GROUPS KEYWORD SIMILAR KEYWORD and SIMILAR neural networks Deep Learning DL "Deep Learning; DL" neural networks ANN "Artificial Neural Network; Dynamic Artificial Neural Network" "ANN; Artificial Neural Network; Dynamic Artificial Neural Network" neural networks DNN "Deep Neural Network; Feedforward Deep Neural Network; FFDNN; DNN" "DNN; Deep Neural Network; Feedforward Deep Neural Network; FFDNN; DNN" neural networks FNN "Feedforward Network; Feedforward Neural Network; FFNN; Fullyconnected Neural Network; FCNN; feed forward network; Fully connected Neural Network; " "FNN; Feedforward Network; Feedforward Neural Network; FFNN; Fullyconnected Neural Network; FCNN; feed forward network; Fully connected Neural Network; " layer MLP "multilayer perceptron; multilayer neural network" "MLP; multilayer perceptron; multilayer neural network" layer DAN "Deep Averaging Network; DAN2" "DAN; Deep Averaging Network; DAN2" layer GNN "graph neural network; GN; graph network; graph convolutional network; GCN; ConvGNN; GAE; Graph Autoencoder; Recurrent graph neural networks; RecGNN" "GNN; graph neural network; GN; graph network; graph convolutional network; GCN; ConvGNN; GAE; Graph Autoencoder; Recurrent graph neural networks; RecGNN" layer Autoencoder "AE; encoder-decoder; encoder-decoder network" "Autoencoder; AE; encoder-decoder; encoder-decoder network" layer encoder encoder layer decoder decoder layer denoising autoencoder DAE "denoising autoencoder; DAE" layer CNN "Convolutional Neural Network; ConvNet; Dynamic CNN; DCNN; CNN-LSTM; cnn-based; cnn network; cnn encoding layer; convolution; convolution layer; convolution neural network" "CNN; Convolutional Neural Network; ConvNet; Dynamic CNN; DCNN; CNN-LSTM; cnn-based; cnn network; cnn encoding layer; convolution; convolution layer; convolution neural network" layer RNN "Recurrent Neural Network; gated recurrent neural network; GRNN; recurrent neural nets; recurrent neural network; recurrent layer; recurrent network" "RNN; Recurrent Neural Network; gated recurrent neural network; GRNN; recurrent neural nets; recurrent neural network; recurrent layer; recurrent network" layer BiRNN "Bidirectional RNN; Bidirectional RNN; bi-direction rnn; bi-directional rnn; bidirectional hidden recurrent component" "BiRNN; Bidirectional RNN; Bidirectional RNN; bi-direction rnn; bi-directional rnn; bidirectional hidden recurrent component" layer FRNN Feedforward Recurrent Neural Network "FRNN; Feedforward Recurrent Neural Network" layer DRNN Diagonal Recurrent Neural Networks "DRNN; Diagonal Recurrent Neural Networks" layer LSTM "Long short-term memory; Long ShortTerm Memory; Tree-structured LSTM; TD-LSTM; TC-LSTM; long shortterm memory; lstm; long short term memory; long short-term memory; long short-term memory network" "LSTM; Long short-term memory; Long ShortTerm Memory; Tree-structured LSTM; TD-LSTM; TC-LSTM; long shortterm memory; lstm; long short term memory; long short-term memory; long short-term memory network" layer GRU "Gated Recurrent Unit; BiGRU; bi-directional gru; bi-directional gated recurrent unit; bidirectional gated recurrent unit; bidirectional gru layer; bidirectional gru-based layer; bidirectional-gru; b-gru; gated recurrent unit; gru; gated-recurrentunits; gru layer; gru units; gru-based network;" "GRU; Gated Recurrent Unit; BiGRU; bi-directional gru; bi-directional gated recurrent unit; bidirectional gated recurrent unit; bidirectional gru layer; bidirectional gru-based layer; bidirectional-gru; b-gru; gated recurrent unit; gru; gated-recurrentunits; gru layer; gru units; gru-based network;" layer BiLSTM "Bidirectional LSTM; BiLSTM; BLSTM; multiBiLSTM; bi-directional longshort term memory network; bi-directional lstm layer; bidirectional long short term memory; bilstm; b-lstm; blstm; bidirectional lstm; bidirectional-lstm; bilstm; b-lstm" "BiLSTM; Bidirectional LSTM; BiLSTM; BLSTM; multiBiLSTM; bi-directional longshort term memory network; bi-directional lstm layer; bidirectional long short term memory; bilstm; b-lstm; blstm; bidirectional lstm; bidirectional-lstm; bilstm; b-lstm" layer BDLSTM Deep Bidirectional LSTM "BDLSTM; Deep Bidirectional LSTM" layer CLSTM Contextual LSTM "CLSTM; Contextual LSTM" layer RecNN "Recursive Neural Network; RAE; MV-RNN; RNTN; TG-RNN; TE-RNN; AdaRNN" "RecNN; Recursive Neural Network; RAE; MV-RNN; RNTN; TG-RNN; TE-RNN; AdaRNN" layer NTM Neural Turing Machine "NTM; Neural Turing Machine" layer Memory-based Neural Network MemNN "Memory-based Neural Network; MemNN" layer Auto-Regressive Network "fully-visible Bayes network; FVBN" "Auto-Regressive Network; fully-visible Bayes network; FVBN" layer attention layer "attention mechanism; attention model; attention-based; self-attention layer; self-attention mechanism; selfattention module" "attention layer; attention mechanism; attention model; attention-based; self-attention layer; self-attention mechanism; selfattention module" layer embedding layer "embedding layer; " layer comparison layer "comparison layer; " layer pooling "max-pooling layer; max-pooling layers; maximum pooling; max pooling layer" "pooling; max-pooling layer; max-pooling layers; maximum pooling; max pooling layer" layer dynamic pooling global maxpooling layer "dynamic pooling; global maxpooling layer" layer fully connected layer "fully-connected; fully-connected feed-forward layer; fully-connected hidden layer; fully-connected layer;" "fully connected layer; fully-connected; fully-connected feed-forward layer; fully-connected hidden layer; fully-connected layer;" layer dense layer "dense layer; " layer dense concatenative layer "dense concatenative layer; " layer layer normalization "layer normalization; " layer linear perceptron "linear perceptron; " layer pre-activation layer "pre-activation layer; " layer softmax "softmax; " architecture transformer "transformer; " architecture ESN Echo State Network "ESN; Echo State Network" architecture Liquid State Machine LSM "Liquid State Machine; LSM" general ML classification "ordinal classification; ordinal logistic classification; classifier; sequence classifier; statistical classifier" "classification; ordinal classification; ordinal logistic classification; classifier; sequence classifier; statistical classifier" general ML logistic regression "LR; logistic regressor" "logistic regression; LR; logistic regressor" general ML linear regression "log-linear regression model; log-bilinear regression model; regression model; ridge regression model" "linear regression; log-linear regression model; log-bilinear regression model; regression model; ridge regression model" general ML linear classifier "linear classifier; " general ML rule based "rule based; " general ML Bayes classifier "Naive Bayes; Naive Bayes classifier; BayesNet; GaussianNB; multinomial naive bayes; complement naïve bayes classifier; naive bayes classifier; naivebayes; naivebayesmultinomial" "Bayes classifier; Naive Bayes; Naive Bayes classifier; BayesNet; GaussianNB; multinomial naive bayes; complement naïve bayes classifier; naive bayes classifier; naivebayes; naivebayesmultinomial" general ML GBM "Gradient Boosting Machine; Gradient Boosting Regression Tree Method; Gradient Boosted Decision; Gradient Boosted Decision Tree; GBDT; Gradient Boosting; Boosting Regressor; GBR; Gradient Boosted Trees; GBT; Gradient Tree Boosting; GDB; Multiple Additive Regression Trees; MART; gradient boosting; tree-based supervised machine learning approach; gradient boosting classifier; gradient boosting regression tree; gradient boosting regression tree method; gradient boosting regressor; gradient boosting trees" "GBM; Gradient Boosting Machine; Gradient Boosting Regression Tree Method; Gradient Boosted Decision; Gradient Boosted Decision Tree; GBDT; Gradient Boosting; Boosting Regressor; GBR; Gradient Boosted Trees; GBT; Gradient Tree Boosting; GDB; Multiple Additive Regression Trees; MART; gradient boosting; tree-based supervised machine learning approach; gradient boosting classifier; gradient boosting regression tree; gradient boosting regression tree method; gradient boosting regressor; gradient boosting trees" general ML class-based language models "class-based language models; " general ML SVM "Support Vector Machine; Support Vector Regression; SVR; Support Vector Classification; SVC; LinearSVC; Linear Support Vector Classifier; LSVC; Sublinear Support Vector Classification; SSVC; linear svm; support vector machine; support vector regression; svr; svm classifier; svm regression model" "SVM; Support Vector Machine; Support Vector Regression; SVR; Support Vector Classification; SVC; LinearSVC; Linear Support Vector Classifier; LSVC; Sublinear Support Vector Classification; SSVC; linear svm; support vector machine; support vector regression; svr; svm classifier; svm regression model" general ML decision tree "decision tree classifier; DT; tree learner" "decision tree; decision tree classifier; DT; tree learner" general ML EBM "Energy-Based Model; Boltzmann machine" "EBM; Energy-Based Model; Boltzmann machine" general ML fuzzy clustering "fuzzy clustering; " general ML RF "Random Forest; Random Forest Classifier" "RF; Random Forest; Random Forest Classifier" general ML ensemble model "ensemble model; " general ML clustering cluster "clustering; cluster" general ML Brown "brown clustering; brown clusters" "Brown; brown clustering; brown clusters" general ML k-means kmeans "k-means; kmeans" general ML KNN "k-nn classifier; nearest neighbor; knearest neighbor; k nearest neighbor; k-nn" "KNN; k-nn classifier; nearest neighbor; knearest neighbor; k nearest neighbor; k-nn" general ML manifold model "manifold model; " general ML mixture density networks "mixture density networks; " general ML Markov Network "Markov Model; Markov Logic Network; MLN; mrf; markov random field" "Markov Network; Markov Model; Markov Logic Network; MLN; mrf; markov random field" general ML Bayesian Network "BN; inference network model" "Bayesian Network; BN; inference network model" general ML Probabilistic Programming "Probabilistic Programming; " general ML Causal model "Causal model; " general ML do-calculus "do-calculus; " general ML boosting algorithm "boosted tree ensemble; boosting algorithm" "boosting algorithm; boosted tree ensemble; boosting algorithm" feature extraction tokenization "tokenisation; tokenization; tokenize; tokenized; tokenizer; tokens; word tokens" "tokenization; tokenisation; tokenization; tokenize; tokenized; tokenizer; tokens; word tokens" feature extraction stopword removal "stopwords are removed; stop word removal; stop words; stop words removal; stop-word removal; stop-words removal; stop-words removing; stopword; cleaned from stopwords" "stopword removal; stopwords are removed; stop word removal; stop words; stop words removal; stop-word removal; stop-words removal; stop-words removing; stopword; cleaned from stopwords" feature extraction steeming "stemmed; stemmer; stemming; word stemmer; word stems" "steeming; stemmed; stemmer; stemming; word stemmer; word stems" feature extraction lemmatization "lemma; lemmas; lemmatisation; lemmatised; lemmatization; lemmatize; lemmatized; lemmatizer; word lemmatization" "lemmatization; lemma; lemmas; lemmatisation; lemmatised; lemmatization; lemmatize; lemmatized; lemmatizer; word lemmatization" feature extraction POS tagging "part of speech tagging; part of speech; pos; part-of-speech; parts of speech; pos-tagged; pos-tagger; pos-taggers; pos-tags" "POS tagging; part of speech tagging; part of speech; pos; part-of-speech; parts of speech; pos-tagged; pos-tagger; pos-taggers; pos-tags" feature extraction NER "named entity recognition; name entities recognizers; named entity; named entity recognition; named entity recognition; ner; named entity recognizer; named entity recognizing; named entity tags; named-entity category; ner classification" "NER; named entity recognition; name entities recognizers; named entity; named entity recognition; named entity recognition; ner; named entity recognizer; named entity recognizing; named entity tags; named-entity category; ner classification" feature extraction SRL Semantic Role Labeling "SRL; Semantic Role Labeling" feature extraction CBOW Continuous Bag-of-Words "CBOW; Continuous Bag-of-Words" feature extraction BoW "bag-ofwords; bag-of-words; bag of words; bow; bag-of-word; bag-of-words; bagofwords; bags of lemmatised words; bags of stemmed words; bags of lemmatised/stemmed words;bags of words;" "BoW; bag-ofwords; bag-of-words; bag of words; bow; bag-of-word; bag-of-words; bagofwords; bags of lemmatised words; bags of stemmed words; bags of lemmatised/stemmed words;bags of words;" feature extraction BoC bag-of-characters "BoC; bag-of-characters" feature extraction skipgram "skip-gram; SG; skip gram" "skipgram; skip-gram; SG; skip gram" feature extraction attention model "CNNbased Attention model; AttentionBiLSTM; AttentionLSTM; Feed Forward Attention; FFA" "attention model; CNNbased Attention model; AttentionBiLSTM; AttentionLSTM; Feed Forward Attention; FFA" feature extraction Word Embeddings "Word Embeddings Model; SSWE; BSWE; embedding; context vectors; deep contextualized word representations; embedding matrices; embedding vector; embeddings; name embedding; phonetic embedding; pre-trained embeddings; semantic word embeddings; sense embeddings; sentence embeddings; term embedding; term embeddings; token embeddings; vector space embeddings; word embedding; word embeddings; dense vector space" "Word Embeddings; Word Embeddings Model; SSWE; BSWE; embedding; context vectors; deep contextualized word representations; embedding matrices; embedding vector; embeddings; name embedding; phonetic embedding; pre-trained embeddings; semantic word embeddings; sense embeddings; sentence embeddings; term embedding; term embeddings; token embeddings; vector space embeddings; word embedding; word embeddings; dense vector space" feature extraction bag of n-grams "bag of n-grams; " feature extraction bagofdependencies bod "bagofdependencies; bod" feature extraction bagofpostag bop "bagofpostag; bop" feature extraction n-grams "4-gram; bi-grams; bigram; bigrams; n-grams; ngram; ngrams; trigram; tri gram; unigram; unigrams; word n-grams; word ngram;" "n-grams; 4-gram; bi-grams; bigram; bigrams; n-grams; ngram; ngrams; trigram; tri gram; unigram; unigrams; word n-grams; word ngram;" feature extraction character n-grams "character k-grams; character ngram; n-gram terms; n-gram probabilities" "character n-grams; character k-grams; character ngram; n-gram terms; n-gram probabilities" feature extraction character embedding character embeddings "character embedding; character embeddings" feature extraction deleted punctuation "remove punctuation; removed punctuation; delete punctuation" "deleted punctuation; remove punctuation; removed punctuation; delete punctuation" feature extraction dependency parsing "dependency features; dependency graphs; dependency parser; dependency relations; dependency syntax tree; dependency trees" "dependency parsing; dependency features; dependency graphs; dependency parser; dependency relations; dependency syntax tree; dependency trees" feature extraction diacritization "diacritization; " feature extraction feature hashing "feature hashing; " feature extraction graph building module "graph building module; " feature extraction heuristic "heuristic; " feature extraction lower case "lower-case; lowercase; lowercase all words; lowercased; lowercasing" "lower case; lower-case; lowercase; lowercase all words; lowercased; lowercasing" feature extraction lexical features "lexical semantic similarity features; lexical semantics vectors; lexicon; lexicon feature; lexicon features" "lexical features; lexical semantic similarity features; lexical semantics vectors; lexicon; lexicon feature; lexicon features" feature extraction linguistic features "linguistic features; " feature extraction semantic features "semantic interpretation graph; semantic role label; srl; semantic similarity; semantic textual similarity; semantic role labeling" "semantic features; semantic interpretation graph; semantic role label; srl; semantic similarity; semantic textual similarity; semantic role labeling" feature extraction syntactic features "syntactic similarity; syntactic parse tree; syntactic dependencies; syntactic chunks" "syntactic features; syntactic similarity; syntactic parse tree; syntactic dependencies; syntactic chunks" feature extraction discourse relations "discourse representation structures; drs; discourse tree; drs parser boxer" "discourse relations; discourse representation structures; drs; discourse tree; drs parser boxer" feature extraction word clusters wc "word clusters; wc" feature extraction disambiguation "wsd; word sense disambiguation" "disambiguation; wsd; word sense disambiguation" feature extraction alignment "aligned chunks; aligned similarity; chunk; chunk alignment; chunk labels" "alignment; aligned chunks; aligned similarity; chunk; chunk alignment; chunk labels" feature extraction bagging bagging regressor "bagging; bagging regressor" feature extraction constituency parser "g-parser; graph-based parser" "constituency parser; g-parser; graph-based parser" feature enhancement PMI "point-wise mutual information; pointwise mutual information" "PMI; point-wise mutual information; pointwise mutual information" feature enhancement chi-square "chi2; chi-squared" "chi-square; chi2; chi-squared" feature enhancement LSI "Latent Semantic Indexing; Latent Semantic Analysis; LSA" "LSI; Latent Semantic Indexing; Latent Semantic Analysis; LSA" feature enhancement PCA "Principal Component Analysis; Singular Value Decomposition; SVD" "PCA; Principal Component Analysis; Singular Value Decomposition; SVD" feature enhancement HMM "Hidden Markov Model; HMM-LDA" "HMM; Hidden Markov Model; HMM-LDA" feature enhancement LDA Latent Dirichlet Allocation "LDA; Latent Dirichlet Allocation" feature enhancement EWGA Entropy Weighted Genetic Algorithm "EWGA; Entropy Weighted Genetic Algorithm" feature enhancement IG information gain "IG; information gain" feature enhancement normalization "non-linear normalization; normalised; normalized; normalizing; word normalization" "normalization; non-linear normalization; normalised; normalized; normalizing; word normalization" feature enhancement feature selection "feature selection; " feature enhancement genetic algorithm "genetic algorithm; " pre-trained embeddings w2v "word2vec; wordvec" "w2v; word2vec; wordvec" pre-trained embeddings BERT "BERT; " pre-trained embeddings SciBERT "SciBERT; " pre-trained embeddings BioBERT "BioBERT; " pre-trained embeddings GloVe Global Vector "GloVe; Global Vector" pre-trained embeddings ELMo "ELMo; " pre-trained embeddings MUSE "MUSE; " pre-trained embeddings fastText "fastText; " reinforcement learning Q-Learning "Q-Learning; " reinforcement learning Reinforcement Learning "Reinforcement Learning; " reinforcement learning armed bandits "armed bandits; " reinforcement learning Deep Q-Learning "Deep Q-Learning; " frameworks Tensorflow "Tensorflow; " frameworks NLTK "NLTK; " frameworks OpenAI "OpenAI; " frameworks AllenNLP "AllenNLP; " frameworks CoreNLP "CoreNLP; " frameworks Stanford Parser "Stanford Parser; " frameworks PyTorch "PyTorch; " frameworks Caffe "Caffe; " frameworks scikit-learn sklearn "scikit-learn; sklearn; " frameworks Numpy "Numpy; " search Depth-first Search DFS "Depth-first Search; DFS" search Breadth-first Search BFS "Breadth-first Search; BFS" search Bidirection-search Bidirectional search "Bidirection-search; Bidirectional search" other Maximum Entropy "Maximum Entropy Classifier; MaxEnt Classifier; maxent; maximum entropy model" "Maximum Entropy; Maximum Entropy Classifier; MaxEnt Classifier; maxent; maximum entropy model" other CRF "Conditional Random Fields; conditional random field; conditional random fields; crf classifier; crf tagger" "CRF; Conditional Random Fields; conditional random field; conditional random fields; crf classifier; crf tagger" other HAL Hyperspace Analogue to Language "HAL; Hyperspace Analogue to Language" other DBA Dictionary Based Approach "DBA; Dictionary Based Approach" other logic based model "logical model; logical rules" "logic based model; logical model; logical rules" other IDF Inverse Document Frequency "IDF; Inverse Document Frequency" other SNoW Sparse Network of Winnows "SNoW; Sparse Network of Winnows" other term frequency tf "term frequency; tf" other word2phrase "word2phrase; " other wordnik "wordnik; " other xg boost "xg boost; xg boost" other adaboost "adaboost; adaboosting" "adaboost; adaboost regressor; adaboosting" other adam adam optimizer "adam; adam optimizer"