 41.8 45.7 35.4 47.5 49.7 49.7 52.2 45.6 48.6 47.7 48.1
mya_Mymr 9.5 40.4 49.5 51.9 9.5 37.7 44.0 43.2 8.5 41.0 46.0 40.4
mzn_Arab 25.6 19.8 22.1 26.4 25.0 31.1 27.4 33.6 31.8 40.2 34.6 33.8
nan_Latn 57.6 49.3 56.6 49.3 60.3 60.2 66.4 64.2 54.8 69.9 68.6 61.0
nap_Latn 53.0 55.9 60.5 55.2 54.9 56.9 53.9 55.8 54.1 61.4 60.7 59.7
nds_Latn 64.1 60.5 65.5 63.7 67.4 76.8 71.7 77.5 71.9 75.6 74.9 78.2
nep_Deva 9.5 42.8 44.9 58.4 21.2 61.5 61.2 65.1 35.5 66.9 59.3 61.3
nld_Latn 79.6 78.6 79.3 78.6 79.6 79.7 79.8 80.7 80.7 81.3 80.8 81.2
nno_Latn 75.8 75.1 76.4 76.1 75.1 77.7 77.5 77.3 77.2 78.6 77.4 75.8
nor_Latn 75.3 75.4 76.4 75.9 74.6 75.7 75.4 77.2 76.8 78.9 77.4 77.2
oci_Latn 65.2 62.6 63.9 64.2 75.7 67.9 68.8 71.3 74.7 75.0 69.1 70.0
ori_Orya 2.6 16.8 22.2 23.2 5.2 23.6 23.1 21.6 13.0 23.0 21.7 25.1
oss_Cyrl 33.2 33.8 34.0 37.3 42.0 58.8 51.9 47.1 40.2 61.2 52.5 57.3
pan_Guru 22.1 33.2 33.0 35.0 24.8 36.6 36.6 35.8 34.4 37.7 33.3 38.0
pms_Latn 69.2 66.3 68.2 69.8 79.2 76.5 77.7 79.6 78.6 77.8 75.6 80.0
pnb_Arab 26.1 29.1 27.6 33.9 29.8 45.3 43.7 46.5 31.2 46.6 46.4 48.0
pol_Latn 76.6 76.2 76.6 76.6 75.9 77.3 77.1 77.6 77.9 78.4 78.2 78.1
por_Latn 75.8 76.4 75.8 76.0 78.9 79.4 78.7 79.2 77.4 79.4 77.2 78.6
pus_Arab 13.1 26.5 26.9 26.1 16.1 31.9 34.1 29.7 16.8 29.6 28.9 31.4
que_Latn 58.0 55.2 57.6 61.2 65.0 71.6 66.7 65.0 66.4 65.5 64.2 60.3
roh_Latn 59.2 50.8 53.9 50.5 54.5 62.5 61.7 58.0 59.5 61.8 60.2 62.2
ron_Latn 70.6 66.1 70.0 68.8 73.0 75.9 73.5 73.1 76.5 76.5 73.8 75.0
rus_Cyrl 53.8 58.4 58.8 59.4 57.4 61.7 62.4 63.5 62.5 65.4 66.0 65.5
sah_Cyrl 38.6 36.8 45.0 41.2 56.9 73.1 67.0 70.4 49.1 72.7 68.5 67.0
san_Deva 0.8 9.4 10.6 6.9 3.2 17.7 15.9 20.6 9.0 24.9 29.3 18.7
scn_Latn 48.9 51.1 54.2 51.3 69.4 66.4 64.5 68.2 65.5 64.2 66.1 64.3
sco_Latn 78.2 78.9 78.1 72.5 84.6 82.8 85.4 81.5 83.7 82.0 86.6 83.2
sgs_Latn 39.7 37.6 41.4 37.5 55.6 48.5 52.0 50.0 49.8 48.2 44.9 46.7
sin_Sinh 20.0 30.8 33.6 25.7 23.8 31.8 28.8 35.0 24.5 35.3 37.7 31.0
slk_Latn 74.0 72.7 74.1 72.5 73.5 76.6 76.7 76.1 76.5 78.5 77.8 77.8
slv_Latn 77.6 76.9 77.7 78.5 77.3 79.4 78.5 80.0 79.5 81.2 80.7 80.2
snd_Arab 14.9 26.2 29.2 28.8 14.1 30.4 32.1 31.0 15.1 33.3 26.7 30.9
som_Latn 53.4 48.8 52.9 51.6 55.0 58.3 61.5 58.3 52.2 57.1 55.7 58.6
spa_Latn 66.3 66.5 69.6 69.9 75.1 73.0 71.4 72.5 70.2 71.8 66.1 69.7
sqi_Latn 71.5 71.7 71.3 72.6 75.8 75.5 74.1 75.5 74.3 75.5 74.3 75.9
srp_Cyrl 57.1 58.1 58.7 56.4 58.2 60.2 59.9 60.2 61.3 63.3 61.1 61.9
sun_Latn 46.4 40.6 44.2 42.0 61.8 51.9 56.9 57.0 58.3 54.5 50.4 55.6
swa_Latn 63.8 59.8 59.9 58.3 70.0 69.7 70.0 70.9 70.5 71.2 69.4 70.6
swe_Latn 66.5 70.4 70.9 71.3 61.0 68.3 63.4 71.3 68.3 72.7 72.6 73.3
szl_Latn 58.8 56.8 55.7 57.1 57.6 68.7 67.5 65.8 58.5 70.7 68.6 69.5
tam_Taml 9.6 26.1 27.5 28.0 9.0 25.7 27.3 29.4 15.4 33.5 31.3 32.5
tat_Cyrl 36.3 43.0 41.1 45.7 54.5 54.8 59.0 58.4 53.5 61.4 58.8 61.9
tel_Telu 9.3 28.7 27.7 34.2 8.7 30.6 27.5 34.9 19.7 40.9 38.7 41.4
tgk_Cyrl 41.0 35.2 37.3 34.6 47.0 57.5 56.4 52.7 49.6 59.0 56.2 60.9
tgl_Latn 72.3 74.1 74.0 73.3 76.2 76.4 75.5 76.7 78.1 76.6 77.9 76.8
tha_Thai 1.7 1.9 1.5 1.6 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.8 1.4 0.7 1.2 1.5
tuk_Latn 49.2 52.6 52.5 50.8 56.9 59.8 57.3 58.3 58.2 59.3 57.9 57.1
tur_Latn 66.2 68.4 69.6 69.7 69.2 71.6 70.9 72.7 69.8 75.7 74.8 73.5
uig_Arab 11.2 22.6 24.7 26.2 13.3 39.3 35.7 39.6 15.9 42.4 38.3 35.1
ukr_Cyrl 59.2 66.4 66.4 67.1 65.5 66.3 71.7 73.1 71.4 74.3 74.7 72.1
urd_Arab 17.3 20.0 21.8 23.7 12.5 25.3 28.5 28.5 17.3 44.5 46.2 41.9
uzb_Latn 67.9 67.7 66.9 66.3 76.8 72.7 73.5 76.0 73.8 75.3 76.3 74.9
vec_Latn 59.5 62.3 61.9 59.5 68.5 68.3 71.1 68.5 73.6 73.4 74.4 72.4
vep_Latn 57.6 54.7 60.4 62.9 66.7 68.0 64.0 63.2 70.7 69.7 68.5 68.3
vie_Latn 48.4 48.6 49.5 50.4 47.7 51.1 52.9 52.9 50.7 52.5 53.0 54.0
vls_Latn 73.6 68.6 72.7 71.0 72.5 76.1 73.6 72.9 75.8 78.5 73.0 74.9
vol_Latn 58.1 57.7 58.7 57.7 58.1 60.0 60.0 60.0 59.0 58.0 59.0 60.0
war_Latn 62.8 62.3 58.7 60.4 65.2 66.4 66.4 67.0 70.0 65.8 70.0 67.0
wuu_Hani 17.1 28.9 27.8 31.6 25.6 34.6 34.9 35.7 20.3 31.1 30.8 33.8
xmf_Geor 13.5 22.2 20.5 18.6 25.2 35.3 37.2 30.2 22.1 33.7 33.2 36.4
yid_Hebr 10.2 18.8 26.5 31.0 11.8 24.9 32.2 34.1 15.9 26.7 28.6 39.2
yor_Latn 33.6 34.5 36.2 32.9 63.8 64.9 61.3 61.7 62.8 66.4 59.6 62.5
yue_Hani 10.1 11.3 8.6 11.4 11.8 9.7 9.2 11.2 11.1 11.8 10.5 10.9
zea_Latn 65.7 68.3 70.2 70.0 65.3 69.9 69.7 71.1 69.2 73.2 66.2 72.0
zho_Hani 10.5 11.6 9.7 12.7 12.9 10.0 9.9 11.6 12.2 13.2 13.4 12.2
Table 23: F1 scores of models on transliterated dataset of NER (Part II).
Language XLM-R XLM-R (Min-Merge) XLM-R (Average-Merge) XLM-R (Max-Merge) Glot500 Glot500 (Min-Merge) Glot500 (Average-Merge) Glot500 (Max-Merge) Furina Furina (Min-Merge) Furina (Average-Merge) Furina (Max-Merge)
afr_Latn 88.8 87.4 87.3 87.1 87.8 86.4 86.4 86.5 87.7 87.5 87.7 87.6
ajp_Arab 28.2 43.5 43.7 43.0 28.5 45.7 49.9 49.5 39.6 49.3 54.0 52.8
aln_Latn 51.6 50.3 50.2 49.9 49.5 47.9 47.3 49.0 55.0 53.5 52.0 52.7
amh_Ethi 31.7 48.1 49.5 50.0 32.8 46.2 47.8 51.0 35.7 48.9 50.4 49.8
ara_Arab 18.5 48.9 51.3 53.9 23.4 45.4 51.2 51.6 38.8 52.7 56.7 56.7
bam_Latn 25.7 27.9 27.6 27.3 38.4 43.7 43.9 42.8 52.4 53.6 53.0 52.0
bel_Cyrl 46.6 79.2 79.4 79.4 53.5 76.6 77.8 78.4 74.6 81.7 82.2 82.0
ben_Beng 37.6 62.7 66.2 65.4 41.1 62.4 67.0 65.1 63.8 67.5 70.7 69.1
bre_Latn 49.2 51.0 50.3 50.4 52.5 54.1 53.5 53.7 60.7 60.5 60.1 59.6
bul_Cyrl 60.9 80.9 79.9 80.9 68.1 76.8 78.5 79.1 82.6 84.5 84.8 84.8
cat_Latn 87.0 85.5 84.1 84.7 85.2 83.9 83.3 84.3 85.9 85.4 85.5 85.4
ceb_Latn 48.5 49.1 49.0 48.0 67.1 65.8 65.5 65.5 69.8 67.9 69.2 69.0
ces_Latn 80.1 82.0 82.6 82.1 74.2 77.3 78.1 78.0 79.0 80.9 81.1 81.1
cym_Latn 65.3 61.2 60.9 61.5 64.4 60.8 61.7 61.2 65.2 62.3 62.5 61.2
dan_Latn 89.8 90.7 90.6 90.5 88.5 89.4 89.4 89.7 90.2 90.8 90.9 90.9
deu_Latn 87.7 88.5 88.4 88.3 87.1 88.1 87.8 87.8 87.3 88.7 88.7 88.5
ell_Grek 23.5 58.9 58.2 60.3 31.4 57.2 56.9 59.7 59.6 71.1 72.5 72.8
eng_Latn 96.2 96.2 96.2 96.2 96.1 96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0
est_Latn 80.6 84.6 84.5 84.9 76.1 79.5 80.0 80.0 80.2 82.2 82.2 82.4
eus_Latn 70.8 71.1 71.1 70.3 61.1 60.5 61.2 60.5 61.9 70.4 68.0 70.4
fao_Latn 63.7 73.2 72.4 72.1 77.7 84.0 85.3 85.3 86.3 87.4 88.5 88.3
fas_Arab 18.6 46.8 49.7 51.8 26.6 43.8 46.3 46.9 60.0 64.5 66.0 65.1
fin_Latn 78.2 84.0 83.9 84.1 69.8 77.8 79.0 78.9 78.8 80.2 80.6 80.5
fra_Latn 84.9 84.2 83.5 84.2 84.5 83.4 82.9 83.8 86.0 85.2 85.2 85.0
gla_Latn 54.8 55.0 54.5 54.5 57.3 56.9 56.8 56.8 59.2 57.6 58.7 57.4
gle_Latn 58.0 60.8 60.9 61.4 59.4 60.4 60.3 59.6 64.5 63.5 64.1 63.3
glg_Latn 83.2 82.8 81.5 81.5 80.2 81.0 82.1 82.8 83.2 82.5 82.5 82.6
glv_Latn 25.7 28.2 28.1 29.1 52.8 50.4 49.5 49.4 53.9 48.3 50.5 47.5
grc_Grek 14.3 26.3 24.7 24.6 22.0 29.9 31.2 33.8 37.2 43.7 44.9 43.7
grn_Latn 7.4 9.7 7.4 6.9 17.1 16.7 21.6 21.5 25.6 18.9 23.6 24.6
gsw_Latn 45.1 52.0 49.9 50.6 75.0 78.5 79.1 79.1 77.1 81.6 80.6 80.8
hbo_Hebr 27.4 28.0 27.6 27.5 29.4 35.6 37.3 38.0 27.6 35.3 38.6 37.1
heb_Hebr 30.9 56.8 62.4 63.0 30.0 49.5 57.8 59.3 35.9 51.0 58.5 58.7
hin_Deva 37.7 52.6 53.9 56.8 49.2 56.7 59.7 59.8 67.7 67.4 68.6 69.3
hrv_Latn 85.3 85.6 85.6 85.5 84.8 84.6 84.9 84.6 83.6 85.1 85.1 84.8
hsb_Latn 68.1 69.9 69.7 69.7 75.5 76.0 76.6 76.5 79.4 80.0 80.0 79.5
hun_Latn 77.7 80.9 81.4 81.2 66.2 76.2 76.8 77.2 76.5 79.3 79.8 79.7
hye_Armn 32.4 55.6 55.4 56.0 56.1 63.6 65.8 66.1 62.4 68.8 69.0 70.0
hyw_Armn 27.4 44.4 46.7 48.3 41.8 53.0 53.4 54.2 47.4 56.3 55.7 57.9
ind_Latn 83.9 83.8 84.0 84.0 83.5 83.4 83.7 83.7 83.1 83.4 83.4 83.2
isl_Latn 59.3 74.8 74.8 74.7 60.3 71.4 72.4 72.0 76.9 79.7 80.2 80.0
ita_Latn 87.6 87.5 86.9 86.8 87.7 85.5 86.5 86.8 88.3 87.0 87.4 87.6
jav_Latn 73.3 72.6 72.5 71.6 72.9 74.4 74.9 74.5 75.0 73.6 74.6 74.9
jpn_Jpan 23.5 30.8 29.0 32.8 23.0 29.8 31.9 31.7 31.2 32.0 31.3 31.6
kaz_Cyrl 38.5 60.7 61.9 62.3 55.1 64.9 67.2 67.3 66.5 69.9 71.2 71.2
kmr_Latn 46.2 54.6 54.5 54.7 57.3 58.4 59.2 59.8 64.4 66.7 66.3 66.1
kor_Hang 23.0 44.3 44.8 45.5 24.2 41.5 42.5 43.3 26.6 43.6 44.3 44.7
lat_Latn 75.1 74.6 74.4 74.0 71.2 71.0 71.1 71.4 72.4 73.1 71.9 73.1
lav_Latn 68.6 78.6 78.4 78.4 64.1 73.2 73.3 73.4 75.4 78.3 78.1 77.9
lij_Latn 45.1 52.1 50.7 49.8 69.3 67.3 66.9 67.6 74.2 71.2 71.6 71.4
lit_Latn 78.6 80.6 80.5 80.6 69.2 73.7 72.9 73.6 77.8 79.0 78.8 78.9
lzh_Hani 5.1 5.7 5.9 7.3 5.8 6.0 6.4 7.9 7.6 7.7 7.2 8.1
mal_Mlym 33.7 75.9 73.7 76.2 36.8 69.1 70.1 73.5 65.1 77.3 76.9 77.0
mar_Deva 32.4 64.6 66.3 68.3 34.6 60.2 64.2 63.8 54.4 71.3 70.5 73.4
mlt_Latn 20.8 22.5 21.5 21.6 73.3 74.9 75.0 74.8 78.6 78.5 78.0 78.2
myv_Cyrl 36.0 37.6 36.5 37.2 36.5 40.9 41.5 42.0 39.1 43.1 43.7 43.9
nap_Latn 70.6 58.8 66.7 66.7 88.9 77.8 50.0 50.0 88.9 66.7 66.7 66.7
nds_Latn 57.8 61.4 60.4 60.3 75.4 77.1 74.9 75.5 77.1 77.9 77.4 76.9
nld_Latn 88.2 88.3 88.3 88.4 88.3 88.4 88.3 88.1 88.6 88.1 88.0 87.9
nor_Latn 86.2 86.9 86.5 87.0 85.5 86.7 86.4 86.6 87.3 87.7 87.3 87.4
pcm_Latn 46.4 48.3 48.1 48.4 57.8 58.2 57.8 57.9 58.6 59.3 58.7 59.0
pol_Latn 82.8 84.1 83.8 83.9 79.7 80.4 80.5 80.8 81.7 82.2 82.3 82.2
por_Latn 88.3 88.3 87.2 87.4 85.1 86.1 86.5 87.0 88.1 88.3 88.3 88.3
quc_Latn 27.6 30.3 28.9 30.7 60.5 52.5 51.9 55.5 63.7 53.7 55.4 53.4
ron_Latn 78.4 79.0 78.1 78.5 75.8 75.0 76.3 76.0 78.0 77.8 78.1 77.4
rus_Cyrl 65.3 84.0 84.1 84.6 68.6 81.4 82.0 82.7 83.7 86.2 86.2 85.9
sah_Cyrl 19.2 21.0 19.0 19.8 23.7 41.4 42.3 44.8 26.7 43.2 45.4 44.7
san_Deva 4.8 11.3 9.6 10.6 14.5 12.7 13.9 17.0 16.6 19.0 17.1 18.8
sin_Sinh 20.4 42.5 44.6 45.9 23.2 36.9 41.4 40.7 24.0 41.2 43.1 44.0
slk_Latn 83.2 84.1 84.9 84.4 80.4 80.9 81.5 81.5 82.5 83.5 83.4 83.5
slv_Latn 76.5 77.0 77.6 77.0 74.0 74.0 74.2 74.2 74.2 75.1 74.9 74.7
sme_Latn 29.6 33.0 31.7 32.3 64.1 68.5 69.2 68.2 64.9 69.6 69.9 69.9
spa_Latn 88.1 87.6 87.2 87.0 87.5 86.9 87.3 87.6 88.1 87.8 87.9 87.9
sqi_Latn 74.7 76.7 77.4 77.0 77.1 76.6 76.5 77.6 75.8 76.4 77.0 75.8
srp_Latn 86.0 86.1 86.6 86.5 84.7 84.3 85.0 84.6 83.4 85.1 84.8 85.2
swe_Latn 89.2 93.0 93.0 93.2 84.8 89.9 90.7 90.8 90.7 91.9 92.2 92.0
tam_Taml 32.1 56.4 61.6 61.0 35.4 57.0 59.4 61.4 48.4 58.3 61.5 61.6
tat_Cyrl 35.3 40.7 41.0 40.2 46.7 61.6 62.6 62.4 64.3 65.3 66.2 65.5
tel_Telu 34.9 64.0 64.1 69.5 36.7 58.3 60.8 63.3 61.0 66.4 66.4 66.8
tgl_Latn 72.3 72.8 71.4 72.1 75.7 75.8 75.7 75.4 77.0 76.2 76.3 76.5
tha_Thai 8.3 28.4 26.3 28.7 9.0 27.1 30.1 28.6 12.4 26.6 29.2 28.7
tur_Latn 60.2 68.3 68.8 68.7 60.7 64.4 65.3 65.3 68.9 69.2 69.5 69.2
uig_Arab 29.7 51.5 53.7 52.8 33.9 51.9 54.4 55.2 42.9 55.9 57.9 57.0
ukr_Cyrl 54.1 79.3 79.6 79.8 57.0 73.5 74.8 75.5 74.8 79.2 79.8 79.7
urd_Arab 21.4 43.1 47.9 50.0 21.5 37.1 41.7 44.0 54.5 51.1 55.6 55.6
vie_Latn 27.2 32.1 34.9 40.2 27.5 30.1 32.5 33.0 32.8 35.1 36.9 38.5
wol_Latn 24.6 26.3 25.8 26.1 48.1 54.8 53.5 52.8 52.8 57.4 55.9 55.9
xav_Latn 6.0 12.0 7.9 6.4 5.8 13.7 15.8 17.7 14.8 20.9 19.2 20.8
yor_Latn 22.0 22.6 22.5 22.7 48.2 52.4 52.7 51.5 59.8 59.8 59.6 60.1
yue_Hani 30.2 35.3 34.1 38.1 31.9 37.0 36.5 38.2 32.9 37.4 39.1 39.6
zho_Hani 28.5 36.9 34.8 40.0 29.2 39.6 40.9 41.6 31.5 40.4 42.0 42.0
Table 24: Top-10 accuracy of models on transliterated dataset of POS.