LLMs are Meaning-Typed Code Constructs

Jason Mars University of Michigan
Jaseci Labs
[email protected]
   Yi** Kang University of Michigan
Jaseci Labs
[email protected]
   Jayanaka Dantanarayana University of Michigan
Jaseci Labs
[email protected]
   Chandra Irugalbandara Jaseci Labs
[email protected]
   Kugesan Sivasothynathan University Of Moratuwa
Jaseci Labs
[email protected]
   Lingjia Tang University of Michigan
Jaseci Labs
[email protected]

Programming with Generative AI (GenAI) models is a type of Neurosymbolic programming and has seen tremendous adoption across many domains. However, leveraging GenAI models in code today can be complex, counter-intuitive and often require specialized frameworks, leading to increased complexity. This is because it is currently unclear as to the right abstractions through which we should marry GenAI models with the nature of traditional programming code constructs.

In this paper, we introduce a set of novel abstractions to help bridge the gap between Neuro- and symbolic programming. We introduce Meaning𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔Meaningitalic_M italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g, a new specialized type that represents the underlying semantic value of traditional types (e.g., string). We make the case that GenAI models, LLMs in particular, should be reasoned as a meaning𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔meaningitalic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g-type wrapped code construct at the language level. We formulate the problem of translation between meaning and traditional types and propose Automatic Meaning-Type Transformation (A-MTT), a runtime feature that abstracts this translation away from the developers by automatically converting between Meaning𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔Meaningitalic_M italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g and types at the interface of LLM invocation. Leveraging this new set of code constructs and OTT, we demonstrate example implementation of neurosymbolic programs that seamlessly utilizes LLMs to solve problems in place of potentially complex traditional programming logic.

Index Terms:
programming language, neurosymbolic, large language models

I Introduction

Generative AI models, in particular Large Language Models (LLM), have seen tremendous adoption across many industries and are revolutionizing how developers program. Enterprises and startups are gearing up to integrate LLMs into their workflows. This raises the question “What will the future of programming look like?”. Symbolic programming has been the main programming paradigm, where symbolic code are used to express logic to complete a task or solve a problem. On the other hand, with the fast adoption of LLMs, a new programming paradigm, Neurosymbolic programming [1], has quickly gained interests in academia and industry. In Neurosymbolic programs, Neural Networks and traditional symbolic code are combined to create intelligent algorithm and applications.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Comparison of LLM as Meaning Typed Code construct abstraction (Right) with the present-day LLM abstraction (Middle) and Symbolic Programming Abstraction (Left) of a programming function.

LLMs operates on text as input and generates text as output. Constructing the input text, also known as prompt, is currently the main method of programming with LLMs and is commonly referred to as prompt engineering. Programming with LLMs today rely heavily on prompt engineering and this can introduce significant complexity. Generating the right prompt from existing code constructs and elements in your program can be complex, tedious and reduce code readability and maintainability. There have been several efforts in open-source and research community to assist with prompt engineering, such as LangChain, Guidance, Language Model Programming Language (LMQL) [2] and SGLang [3]. These libraries aim to facilitate the construction of prompt and help with programming with LLMs. However, these approaches mostly still require the developer to decide the type of prompt to use and what information should be part of the prompt. In addition, there also exists non-trivial degree of challenges in parsing the LLM outputs and converting it to operatable code constructs. Overall, it remains unclear what is the right methodology for programming with LLMs in neurosymbolic programming.

In this work, we postulate that the fundamental reason for the complexity of programming with LLMs is the lack of abstraction for interfacing with LLMs. In conventional symbolic programs, code are used to describe operations that are conducted on variables or typed-values (Figure 1 left). LLMs do not directly operate on variables. So variables are first converted to a prompt (a string), then after the LLM inference, its output (also a string) are parsed are then converted to variables (Figure 1 middle). This process represents how the existing frameworks approach programming with LLMs. While this enables integrating LLMs, additional logic and complexity are introduced with the generation of the input prompt and parsing of the output response. We think that this complexity exists because there exist a fundamental disagreement between the abstractions on which the LLM operates and the existing abstractions in conventional symbolic programming.

We introduce LLMs as new code constructs and provide syntax support for it at the programming language level. We also introduce a new type called meaning𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔meaningitalic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g that serves as the abstractions with which LLM interact with. We define meaning𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔meaningitalic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g as the semantic purpose underlying or intended by the symbolic data (strings) that serve as the input and output of the LLMs. With meaning𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔meaningitalic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g in hand, we define the process of translating between conventional code constructs such as variables and functions and meanings𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠meaningsitalic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g italic_s as the process of Meaning-type Transformations (MTT). Figure 1 right visualizes this concept. We propose that MTT should be automated by the language runtime and abstracted away from the developers to reduce complexity. To that end, we introduce a novel language feature called Semantic Strings (semstrings) that allow developers to flexibly provide additional context and information to existing conventional code constructs. We show, via real code examples, how an Automatic Meaning-type Transformation (A-MTT) can be applied to streamline leveraging LLMs for three of the most common symbolic code operations: instantiating an object of a custom type, a standalone function call and member method of a class. We make the following contributions:

  • We introduce a novel abstraction of treating LLMs as meaning-type wrapped code constructs for seamless integration into conventional symbolic programming.

  • We introduce a new language-level feature semstrings𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠semstringsitalic_s italic_e italic_m italic_s italic_t italic_r italic_i italic_n italic_g italic_s that allow developers to annotate existing code constructs with additional context.

  • We propose a new runtime feature, Automatic Meaning-type Transformation, that abstracts away many of the current complexity of programming with LLMs.

II Problem

There has been a surge in interest across the programming community in adopting GenAI models to introduce new intelligent features to their programs. Many libraries [3, 2], frameworks[4, 5] and new programming models and languages have been introduced recently to help facilitate integrating GenAI models, focusing particularly on LLMs. However, these approaches mainly operate with a key principled concept that LLMs are essentially black-box functions that take text as input (prompt) and generate text as output. As a result, the resulting application implementation is often two disjoint sections of a single program. On one side of the program is the conventional symbolic code which is often large-scale pre-existing code of an application, and on the other side, is the execution of the LLM. Connecting the two sides is often complex and convoluted string manipulation logic that is required to construct the input text to the LLM and parse the output text from the LLM. This leads to significant complexity in the implementation and greatly impacts the readability and maintainability of the program as a whole. While some techniques [2, 5] try to alleviate this complexity with new abstractions and language syntax, developers are often still required to heavily refactor their existing code to gather all the necessary information to pass in and out of this text-centric interface, which further exacerbates this issue.

We think that the complexity of programming with GenAI models is rooted in the fundamental disagreement of abstractions between the traditional symbolic-programming paradigm and neuro-programming paradigm with GenAI models. We argue that, for LLMs, the textual interface is the manifestation of a more fundamental abstraction with which LLMs operate. Properly defining this abstraction is the key to effectively programming in a neurosymbolic way and truly unlocking the potential of these powerful GenAI models. In the following sections of this paper, we define such an abstraction, Meaning, and introduce Meaning-type Transformation, a new language feature that serves as a seamless interface between symbolic programs and neuro programs with LLMs that optimizes the complexity away from the developers.

III LLMs are Meaning-typed Code Construct

We propose that LLMs should be reasoned as a new type of code construct and treated as a first-degree citizen of the program language. We lay out this concept and our reasoning for it in this section.

III-A Conventional Code Constructs

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Code constructs in symbolic programs (value, type, variable)
Refer to caption
Figure 3: New code constructs in Neuro-symbolic programs (Meaning, LLM)

We first define existing code constructs that developers are familiar with in conventional symbolic programming. Figure 2 shows these code constructs, including type (T), typed-value (V-T) and variable (V-T with label). Conventional symbolic programs perform operations that transform tuples of typed-values to other tuples of typed-values with desired behaviors. We define these operations as Operational Typed-value Transformations (OTT). Examples of OTTs are functions and methods. The input and output of OTTs are tuples of typed-values (Figure 1a).

III-B LLMs are Meaning-typed Code Constructs

Refer to caption
Figure 4: Examples of meaning of traditional code constructs in symbolic programs.

Since adoption, LLMs have been treated similarly to existing OTTs (e.g., functions) with strings (i.e., text) as their inputs and outputs. Recent research focus on optimizing the process of constructing the input strings and parsing the output strings of LLMs [2, 4]. We argue that LLMs differ from conventional OTTs in three key aspects and should be considered as a new code construct.

First, on a fundamental level, language models do not operate on text, but instead operate on what the text means. Language models understand the intent of input, conduct reasoning and generate an output that represents its thoughts and conclusions. Second, the input and output to the LLMs can be arbitrarily extended and modified without requiring updates to the LLM interface. For conventional OTTs, their interface signature often need updating to accommodate for change in the expected inputs or desired output. Third, language models are inherently black boxes. The runtime behavior of the language models are often implicitly encoded in its input and dynamically constructed by the LMs after understanding of the meaning of the input during execution. Reasoning methodologies such as Chain-of-thoughts[6] and ReACT[7] are examples of this.

Considering these fundamental differences between LLMs and conventional OTTs such as functions and methods, we argue that LLM is a brand new type of code construct. We define that the LLM code construct is meaning-typed. In other words, LLMs operate on meanings. We define meaning as the semantic purpose underlying or intended by the symbolic data that serve as the input and output of the language models. Figure 3 shows the annotations for these new concepts which we will use throughout this paper.

Figure 4 illustrates three examples of meaning for a variable of a primitive type, a function and a variable of a custom type. In the first (top) example, the meaning of a primitive-typed variable is the description of an entity and is derived from the type, value and label (name) of the variable. Note that not only the variable names play a role in the meaning but also their types. For a function, its meaning represents an action or operation and is derived from the label of the function as well as the meaning of its input type and output type. An combination of meanings of primitive-typed variables and functions can then be used to realise the meaning of a variable of a custom type (i.e., class) in the last example. Conceptualizing LLMs as a brand new code construct that is wrapped with a new special meaning type creates a novel framework under which we should design the right solution for reducing complexity of programming with GenAI models.

IV Bridging the Gap between Conventional and Neuro-symbolic Programming

Now that we have defined LLM as a new code construct and its interface as meanings, we can observe that, in a neurosymbolic program, the conversions between traditional typed-values in conventional symbolic programs and meanings is a key step in programming with GenAI models. This conversion can be high-complexity, effort-intensive and highly impactful to the performance of the program. In this section, we formally define this process and propose that this process to be automated by the runtime and optimized away from the developer.

IV-A Meaning-type Transformation (MTT)

Refer to caption
Figure 5: Meaning-type Transformations (MTT) transforms between conventional typed-values and meanings.

We define the process of conversion between symbolic typed-values and meanings as Meaning-type Transformations (MTT). MTT has the following two general variations.

  1. 1.

    Meaning-type Raise (MTR) transforms typed-values to meanings (Figure 5a). MTR usually happens before the inference of an LLM. MTR can leverage any and all properties associated with a typed-value to generate its meaning, including but not limited to its type, value and label.

  2. 2.

    Meaning-type Lower (MTL) transforms meanings to typed-values (Figure 5b). MTL usually happens after the inference of an LLM. MTL leverages already-defined properties (e.g., type and label) about a variable to transform the meaning into the value of the variable.

IV-B Manual Meaning-type Transformation

meaning:str = f"Write a short bio for this person,"
meaning += f"\nTheir name is {name} and they were born on {dob}".
meaning += "\nHere are some of this accomplishments."
for k,v in accomplishments.items():
meaning += f"On {k.strftime()},"
meaning += f"they accomplished {v}"
return llm.infer(meaning)

Figure 6: Manual Meaning-type Transformation using existing code constructs

Meaning-type transformation is currently being conducted manually, in the form of prompt engineering. Figure 6 shows an example of a manual MTT. In this example, we are applying MTT on the function writebio𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡subscript𝑒𝑏𝑖𝑜write_{b}ioitalic_w italic_r italic_i italic_t italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_b end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i italic_o. Compared to relative simple nature of this LLM operation, the code and logic required for MTT for this operation is noticeable more complex and hard to read. This illustrates the high complexity that can be introduced into existing code base from adopting LLM and transitioning to a neuro-symbolic program and its heavy impact on code maintainability and readability. This is further exacerbated in a real large-scale application for the following reasons:

  1. 1.

    Selecting the right typed-values to transform is non-trivial, especially in a complex application with many variables in the working space.

  2. 2.

    For a given typed-value, selecting the proper properties and leveraging them effectively to generate a meaning that best represents the underlying intent of that typed-value can be difficult to get right. This can also vary greatly depending on the scenario.

  3. 3.

    The complexity of MTTs in your program increases with more LLMs inference you leverage. In addition, duplicate code tends to occur when the same typed-values are utilized for different LLM inferences throughout the program where the meaning should be embedded.

  4. 4.

    When using LLM functionality with other code constructs such as inter-dependent custom types and class methods, the complexity of the MTT process becomes extreme, which transfer the responsibility of maintaining accuracy and reliability of response to the developer.

We think that the main source of complexity for programming with GenAI models lies in designing and implementing the associated MTTs. Well-designed MTT are crucial to the performance of the LLMs and quality of the overall application. However, building a good MTT requires extensive hands-on experience of programming with GenAI and deep knowledge of the application. MTTs are currently done manually, which adds to developer effort and contribute to overall application complexity. We propose that Meaning-type Transformations should be automated for the developers. In the remaining sections of the paper, we introduce our vision for an automated meaning-type transformations.

V Automated Meaning-type Transformation (A-MTT)

date_of_birth : str = ’2nd May, 1989’
# Unclear the exact meaning of the variable
item : str = ’apple’

Figure 7: Meaning Manifestation in conventional coding

In order to fully bridge the gap between neurosymbolic programming and traditional programming and truly unlock the potential of GenAI, we think the translation between traditional code constructs and neurosymbolic code construct should be automated for the developers. In this section, we introduce our vision for automated meaning-type transformation (A-MTT), which consists of new language-level features and semantics. We demonstrate this vision by modifying and augmenting Python with new language syntax and showing code examples of GenAI-powered programs.

V-A Representing Meaning at the Language Level

In order to automate meaning-type transformations, elements required to build the meaning of a code section should exist within the code itself i.e. the meaning should manifest within the code. In a well written program, fragments of the meaning are embedded within the code as meaningful variable names, meaningful function names etc. This allows the code to become human readable which in turn becomes AI readable. Line 2 in Figure 7 shows such an example, where the variable name date_of_birth𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒_𝑜𝑓_𝑏𝑖𝑟𝑡date\_of\_birthitalic_d italic_a italic_t italic_e _ italic_o italic_f _ italic_b italic_i italic_r italic_t italic_h is sufficient to derive the meaning of the variable.

However, in conventional coding, the existing language level abstractions that allows to embed meaning are limited. Line 4 in Figure 7 shows a variable named item𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚itemitalic_i italic_t italic_e italic_m. This information, along with the type str𝑠𝑡𝑟stritalic_s italic_t italic_r and the variable value apple𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑒appleitalic_a italic_p italic_p italic_l italic_e, are not sufficient in conveying the full meaning of this entity. Depending on the context, item𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚itemitalic_i italic_t italic_e italic_m could carry a number of different meanings. This demonstrates a certain degree of lack of expressibility in modern programming languages that prohibits the runtime to fully automate transforming between symbolic code constructs and meanings. This limitation extends to also functions and classes. In order to automatically infer meanings, we need to provide developers with tools to annotate symbolic code to provide rich context so they can be automatically converted to and from meanings by the language runtime.

V-B Semantic Strings (Semstrings)

# variable : type = value
’available item to sell in the store’
item : str = ’apple’

Figure 8: Embedding meaning of variable as a semstring

We introduce Semantic Strings (semstrings), a new language feature that allows developers to annotate their symbolic code to provide additional information and context. A semstring is a string that describe the meaning of the code construct much like comments and doc-strings. Semstrings are free-form text that developers can write to describe a variable, function or class. The concept of semstring is agnostic to the programming language. In this paper, we use Python as an example to show how semstring can be implemented in a modern programming language.

Semstrings aid the programmer to provide additional context of a code construct and help clarify its meaning. Figure 8 shows a semstring-annotated version of the item𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚itemitalic_i italic_t italic_e italic_m example from Figure 7. The additional context in the semstring alleviate much of the ambiguity in the meaning of item𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚itemitalic_i italic_t italic_e italic_m. The same approach can be taken towards writing semstrings for object classes and functions, which will represent their operation. Semantic strings can greatly improve code readability and can be leveraged to automatically generate the meaning of the code on which the LLMs will operate.

V-C LLM as a Code Construct

model_name: "gpt-4"
temperature: 0.7
do_sample: true

Figure 9: GenAI models as new code constructs

We introduce GenAI models as a new language-level code construct, model (Figure 9). model operates as a keyword similar to class𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠classitalic_c italic_l italic_a italic_s italic_s which will define a custom model type. The model name and other hyper-parameters can be mapped to LLM inference. model are meaning-typed, as in they operates with meanings as their inputs and outputs. The invocation of a model𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙modelitalic_m italic_o italic_d italic_e italic_l type in the code will inform the language runtime to apply A-MTT to integrate LLM inference with the symbolic code portion of the program.

V-D A-MTT in Action

We show A-MTT in action, integrating LLM inference with conventional symbolic code. We show three use cases where LLMs can replace symbolic code and reduce code complexity: 1) instantiating objects of custom types, 2) standalone functions and 3) class member methods. Figure 10 illustrates the three use cases.

Refer to caption
Figure 10: Three types of A-MTTs, for Type, Function and Method.

V-D1 Instantiating custom typed objects

name : str
’date of birth in format : DD/MM/YYYY’
dob : str
accomp : list[str]
Einstein = Person(name="Einstein") by llm()

Figure 11: Instantiating object of a custom type using LLM

When instantiating a object of a custom type with multiple member attributes, it is common to only explicitly provide some of the attributes and use logic to infer the other attributes to fully creating the object. This inference can be done automatically with LLM in place of more logic. In the example given in Figure 11, a custom type called Person𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛Personitalic_P italic_e italic_r italic_s italic_o italic_n is defined which has name, DOB and accomplishments as attributes. When creating an object of this custom class, labeled as Einstein, it can be seen that only the name𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒nameitalic_n italic_a italic_m italic_e has been explicitly provided as an initializing property of the object. The remaining attributes (dob𝑑𝑜𝑏dobitalic_d italic_o italic_b, accomp𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝accompitalic_a italic_c italic_c italic_o italic_m italic_p) are automatically populated by an LLM. The LLM is invoked with the syntax byllm𝑏𝑦𝑙𝑙𝑚by\ llmitalic_b italic_y italic_l italic_l italic_m.

The semstrings included in the code snippet describes the custom class and the field variables. The Person𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛Personitalic_P italic_e italic_r italic_s italic_o italic_n class has three attributes. name𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒nameitalic_n italic_a italic_m italic_e is a variable which is of string type. It does not need semstring because the variable name itself is self-explanatory. accomp𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝accompitalic_a italic_c italic_c italic_o italic_m italic_p and dob𝑑𝑜𝑏dobitalic_d italic_o italic_b variable require semstrings to fully describe their meanings. Upon invocation of the LLM, an Automatic Meaning-type Raise (A-MTR) process transforms the current context (including the class label of Person𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛Personitalic_P italic_e italic_r italic_s italic_o italic_n, the attributes label and semstrings of name𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒nameitalic_n italic_a italic_m italic_e, dob𝑑𝑜𝑏dobitalic_d italic_o italic_b and accomp𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝accompitalic_a italic_c italic_c italic_o italic_m italic_p and the provided initialized value for name𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒nameitalic_n italic_a italic_m italic_e attribute) into the input meaning𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔meaningitalic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g for the LLM. After the LLM inference, the output meaning𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔meaningitalic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g is then converted into the values for the attributes dob𝑑𝑜𝑏dobitalic_d italic_o italic_b and accomp𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝accompitalic_a italic_c italic_c italic_o italic_m italic_p through the Automatic Meaning-type Lower (A-MTL) process. These values are then used to fully initialize the variable Einstein𝐸𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑖𝑛Einsteinitalic_E italic_i italic_n italic_s italic_t italic_e italic_i italic_n. This process is illustrated in Figure 10 middle.

V-D2 Standalone functions

summarize (
’Accomplishments’ a: list[str]
) -> summary: str by llm()
accomp_summary = summarize(Einstein.accomp)

Figure 12: Embedding meaning of functions using semstrings.

A function in a program can be explained as a operation that transform a set of typed-values (input parameters) to another set of typed-values (output values). A neurosymbolic function will also inherit the same functionality of a conventional function, except the operation is handled by an LLM which replaces the body of the function. Figure 12 shows an example of using LLM as the logic for a function. In this case, we annotate with semstrings, the function label (summarize𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑧𝑒summarizeitalic_s italic_u italic_m italic_m italic_a italic_r italic_i italic_z italic_e) and its input parameters (a𝑎aitalic_a). The function is affixed with byllm𝑏𝑦𝑙𝑙𝑚by\ llmitalic_b italic_y italic_l italic_l italic_m, indicating that we want an LLM to handle the operation intended by this function. Upon invocation of the function, the function label and semstring and the label, value and semstring of its input parameters and output values are converted to meaning𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔meaningitalic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g which is the input to the LLM. The output meaning𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔meaningitalic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g of the LLM is converted to the output value and returned by the function. Figure 10 left illustrates this process. When calling the function the code will look similar to when calling a normal function.

V-D3 Class member methods

name : str
’Date of birth in format : Month DD, YYYY’
dob : str
age : int
def ’Calculate the Age of a Person’
calculate (
’Current Year’ cur_year: int
) -> ’Calculated Age’ ca: int by llm() :
self.age = calculated_age
Einstein = Person(name="Einstein", dob="March 14, 1879")

Figure 13: Embedding meaning of Methods in Objects using semstrings.

Using LLM for class methods combines techniques used for custom types and functions. Different to functions, class methods can leverage the meaning𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔meaningitalic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g of the member attributes of its class to improve the fidelity of meaning𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔meaningitalic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g of its operation. In the code example in Figure 13, name𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒nameitalic_n italic_a italic_m italic_e, dob𝑑𝑜𝑏dobitalic_d italic_o italic_b and the age𝑎𝑔𝑒ageitalic_a italic_g italic_e are the class attributes. The calculate𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒calculateitalic_c italic_a italic_l italic_c italic_u italic_l italic_a italic_t italic_e method is used here to calculate the age of the person relative to the current year which is the input to the method. Upon invocation of this method, a comprehensive meaning𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔meaningitalic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g is generated from both the information of the calculate𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒calculateitalic_c italic_a italic_l italic_c italic_u italic_l italic_a italic_t italic_e method itself (e.g. label, semstring, input parameters) and the surrounding contextual information provided by its ”peer” class attributes (name𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒nameitalic_n italic_a italic_m italic_e, dob𝑑𝑜𝑏dobitalic_d italic_o italic_b, age𝑎𝑔𝑒ageitalic_a italic_g italic_e) and its ”parent” class (Person𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛Personitalic_P italic_e italic_r italic_s italic_o italic_n). Figure 10 right illustrates the A-MTT process fo class methods.

VI Conclusion

Neurosymbolic programming has seen significant increase in interests and adoption recently, thanks to the advancement of Generative AI and LLM. However, leveraging GenAI models in a neurosymbolic program is complicated and requires significant expertise and efforts. We think this is largely due to the lack of language-level abstraction through which the symbolic side and neurosymbolic side of a program should be bridged. In this paper, we introduce LLMs as a new language-level code constructs and we argue that LLMs are wrapped with a new type meaning𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔meaningitalic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g. We postulate that main effort and complexity involved with using GenAI models lies in the transformation between conventional symbolic code constructs (i.e. types, variables, functions) and their meanings𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠meaningsitalic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g italic_s, which we define as Meaning-type Transformation (MTT). We introduce Automatic Meaning-type Transformation (A-MTT), where the language runtime automatically transform between symbolic code constructs and meanings𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠meaningsitalic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n italic_i italic_n italic_g italic_s that are the interface of LLMs. This is done with the help of new language syntax such as Semantic strings (semstrings). We demonstrate, with real code examples, how A-MTT and semstrings significantly simplifies the complexity of leveraging LLMs in programming.


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