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Subscribe to daily listing emails

If you would like to receive regular daily listings of the abstracts of new submissions by email, then you can subscribe to this service as follows. Note that the email must be sent as plain ASCII txt. Richtext format emails will be ignored by the system, as will UTF-8 characters within the Subject field.

  1. Determine which archive is of interest to you, and obtain its e-mail address from the list of available archives

  2. For archives divided into subject classes:
    If the archive to which you are subscribing requires distinct subject classes (such as the math, physics, cs, q-bio and q-fin archives; but not astro-ph, cond-mat or nlin, see handling subscriptions to all physics archives through physics below), then you (un)subscribe to a specific category, indicating the categories in the body of the message. Here is an example

To: [email protected]
Subject: subscribe John Smith

add Biophysics
del Plasma Physics

You may alternatively use the short subject class codes, for example to subscribe to the Risk Management category (q-fin.RM) in Quantitative Finance:

To: [email protected]
Subject: subscribe John Smith

add RM
  1. For archives not divided into subject classes:
    Send an e-mail message to the archive(s) of interest, in the following form
To: [email protected]
Subject: subscribe Your Full Name

You should give your name as you wish it to appear on the distribution list. Here is an example:

To: [email protected]
Subject: subscribe John Smith

(note that subscribing to subdivided archivies, such as cond-mat, in this way will subscribe you to all subject classes within that archive.)

  1. Handling subscriptions to all physics archives through physics
    The physics archive can be used to subscribe to any combination of existing physics archives, e.g. to something like `General Relativity', `Astrophysics', and `High Energy Physics - Experimental'. This is also the only way to subscribe to a subset of the subject classes within the astro-ph, cond-mat and nlin archives. For example, to subscribe only to the cond-mat subject classes `Soft Condensed Matter' and `Superconductivity', the email would read:
To: [email protected]
Subject: subscribe John Smith

add Soft Condensed Matter
add Superconductivity

If you want to change from, say, subscribing to all of astro-ph to subscribing to just astro-ph.EP then you must first cancel the subscription to astro-ph, and then subscribe to EP through the physics archive.

To Cancel Your Subscription

If you want to cancel your receipt of the regular listings, you can do so as follows.

  1. Find the e-mail address of the archive for which you are receiving the listings.
  2. Send an e-mail message to the archive, in the following form
To: [email protected]
Subject: cancel

Here is an example:

To: [email protected]
Subject: cancel

If you want to cancel your subscription to a particular subject class in an archive that supports subject classes, then see the example use of del in the subscribe command above.

Note that you may be subscribed through a remote listserv, or through some local preprint distribution list at your end. You can determine the origin of your subscription by examining the header from the daily mailing you receive. You will have to deal with this through the administrator of the remote distribution list.