This directory contains the code for the nonlinear modeling benchmarks described in Section 3. The proof-of-concept implementation in Julia of the nonlinear modeling features is in julia/nlp.jl. To run the benchmarks (inside corresponding directory): Julia: Run "julia nlbenchmark.jl" to execute the benchmark. This requires JuMP to be installed (see JuMPSection2 directory). Pyomo (version 3.4): Run "pyomo2nl ", where is or, with corresponding . E.g. "pyomo2nl clnlbeam-5000.dat" runs the clnlbeam-50 reported in Table 4. Execution time is recorded by the line: "[ 22.97] Pyomo Finished" YALMIP (release 20130322, MATLAB R2012b): Run the "doyalmip.m" script. AMPL (version 20081120): Follow the instructions at the top of main.c to compile the driver. Run "julia benchscript.jl". The ampl executable must be available in the path.