This directory contains the benchmark implementation of the simplex algorithm described in Section 4. An updated version will be maintained at To compile: Run "make" in "C++" directory. To run: Be sure to have "julia", "matlab", "pypy", and "python2.7" in your path. If any of these are not available, they may be commented out of runBenchmarks.jl to run the benchmarks with the remaining languages. The Julia benchmark requires GLPK to be installed in order to read MPS files. You may install it from within a Julia session with 'Pkg.add("GLPK")' The NETLIB data files are too large to upload to arXiv. We recommend retrieving them either from or from Then run "julia runBenchmarks.jl". The initial run will take a long time (up to an hour) as the iteration data are generated by running the simplex algorithm. Note that the iteration data (*.dump files) may require up to 800MB. If the run is interrupted, delete the *.dump files inside the "GenerateData" directory before running again.