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arXiv:2402.18756v1 [cs.CL] 28 Feb 2024

How Much Annotation is Needed
to Compare Summarization Models?

Chantal Shaib11{}^{1}start_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT 1 end_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT  Joe Barrow33{}^{3}start_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT 3 end_FLOATSUPERSCRIPTfootnotemark:   Alexa F. Siu22{}^{2}start_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT  
Northeastern University, 22{}^{2}start_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_FLOATSUPERSCRIPTAdobe Research, 33{}^{3}start_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT 3 end_FLOATSUPERSCRIPTPattern Data
{shaib.c, b.wallace}
{asiu, nenkova}

[email protected]
Work completed while at Adobe Research.

Modern instruction-tuned models have become highly capable in text generation tasks such as summarization, and are expected to be released at a steady pace. In practice one may now wish to choose confidently, but with minimal effort, the best performing summarization model when applied to a new domain or purpose. In this work, we empirically investigate the test sample size necessary to select a preferred model in the context of news summarization. Empirical results reveal that comparative evaluation converges quickly for both automatic and human evaluation, with clear preferences for a system emerging from under 100 examples. The human preference data allows us to quantify how well automatic scores can reproduce preference rankings across a variety of downstream summarization tasks. We find that, while automatic metrics are stable at smaller sample sizes, only some automatic metrics are able to moderately predict model win rates according to human preference.

How Much Annotation is Needed
to Compare Summarization Models?

 Chantal Shaib11{}^{1}start_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT 1 end_FLOATSUPERSCRIPTthanks: Work completed while at Adobe Research.  Joe Barrow33{}^{3}start_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT 3 end_FLOATSUPERSCRIPTfootnotemark:   Alexa F. Siu22{}^{2}start_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT Byron C. Wallace11{}^{1}start_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT 1 end_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT  Ani Nenkova22{}^{2}start_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT 11{}^{1}start_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT 1 end_FLOATSUPERSCRIPTNortheastern University, 22{}^{2}start_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_FLOATSUPERSCRIPTAdobe Research, 33{}^{3}start_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT 3 end_FLOATSUPERSCRIPTPattern Data {shaib.c, b.wallace} {asiu, nenkova} [email protected]

1 Introduction

Instruction fine-tuned language models are highly capable summarizers, and new such models are now released often. Continuously comparing such models using large, reference-based benchmark assessments is a costly task, especially if one wants to use them in a new domain. Here we demonstrate on data for news summarization that, in both human and automatic evaluations, preferences toward a summarization model emerge over test sets of about 50 samples. Collecting human judgements, GPT evaluations or—if available—human references for this size of dataset is reasonable. Further, we validate GPT evaluations and two popular reference-based evaluations, ROUGE-1 and BERTScore, in terms of their ability to predict human preferences on a set of 36 testing contexts. We collect human judgements in the context of three different summarization tasks and three sources of input. For these variations, we compute the accuracy of automated scores to reproduce human preferences between pairs of systems.

2 Background

Our goal is to establish the amount of test data needed to decide which of two summarization models produces better summaries, for a given distribution of the inputs (different sources of text to be summarized) and different task contexts for which the summary is to be used.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Distributions of average ROUGE-1 and BERTScores across 1000 re-samples. Differences between systems emerge clearly and quickly for XSUM and Newsroom.

It is common to approach evaluation as a rate-then-compare task, in which outputs from systems are rated for quality on a scale, and then average scores are used to compare systems. But it is well known that inputs may differ considerably in difficulty  Nenkova and Louis (2008). Paired tests for statistical significance, that evaluate the differences of scores between two systems on the same input is the basis for comparison are therefore more appropriate Rankel et al. (2011); Dror et al. (2018). Most contemporary work has fully embraced this approach, largely abandoning scoring of outputs and instead soliciting preferences among two or more choices Novikova et al. (2018). Given the developments in LLMs, pairwise win rates have become the de facto standard for reporting comparisons between instruction fine-tuned models. In this work, we similarly adopt the win rate approach to comparing systems, and empirically identify the smallest test set size that reliably reveals preferences.

Most closely related to our work is the study on estimating power of tests for statistical significance, i.e., the minimum test size necessary to detect statistical differences of a given size Card et al. (2020). Our work is aligned with the main question in this prior work, but we present empirical estimates of differences between systems, without making any assumptions of tests to be used or size of effect we want to detect. Our findings can inform future work on power estimation.

Prior related work proposes ways of carrying out the evaluation, either automatically or manually Laban et al. (2022a); Zhang* et al. (2020); Fabbri et al. (2022); Zhong et al. (2022); Liu et al. (2022), and of measuring the correlation between system rankings produced by human and automatic evaluations on a given benchmark Gehrmann et al. (2023). We do not propose new ways for evaluation but introduce a new method of validating automatic evaluations that does not rely on the benchmark, but rather measures the accuracy of automatic scores in reproducing human judgements across different input distributions and intended use-cases.

3 Unnecessarily Large Benchmarks

We first compare two models, FlanT5-XXL (Chung et al., 2022) and StableLM (Andonian et al., 2021) via automatic scores over three news summarization benchmarks: CNN/DM (See et al., 2017; Hermann et al., 2015), XSUM (Narayan et al., 2018), and Newsroom Grusky et al. (2018). We use the test set splits of these datasets from Huggingface.111

CNN/Daily Mail and XSUM contain about 10K test inputs. The Newsroom test set split has over 100k samples. For efficiency, we randomly sample 10k examples from this set to scale it down to a size comparable to the other two datasets. We then generate summaries with FlanT5 and StableLM for all articles in the test sets, using the summarization prompts that these models have been trained on (see Appendix A). For each test split we sample 1000 times with replacement smaller test set sizes ranging from [5,𝚕𝚎𝚗(dataset)]5𝚕𝚎𝚗𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑡[5,\texttt{len}(dataset)][ 5 , len ( italic_d italic_a italic_t italic_a italic_s italic_e italic_t ) ]. We evaluate the two models with the commonly used ROUGE-1 (Lin, 2004) and BERTScore (Zhang* et al., 2020).222We also run experiments with BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) and SummaC-ZS (Laban et al., 2022b), and report these results in Appendix B. Both scores compare a summary with a human-written reference summary. ROUGE does so using tokens, while BERTScore relies on embeddings.

We show score variations for FlanT5 and StableLM across the three datasets in Figure 1.

For all three datasets, a preference for one of the models emerges early: The winning model as scored over 10k test points emerges after just 25-50 samples.333Even with respect to automatic evaluations, these findings have considerable implications. For many LLMs, simply producing outputs for all 10K test set is computationally expensive and slow. Manual (human) evaluation with such large test sets is practically impossible.

Given these findings, we collect human judgements on 100 samples from each of the data sources, varying the task context in which the judgement is made. We also add GPT-4 as another summarization model to be evaluated, and later report the accuracy of GPT-based evaluation against the aggregated human judgements.

4 Human Preferences

We hire annotators on Upwork444 Specifically, we hire three individuals for CNN/DM and Newsroom, and one for XSUM. We select 100 inputs for annotation from each dataset, which given the trends we observed in the previous section, would be sufficient to reveal human preference.555See Appendix F for details about cost and hours for all annotations.

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Aggregated annotator win rates for the CNN/DM dataset for the overall metric. Model preferences remain fairly stable across all sample sizes except in one case for sample size of 25.

We also add summaries produced by GPT-4 for evaluation on the smaller dataset. FlanT5, StableLM and GPT-4 represent encoder-decoder, decoder-only (open-source), and decoder-only (closed-source) models, respectively.

We instruct annotators to rank the summaries for each input in order of preference. This is a typical evaluation setting in which win rates—the percentage of input for which the model was preferred over the other—provide the clearest score for each model pair.

We provide three different scenarios to measure how preference may change based on context: (i) Rank the summaries in order of preference; (ii) Assuming you are monitoring the news for important world events, rank the summaries in order of preference; (iii) Which summary best captures the main details of the event being reported on? (iv) Which summary contains the fewest unnecessary details?666We also ask if the summaries have text quality issues (e.g., formatting, grammar, unusual symbols, or other artifacts). We then present the reader with the full article and ask them to mark if any of the summaries contain factual errors. We provide a brief analysis of these results in Appendix E.

For GPT-4, we linearly append the summaries with the instructions and provide these as prompts to the model.

4.1 Stability of Preference

First, we look at confirming whether smaller test samples are sufficient to make the same conclusion as with a larger sample. We apply the same procedure described in Section 3, where we resample 1000 test sets of size 25 and 50 from the 100 for which we have human judgements. Figure 2 shows the win rates for the CNN/Daily Mail test set for each of the three pairs of models, on the full test set of 100 samples, as well as the min, max and average win rate recorded across the 1000 smaller test sets.

While there is some variation in the strength of the preference for a model, the overall preference is preserved in the smaller samples. In only one case—the comparison between FlanT5 and StableLM—does the overall preference change for the minimum value of win rates from the one thousand samples of size 25. With 50 samples in the evaluation set, all three of the minimum, maximum and average win rates lead to the same conclusion about which system in the pair is better as that from the full 100 sample test set.

Similarly for the other two datasets, Newsroom and XSUM, none of the overall preferences flip for test sets of size 50 and only one minimum value for the 25 samples flips the preference. We provide the complete tables in Appendix C.

These results indicate that, even for human evaluation, smaller test set samples (n𝑛nitalic_n=50) are adequate to conclude which is the preferred summarization model.

In many cases, the strength of the preference is of interest. As shown in the variation between the minimum and maximum win rates, the strength as captured by win rates can vary considerably depending on the test set. We leave for future work analysis of the test size required to obtain reliable conclusions about the strength of the preference.

4.2 Human Preference Varies by Task and Input Source

We now turn to comparing model preferences relative to downstream task use.

Refer to caption
Figure 3: Aggregated annotator win rates across all metrics. Model preferences can change depending on the task setting.

Figure 3 shows the variation of aggregated preferences on the full 100 sample test set for CNN/Daily Mail. The context of the task can dramatically change the win rates for a given model. When contextualized in a specific use-case, human preferences flip from the overall rating for two out of the three model comparisons.

The overall win rate for StableLM over FlanT5 is 54% indicating a weak preference for StableLM. In the world event use case however, the win-rate for FlanT5 increases to 53%, flip** to a preference for FlanT5. Similarly, the win rate of StableLM over GPT-4 in the overall condition is 21% but it flips to 76% in the main details setting. The win rates of FlanT5 over GPT-4 remain stable across all tasks, always in favor of GPT-4.

Similarly, win rates according to the aggregate human preference for two systems vary depending with the source of data. In the next section we discuss how this observed variability changes the approach to validation of automatic evaluations.

5 Validating Automatic Evaluation

We presented qualitative evidence that the context in which preferences are made change the human preferences dramatically. We also provided clear examples of cases when human preference for the same two models can flip depending on the context. This judgement variability poses a novel requirement for validating automatic evaluation approaches. We cannot combine win rates across settings and compute correlations between human preferences and automatic scores because these come from different distributions. We do, however, have a sufficient number of pairs for comparison: 3 models evaluated on 3 sources of data, on 4 context of use. This yields 9 overall preferences and 27 contextually dependent preferences.

For four automatic methods for evaluation, we compute the accuracy of the automatic score in reproducing human preferences. Specifically, we compute the percentage of pairwise comparisons for which the automatic evaluation agrees with the human win rates on which system is the better one. This is a coarse requirement because it does not capture the size of the win rate. For example the win rate of one system over another in human preferences is 51% but an automatic score predicts that its win rate is 79%, the automatic score will be considered accurate.

Table 1 shows the accuracy for four automatic evaluations: ROUGE-1, BERTScore, G-Eval, and GPT-4 as an annotator. In the case of GPT-4 as an annotator, we provide GPT-4 with the exact same instructions as the human annotators. For the first three approaches, a win for a model is declared if the score assigned by the method for this input is higher than that for the other model. In cases when the scores for an input are the same, there is a tie. In the fourth case, using GPT-4 as an annotator provides ratings, so the wins are decided by the ranking returned by GPT-4 (rather than a proxy score). In this case, there are no ties because the annotators were asked to do a forced choice comparison. We find that ROUGE-1 and GPT-4 as an annotator are able to moderately predict the aggregated human preferences across the different tasks, compared to BERTScore and G-Eval which are not able to do so as reliably.

Metric Accuracy (%)
ROUGE-1 78
BERTScore 56
G-Eval 44
GPT-4 (as annotator) 78
Table 1: Accuracy of automatic metrics compared to human evaluations. GPT-4 as-an-annotator and ROUGE-1 score have the highest accuracy in predicting which model is selected by human annotators in each setting task setting.

6 Conclusions

We presented automatic and human evaluation designed to establish the minimum amount of data necessary to evaluate contemporary summarization models. Comparative evaluations establish which model performs better with test set of 50 inputs. For human evaluation, a test size of 50 is sufficient to confidently establish which is the model that people prefer. Human preference varies, however, depending on the intended use of the summary and on the source of data for summarization. This variation calls for new methods for validating automatic scores and we propose one. We find that all four automatic evaluations better than deciding preferences randomly but lead to erroneous conclusions for many pairwise comparisons.


We only evaluate over benchmark news datasets, where it is possible that our observations may not be reflected in other, more niche domains. In part, this choice is due to lack of availability of quality summarization datasets with references (and further motivating the need for evaluation over small samples), however it is important for future work to consider more specialized cases. Another limitation is that we do not collect human annotations nor GPT-4 summaries over the entire test set splits. This poses a challenge as collecting these evaluations and summaries over such a big dataset is costly.


We gratefully acknowledge the National Science Foundation (RI 2211954) for supporting this work.


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A Summarization Prompt Details

For the summarization prompts, we use prompts and input structures that the models have been trained on. Table 2 shows the input for each model, where [TEXT] is replaced with the article to be summarized.

Model Prompt
FlanT5 [TEXT]\nWhat is a one-paragraph summary of the above article?
<|SYSTEM|># StableLM Tuned (Alpha version)
- StableLM is a helpful and harmless open-source AI language
model developed by StabilityAI.
- StableLM is able to facilitate human communication by
providing a summary of a given text.
- StableLM is able to provide summaries that are useful and
relevant to the given text.
<|USER|> [TEXT].
Summarize the given piece of text.
"role": "user",
"content": ”[TEXT] \n\n Summarize the above text. \n\n"
Table 2: Input and prompt structure for each summarization model. [TEXT] is replaced with the article to be summarized.

B BLEU and SummaC-ZS

Figure 4 shows the distributions of averaged BLEU and SummaC-ZS scores over all three datasets. BLEU scores have trouble capturing meaningful scores across longer inputs as seen with StableLM. SummaC-ZS uses NLI-models to score sentence-level information – similar to ROUGE-1 and BERTScore, we can start differentiating models earlier than the full sample size.

Refer to caption
Figure 4: Distributions of averaged BLEU and SummaC-ZS scores across 1000 re-samples for CNN/DM, XSUM, and Newsroom.

C Human Evaluation Win Rates and Sample Sizes: XSUM and Newsroom

We provide the aggregated win rates across annotators for XSUM (Figure 5) and Newsroom (Figure 6). Both datasets show the same trend as in Figure 2, where the win rate pair ranking is preserved in the minimum, maximum, and average win rates across 1000 trials. This holds across sample sizes of 50, but not in all cases with sample size of 25.

Refer to caption
Figure 5: Win rates aggregated by annotators (XSUM).
Refer to caption
Figure 6: Win rates aggregated by annotators (Newsroom).

D Human Evaluation Win Rates and Tasks: XSUM and Newsroom

Similar to Figure 3, we show the win rates across different tasks for XSUM and Newsroom in Figure 7. These results support the finding that preference changes between downstream scenarios.

Refer to caption
Figure 7: Aggregated annotator win rates across all metrics over the XSUM and Newsroom datasets.

E Annotator Agreement on Text Quality and Factuality

For CNN/DM we report the agreement scores over factuality and text quality questions that we collect in our surveys in Table 3. We expect the agreement scores for factuality to be much higher; it is possible that this is an indicator for different tolerance for minor errors (e.g., vague wording) or may be indicative of the cognitive load involved in judging factuality. Similarly for text quality, the threshold for artifacts or other issues may differ between annotators.

Annotators Factuality κ𝜅\kappaitalic_κ Text Quality κ𝜅\kappaitalic_κ
1, 2 0.522 0.053
1, 3 0.249 0.539
2, 3 0.133 -0.081
Table 3: Agreement scores, Cohen’s kappa.

F Annotation Details


We hired seven professional proofreaders from Upwork, who were each recruited to read 100 articles and rank 3 summaries per article. We paid each annotator a flat fee of $325 to evaluate the summaries When asked for a time estimate after they completed, responses ranged between 10 and 13 hours to complete the study, meaning annotators were compensated at roughly $25-$30 per hour. The annotators typically completed the work over one to three days.

Annotation Platform

We presented the annotators with a custom interface for ranking the summaries and answering questions, shown in Figure 8. Annotators were encouraged to take extended breaks during annotation to reduce task fatigue.

Refer to caption
(a) Summaries, as presented to the annotators.
Refer to caption
(b) Text quality issues and the ranking interface for the summaries. Each box with the summary label can be dragged-and-dropped into any order.
Refer to caption
(c) Article, as presented to the annotator.
Refer to caption
(d) Factuality questions asked about each summary.
Figure 8: The annotation interface. For each article, annotation happens across two pages. The first page contains the summaries (7(a)) and rankings (7(b)), and the second page contains the article (7(c)) and factuality questions (7(d)).