This archive contains FITS files for the direct image, grism spectrum and the MCMC chain for the fit to the z=1.847 lens SL2SJ02176-0513 (Brammer et al. 2012, ApJL in press, arXiv:1207.3795). The extensions of the provided FITS files are as follows: SL2SJ02176-0513_3DHST_2D.fits ============================= DSCI/DWHT/DSEG are extensions for the "direct" image in the F140W filter. Extensions 4 to 7 are the observed 2D spectrum, pixel errors, simple object model, and contamination model of the lens. The WAVE extension is the wavelength for each pixel along the dispersion axis, and the SENS extension provides the conversion between the observed count rate (elections / s) to f_lambda fluxes: flux = cps / SENS * 1.e-17 erg / s / cm2 / A. EXT# FITSNAME FILENAME EXTVE DIMENS BITPI OBJECT 0 SL2SJ02176-05 8 1 IMAGE DSCI 100x100 -64 2 IMAGE DWHT 100x100 -32 3 IMAGE DSEG 100x100 16 4 IMAGE SCI 217x100 -64 5 IMAGE WHT 217x100 -64 6 IMAGE MODEL 217x100 -64 7 IMAGE CONTAM 217x100 -64 8 IMAGE WAVE 217 -64 9 IMAGE SENS 217 -64 10 IMAGE YTRACE 217 -64 SL2SJ02176-0513_3DHST_emcee.fits ================================ Each extension contains the NSTEP x NWALKER emcee chain (Foreman-Mackey et al. 2012, for the parameters of the fit. The first 2 parameters apply a linear flux scaling and spatial to the model of the lens (l0+l1*(lambda-1.25e4)/3000.). Z, AGE1, AV1, MASS1, AGE2, MASS3 are parameters of a two-parameter SPS continuum (BC03, Z=0.008). The emission line components are in log (f_lambda * 1.e-17 erg / s / cm2). EXT# FITSNAME FILENAME EXTVE DIMENS BITPI OBJECT 0 SL2SJ02176-05 8 1 IMAGE L0 1000x100 -64 2 IMAGE L1 1000x100 -64 3 IMAGE LSHI 1000x100 -64 4 IMAGE Z 1000x100 -64 5 IMAGE AGE1 1000x100 -64 6 IMAGE AV1 1000x100 -64 7 IMAGE MASS1 1000x100 -64 8 IMAGE AGE2 1000x100 -64 9 IMAGE MASS2 1000x100 -64 10 IMAGE OIII 1000x100 -64 11 IMAGE OIII4363 1000x100 -64 12 IMAGE HBETA 1000x100 -64 13 IMAGE HGAMMA 1000x100 -64 14 IMAGE HDELTA 1000x100 -64 15 IMAGE HEPS 1000x100 -64 16 IMAGE NEIII 1000x100 -64 To compute the parameter confidence intervals published in the paper, the first 500 steps were ignored as "burn in" for the chain.