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arXiv:2403.04539v1 [cs.AR] 07 Mar 2024


PUMA: Efficient and Low-Cost Memory Allocation and Alignment Support for Processing-Using-Memory Architectures

Geraldo F. Oliveira     Emanuele G. Esposito     Juan Gómez-Luna     Onur Mutlu

ETH Zürich

1 Motivation & Problem

Processing-in-memory (PIM) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] is a promising paradigm that aims to alleviate the ever-growing cost of moving data back and forth between computing (e.g., CPU, GPU, accelerators) and memory (e.g., caches, main memory, storage) elements. In PIM architectures, computation is done by adding logic units near memory arrays, i.e., processing-near-memory (PNM) [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98], or by using the analog properties of the memory arrays themselves, i.e., processing-using-memory (PUM) [99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 66, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139]). Several prior works [132, 66, 129, 106, 119, 120, 110, 103, 133, 126, 130, 115, 104, 117, 114, 105, 101, 116, 102, 107] have demonstrated the feasibility of processing-using-DRAM (PUD) architectures, which use DRAM cells to implement a variety of PUM operations, including data copy and initilization [104, 116], bitwise Boolean [101, 110, 107, 66, 103], and arithmetic operations [106, 110, 103, 132, 140, 133].

PUD architectures impose a restrictive data layout and alignment for their operands, where source and destination operands (imust reside in the same DRAM subarray (i.e., a group of DRAM rows sharing the same row buffer and row decoder) and (ii) are aligned to the boundaries of a DRAM row. However, standard memory allocation routines (i.e., malloc, posix_memalign, and huge pages-based memory allocation) fail to meet the data layout and alignment requirements for PUD architectures to operate successfully for two main reasons. First, while malloc and posix_memalign can provide the user application virtually aligned contiguous memory pages, they do not guarantee that the allocated virtual pages are also contiguous in physical memory and aligned within a DRAM row. Second, employing huge pages-based memory allocation can guarantee that virtual pages are contiguous in physical memory. However, due to its coarse-grained page allocation sizes (i.e., Linux-based systems can provide huge pages of 2 MB or 1 GB), a single huge page allocation can cover all the rows in a DRAM subarray in a single DRAM chip.111A typical DRAM subarray has 1024 DRAM rows, each with 1024 DRAM columns. Thus, a single DRAM subarray can store 1 MB of data.  Therefore, when the PUD instruction requires multiple operands (and thus multiple huge page allocations), it is likely that such operands will resign in different DRAM subarrays, thus imposing extra latency due to inter-subarray data movement [141].

We investigate the potential of using malloc, posix_memalign, and huge pages-based memory allocation for a PUD substrate that can execute AND/OR/NOT Boolean operations (i.e., Ambit [101]). We consider that AND/OR/NOT Boolean operations can be executed in the PUD substrate only when the data alignment and allocation requirements are met (i.e., source and destination operands are contiguous in physical memory and DRAM row-aligned). We observe that (i) independently of the allocation size for input operands, using malloc and posix_memalign memory allocators results in 0% of the operations being executed in the PUD substrate due to data misalignment; and (ii) for large-enough allocation sizes (e.g., 32 Kb), only up 60% of the PUD operations that use huge pages-based memory allocation can successfully be executed in DRAM. We conclude that traditional memory allocators cannot take full advantage of such PUD techniques since they cannot satisfy the specific memory allocation requirements of PUD substrates. Therefore, our goal of this work is to provide a flexible memory allocation mechanism that allows programmers to have control over physical memory allocation and enables PUD execution from the operating system (OS) viewpoint.

2 PUMA: Key Idea & Overview

To allow the memory allocation API to influence the OS memory allocator and ensure that memory objects are placed within specific DRAM subarrays, we propose a new lazy data allocation routine (in the kernel) for PUD memory objects, called PUMA. The key idea of PUMA is to use the internal DRAM map** information, together with huge pages, and then split huge pages into finer-grained allocation units that are (i) aligned to the page address and size and (ii) virtually contiguous. The PUMA routine has three main components (as Figure 1 illustrates): (i) information regarding the DRAM organization (e.g., row, column, and mat sizes), (ii) the DRAM interleaving scheme, which the memory controller provides via an open firmware device tree [142];222The DRAM interleaving scheme can be obtained by reverse engineering the bit locations of memory addresses [143, 144, 145]. and (iii) a huge pages pool for PUD memory objects (configured during boot time), which guarantees that virtual addresses assigned to a PUD memory objects are contiguous in the physical address space. The allocation routine uses the DRAM address map** knowledge to split the huge pages into different memory regions. Then, it uses the DRAM interleaving scheme to index each memory region based on their subarray ID (obtained by ORing subarray, bank, channel, and rank mask bits in the DRAM interleaving scheme). PUMA uses an ordered array data structure similar to the one used in the Linux Kernel buddy allocator algorithm [146], where each entry represents the number of memory regions in a single subarray. When an application calls the PUD memory allocation API, the allocation routine selects the appropriate memory region that satisfies the memory allocation. PUMA operates by exposing three new memory allocation APIs to the user: (ipim_preallocate, for pre-allocation; (iipim_alloc, for the first data allocation; and (iiipim_alloc_align, for subsequent aligned allocations.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Overview of the PUMA framework.

Pre-Allocation. The first step in PUMA is to indicate the number of huge pages that are available for PUD allocations using the pim_preallocate API ( 1 in Figure 1). We left the user the duty to provide the number of huge pages used for PUD operations ( a in Figure 1) because huge pages are scarce in the system.

First Allocation. PUMA uses the worst-fit allocation scheme [147] to manage the allocation of memory regions in the huge page pool. The main idea behind this placement strategy is to optimize the remaining space post-allocations, thereby increasing the chances of accommodating another process in the remaining memory space. Based on that, for the first PUD memory allocation (using the pim_alloc API; 2), PUMA simply scans the ordered array to select the subarray with the largest amount of memory regions available ( b). If the requested memory allocation requires more than one memory region, PUMA interactively scans the ordered array, searching for the next largest memory region until the memory allocation is fully satisfied. Once enough space is allocated ( c), PUMA creates a new allocation object and inserts it in an allocation hashmap, which is indexed ( d) by the allocation’s virtual address. PUMA needs to keep track of allocations since it might need to find a memory region from the same subarray when performing the future aligned allocations (i.e., for the second operand for a Boolean operation).

Aligned Allocation. After allocating memory regions for the first operand in a PUD operation, the user can use this memory region as a regular memory object. However, when allocating the remaining operands for a PUD operations (e.g., the second input operand and destination operand in a vector-based Boolean AND operation), PUMA needs to guarantee data alignment for all memory objects within the same DRAM subarray. To this end, we implement a new memory allocation API called pim_alloc_align, which takes a hint pointer as input ( 3). Such a pointer indicates a previously allocated memory region to which the current memory allocation must be aligned. The pim_alloc_align allocation API works in five main steps. First, PUMA searches the allocation hashmap for a match with the address in the hint pointer ( e). If a match is not found, the allocation fails. Second, if a match is found, PUMA iterates through the hint-allocation’s memory regions ( f). Third, for each memory region, PUMA identifies its source subarray address and tries to allocate another memory region at the same subarray for the new allocation ( g). Fourth, if the subarray of a given memory region has no free region, PUMA allocates a new memory region from another subarray following the worst-fit allocation scheme ( h). Since we use a worst-fit allocation scheme, we have a good chance of having a single subarray holding memory regions for multiple allocations. Fifth, since memory regions might come from different huge pages, we must perform re-mmap to map such memory regions into contiguous virtual addresses.

3 Key Results & Contributions

Evaluation Methodology. We implement PUMA as a kernel module using QEMU [148], an open-source emulator and virtualize that can perform hardware virtualization. We emulate a RISC-V machine running Fedora 33 with v5.9.0 Linux Kernel. In our experiments, we evaluate a system with 8 GB DRAM. We emulate the implementation of a PUD system capable of executing row copy operations (as in RowClone [104]) and Boolean AND/OR/NOT operations (as in Ambit [101]). In our experiments, such an operation is performed in the host CPU if a given operation cannot be executed in our PUD substrate (due to data misalignment).

Baselines & Workloads. We compare the performance of PUMA to that of using traditional CPU memcpy allocation.333posix_mem_align shows the same performance as memcpy. We use three micro-benchmarks in our analysis: (i) initialize an array with zeros (*-zero), (ii) copy data from one array to another (*-copy); (iii) perform vector bitwise AND operations C[i] = A[i] AND B[i] using Ambit (*-aand). For each micro-benchmark, we vary the allocation sizes from 2000 bits to 6 Mb.

Evaluation Results. Figure 2 shows PUMA’s performance for each micro-benchmark for different allocation sizes (x-axis) compared to the baseline malloc allocator (y-axis). We make two observations for the figure. First, PUMA significantly outperforms the baseline memory allocators for all micro-benchmarks and allocation sizes. This is because PUMA increases the likelihood of an operation to be executed in DRAM (due to proper data alignment and allocation), thus increasing overall performance. Second, PUMA’s performance improvements increase as the data allocation sizes increase. This is because the larger the allocation, the more data would need to be moved from DRAM to the CPU in case a PUD operation fails to be executed. Thus severely penalizing overall performance. We conclude that PUMA is a practical and efficient memory allocator for PUD substrates.

Refer to caption
Figure 2: PUMA’s performance for three micro-benchmarks and varying data allocation sizes. Values are normalized to the baseline malloc allocator.

We make the following key contributions:

  • To our knowledge, this is the first work to propose a practical memory allocation mechanism for PUD substrates.

  • We propose PUMA, a data allocation routine for PUD architectures that use the internal DRAM map** information and huge pages to provide aligned data allocation for PUD instructions.

  • PUMA does not require hardware modifications and operates transparently from the user as a Linux kernel module.

  • We evaluate PUMA using three micro-benchmarks, and we observe that PUMA significantly increases performance compared to malloc-based memory allocators.


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