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HOI-Ref: Hand-Object Interaction Referral in Egocentric Vision


Large Vision Language Models (VLMs) are now the de facto state-of-the-art for a number of tasks including visual question answering, recognising objects, and spatial referral. In this work, we propose the HOI-Ref task for egocentric images that aims to understand interactions between hands and objects using VLMs. To enable HOI-Ref, we curate the HOI-QA dataset that consists of question-answer pairs for training and evaluating VLMs. HOI-QA includes questions relating to locating hands, objects, and critically their interactions (e.g. referring to the object being manipulated by the hand). We train the first VLM for HOI-Ref on this dataset and call it VLM4HOI. Our results demonstrate that VLMs trained for referral on third person images fail to recognise and refer hands and objects in egocentric images. When fine-tuned on our egocentric HOI-QA dataset, performance improves by 27.9%percent27.927.9\%27.9 % for referring hands and objects, and by 26.7%percent26.726.7\%26.7 % for referring interactions.

Vision Language Models Egocentric Vision Referral Hand Object Interactions

1 Introduction

Understanding hand-object interactions from images [35, 36] and videos [11, 46], including egocentric videos [18, 21, 44], offers a fine-grained perception beyond recognising objects in isolation. The capability of referring hands as well as objects they are interacting with opens up a range of possibilities for robotics and augmented-reality (AR) applications. For example, while cooking, current high-end AR glasses are only capable of adding timers over the cookware [25]. To make these devices truly assistive, we need frameworks that are capable of understanding hand-object interactions from an egocentric perspective.

Motivated by the need to assess and improve hand-object interaction understanding, in this work, we introduce HOI-Ref, Hand-Object Interaction Referral task for egocentric images. Referral111The terms referral, grounding, and localisation have been used interchangeably in prior work. In this paper, we consistently use the term referral for this task. is the task of locating an object in an image—typically using a bounding box, or to name an object given its bounding box [9, 8, 38]. As shown in Fig. 1, given an image from an egocentric video, the goal is to: (a) refer the hands and objects being interacted with and (b) understand the interaction between them. For example, the left hand is holding the jar and the right hand is holding the lid. We solve this by creating a unified model capable of understanding spatial coordinates, hands, objects, and hand-object interactions. To this end, we explore Vision Language Models (VLMs) for hand-object interaction referral in egocentric images.

Thanks to the availability of open-source Large Language Models (LLMs) that are trained on huge amounts of textual data [12, 58, 57], training VLMs has recently flourished. Training regimes (such as fine-tuning a projection layer [32]) have enabled LLMs to generalise well to a range of input queries for solving visual tasks [3, 15, 32, 2]. A few works have looked into referential dialogue [9] and object referral [8], primarily using large-scale datasets [38, 32]. We build upon these works that utilise LLMs for referring to various objects present in the scene and modify the prompt to perform multiple tasks. Therefore, we propose our VLM4HOI model, which enables HOI-Ref on egocentric images using VLMs.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Hand-Object Interaction Referral. Given an image from an egocentric video, the goal here is to refer the hands and the objects being interacted with. For example, here we wish to refer the left and right hand along with the two objects (jar and lid) that the hands are interacting with.

To train and evaluate VLM4HOI, we curate a new egocentric dataset (HOI-QA) of 3.9M question-answer pairs.

We construct HOI-QA by creating a general pipeline that converts available annotations from egocentric datasets to referral question-answer pairs for both training and evaluation. For HOI-QA, we utilise the annotations from [17, 21, 18], where masks, bounding boxes or hand-object interactions have been annotated. To the best of our knowledge, HOI-QA is the largest effort to enable hand-object interaction referral for egocentric vision.

Finally, we evaluate VLM4HOI on two aspects of HOI-Ref, its ability to refer hands and objects and its capability to understand the interaction between the hand and the interacted object. To summarise, our contributions are:

  1. 1.

    We propose the HOI-Ref task for Egocentric Vision to enable hand-object interaction referral;

  2. 2.

    We collect the HOI-QA dataset consisting of question-answer pairs to train and evaluate models for the HOI-Ref task;

  3. 3.

    We train VLM4HOI on HOI-QA as the first VLM for HOI-Ref, showcasing its ability to better understand hand-object interactions compared to baselines.

Our HOI-QA dataset, VLM4HOI model, and code are released on project’s webpage to encourage research on HOI-Ref task for egocentric vision. Next, we review recent literature in Sec. 2; before presenting details of our model VLM4HOI and dataset collection details of HOI-QA in Sec. 3; evaluate and discuss our findings in Sec. 4; and provide conclusions and future work in Sec. 5.

2 Related Works

We first review Large Language Models, before introducing how they have been combined into Vision Tasks. Next, we present how Vision Language Models have tackled referral before reviewing their usage for Egocentric Vision.

Large Language Models (LLMs)

have seen a huge surge of popularity [6, 13, 43, 59] due to their generative, reasoning, and general knowledge abilities. These methods have been expanded via instruction-tuning [37, 53, 52], creating instruction-tuned versions of previous LLMs [1, 12, 37, 57], allowing for better generalisation for downstream and zero-shot tasks including summarisation, text generation, or question answering.

Vision Language Models (VLMs)

have tackled a variety of downstream tasks such as retrieval, captioning, and visual question answering. Current VLMs combine LLMs with powerful vision-language representations [3, 7, 15, 19, 30, 33, 47, 56, 61, 54, 55, 58] via prompt-engineering [7], prompt-tuning [30, 33, 54, 55], and instruction tuning [3, 15, 32, 56, 58, 61].

Commonly, models combine a VIT encoder trained from CLIP [7, 42] or BLIP [29] with an LLM such as Vicuna [12] or LLAMA [58]. These models are later instruction-tuned using multi-modal data to further improve their effectiveness for downstream tasks. We similarly use instruction tuning to improve the performance of our model. However, instead of using an LLM to create the instructions [61], we use rich information such as bounding boxes, dense narrations, and object interactions to generate high quality instructions for the HOI-QA dataset.

Referral in VLMs

goes beyond captioning and question answering to referring tasks [4, 8, 9, 32, 34, 38, 22]. These models similarly combine vision encoders with LLMs using LoRA [24] or a projection layer to reduce computation required for training. Instructions are augmented to include bounding boxes to refer answers within the image or name an object given a bounding box. Going beyond including tags for bounding boxes in the prompt, MiniGPT-v2 [8] proposes using unique identifiers for question types which helps disambiguate the tasks and improves performance on downstream tasks.

We similarly generate instructions in the form of question-answer pairs, focusing on the unique hand-object interactions present within egocentric images. We adopt the question identifiers proposed in [8], to disambiguate task types for the HOI-QA dataset. Moreover, we use annotations within egocentric datasets [17, 16, 21] to design instructions so that VLM4HOI can learn to refer not only objects but also interactions in egocentric images.

VLMs for egocentric vision

have at their onset [10, 14, 40, 41, 60] focused on video-text retrieval [17], natural language queries [21], and zero-shot action recognition tasks [17, 27, 31, 49, 50]. These models are trained on the massive-scale Ego4D dataset [21] using crowd-sourced narrations to learn a video-text embedding. EgoVLP [41] proposed a multi-choice question benchmark set to verify the performance of the VLM during training. Follow up works have improved performance via the use of LLMs to narrate the videos as an additional supervision [60] and a cross-modal fusion layer within the backbone [40].

More recently, models have been trained for downstream tasks including object tracking via referring expressions [28] and task verification [23]. RefEgo [28], proposes a new dataset for referring object expression which requires models to refer an object from a description across frames of a video along with a new model, solely focused on this task. Their model is based upon M-DETR [26] modified to cope with objects disappearing from view. We instead target hand-object interaction referral in frames, going beyond finding objects. Additionally, our benchmark, and subsequent model, allow for bounding boxes to be used as input as opposed to solely as output.

Up to our knowledge, we are the first to introduce the HOI-Ref task, propose the VLM4HOI model to tackle it along with the HOI-QA dataset for training and evaluation.

3 Method: Hand-Object Interaction Referral

Our objective is to enable Vision Language Models (VLMs) to refer hands, objects, and their interaction—the ability to refer the object in contact with the hand, or the hand in contact with the object. To this end, our work builds on VLMs that take in visual input, in the form of an image along with a text query, and can then generate the appropriate response to refer objects and interactions.

Refer to caption
Figure 2: (a) VLM4HOI for hand-object interaction referral in egocentric images. The VLM4HOI model takes in an image (I𝐼Iitalic_I), passes it through a vision encoder (g𝑔gitalic_g) and a projection layer (Wϕsubscript𝑊italic-ϕW_{\phi}italic_W start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_ϕ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT) to obtain embeddings (Epsubscript𝐸𝑝E_{p}italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT) in language model’s (fθsubscript𝑓𝜃f_{\theta}italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_θ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT) embedding space. This is concatenated with the tokenised text (ELsubscript𝐸𝐿E_{L}italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_L end_POSTSUBSCRIPT) and passed through fθsubscript𝑓𝜃f_{\theta}italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_θ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT to generate a language response (Easubscript𝐸𝑎E_{a}italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_a end_POSTSUBSCRIPT). We show two examples where based on the task instruction template, the model generates an output. (b), the model identifies a bounding box input as the right hand. (c), the model takes in the image and a question to refer the object being held in the right hand and outputs a bounding box.

3.1 VLM4HOI: VLM for Referral

As in prior works [8, 9, 32], we rely on the abilities of a pre-trained LLM, and integrate the visual tokens into the embedding space of the language model. More specifically, we encode an image I𝐼Iitalic_I using a visual encoder g𝑔gitalic_g, a linear projection layer Wϕsubscript𝑊italic-ϕW_{\phi}italic_W start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_ϕ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and a large language model fθsubscript𝑓𝜃f_{\theta}italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_θ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT. We explore two types of instructions, one where the instructions include a bounding box to be described, and another where the bounding box is generated in the response.

In detail, we pass the image I𝐼Iitalic_I through a frozen vision encoder g𝑔gitalic_g to obtain patch embeddings g(I)𝑔𝐼g(I)italic_g ( italic_I ). We use an additional trainable projection layer Wϕsubscript𝑊italic-ϕW_{\phi}italic_W start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_ϕ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT that projects g(I)𝑔𝐼g(I)italic_g ( italic_I ) to a language model’s fθsubscript𝑓𝜃f_{\theta}italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_θ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT’s embedding space:

Ep=Wϕg(I)subscript𝐸𝑝subscript𝑊italic-ϕ𝑔𝐼E_{p}=W_{\phi}\cdot g(I)italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_W start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_ϕ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⋅ italic_g ( italic_I ) (1)

Once we have the visual tokens (Epsubscript𝐸𝑝E_{p}italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT) in fθsubscript𝑓𝜃f_{\theta}italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_θ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT’s embedding space, the instruction (T𝑇Titalic_T) is tokenised (ELsubscript𝐸𝐿E_{L}italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_L end_POSTSUBSCRIPT) and passed along with Epsubscript𝐸𝑝E_{p}italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT through fθ()subscript𝑓𝜃f_{\theta}(\cdot)italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_θ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( ⋅ ) to generate a response Easubscript𝐸𝑎E_{a}italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_a end_POSTSUBSCRIPT:

Ea=fθ(EpEL)subscript𝐸𝑎subscript𝑓𝜃direct-sumsubscript𝐸𝑝subscript𝐸𝐿E_{a}=f_{\theta}(E_{p}\oplus E_{L})italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_a end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_θ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⊕ italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_L end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) (2)

where direct-sum\oplus represents concatenation, and Easubscript𝐸𝑎E_{a}italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_a end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is further decoded using the tokeniser to obtain the language response.

To train the model using language instructions, following [9, 8], we encode the bounding box using the format: {<Xleft><Ytop><Xright><Ybottom>}expectationsubscript𝑋leftexpectationsubscript𝑌topexpectationsubscript𝑋rightexpectationsubscript𝑌bottom{\{<X_{\text{left}}><Y_{\text{top}}><X_{\text{right}}><Y_{\text{bottom}}>\}}{ < italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT left end_POSTSUBSCRIPT > < italic_Y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT top end_POSTSUBSCRIPT > < italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT right end_POSTSUBSCRIPT > < italic_Y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT bottom end_POSTSUBSCRIPT > }, for example, {<68><22><90><96>} in Fig. 2. This enables the model to perform referral without utilising a specialised template. As shown in Fig 2, we fine-tune the parameters θ𝜃\thetaitalic_θ and ϕitalic-ϕ\phiitalic_ϕ on a large number of referral examples.

Having presented our model, we now introduce the training data for the tasks of direct referral—that is the referral of hands and/or objects as well as interaction referral—the referral of an object in contact with the hand, and the hand in contact with the object. Once trained, our model performs referral for hands, objects, and interactions. We thus refer to our model as VLM4HOI.

3.2 Framework to Generate Question-Answer Pairs

To enable hand-object referral and understand the interaction between hands and objects using VLMs, question-answer pairs with hand-object referral information are crucial. In this section, we propose a framework that identifies publicly available annotations that can be converted to question-answer pairs for enabling hand-object interaction referral.

3.2.1 Annotation Types.

We use commonly provided annotations in egocentric videos including: Narrations to encode the general activity happening in the egocentric image; Object Detection GT bounding boxes with corresponding semantics, in the form of closed vocabulary (classes) or open vocabulary (captions). We use these detections to enhance the referral capability of VLMs and to understand hand-object interaction; Hand Detection GT bounding boxes with corresponding hand sides (right/left) enable referral and distinction between the interactions of the two hand sides; Hand-object contact GT which highlight whether the hand-side is in contact with an object, and if so which object. We utilise these annotations for interaction referral specifically. For example this enables asking questions similar to, what is in the left hand of the person? Answering such a question not only requires the model to correctly refer the hand, but also identify the object in that hand.

Any egocentric dataset consisting of one or more of the annotation types mentioned above can be utilised for generating question-answer pairs to train VLMs for hand-object interaction understanding. Fig. 3 shows an example of each annotation.

3.2.2 Question-Answer Pairs.

Here we discuss how the various annotation types are converted to question-answer pairs. Note that {object/hand bounding box} in the following discussion corresponds to the bounding box representation shown in Fig. 3 and discussed in Sec. 3.1.

  1. Narrations provide us with verb and noun pairs describing the action happening in the egocentric image. We convert the verb form to its present tense and formulate the sentence as, “The person {verb} the {noun}”. This sentence is then used as a description of the event within image. For example, Question: This is a photo from an ongoing video of hand object interactions. What is happening in the photo? Answer: The person turns on the tap. For a visual example, refer to Question 2222 in Fig. 3. Such QA pairs allow the VLM to have a global understanding of the ongoing action in the image.

  2. Object/Hand Detection Annotations. We use the bounding boxes of hands and objects to create the following QA pairs: (a) Question: Where is the {object/hand}? Answer: {Object’s/hand’s bounding box}; (b) Question: {Object’s/Hand’s bounding box}. Answer: {Object’s/Hand’s name}; (c) Question: {Object’s name}. Answer: <p>{Object’s name}</p> {Object’s bounding box}; (d) Question: This is a photo from an ongoing video of hand object interactions. Describe the ongoing action in this image. Answer: The person opens the <p>tap</p> {tap’s bounding box}. For example, Questions 1111, 6666, 7777, and 8888 in Fig. 3. Such QA pairs open up the possibility to train VLMs for recognising hands and objects and referring them spatially in the image.

  3. Hand Object Contact information. We combine bounding box annotations with the knowledge about what object the hand is holding to create the following QA pairs: (a) Question: What is the person holding in their {left/right} hand? Answer: {Object’s name}; (b) Question: Describe the ongoing action in this image in detail. Answer: The person is working in a kitchen. They are holding a <p>{object’s name}</p> {object’s bounding box} in their <p>left hand</p> {left hand’s bounding box} and a <p>{object’s name}</p> {object’s bounding box} in their <p>right hand</p> {right hand’s bounding box}. (c) Question: Is the {left/right} hand holding or touching an object? Answer: The object in the {left/right} hand is a {object’s name} OR {Left/Right} hand is not holding anything. (d) Question: Where is the object being manipulated by the hand? Answer: {object’s bounding box in left/right hand}. For example, Questions 3333, 4444, and 5555 in Fig. 3. Such QA pairs not only train VLMs to spatially refer the hands and objects, but also enable them to understand what hand side is manipulating which object.

Refer to caption
Figure 3: Question-Answer pairs generation for training VLMs to understand hand-object interaction. We use multiple annotation types to create the question-answer pairs. Top shows the annotations utilised and Bottom shows the types of question-answer pairs generated from these annotations. As shown, we convert the segments to bounding boxes to generate various referral questions and utilise contact information to understand interaction between hands and objects. Right shows the distribution of questions in the proposed HOI-QA dataset (Sec. 3.4).

3.3 HOI-Ref: Hand-Object Interaction Referral

In this section, we dive deeper into the formulation of the Hand-Object Interaction Referral (HOI-Ref) task for egocentric images. HOI-Ref aims to create a framework to train and evaluate VLMs on two aspects of hand-object interaction referral: (a) ability to spatially refer and recognise hands and objects and (b) capability to understand the interaction between hand and object. To achieve this, the question-answer pairs created in Sec. 3.2 are strategically divided into two parts (Fig. 4): (A) HO-Ref: Hand and Object Referral, and (B) I-Ref: Hand-Object Interaction Referral.

Refer to caption
Figure 4: HOI-Ref task to train and evaluate VLMs for hand-object interaction referral. HOI-Ref focuses on the following two aspects: ability to spatially refer and recognise hands and objects and the capability to understand hand-object interaction. Columns (1) and (2) evaluate spatially referring hands and objects whereas, columns (3) and (4) aim at object and hand side recognition. Moving across rows (A) and (B) shows HOI-Ref’s ability to evaluate for direct referral vs interaction referral. For example, in A-1, referring a bottle is simply asking where is the bottle however, for B-1, it involves knowing which hand is holding the bottle.

3.3.1 HO-Ref: Hand and Object Referral.

The questions in HO-Ref are further divided into four general categories depending on the input \rightarrow output types:

  1. 1.

    Object’s Name \rightarrow Object’s bounding box. Given the object’s name, the goal is to predict its spatial coordinates. The question in this category is: Where is the {object’s name}? For example, question A-1 in Fig. 4.

  2. 2.

    Hand side \rightarrow Hand’s bounding box. Given the hand’s side, the goal is to predict its spatial coordinates. The questions in this category are: Where is the {left/right} hand of the person? Or Where are the hands of the person? For example, question A-2 in Fig. 4.

  3. 3.

    Object’s bounding box \rightarrow Object’s Name. Given the object’s bounding box, the goal is to predict its name. The question in this category is: {object’s bounding box}. For example, question A-3 in Fig. 4.

  4. 4.

    Hand’s bounding box \rightarrow Hand side. Given the hand’s bounding box, the goal is to predict the hand’s side. The question in this category is: {left/right hand’s bounding box}. For example, question A-4 in Fig. 4.

3.3.2 I-Ref: Hand-Object Interaction Referral.

Similar to above, we have four corresponding categories. However, answering questions for I-Ref requires not only identifying the object/hand but the interaction between this and another hand/object, hence the term Interaction Referral. The four categories are:

  1. 1.

    Hand’s name \rightarrow Object’s bounding box. Given the hand side’s name, the goal is to predict spatial coordinates of the object in that hand. The question in this category is: Locate the object being manipulated by {right/left} hand. For example, question B-1 in Fig. 4.

  2. 2.

    Object’s Name \rightarrow Hand’s bounding box. Given an object’s name, the goal is to predict spatial coordinates of the hand holding the object. The question in this category is: Which hand has the {object’s name}? For example, question B-2 in Fig. 4.

  3. 3.

    Hand’s name \rightarrow Object’s name. Opposing the previous category, given a hand side, the goal is to generate the object’s name in that hand. The question in this category is: What is the object in {left/right} hand? For example, question B-3 in Fig. 4.

  4. 4.

    Object’s name \rightarrow Hand’s name. Given an object’s name, the goal is to predict hand side that is holding the object. The questions in this category are: What hand is holding the {object’s name}? Or What {object} is in the hands of the person? For example, question B-4 in Fig. 4.

Task Tags Until now the question-answer pairs generated do not have a marker on them that guides the VLM on what to expect in terms of the style of input/output. For example, it might be challenging for a VLM to know what to do with Question A-3 in Fig. 4. To alleviate this issue, following the lead of [8], we adopt the multi-task instruction template by adding various task tags to the questions generated from the process described earlier. Similar to [8], we add the task tag at the beginning of the question. We use [refer] for questions where hand or object is referred, these are A-1, A-2, B-1 and B-2 in Fig. 4. We use [identify] for questions where task is to generate referred hand or object’s name. These are A-3 and A-4 in Fig. 4. We use [vqa] for questions without bounding boxes, these are B-3 and B-4 in Fig. 4.

3.4 HOI-QA: Dataset for Hand-Object Interaction Referral

Having established the framework to generate question-answer pairs in Sec. 3.2, and the targeted HO-Ref and I-Ref from Sec. 3.3, we now detail our collection of QA pairs using publicly available egocentric datasets.

Out of various available datasets for egocentric videos [17, 21, 5, 44, 31, 16, 45], we select EPIC-Kitchens [17, 16, 18] and Ego4D [21] as our data source for generating the QA pairs. These are the largest datasets in egocentric vision and provide crucial annotations including narrations and hand-object interaction information. This is in contrast with other datasets that do not have bounding box annotations [48, 5] or hand-object interaction information [48, 5, 31]. Other datasets that have the hand-object information are noticeably smaller [44, 45].

EPIC-Kitchens contains all the annotation types mentioned in Sec. 3.2, i.e., narrations [16, 17], object bounding boxes [16], and hand-object contact information [18]. Ego4D contains a large number of narrations and hand and object bounding box annotation types, particularly within the forecasting hands and objects (FHO) benchmark which we select as a subset.

Table 1: Comparison of referral-based question-answering datasets. Our HOI-QA dataset has multiple orders of magnitude more questions than the current largest third-person dataset

Dataset # QA Pairs Automatic Generation? Task Tags? Egocentric? Shikra-RD [9] 5,92259225,9225 , 922 Flicker30k [8, 39] Multi-task Conv. [8] 60.960.960.960.9K HOI-QA (ours) 3.93.9\mathbf{3.9}bold_3.9M

We create 3.9M question-answer pairs for the HOI-QA dataset. Out of 3.9M QA pairs, 1.8M pairs are from EPIC-Kitchen’s and 2.1M pairs are from Ego4D’s FHO benchmark. Based on the train/val splits of EPIC-Kitchens and Ego4D, HOI-QA is divided into QA pairs for train and 748748748748K for test. Out of 748748748748K QA pairs in the test set, approximately 20%percent2020\%20 % are from EPIC-Kitchens and 80%percent8080\%80 % are from Ego4D. Note that the split is on the video level, i.e. all QA pairs from the same video are in the same split (train/test).

The scale of the proposed HOI-QA is suitable for training large models. In Tab. 1, we compare HOI-QA with existing referential-based question-answering datasets. HOI-QA contains the highest number of question-answer pairs; is the only dataset for egocentric images; and does not require prompting an LLM [9] for its creation, resulting in a cleaner set of annotations. Figure 3 (right) shows the distribution of questions within HOI-QA.

4 Experiments

In this section, we first provide details on implementation (Sec. 4.1); evaluation protocol (Sec. 4.2); and baselines (Sec. 4.3) followed by results of VLM4HOI on HOI-QA (Sec. 4.4), ablations (Sec. 4.6), and qualitative results (Sec. 4.5).

4.1 Implementation Details

We use EVA [20] as our vision encoder for VLM4HOI and keep it frozen during training. We train the linear projection layer and fine-tune the large language model. We use LLaMA2-chat (7B) [51] as our LLM which is finetuned using LoRA [24] with rank r=64𝑟64r=64italic_r = 64. Following [8], we train VLM4HOI with an image resolution of 448×448448448448\times 448448 × 448 and before projecting to LLaMA-2’s representation space, four adjacent visual output tokens from EVA are concatenated. We initialise the language model using the weights from the third stage of MiniGPT-v2 [8]. This allows us to finetune a model that has knowledge about referral in third-person images and task tags. Additionally, we adapt the instruction template from LLaMA-2 as our input to the model: [INST] <Img><ImageFeature></Img> [task tag] Instruction [/INST]. Here, ImageFeature is replaced by the visual features in LLaMA-2’s embedding space and the relevant task tag and instruction are filled in. Finally, all the bounding boxes in the question-answer pairs are normalised to (100,100)100100(100,100)( 100 , 100 ). We train VLM4HOI using 8888 Nvidia V100 GPUs for 1 epoch on HOI-QA that takes approximately 28282828 hours.

4.2 Metrics

Based on answer type, we have two evaluation schemes. For questions involving a noun as answer, we perform word-level matching and calculate accuracy. For questions generating bounding boxes, we consider the predicted bounding box as correct if its IoU with the ground truth is above For questions with multiple bounding boxes in their answers, we consider the answer to correctly only when each ground-truth bounding box has prediction with IoU above

4.3 Baselines

To evaluate VLM4HOI on HOI-QA we consider the following baselines: 1. Random. For noun generation, we select a noun from the distribution of nouns within the training set. For bounding boxes, we use the bounding box obtained by calculating the mean value of top-left and bottom-right corners of the bounding boxes over the training set as our prediction. 2. MiniGPT-v2 [8]. Trained for referral on third-person images and utilises task tags to flag the type of response expected. This is the closest baseline to VLM4HOI. We use the publicly available model from the final stage of MiniGPT-v2 as our baseline. There are additional works performing referral on third-person images (e.g. [9, 38]), however, they do not utilise task tags for a fair comparison and are outperformed on existing datasets by MiniGPT-v2 based on the results reported in [8].

4.4 Quantitative Evaluation

In this section, we first present results of VLM4HOI on HOI-QA, before analysing how well VLM4HOI performs on each task: HO-Ref and I-Ref.

4.4.1 Results of VLM4HOI on HOI-QA

Table 2 (left) contains results on the complete test set of HOI-QA. The random baseline performs poorly on both noun and bounding box accuracy. This highlights the challenging nature of HOI-QA. Secondly, VLM4HOI outperforms both the baselines by a large margin. Specifically, VLM4HOI achieves 11.08%percent11.0811.08\%11.08 % higher noun accuracy and 27.85%percent27.8527.85\%27.85 % higher bounding box accuracy as compared to MiniGPT-v2 [8]. This shows that VLMs trained on third-person images fall short to generalise on egocentric images, and that improving their performance on egocentric data requires a specialised dataset. Furthermore, as questions in HOI-QA require understanding hand-object interactions, the significant difference in performance between MiniGPT-v2 and VLM4HOI indicates that even large scale third-person training does not enable hand-object interaction understanding and localisation.

By analysing the two subsets of our benchmark (Tab. 2, right), HO-Ref vs I-Ref, we note that our model’s focus on interaction referral results in a significant increase in performance for noun accuracy during referral (30.39%percent30.3930.39\%30.39 % on I-Ref compared to 10.10%percent10.1010.10\%10.10 % on HO-Ref). Improvements in bounding box accuracy are comparable. We provide a detailed breakdown of results on the eight sub-divisions of HO-Ref and I-Ref in the supplementary.

Table 2: Results on HOI-QA and analysis on HO-Ref and I-Ref. Left shows the results on all of HOI-QA’s test set. Right compares the performance on HO-Ref and I-Ref. VLM4HOI outperforms the baselines highlighting its capability to understand hands/objects and refer interactions in an egocentric image. Here, N-A stands for Noun Accuracy, BB-A stands for Bounding Box Accuracy, and Avg. IOU stands for Average bounding box accuracy

Model HOI-QA HO-Ref I-Ref N-A BB-A Avg. IOU N-A BB-A Avg. IOU N-A BB-A Avg. IOU Random 0.500.500.500.50 6.776.776.776.77 12.4512.4512.4512.45 MiniGPT-v2 [8] 6.706.706.706.70 22.4622.4622.4622.46 24.4924.4924.4924.49 6.686.686.686.68 22.1322.1322.1322.13 24.1524.1524.1524.15 30.1230.1230.1230.12 32.5332.5332.5332.53 VLM4HOI (ours) 17.7817.78\mathbf{17.78}bold_17.78 50.2650.26\mathbf{50.26}bold_50.26 43.2143.21\mathbf{43.21}bold_43.21 16.7816.78\mathbf{16.78}bold_16.78 49.9849.98\mathbf{49.98}bold_49.98 42.8342.83\mathbf{42.83}bold_42.83 37.4537.45\mathbf{37.45}bold_37.45 56.8656.86\mathbf{56.86}bold_56.86 52.4052.40\mathbf{52.40}bold_52.40

4.5 Qualitative Results

Figure 5 shows qualitative results for VLM4HOI and MiniGPT-v2. VLM4HOI performs adequately for the cases shown where MiniGPT-v2 falls short. VLM4HOI is capable of referring hands even when in glove (row-1, col-1), identify the exact object in hand amongst others on the shelf (row-1, col-2) and better predict the bounding box for in-hand objects (row-2, col-3).

VLM4HOI fails in the ambiguous cases. For example, when asked about what is in the right hand, VLM4HOI identifies the fork as a spoon (row-1, col-5) due to the small size of the object as well as motion blur. When the hand side is missing, both models are confused by the present hand or even feet in view (row-1, col-4). At times, the annotations might be confusing themselves. For example when asked about the bounding box (53, 54, 65, 55) (row-2, col-4), the hand fully capturing the cloth makes a perfectly overlap** bounding box. VLM4HOI identifies the object as opposed to the hand.

Refer to caption
Figure 5: Qualitative Results on VLM4HOI and MiniGPT-v2 [8] on HOI-QA. For questions with correct bounding box output, the ground truth bounding box is omitted. When both models are incorrect, we add the ground truth in blue. VLM4HOI performs well on most of the cases where MiniGPT-v2 falls short. VLM4HOI fails in case of ambiguity. For example, it identifies the hand as cloth as the hand is holding the cloth (MiniGPT-v2 predicts it as a waffle).

4.6 Ablation Study

In this section, we first ablate whether spatial information is important by removing bounding box supervision during training. Next, we showcase the importance of dataset selection of both EPIC and Ego4D data within HOI-QA. Finally, we evaluate the importance of the unique task tags in training VLM4HOI.

Table 3: Importance of Spatial Information. Train VLM4HOI without any spatial supervision. We show that for enabling hand-object interaction referral, spatial information is crucial

Model Noun Accuracy Bounding Box Accuracy Avg. Bounding Box IOU w/o Bbox. 10.7210.7210.7210.72 8.988.988.988.98 14.7414.7414.7414.74 w/ Bbox. 17.7817.78\mathbf{17.78}bold_17.78 50.2650.26\mathbf{50.26}bold_50.26 43.2143.21\mathbf{43.21}bold_43.21

4.6.1 Importance of spatial information.

Here, we study the impact of bounding box supervision in training VLM4HOI. We select the subset of question-answer pairs from HOI-QA that do not contain any bounding box supervision. This leaves us with a subset of 691,380691380691,380691 , 380 QA pairs from Ego4D and 279,458279458279,458279 , 458 QA pairs from EPIC-Kitchens (approximately 971K971𝐾971K971 italic_K QA pairs) for training VLM4HOI. As shown in Tab. 3, the bounding box accuracy significantly drops across all results. It is intuitive that without training for spatial localisation, VLM4HOI will not be able to perform well. The results however show that the model is unable to leverage its previous training on third-person data and LLaMA-2’s large training corpus to locate objects in egocentric images. Furthermore, the drop in noun accuracy highlights the importance of benefit of localisation supervision to understanding an object’s appearance.

4.6.2 Dataset Contributions.

As we train on annotations from two datasets, we analyse the contribution of each dataset to the results by training on QA pairs solely from each dataset. Accordingly, these are: the pairs of HOI-QA from EPIC-Kitchens; and the QA pairs of HOI-QA from Ego4D. As shown in Tab. 4 Bounding box accuracy drops when we train on only one dataset highlighting that both the datasets play a crucial role for hand-object interaction referral. The model trained solely on Ego4D performs better as compared to training on EPIC-Kitchens, this is because of the larger and diverse nature of the Ego4D dataset. However, the noun accuracy drops when we utilise both the datasets. we believe this is because of the bias in our test set being more aligned with the smaller subset of noun classes available in EPIC-Kitchens.

Table 4: Dataset Contributions. Here we train the model on a specific dataset and test on the test set of HOI-QA. This highlights dataset’s contribution to the performance.

Model Noun Accuracy Bounding Box Accuracy Avg. Bounding Box IOU Only EPIC 20.6320.63\mathbf{20.63}bold_20.63 25.4525.4525.4525.45 28.1628.1628.1628.16 Only Ego4D 13.7113.7113.7113.71 43.4243.4243.4243.42 38.1238.1238.1238.12 Full Training 17.7817.7817.7817.78 50.2650.26\mathbf{50.26}bold_50.26 43.2143.21\mathbf{43.21}bold_43.21

4.6.3 Importance of Task Tags.

In this section, we evaluate the importance of the unique task identifiers in the form of task tags in which we train VLM4HOI with/without the task tags. The results can be seen in Tab. 5 where the model with task tags outperforms by a small margin of 0.31%percent0.310.31\%0.31 % on bounding box accuracy and 0.56%percent0.560.56\%0.56 % on noun accuracy. As in [8], the inclusion of task tags marginally helps the model disambiguate the questions and improves overall performance.

Table 5: Importance of Task Tags. Here we train and evaluate VLM4HOI without the task tags. Similar to [8], we see a slight improvement in the performance

Model Noun Accuracy Bounding Box Accuracy Avg. Bounding Box IOU w/o Task Tags 17.2217.2217.2217.22 49.9549.9549.9549.95 43.0743.0743.0743.07 w/ Task Tags 17.7817.78\mathbf{17.78}bold_17.78 50.2650.26\mathbf{50.26}bold_50.26 43.2143.21\mathbf{43.21}bold_43.21

4.7 Limitations

There are two sources of bias in VLM4HOI—the first is inherit bias in the pre-trained LLM. Despite fine-tuning, language biases are known to exist in all VLMs. Secondly, bias in the HOI-QA, which corresponds to the natural occurrences of certain actions, objects and interactions over others. As VLM4HOI is trained on unconstrained, long-tailed data of objects and actions [21, 17], it will more commonly predict frequent objects and interactions over infrequent ones.

VLM4HOI is also reliant on the strength of the visual encoder. i.e. Small objects and motion blur can cause errors in the model’s prediction and would require a stronger visual encoder or multiple frames from a video.

5 Conclusion

In this work, we propose and explore the HOI-Ref task for egocentric vision to enable hand-object interaction referral using VLMs. We further investigate two aspects of HOI-Ref, referral of hands and objects (HO-Ref) and understanding of the interactions between them (I-Ref). We propose the HOI-QA dataset that consists of 3.9M question-answer pairs for training and evaluation of VLMs for HOI-Ref. We train a unified VLM, VLM4HOI, on HOI-QA and significantly improve hand-object interaction referral performance over baselines. The dataset, models, and task proposed will pave the way for hand-object interaction referral in egocentric images.


This work uses public datasets—code and models are publicly available. The research is supported by EPSRC UMPIRE EP/T004991/1 and EPSRC Programme Grant VisualAI EP/T028572/1. S Bansal is supported by a Charitable Donation to the University of Bristol from Meta. We acknowledge the use of the EPSRC funded Tier 2 facility JADE-II EP/T022205/1.

The authors would like to thank Alexandros Stergiou, Kranti Kumar Parida, Samuel Pollard, and Rhodri Guerrier for their comments on the manuscript.


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6 Appendix

6.1 Overview

In the supplementary, we provide in-depth details of the proposed HOI-QA dataset (Sec. 7). We then provide additional quantitative results in Sec. 8, showcasing example questions from both EPIC-Kitchens [16] and Ego4D [21] datasets. Finally, we present zero-shot interactive results using the proposed VLM4HOI model on the HOI-QA dataset in Sec. 9.

7 Dataset details

7.1 Additional dataset statistics

7.1.1 HOI-QA distribution details.

In this section, we dive deep into the details of the proposed HOI-QA dataset. As mentioned in the main paper, HOI-QA consists of question-answer pairs to train and test various Vision Language Models (VLMs). Figure 6 shows different statistics of HOI-QA regarding the QA pairs.

Figure 6 (a) contains the distribution of QA pairs with and without bounding boxes. As we particularly target referral, the dataset has a larger number of questions with bounding boxes to enable hand-object interaction referral for VLMs. In Figure 3 (main paper) we show the distribution of QA pairs based on the question type, here (Fig. 6 (b)) we additionally show the distribution of task tags within the dataset. Questions with tags [refer] and [identify] make up the majority of questions, approximately 67%percent6767\%67 % of the dataset. Figure 6 (c) further demonstrates the distribution across the parent datasets—EPIC-Kitchens and Ego4D. Due to the availability of more videos and annotations in Ego4D, there are more QA pairs from Ego4D in HOI-QA over EPIC-Kitchens. However, we do not have [vqa] questions from Ego4D as it does not contain hand-object interaction information as provided in EPIC-Kitchens VISOR [18]. This also leads to less questions from Ego4D for [detect], [caption], and [grounding].

Figure 6 (d) shows the distribution of the train and validation splits of EPIC-Kitchens and Ego4D across the proposed HOI-QA dataset. As can be seen, the train set of HOI-QA contains a similar set of QA pairs from EPIC-Kitchens and Ego4D for training, however, due to a large number of videos in the validation set of Ego4D’s FHO benchmark, the number of QA pairs from Ego4D in the test set of HOI-QA are greater than EPIC-Kitchens.

Refer to caption
Figure 6: HOI-QA distribution details: (a) shows the distribution of QA pairs across the HOI-QA dataset with and without bounding boxes; (b) contains the distribution of QA pairs in HOI-QA based on the task tags; (c) provides the distribution of QA pairs across EPIC-Kitchens and Ego4D; and (d) showcases the distribution of EPIC-Kitchens and Ego4D across the train and test split of HOI-QA. As can be seen, the majority of QA pairs contains bounding boxes to enable hand-object interaction referral.

7.1.2 Bounding Box Distribution Heatmaps.

To analyse the distribution of bounding boxes across the proposed HOI-QA dataset, we create heatmaps of the bounding boxes in EPIC-Kitchens and Ego4D. To generate the heatmaps, we overlay all the bounding boxes on an 100×100100100100\times 100100 × 100 image and take the log\logroman_log of it. Figure 7 shows the two heatmaps. Due to the nature of egocentric videos, the bounding boxes are close to the centre. However, as we are considering bounding boxes for both hands and objects, the distribution is more spread. Moreover, owing to the diversity of activities in Ego4D, the distribution of bounding boxes show a greater deviation in comparison to EPIC-Kitchens. Finally, it is important to note that the Random baseline from the main paper highlights that using the mean bounding box position/size (calculated from the training data) will lead to only 1.22%percent1.221.22\%1.22 % bounding box accuracy. Therefore, we can conclude that the bounding box distribution is not strongly biased towards the centre and well-performing models must understand the visual and textual aspects of the task to succeed.

Refer to caption
Figure 7: Bounding Box’s heatmaps: (a) shows the heat map of bounding boxes in answers from EPIC-Kitchens and (b) shows the same for Ego4D used to generate the question-answer pairs for HOI-QA.

7.1.3 Bounding Box Size Analysis.

To understand the hand and object bounding box’s size distribution in HOI-QA, we calculate the IOU between the image and the bounding box. Figure 8 shows the histogram of IOU distribution for data from EPIC-Kitchens and Ego4D in HOI-QA. Both the histograms are right skewed showing that majority of the bounding boxes are small in the dataset. Therefore, for a model to achieve high accuracy for referral, understanding small objects is crucial.

Refer to caption
Figure 8: Bounding Box Size Distribution. The right skewed distribution shows that majority of the objects in the dataset are small in size.

7.1.4 Word Clouds for Nouns.

In Fig. 9, we show the word clouds of nouns in the proposed HOI-QA dataset from EPIC-Kitchens and Ego4D. As can be seen in the figure, there is a clear difference between the two datasets due to the nature of their collection. EPIC-Kitchens consists of nouns surrounding kitchen objects whereas Ego4D contains more diverse nouns. Due to this, identifying objects and generating the nouns on Ego4D is challenging as also highlighted in Tab. 9.

Refer to caption
Figure 9: HOI-QA Word cloud for nouns in EPIC-Kitchens and Ego4D. Owing to the nature of datasets, we see more diverse vocabulary in Ego4D and a specific vocabulary in EPIC-Kitchens. Due to this, the overall vocabulary of the HOI-QA dataset is diverse.

7.1.5 Images and Videos Count.

In Tab. 6, we show the count of images and videos used from EPIC-Kitchens and Ego4D to generate the QA pairs for the HOI-QA dataset.

Table 6: Number of images and videos used from EPIC-Kitchens and Ego4D to generate question-answer pairs in the HOI-QA dataset

Dataset Number of Images Number of Videos EPIC-Kitchens [17, 16, 18] 208,656208656208,656208 , 656 495495495495 Ego4D [21] 665,217665217665,217665 , 217 2,46124612,4612 , 461

7.2 List of all the question pairs to generate the data

Apart from the question-answer pairs shown in the main paper, there are a variety of ways in which the same question has been phrased. Here are all the prompts used as questions in the HOI-QA dataset divided based on the task tags:

  1. 1.


    1. (a)

      This is a photo from an ongoing video of hand object interactions. What is happening in the photo?

    2. (b)

      What is going on in the photo?

    3. (c)

      This is a photo has hand object interactions. Describe the ongoing action in the photo.

    4. (d)

      What is the hand-object interaction happening in the image?

    5. (e)

      What actions are the hands doing in this photo?

  2. 2.


    1. (a)

      This is a photo from an ongoing video of hand object interactions. Is there an object in the left hand?

    2. (b)

      Is the left hand holding or touching an object?

    3. (c)

      This is a photo from an ongoing video of hand object interactions. Is the left hand holding an object or is object-free?

    4. (d)

      Is the left hand object-free?

    5. (e)

      This is a photo from an ongoing video of hand object interactions. Is there an object in the right hand?

    6. (f)

      Is the right hand holding or touching an object?

    7. (g)

      This is a photo from an ongoing video of hand object interactions. Is the right hand holding an object or is object-free?

    8. (h)

      Is the right hand object-free?

    9. (i)

      This is a photo from an ongoing video of hand object interactions. What is the object in the left hand?

    10. (j)

      What is the object in the hand of the person?

    11. (k)

      What is the person holding in their left hand?

    12. (l)

      What is the object in the right hand?

    13. (m)

      This is a photo from an ongoing video of hand object interactions. What is the person holding in their right hand?

    14. (n)

      What is the object in the hands of the person?

    15. (o)

      What hand is holding the {object’s name}?

    16. (p)

      What hand is holding the {object’s name}?

    17. (q)

      What hand is holding the {object’s name} in the image?

  3. 3.


    1. (a)

      {<Xleft><Ytop><Xright><Ybottom>}expectationsubscript𝑋leftexpectationsubscript𝑌topexpectationsubscript𝑋rightexpectationsubscript𝑌bottom{\{<X_{\text{left}}><Y_{\text{top}}><X_{\text{right}}><Y_{\text{bottom}}>\}}{ < italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT left end_POSTSUBSCRIPT > < italic_Y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT top end_POSTSUBSCRIPT > < italic_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT right end_POSTSUBSCRIPT > < italic_Y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT bottom end_POSTSUBSCRIPT > }

  4. 4.


    1. (a)

      Where is the left hand of the person?

    2. (b)

      Where is the left hand?

    3. (c)

      Where is the left hand of the person in the image?

    4. (d)

      left hand

    5. (e)

      Where is the right hand of the person?

    6. (f)

      Where is the right hand?

    7. (g)

      Where is the right hand of the person in the image?

    8. (h)

      right hand

    9. (i)

      Where are the hands of the person?

    10. (j)

      Where are the hands?

    11. (k)

      Where are the hands of the person in the image?

    12. (l)

      Locate the object being manipulated by the hand

    13. (m)

      Where is the object being manipulated by the hand?

    14. (n)

      Locate the manipulated object

    15. (o)

      Where is the manipulated object?

    16. (p)

      Which hand is holding the {object’s name} in?

    17. (q)

      Which hand is holding the {object’s name} in the image?

    18. (r)

      Which hand has the {object’s name}?

  5. 5.


    1. (a)

      This is a photo from an ongoing video of hand object interactions. Describe hand-object interaction in detail

    2. (b)

      Describe the ongoing action in this image in detail

    3. (c)

      This is a photo from an ongoing video of hand object interactions. Describe what actions are the hand doing in this photo

    4. (d)

      This is a photo from an ongoing video of hand object interactions. Describe the ongoing action in this image

    5. (e)

      Describe the ongoing action in this image

  6. 6.


    1. (a)

      {object’s name}

8 Additional Quantitative Results

8.1 Analysis on HO-Ref and I-Ref

Here we take a deeper look into the results for HOI-Ref on HOI-QA from HO-Ref and I-Ref’s perspective. We do this by further dividing the results into the four categories of question-answer types described in Section 3.3 in the main paper. The results are divided across two tables, Tab. 7 and Tab. 8.

Table 7: Results on subsets in HO-Ref showcases the ability of baseline and VLM4HOI on each category of QA pairs. Here, Obj N stands for Object Noun, Obj BB stands for object bounding box, Hand S stands for Hand Side (Left/Right), and Hand BB stands for hand bounding box

Model Obj N \rightarrow Obj BB Hand S \rightarrow Hand BB Obj BB \rightarrow Obj N Hand BB \rightarrow Hand S MiniGPT-v2 [8] 25.3725.3725.3725.37 19.9019.9019.9019.90 15.6715.6715.6715.67 VLM4HOI (ours) 34.2734.27\mathbf{34.27}bold_34.27 60.3860.38\mathbf{60.38}bold_60.38 31.8531.85\mathbf{31.85}bold_31.85 5.605.60\mathbf{5.60}bold_5.60

As seen in Tab. 7, VLM4HOI outperforms baseline in all the four categories. VLM4HOI has high performance when localising the object or hands showing its superior capability for referral in egocentric images. Moreover, the baseline falls short on generating hand side’s name provided hand’s bounding box, whereas, VLM4HOI has 5.59%percent5.595.59\%5.59 % improvement over it.

Table 8 shows similar results for I-Ref. Here, we test the VLMs capability to refer to object/hand provided hand/object information. As can be seen, VLM4HOI significantly outperforms the baseline. Especially for the case where object name is provided and hand’s bounding box or noun is supposed to be generated, VLM4HOI performs 43.41%percent43.4143.41\%43.41 % better on average. Furthermore, when object’s name is provided, generating hand’s name is challenging for MiniGPT-v2 however, VLM4HOI performs well on such cases.

Table 8: Results on subsets in I-Ref showcases the ability of baseline and VLM4HOI on each category of QA pairs. Here, Obj N stands for Object Noun, Obj BB stands for object bounding box, Hand S stands for Hand Side, and Hand BB stands for hand bounding box

Model Hand S \rightarrow Obj BB Obj N \rightarrow Hand BB Hand S \rightarrow Obj N Obj N \rightarrow Hand S MiniGPT-v2 [8] 27.6927.6927.6927.69 32.5532.5532.5532.55 14.1214.1214.1214.12 VLM4HOI (ours) 41.1341.13\mathbf{41.13}bold_41.13 72.5972.59\mathbf{72.59}bold_72.59 28.1128.11\mathbf{28.11}bold_28.11 46.7846.78\mathbf{46.78}bold_46.78

8.2 Results per parent dataset: EPIC-Kitchens and Ego4D

In Tab. 9 we show the results the validation splits of EPIC-Kitchens and Ego4D used to create the test set of HOI-QA. There is a large boost in performance when compared to MiniGPT-v2 [8] on both EPIC and Ego4D. The boost in noun accuracy for Ego4D is less compared to EPIC-Kitchens due to the diversity of nouns in Ego4D as shown in Fig. 9.

Table 9: Results on EPIC-Kitchens and Ego4D in HOI-QA. Our VLM4HOI outperforms MiniGPT-v2 on both the subsets within HOI-QA

Model EPIC-Kitchens [16, 17, 18] Ego4D [21] Noun Acc. Bounding Box Acc. Avg. BB IOU Noun Acc. Bounding Box Acc. Avg. BB IOU MiniGPT-v2 [8] 13.5613.5613.5613.56 34.8834.8834.8834.88 33.9633.9633.9633.96 5.385.385.385.38 19.5619.5619.5619.56 22.0422.0422.0422.04 VLM4HOI (ours) 43.3243.32\mathbf{43.32}bold_43.32 65.3065.30\mathbf{65.30}bold_65.30 58.2458.24\mathbf{58.24}bold_58.24 12.8612.86\mathbf{12.86}bold_12.86 46.7646.76\mathbf{46.76}bold_46.76 39.7639.76\mathbf{39.76}bold_39.76

9 Zero-shot Interactive Results

In this section, we perform zero-shot qualitative analysis using the VLM4HOI trained on HOI-QA. For this purpose, we randomly select images from the test set of HOI-QA and prompt the model with novel questions interactively. As there are no ground truth for these questions, we qualitatively assess the generation. This highlights the generalisability of VLM4HOI over various prompts for hand-object interaction referral on egocentric images.

Figure 10 shows the results on images from the EPIC-Kitchens used in HOI-QA. As can be seen in the figure, the model generates correct results for majority of the cases. For example, the model correctly identifies the hands, objects in hands, and generates the name of the objects. It confuses for the cases where the objects are overlap**, for example, in row 6666 column 1111, the model confuses between the fish and bowl. Figure 11 presents the results on the images from the Ego4D used in HOI-QA. Here, the model is able to refer to various objects in the wild for example, golf club, dog, and a wagon. However, it confuses for the cases where objects are similar looking for example, in row 5555 column 2222, the model confuses sanding the wood with spraying nitrogen on the wood.

Refer to caption
Figure 10: Zero-shot results on the EPIC-Kitchen’s subset of HOI-QA validation set using VLM4HOI. Green bounding boxes represent VLM4HOI’s output and orange bounding boxes represent input to the model. After qualitative analysis the correct generations are marked by a tick and wrong generations are marked by a cross.
Refer to caption
Figure 11: Zero-shot results on the Ego4D’s subset of HOI-QA validation set using VLM4HOI. Green bounding boxes represent VLM4HOI’s output and orange bounding boxes represent input to the model. After qualitative analysis the correct generations are marked by a tick and wrong generations are marked by a cross.