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Georgios Exarchakis, Eugene Belilovsky and Matthew Hirn are qualified to endorse.

Kymatio: Scattering Transforms in Python

Georgios Exarchakis: Is registered as an author of this paper.
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Eugene Belilovsky: Is registered as an author of this paper.
Can endorse for cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.SD, stat.ML. (why?)
Matthew Hirn: Is registered as an author of this paper.
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Mathieu Andreux, Tomás Angles, Roberto Leonarduzzi, Gaspar Rochette, Louis Thiry, John Zarka, Stéphane Mallat, Joakim andén, Joan Bruna, Vincent Lostanlen, Muawiz Chaudhary, Edouard Oyallon, Sixin Zhang, Carmine Cella and Michael Eickenberg are not registered as owners of this paper. (why?)